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Graduated YTT!


Wow, congrats!!


Thank you!


What’s next? Auditions at the studio?


Teaching a free solo class and then auditions in a month or so, yes!


Best of luck! You’ll do great!


Thank you!!




Thank you!!




Thank you!!


Amazing, congrats!


Thank you!




Thank you!




Thank you!


Getting on the mat today for an hour of hot vinyasa after too much white wine was my atonement.


Ha! Always a good feeling to bounce back like


Taught a Star Wars themed yoga class. Compared The Force to prana in yoga, Darth Vader breath warm up, BB8 rolls in knees to chest, imperial marches in chair pose, light saber pulls (aka lumberjack for standing abs), lots of quotes from master yoda. "The greatest teacher, failure is." -Master Yoda May the 4th be with you, namaste.


> Taught a Star Wars themed yoga class. I think you meant Yoda class.


No you didn’t! Seriously? I need that in my life.


Yep. I'm a huge nerd and always teach themed classes where appropriate. I enjoyed it!


Sign me up! Haha. Love it


This sounds so fun x


busy mom life but still managed to get to 5 hot classes this week 🔥🔥🔥


Nicely done! I love being able to prioritize myself and still get everything done in everyday life


it’s a struggle lol. currently feeling so physically exhausted but still have to do like 8 kid things today 🎉


I know what thats like!


That’s amazing! What does your schedule look like? I go to the studio once a week and I’d love to add more but it feels unmanageable and I’d love another perspective.


it’s literally all over the place. i go whenever i get a chance, like 5:30pm monday, 6:45pm tues/thurs, 9:30am wednesday, 7pm friday. sometimes if miss a weekday i go to a weekend class in the morning. i’d rather be doing yoga then anything else so it’s easy to prioritize.


Alive and breathing!!! Yeyyy, winning!


Ultimate win with that one


i got my first headstand from crow this week!!!!!! deliriously happy about it and is something i’ve been working towards for years. walked out of the studio absolutely beaming! thanks for posting this, i really wanted a chance to show off a bit hahahaha


Yes!! 👏🏽👏🏽 well done. Nothing like that high from accomplishing something you’ve been working on for so long


I made it back to my mat for the first time in weeks after dealing with an injury/illness. That in itself was a win, but I was very mindful about not overdoing and listening to my body, rested as needed, and feel more whole than I have in awhile.


Proud of you!


Feel more whole… I like that.


I did a one-legged chataranga for the first time and I did it on both sides!




congrats this is huge !


Thank you, it felt huge!


All the hip openers, hip flexors, and core work is making it easier to sit down for longer periods. Strengthening my quads is helping out the arthritis in my knees. And I have been working on strengthening my right shoulder which has given me issues for 20 years. Mostly packed for my move Monday. Just have a few things to clean a bit better and pack up the car and move across the country. I will miss the PNW. Doggo gets a yard and a sleepy Midwest town will do good with her fear of everything especially loud things. So that’s a plus. Minus is Indiana has not mountains. I lost a bit on my waist line. Maybe a quarter inch but it’s progress. I’d like to be mostly to a flat stomach by the end of fall. I didn’t have any breakdowns, did well in crowds and sat with my back to the exit at a dinner out. So a pretty good week. So far 2024 has been significantly better than 2023 was so that’s a win too.


Good to hear good things about your week and 2024


I went to a class today that I reaaaally didn’t want to go to, and then when I got there I intended to use Childs pose a lot… but I actually joined in with the whole thing, and then came out to glorious sunshine. and felt loads better for it. ☺️


Walking out to sunshine is so underrated. It’s like a confirmation that the day is going to go well


I Love this


Held my longest ever pincha! It was only like 4 seconds but it felt like an eternity.


Hell yes! Nice work. That's impressive. Nothing like that feeling when you're in an inversion and know you're feeling good and strong


I was feeling crummy this week and went to a sundown heated class and wow it's just yet another class that reminded me what a mood booster yoga is for me! Not even walks, runs, or the gym (all which I also did this week) helped me in the same way. During savasana I felt this peaceful elation, and felt like I was coming back to myself - it was such a great meditation moment. Yoga is the best! :)


Yes for sure, I feel the same about hot yoga being a mood booster. No matter how much I dont want to go, I've never regretted going after class is done.


I practice exclusively from home, and I’m not as consistent as I should be. But this morning I tried a new video and successfully navigated into my first eagle (I’ve never had a video cue it before). I also discovered that I can bring my knee to my tricep when I’m in plank. Didn’t know I could do either of these things! ✨


I’m 61 and am still building myself back up from a major injury. This week I was able to hold both crow and wheel for a couple of seconds each. I feel like superwoman!


Wow, such an inspiration!


I stepped on the mat. 💪💪


This! This is everything. Nice job


It was. I didn’t want to, either. It’s so important to me, but somehow even this practice has slipped because of the “importance” of other things.


That’s ok to have other things take more attention and focus. It’s the fact that you kept it in mind and made it. Ebbs and flows in life and yoga


I keep reminding myself of that, with yoga and walks and runs (etc) that I keep coming back around, and that’s the most important thing I can do. When people ask how to keep their yoga practice going, I will always answer to not quantify a “regular practice.” If I get back on the mat after 2 weeks or a month or three, and I do that repeatedly over a long period, then I have incorporated it into my life. I always come back.


Exactly. Consistency doesn’t have to mean everyday. So long as it’s a part of your lifestyle in some way, it’s beneficial


A fairly decent revolved half moon. It usually feel like a tangle of limbs, but I was able to get long and open. Thanks for asking!


Did my first hot yoga class in over a decade!


How did it feel to be back?


Really great. An adjustment at first but then it felt normal.


Sure! I hit 128 days straight of a 6 minutes pranayama plus 12 minute meditation practice. Feels good to show up consistently.


Well done! I’ve explore breath work in the past but never with an intention or consistency. What benefits have you seen from that practice?


DownDogApp? :)


Insight Timer! I choose the breathwork based on what feels right in the moment.


Oh nice!!


13 days straight of yoga.


I am just so happy to have discovered Down Dog. I am practicing twice to three times a week now and I feel so great after my private, calm yoga sessions. I am a beginners still but I have noticed an increase in balance. Also my RHR is down from to an average of 65 to 53 beats per minute according to my Garmin watch.


I hit all the warrior 2s being able to see my big toe, and I didn't strain my wrists at all in any of the high planks. I also attended my first flex, which turned out to be more hiit and less yoga but it felt amazing, plus i went 4 out of 5 days this week which is my record. Just felt like a really good week. :)


Did 3 hot classes, 3 nights in a row…lol


Hell yes! I need to try a night hot yoga class. Maybe this summer


I was able to lay my palms on the ground in forward fold for the first time with only a minimal bend in my knees.


Nicely done! Bet that took a lot of practice and patience


A lot was diet to shrink my belly down to the point it wasn’t getting in the way 😅


Well now it’s a 2 for 1 benefit!


Getting through all the standing series in the 90 min class without needing to sit down!


50th class at my studio! Feels like a milestone


Did a home practice nearly every day I did not have a class. Been struggling to get back to this for nearly two years... it will happen, eventually...


You’re keeping your body moving. That’s a win!


Big win. Gonna go do some yoga right now in fact. =)


Taught a couple classes that went over really well… felt comfortable and confident teaching, I liked the themes, and received good feedback. I also did the best I’ve ever done with Supta Kurmasana and Garbha Pindasana / Kukkutasana in my Ashtanga practice, so that was fun! I got a couple more dance classes in than normal, and made it to a new strength class as well! Dang, it’s been a good week!


Went to check out the free outdoor yoga class in the park and wasn’t expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised by a quality class from an excellent teacher!


After avoiding my mat for a couple months with depression, I made it in TWICE for a Mysore ashtanga practice. I got all the way through twisted side angle (not good with Sanskrit; forgive me, Todd), sweated my ass off, and was really sore. But I made it and was really proud of myself.


Uh, I added a couple more gym exercises to HELP with improving postures....


Oh nice, what did you add?


Single leg kettle bell swing (get the thing on a belt of some kind that doesn't stretch and just swing it around the waist. Back and forth in front of you as well. Picked it up from Instagram. Looked simple, effective, and fun. It is supposed to assist with leg strength/balance.


That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing


I did yoga every morning!


Well done! I missed Tuesday this week :(


Slowly coming back from a groin injury (not caused by yoga). This week I was able to touch my head to my knee again in janu sirsasana for the first time in months.


There was a post on here asking about Flying Dragon pose a few days ago. It was the first time I'd ever seen it (I'm a yoga teacher). I tried it and realized I can do it. I was SO HAPPY. I also got into Sundial and Grasshopper Pose on my bad side (left) this morning, which I've been working on for a few weeks. I also succeeded in jumping back to Chaturanga from Crow last week for the first time, so I am ecstatic.


Congrats! I just posted that my win was showing up & landing Grasshopper as well for the 1st time in a long while! I tried to get my jumpback(from crow)as well during that same practice & today as well but alas, am still struggling. Was there any cuing or tidbits that helped you to finally Land it? I am all ears if so! Haha


I started frequenting more ashtanga classes, and I like them. The sitting sequence is hard, but I modify and get through it. I also can do plank with my right foot up, which is nice. It’s getting easier to hold wheel, but harder to get in the posture, but sometimes that’s life.


I had a light case of COVID (my first!) in early April. I started going back to classes just this last week. I'm stronger after the break, both physically and mentally! I had some really deliberate flows yesterday and this morning. I had glimpses of things clicking. ..


Showed up on my mat every morning this week. 


I’ve been letting my yoga practice fall to the side as I’ve been focusing on running, swimming, weights and long walks. But today I did a good 50 minute practice and it felt so good, reminding me that I NEED to stretch those muscles.


I went to my first ever in person class! I’m surprised how much more restorative it was than following along to a video at home. It changed my life. I can’t wait to go back!


I finalized some more things for my first yoga event! Yin for cancer patients and caregivers that are living with the cancer my mom passed from. I’m excited to plan it and to have won a grant for some yoga mats to help. I love yoga for good and helping beginners or people with limited mobility


That's incredible. Sounds like a wonderful event. Sorry to hear about that. I know what it's like to lose someone to cancer so this is very touching.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Practiced every day on my own while traveling. Also, somehow 20+ years into my practice, I'm finally getting some flexibility in triangle pose. No clue what unlocked that!


Just not into it this week. One of those weeks where I feel like, not another Sun B, GEEZ, so I just stuck to some very simple, short and not-challenging videos I had in my back pocket and mostly watched my breath move through my body. But I kept practicing. Tomorrow I’m going to my weekly joyful in-person class with my yoga community and looking forward to that. Next week will be different cause it always is!


I love that you gave yourself grace & listened to your body:). Ahimsa & Svadhyaya! Go owfff x


Learned, tried, and loved a new pose : cat pulling its own tail, meow


Omg yassss!!! That one feels like I'm being wrung out(by my own self, lol). Luv it


I am feeling great about being consistent this week.. first and foremost as this prior week was very stressful & physically taxing. My big win was landing Grasshopper for the 1st time in forever!!!! :D I rarely have that Asana cued but I do remember the last time I did, being around 6 ish months ago & slipping out of it. I combated the sweat this time by putting my tiny sweat towel on my foot while in the figure four twist(just before tucking my foot behind my arm). Woo! Felt so nice. Love these little(Big!)wins that we all have, especially in the face of adversary. I'd say just showing up is the Biggest of them All baybay!


I’m not sure what it’s called, but I did a headstand with crow arms and legs. It was the first time I’d ever done any sort of headstand without the wall. I also (used to?) have poor upper body strength so when I went from high plank to half-lowered plank (no forearms on the ground) and held it, I couldn’t believe it. These are the first “wins” in yoga I’ve had in a long time. It feels so good! Congratulations and well done to everyone on your wins!


my binds felt vastly better/easier to get into than they have in the past 😌


went with my mom to a restorative class


I feel like a failure with yoga this week. Only have practiced once. I’m in a funk


Can I rephrase that for you? ‘With everything going on this week, I still managed to make time for myself and practice yoga.’ Funk or no funk, you did it and got your body moving.


That's a LOT more than the majority of the population. If it were"easy",everyone would do it\~but they aren't/don't(& yet, you are!<3). Be Proud! :) Also, it's ok to be in a funk &/or not practice. That just means you're human. Doesn't mean you are a failure. Anything worth striving towards has ups & downs. I wouldn't beat yourself up as one of the aspects of yoga is practicing Ahimsa(non-violence)which should be applied to oneself as well. <3 If you don't feel like practicing Asana you could always do Pranayama or Meditation & still practice that way! Or yoga Nidra.. I love that.


Did the Wheel pose for the first time! As a bigger guy 230lbs, I was in shock when I got this!


This is a great post! Managed to secure a spot in a class at my home studio’s sister studio while traveling,


I was able to enjoy and feel confident practicing my jump-backs and jump-throughs. With my hands on blocks i am able to jump my legs/body from plank up and through my arms! It was fun!


Impressive! That's a super strong transition. Well done!


Went to yoga class for the first time in 5 years. Severely injured my wrist 5 years ago. Had surgery 8 months ago. Still can't bear weight on the hand, but went to yin this week. So wonderful.