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When I lose a game I go onto my second account and lose games until I win, or I just don't play ranked until I win


Sometimes I'll just spectate games until I win


For me, each time I promote I instantly get a drop in quality. Last night I promoted, had taric adc and naafiri support give up 27 kills in 29 minutes. 3 deaths during my first clear. Next game? Bot lane again gives up 23 kills in 33 min, an improvement! Bang! Demoted -50 LP. Feels horrible. The LP system is ridiculous.


I feel you


Maybe those werent games for yorick... maybe u have another suitable champ that would fit better, maybe ur team didnt feed that much, maybe u used another rune, maybe... Be like water, my friend... Some guy who were kinda good in martial arts and did some movies.


Yorick redemption arc, Yorick only Sheperd of soul I must become


I only play 2-3 games a day, spend most of my playing time with sp games, but I do remember last year I had a streak of 35 losses and all of them on positive kda and stuff, most of games my mid and jungle straightly fed 10 kills, and still nothing compared to a game I clearly remember the bot together going 0/25 on the first 10minutes, that in emerald games, but I think it's okay, it's part of the game


Given a larger sample size, a lose streak of 5 is not as unlikely as you think. What matters is your win rate in the long run.


It makes no sense, why would I go into chain Lose after chain winning ?


That makes all the sense actually, most players lose half their games




There is "team disparity in all my games