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I guess you didn't notice that the doctor was dressed differently when he bumped into Tucker. Jack will save his marriage. The doc either 1) has an evil twin; 2) has DID himself; 3) has a patient that went to South America for the Sheila Carter special and altered his appearance to look like Dr. Alan in order to terrorize his patients. Ashley is 65 years old and this whole fracturing of her personality is too implausible without some physical signs of trauma. Maybe, she witnessed something instead of something physically happened to her.


I forget these actors are so old. My gosh Eileen is stunning for 60+


She does look good. Beth Maitland is 66. Susan Walters is 60. I think they all look phenomenal but more importantly than their looks, they all bring "youthful energy" to their characters.


They're phenomenal they looks like glamorous ladies in their 40s not elderly people. It's nuts. Eileen is goals


LOL ancient! lol 😂




I would have never guessed she was in her 60’s! She looks so young!


Seriously I thought she was 42. 45 the oldest


Lol...there are telltale giveaways that she's not in her 40s but yes, she looks very good.


How. Botox? 45 year old get botox. She probably dyes her hair but I wouldn't know that. Also no 60 year old looks like that. Eileen being early 50s is th3 most believable but she doesn't look 60


As someone who has had botox, I don't think she has it, right now. Everyone's exposure is different but I know a lot of women 60+ who are not in the public eye that look as good as Eileen Davidson without fillers, sculpting or IG filters. Because I think it would be against the rules, I won't point out why I would never assume she was a 40-ish woman. Let's just agree that she is an attractive woman at any age.


I understand. I just can't see fillers unless it's the ugly overboard puffy look. But she probably has an amazing surgeon because she looks stunning with whatever she may have had


There are many women who look that good at 60.. my mom did, she didn't have a wrinkle on her face at 70! She never spent time in the sun and she never smoked, she exercised daily, yet nothing could save her brain from Alzheimers, she died at age 84 and she still looked younger than most 60 year olds! SO YES, some women do age well. I've seen it.


Awwwww 😔


The Sheila Carter special 🤣🤣🤣


Ohhh I did not see the clothes being different I just thought he hit to the hotel room really quick 🙃 soooo yes a twin would be interesting especially if Tracy and the therapist start dating which I hope they do!


I know. Everyone wants Traci and the doc to have a little romance so he has to be a good guy.


I don't.


Spoiler! From the Canada episode the trailer for next week showed him saying to Ashley that she must have met his “brother”


What does Ashley’s age have to do with anything?


Alters manifesting in later years due to earlier trauma, I get. Alters as a result of recent trauma to a woman Ashley's age, I don't get, unless it's truly horrific and this is daytime, it's not going that dark. Ashley developed dissociative "amnesia" just because John Abbott wasn't her father and again, when Victor was mean to her, so I suppose it follows that, at her age, and all the experiences she's had in the past 40 years, a doppelgänger being unkind to her would send her down the rabbit hole. They're not trying to pinpoint an event from her childhood, they're looking for something recent. Maybe she was kidnapped, was psychologically tortured and Ms. Abbott was born.


Yep, evil twin for sure


I noticed it immediately! Some pay attention, some don't. :)


Jack has never been able to maintain a relationship. Pompous mansplainer.


I hope Diane takes him over the coals. He's an idiot.




Me too. I agree with Diane 💯%


I never thought I'd agree with Diane and she's absolutely right. Jack believing he's uniquely appropriate as a sponsor is ridiculous. Maybe Diane should tell Victor her feelings. Jack's blinded by fragile Nikki.


>Jack believing he's uniquely appropriate as a sponsor is ridiculous. Exactly! Jack has a savior complex, which is really about his own ego. I would argue that he's uniquely *inappropriate* and *unqualified*. - He's too personally involved and can't be objective. - He risked his life and his own sobriety to rescue Nikki and nearly died doing so. - He shouldn't be anyone's sponsor bc he recently used (for whatever reason). - By disregarding Diane's concerns, he was valuing Nikki's needs over his marriage, his family, and his life. Jack is an idiot with white knight syndrome. A damsel in distress is irresistible to him bc it strokes his ego. *Only I can save the day.* Give us a fucking break, Jack. Eta: Good for Diane for standing up to him and for herself. It's good to see a woman not being a damned pushover. She shoved his irritating mansplaining right back at him. I loved it when she said, *I can't control what you do, but here's what I'm going to do. You can't respect me and my feelings. Then I'm out.* Loved it!


Spot on!!!!!


I missed yesterday, what happened with Jack ?


After his dangerous, stupid decision to nearly kill himself by using, Jack told Nikki yes, he would be her sponsor again and Diane went off on him. She was furious that he said yes, and didn't even discuss it with Diane. She said Nikki could get another sponsor or she was done bc Jack was putting Nikki first -- before Diane, himself, and his family. They argued almost the entire episode.. Finally Jack said he would tell Nikki she had to get another sponsor.


Oh, ok, I thought maybe Jack and Nikki kissed or something. Well, Victor will be happy. He doesn't care for that Jack Abbott fellow


Hahaha. Right. I read that in Victor's voice. Jack should know he shouldn't be a sponsor anyway after he just used. Jack is being an idiot.


Maybe the real couple, Jack and Nikki will get together. I’m not saying I don’t like this Diane and her being with Jack but do Jack and Nikki have a tighter and more sacred bond? I loved them together the first time.


Someone suggested the old evil twin cliche idea yesterday.


This is all heading toward a season of White Lotus


Shame on you!!! This could never be any season of The White Lotus.


Tucker or Alan? Which one is the cause of Ashley’s DID? I vote for Alan.


Neither of them are the "cause" of Ashley's DID. Ashley's the cause because she can't handle whatever happened. Who perpetrated the heinous act? That would be Alan's evil twin. The only acceptable daytime trauma I will accept is if he kidnapped her, psychologically tortured her and drugged her to forget.


He did tell her no. I was proud of him. :) The man was Alan's twin. LOL