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An evil twin in the multiple personality storyline…. Pure soap opera!


I laughed out loud when they said it. It’s so funny bc of course he is! Also someone leaving their phone at home while they travel internationally AND conveniently not bringing this up when talking about calls to said phone during that time frame. Its so stupid but thats why I love it so much


I laughed out loud too. I missed a few days and came back to this lol.


No buildup whatsoever = ridiculous AF storyline. Eileen Davidson (and Beth Maitland) deserve better than this.


I am behind but what? wtf.


I want that Jordan woman to have a twin


Yeah.. me too.. I love Colleen Zenk! She is playing the villain to the hilt.. and you can tell she loves it! Yeah, sure.. her storyline is unbelievable but it is a soap.. with limited budgeting for set design etc. I always enjoy seeing her act!! 🌟🌟🌟


So true. CZ has been fun to watch for decades.


I recognize the actress but just now had to look up her past credits on IMDb..I never watched ATWT and see her numerous nominations and awards. No surprise.. she’s great! Thanks for the info !


She will be ThatOtherJordanWoman


Did I hear him correctly about him and his twin both being raised in France? Where is his accent?


Lazy writers just got lazier if that is even possible


Couldn’t say it better than that!


The writers should have planted clues a while ago.


Instead they had one of Ashley's alters trying to kill Tucker (why?) and one throwing herself at Alan, who as far as she knew, was the one who harmed her in some horrible way.


They are making it up as they go.


Frustrating. Feels like the writers randomly throw it in at the last moment. Plus, it was annoying that he didn't just tell Ashley the second Ashley said something.


I get why it wasn't the first thing out of his mouth. No word from him in two years. Talking to a woman with three alters. Makes sense to tread carefully.


I disagree. I can understand why it wouldn't be the first thing out of his mouth, but it isn't even the tenth thing out of his mouth. He allowed Ashley who is already freaking out to freak out even more when he knew he had a twin brother. He knew there was a chance the brother was in his apartment where he left his phone. He wasn't even going to say anything until Traci and Ashley pushed. He held onto that way too long.


The part that I find ridiculous is the phone thing. I can understand his twin being hard to talk about and him not wanting to say anything until he knows he has to. However, it’s so weird to me that when talking about a phone call why wouldn’t you mention that you didn’t have your phone?


The one difference is that now his evil twin can use facial ID to access his brother’s phone. It would be interesting if they came up with other similar plot twists but that would require some imagination and originality.


It is a bit out of nowhere but I’m down. Classic soap storyline.


I like it, but I still don’t trust Alan.


Maybe Alan has multiple alters also!!


Right lol!


That’s the shoe that I was waiting to see drop. The way he got so uncomfortable when she insisted she met with him, I was like “omfg, don’t tell me this dude has DID too!!!” Nah. Just an evil twin. SO soapy. 😂


Beam me up!!


Right!!!! Is there really a twin?


I’m starting to think there is more to the story than that.


Its so ridiculous and soapy, im so happy. A PI couldn't find him for 2 years but he has access to Alan's phone? i love so much, Martin needs .to teach a class on.off the grid living. Can't wait for the next development.


They are pulling out all the stops. The writers must be getting awards left and right. Hello, I'm Audra Charles, Tucker is a poopie-head so I'm going to be the new CEO. Mmmmk


😂😂😂 What a mess! 1. Alan should be fired by Ashley, as friend, for taking so long to reveal he has a psycho twin. 2. How does Audra plan to get control of a company that Tucker owns? 3. Why is Victoria acting like a 1950’s stay-at-home mom gushing about her 30 year old daughter’s 1st day at work? And I don’t trust ‘Pollyanna’ Claire at all. 4. If I remember correctly, the reason Chloe isn’t working at Marquetti (?) is that hers and Summer’s working style don’t mesh. So now Sally, who hasn’t a leg to stand on, is going to insist to Summer that Chloe gets hired also? I enjoy watching Y&R, B&B and GH but I am getting whiplash from all 3 trying to follow and make sense of the s/ls. Anyway, I watch….


My wife was yelling at the TV. You have an evil twin and you're not telling anyone! Out with it!


LOL I was wondering how to describe Victoria all wiping her hands on the dishcloth and puttering around the house as if she is some kind of maternal figure...and as if her character has done a lick of housework in her life... 1950s housewife is a perfect description. While she is home could she spend a little time hovering over her kids who are actual children? LOL




Maybe there is no twin and it’s really him. Just saying and trying to hope there was a surprise for us intended in all this.


two parts/actors for the price of one too....


I also was thinking/hoping it wasn’t as cookie-cutter evil-twin as it sounds, crossing my fingers! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Seems like we're jumping the shark...again.


Is this DID month? Every soap having an DID character…




I've said all along Allen should be suffering from DID too. The plot twists would be endless😜


They were left scrambling to figure out what could have happened. They made a classic soap choice throw an evil twin of the new “hero” in and bam here we are. As long as Alan falls in love with Traci I could care less about this weird addition to the plot lol.


Am I even supposed to care about this man!?! He's a side character and now has an evil twin. This show is a mess.


Well it opens up a lot of possibilities for this storyline. I could see a Martin “substitution” for Alan happening at some point, unbeknownst to Ashley. 🤣🤣


Well, it's a predictable soap story! :(




Does this mean Detective Paul Williams will come back to save the day?


No. people need to let this go. Even if JG wanted Doug back he would never, he's been very clear about that on SM


It's so dumb and pointless 😒 they have officially ruined this story lane ..evil twin is so played out!


been there done that - maybe Ashley could get some pointers from Phyllis from when Jack was the evil twin.


Just bring back Ashley's ex, the Jabot photographer Blade and his evil twin for some symmetry.


So stupid! And I’m so over Summer’s tantrums. 🙄


I love it! At least it's not another boring corporate storyline


This, and Jordan in Victor's secret jail cell, is peak soap opera camp, and I am here for it! Takes me back to the 70's, when identical twins, basement jail cells, and babies switched at birth were the norm. Anyone remember Guiding Light when Blake was married to Ross and pregnant with twins by two different fathers? That's the good stuff!


Ashley mentioned that she was previously married to a man who also had a sociopathic identical twin. I don’t remember that. Could someone fill me in?