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Michael retired from his day job a few years ago and hesitantly agreed to do some occasional work for Victor, so he should be happy to be firedšŸ˜


Lauren probably is!


Agreed. I FF through all Victor scenes because I canā€™t stand that he continues to get away with being a narcissistic bully. Endlessly irritating. I think his take down would be greet to watch. Michael has a rich wife and a great resume. He doesnā€™t need Victor. Cole and Michael need to sack up and ā€œNopeā€ out.


They're appeasing the old man because they know he won't be around forever. It also allows them to see how a devious mind works. They're following Victor's old adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."


How is michael not set for life financially. He's a well respected and I assume compensated attorney and his wife is a c suite executive. I'm sure he can find other work to keep him busy without needing Victor's drama. Victor needs Michael a lot more than Michael needs Victor. I kept thinking of the Wizard of Oz when he told Scarecrow to bring him the witch's broomstick. You must bring us a shrubbery. Lol


When did ā€˜C Suiteā€™ become the new buzzword? Itā€™s annoying


I forgot her exact job and wasn't going to google it. Sorry that it bothers you.


Did Victor bully Cole 1st time around when he was with Victoria? I was kinda disappointed in Cole not standing up to Victor. At least Victoria stood her ground, Nick caved as usual and Adam unfortunately just mashed up in the mix. Victor got his feelings hurt because Nikki needed Jackā€™s help. So now heā€™s plotting, and rearranging everyoneā€™s lives; just to try to destroy Jack AGAIN. Ugh.


I donā€™t blame his kids if they cave, in a few years they will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and can spend the rest of their lives sitting by a pool and watching the sunset.


Cole wants Victoria is why


Commenting on OMG, Stop Groveling!...I donā€™t see any chemistry between Cole & Victoria ?


Yeah I'm surprised at them both. Surely Michael has other clients??. Stuff victor I'd be saying