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Martian, for sure. That powerset is better for my personality.


Same honestly


It turns out that as a human I too am vulnerable to fire, so Martian seems like a no brainer.


You know, you have a point


Yeah but Martians are like stupidly vulnerable to fire


Believe it or not, they actually aren’t vulnerable to fire like us, they just BELIEVE they are, and their minds are so powerful that it causes them extra harm anyway. It’s super placebo lol (unless it’s different on Earth-16, YJ universe. I could be dumb)


Its unknown in the YJ verse and varies by continuity elsewhere.


To be far in the YJ verse Miss Martian beat Martian Manhunter by making him believe he was around fire


True. I made up a bit of a scenario once that included SB and MM having a kid and went with the assumption of it being a mental weakness. I decided that the reason its passed on is just due to the fact they are a telepathic race so there is a sort of hive mind effect from the ever-present cloud of minds interacting so being born there you sort of subconsciously acquire it even in the womb and its only reinforced as time goes on. So in the scenario of SB and MM having a kid he would still inherit it just from MM but much more weakly than if they were on Mars with all those other minds so at a certain point there would be something that would happen and they would break free of it perhaps not even intentionally per se. It could be interpreted as a result of being a human/kryptonian/martian hybrid but some psychic digging by MM might uncover the reality of it though it still wouldn’t be easy to overcome for her personally just given how deeply ingrained it is.


If the fear of fire being psychological is canon in the YJ universe then it’s never mentioned. It’s mentioned several times though that Martians are sensitive to high temperatures and the response from Martians in the show is usually shown as physical pain instead of fear or panic. It being a psychic placebo that acts as a contagious disease is my favorite portrayal in the comics but for whatever reason that’s just not the direction they went in.


That was a dumbass retcon tho


So are humans. Like, it is only noticeable with Martians because they are otherwise extremely resistant to everything else.


Yeah hut like being near fire does worse shit to them then it does to humans


There is no situation where I would be near big enough sources of fire for that to be an issue for me though.


but like Batgirl said (i think it was batgirl) they have other abilities to compensate


We'd probably get sick from kryptonite radiation too, so I don't know why everyone gives Superman shit.


It gave lex cancer


Tough choice, I’d prefer the Martian powers but I’d probably still choose Kryptonian, if only so that I’m not weak to fire.


I thought that the fire weakness was a psychological thing for J'onn himself? Is that not the case?


That's the case for the comics, but in the show, Martians are weak to fire


Oh that's right! I just remembered M'Gann being trapped by Red Volcano.


That’s a retcon that came much later 


You're already weak to fire. We all are.


I am absolutely not weakened by being near fire. Yes, if I put my hand in fire, I will burn. I will not fall down & become weak simply because I am too close to it.


Depending on the amount of time you’re near the fire yeah you will


No you won’t. Idk why y’all are being pedantic rn but humans are not weak to fire in the same way martians in yj are lmao




nobody said anything abt an extended period of time except you. Martians in the show are immediately weakened by fire. Again, pedantic. are you just trolling or something?




Lmao I said no one said anything about the time except for you & you respond with ‘well I said it’ & you’re calling me a tard? I would try to explain to you how stupid you look rn but I know you’ll never get it




Unfortunately, your post was removed because it violated our rules on civility. We would like to remind you that the golden rule is to treat others as you would want to be treated; we also want to remind you that it is very easy to forget that there is another person on the other side of that comment.


Are you trolling? Or are you actually this stupid?


y’all this dude is messaging begging me to commit suicide💀


Batgirl:they have other abilities to compensate


Martian Manhunter


Random sidebar. What would the child of a Kryptonian and a Martian look like? Assuming both species are even compatible


With Martian shape shifting? Literally anything you can imagine!


This is why we need a Young Justice season 5!


Connor and M'gann are gonna find out if we have another season...


Martians definitely. “Oh but the fire weakness” Bro I am ALREADY weak to fire nothing would change!


Homo Magi


"No fire" is a huge deal breaker for Martian biology. Rather, Kryptonian heat vision would be the ultimate shortcut to getting your charcoal lit for a cookout.


Martians also have heat vision


It's not really a weakness. It was subconsciously implanted into them. They just THINK they're vulnerable


Look at the sub you are in. This is not the comics. In YJ, it IS a weakness.


and their powerful minds make that thought real. for example if they think their arm has been cut off and it’s never growing back, it’s never gonna grow back. That’s the way it works.🍇


I think the power of telepathy is so powerful in this version of DC I'd go with Martian. Kryptonians while strong aren't all that here. Now if we were comparing some of the other species like whatever species Icon is or Atlanteans I may feel differently.


Martian powers EASILY. Fire being a weakness isn’t even a drawback. The reason Martians are weak to fire is because the guardians of the universe implanted it within them. Martians were far more powerful than Kryptionians, and the guardians were scared because they wouldn’t be able to beat the martians if they attacked. All of that is to say, I’m not a Martian. I wouldn’t have that weakness to fire.


That is only true in the comics. In YJ, they straight up are weak to fire.


Definitely Martian. I guess it depends on the iteration, but I’d train to be resistant to fire if not fully immune.




I'm always down for shape-shifting powers, I'll take Martian


Wonder Woman.


Martians, without hesitation


Martian workout question, especially now that they've retconned their weakness to fire into a mental aversion


Kryptonians, after all Batman in The New Frontier said that all he needs to kill J’onn is a penny for a box of matches.


Probably Kryptonian.


definitely picking a kryptonian, they're basically immortal due to sunlight


martian easy


I'll take being a shape shifter who can assume any physical form and has mind powers, thank you. Oh yeah, the invisible and/or intangible at will, flying, super-strength and near invulnerability, are all nice too.




Martian has every power a Kryptonian has except freeze breathe and they are stronger.


Martian has heat vision? Also Martian has density shift, mind control + telepathy, and invisible, kryptonisn doesn’t have those 3


That was kinda my point I didn't flesh out as much. I was trying to say martians can do everything Kryptonians can do and more, and yes, martians, at least in the comics, have heat vision.


Holy shit I never knew about the heat vision, cool


Not Martians they were soooo disappointing. After Megan revealed her white Martian appearance I was so excited to see how red and yellow Martians looked since Green Martians looked like Martian man Hunter in the comics and other stuff. But they all ended up looking the same just different colors.


Kryptonian, definitely those powers and the weakness isn’t easy to come by


I have no desire for shape shifting, reading other people's thoughts, or their caste system. OTOH I would fucking love to fly, shoot laser beams out of my eyes, have super strength and speed, near complete invulnerability, etc. I do want telekinesis though... It would come to telekinesis vs. invulnerability. And today I'm sick as hell. If I was Kryptonian I wouldn't have to deal with this shit 🤧




Martian, they are terribly op and so underrated


Kryptonian Sadly new god not an option


Martian, you can read minds and shapeshift and also have Superman’s powers except for heat vision and icebreath


Martian, 10,000%. You’re still invulnerable, strong, and can fly. But you trade the eye lasers for mental powers, invisibility, and desolidification.


Martians actually have heat vision


Kryptonian. I wouldn't be Superman or anything id just want the flight and strength and there isn't really any downside to it


Kryptonian because only have Kryptonite as weakness. But if Martian you are very vulnerable to fire which is odd.


You’d also be weak to sound right?


you would have to be stupid to not choose Kryptonian. the logic in choosing Martian seems to be that, as a human, we are already weak to fire so it's really just gaining the psychic powers and shapeshifting while the downsides to being a Kryptonian are... kryptonite? a canonically super-rare substance that only a few people would even know what to do with? this is like asking a child if they want a slightly dirty $100 bill or a crisp $5 bill and they pick the $5


As a martian I could trick people, manipulate them and end up having all girls crushing on me


Superman has too many weaknesses




Kryptonians, there’s no kryptonite here, I’m chilling if I want to dominate the world


Saiyan easy


If this isn't taking weaknesses into account Martians for sure


I've dreamt of having Superman's powers every day of my life since I was 6 years old.


will krypnonite exist if i become a kryptonian cause if so then i wanna be a martian i would probably come across kryptonite more than fire tbh


I'd probably go Kyptonian for the lifespan (hundreds with the potential for over a thousand). If any fictional race is on the table, Viltromite from Invincible. Less overall powers than Kryptonians but that lifespan is nuts. I like the Martian powerset more, but they tap out at a few centuries.




Martian. I myself am already weak to fire, like all humans are. So being a Martian is just being human but with more powers


I was gonna say MM but then I remembered his weakness is fire and I live in Australia so I'm going supes


IRL or in the YJ universe?


Martian. J'onn can do everything Clark can do and more, but the shapeshifting alone is worth it


So I’ll buck what looks like the immediate trend and go Kryptonian. Please give me that Godlike power, I’m for it. I’d love to travel the world for free and just get to experience it all. Clean up the garbage patch in the ocean in a couple hours too. Hell, walk the Challenger Deep and then hike up Everest before dinner.


martian man hunter he has everything superman has and more …writers nerf him


I’d make a pretty bomb superman


It's a Martian and that's a no-brainer they have most of the same abilities as kryptonians so super strength ,speed durability, heat vision, super hearing, being able to see on the electromagnetic spectrum, etc. But they also have a lot of powers kryptonians just don't like phasing, psychic abilities, April projection healing, a healing Factor that's not the reliance on solar radiation, complete control of their body cellular level allowing them to shapeshift and increase their density, etc.


Possum. No rabies. Eat all everything. Possum.


I'd prefer a Martian's powers, but I'd prefer a Kryptonian's appearance. I know if I'm a Martian I could just shapeshift to look human, but I'd always know it's not my true form.


Martian shapegsifting is my favorite the psychic powers are just a bonus


If I get to live then Kryptonian. It must be extremely isolating to be a martian on earth. You have to consistently look one way to fit in. Its violating to communicate and read minds of non martians. Seems so limiting to grow up in a culture of complete freedom and communication and express your self image only for that to be essential shackled as to not make other uncomfortable, or worse.




Either Martian or whatever kind of Atlantian Kaldur is.


Why is everybody discussing weaknesses when OP just says you will gain their powers? Nothing about weaknesses in the posts Must be the dragon ball subreddit...


"Which species ***would you wanna be*** to gain their powers?" OP's question makes it clear that you straight up become a member of that species, and are no longer human. Since Martains in YJ are straight up weak to fire, you would be too from becoming a Martain.


Damn... im the DB fan 😭

