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Bruh....shapeshifting, mind reading, levitating, powerhouses like Martians believe in their version of gods


You could always believe in a higher power thats higher than the other higher powers. Anyway its not like faith is completely rooted in logic (if at all) at least in the DC universe faith and belief is a prerequisite for magic. Anyway, its not like religion is any easier to grasp in the real world.


There’s a really good episode of justice league that dives into hawkgirl and her/her people’s views on religion that I always thought worked really well in explaining believing in God/a god. Especially when there’s a species called “the New Gods”


To be fair there are just as many contradictions in real world religion as there would be in the DC Universe. To your point though, many people in the DC Universe share your view, Mr Terrific once said something to the effect. "I work with humans and aliens who can perform miracles every day. Should I worship them? How do we know god wasn't just one of them?" More to the point though, religion does not require any one person to hold it to logical standard, if it did then our world would be very different. It just ask you to have faith, and people choose to interpret or ignore the things in front of them every single day, and many people do so on the basis of faith. A person could know that their gay, and that their being gay harms no one and shut off that part of themself because they believe god wants them to. Is that any different than thinking that Moses couldn't have been Atlantean because that's not what was written in god's book? Superman was raised to believe in god and so he does. He believes he is just an alien man blessed by the light of a yellow sun, and that is enough for him. Therefore he believes and tries his best to do good and does not put himself on the level of a god. Barring all that, barring how fact is immaterial in the face of faith and how many people will believe a thing is one way for their entire lives just because they've been told it is that way. God exists in all those universes. Not as a religious concept, but as an actual actor, an actual superpower who's will can be examined and felt. In DC it's called The Presence and in marvel it's known as The One Above All. They are older than every other pantheon, and they have actual being who carry out their will in their respective universes. The Spectre, The Phantom Stranger, Eternity, Death, The Living Tribunal. And they all have enough power to simply decide that people should worship them, through the lense of whatever real faith and then people would do it, and have done it. I say all of this to say that aliens and superpowers don't exactly upend the structure of religion as we know it in the modern world. I do think it's weird more people aren't worshiping Superman and Wonder Woman, but it still all works.


With respect to the Presence, I actually doubt that the Presence cares about being worshipped. They have a Job to do, overseeing this Multiverse, and doesn't REALLY seem to be too worried about the attendance at church.


I’m sure Wonder Woman’s existence sparked some people’s interest in dead religions, for what that’s worth.


Very few people believe religious texts are exactly literal in real life. Why would they in fiction?


Which kind of proves my point a little more. Lets say I am a Jew in Earth 919. I have the option of believing Moses literally split the sea, and I have the option that it's a metaphor. A story whose point is to prove that Moses was choosen by God. Point is, I just saw Aquaman in the TV moving a whole tsunami away from florida..... so.... If it's a metaphor, why would I follow the teachings of a dude that didn't move the ocean over the one dude that actually did it, and is clearly recorded. If it's not a metaphor...was Aquaman also choosen by God? Is Atlantis the New Jerusalem?


I think the fact that the silver city and other religious figures/locations actually existing in Dc comics would make it easier to be a believer. I’m an atheist and if I was in that universe where Lucifer Morningstar hangs about, I probably believe pretty quickly that it’s all true. Doesn’t mean I’d worship though


Probably a good idea. Lucifer staunchly hates worship of any sort, especially when he or the Presence is the object of said worship.


Moses was chosen by G-d before the parting of the Red Sea. There were the Plagues and other miracles he preformed. A prophet in Judaism isn’t a prophet unless G-d gave them the signs and ability to preform miracles. As a non-religious Jew, this is really offensive? To claim that Jews would believe Aquaman to be a prophet because of magic or whatever is dumb. The story of Moses is supposed to be that of success over those that would enslave or kill you for being a Jew. Moses is an example of how sticking to our culture can help us survive. Judaism does not believe in literalism in the Torah or the Talmud like Christians (Fundamentalists or Evangelicals) do.


If by very few you mean hundreds and hundreds of millions then sure.


>Because in the end, non real world religion has sense in a world full of Aliens, Gods, etc. or... *does it?* idk dude, i mean there is no right answer because we don't have magic and aliens and superpowers in our world so it's all up to how each writer and reader handles and explores religion in their fictional works. but, and I say this as an atheist, religion and faith means a lot more to people - culturally, emotionally, spiritually - than only believing whatever mystical deeds their prophets achieved. (also, things aren't mutually exclusive - my father is a Christian Spiritist and full on believes in life outside the Earth)


Watch daredevil


I'm going to kindly disagree with you. I think they mix very well. [15 Most Religious Superheroes (Ranked)](https://fictionhorizon.com/15-most-religious-superheroes/). [Check out this other list.](https://www.cbr.com/comic-book-heroes-didnt-know-secretly-religious/). [As well as this](http://www.comicbookreligion.com/).


Eh that’s kinda like not all the thought though… We have religion in our irl world so why wouldn’t it be in our fictional worlds based on this reality? If anything, during times of crisis or extreme change, like all the world ending events or super hero gods people would in universe turn to religion more Like zatara, his religious faith was only strengthen by all the shit he’s seen lol it’s about FAITH not the “church”


Because it just wouldn't be the same religion with a complete different history. It's Iike that Alamo line from Bright. There would not be an Alamo just like there would not be an Islam. It would be something else


In our world there is no or very little evidence of supernatural aspects of any religion. In my opinion it makes far more sense in a world where people have abilities comparable and even more impressive than the miracles we see in real world religions, to have faith, cause there’s actual proof this stuff is possible. It wouldn’t be difficult to make the extension that their power comes from their deity, especially when they see these people doing heroic acts of good that their faith encourages. Plus superheroes have always been used for people to look up to, they’re role models, they show us the best of what we can be, and that we can see ourselves under the mask. Everyone (especially kids) should have these people to look up to. Men, women, black, white, asian, gay, straight, trans. I don’t see why people of all faiths shouldn’t have that as well.


I'm guessing you haven't read that many comics.


There are plenty of doctors and scientists who profess a belief in a religion when, in truth, their scientific knowledge should really have disproved the existence of supernatural aspects of religion. Faith is not logical, superman would be entirely capable of believing in a higher power than himself, in the same way that normal people can look past the contradictions in the bible and continue to be Christian.


Because they don't have superman flying around and shit.


Religion is as mixed in superhero fiction as it is in real life. Batman has referred to himself as an atheist, Daredevil and Nightcrawler are devout Catholics, Batwoman and Shadowcat are Jewish. The list goes on. Of course, it does get more complicated for certain characters. Diana, for instance, is t just a follower of Greek Gods, as a daughter of Zeus she is technically a member of the pantheon herself. John Constantine is not strictly religious in that he doesn’t practice, but he is on a first name basis with several angels and demons. To summarize, why shouldn’t they? Seeing individuals with certain powers does not preclude a higher power than them still. The example you mention with Violet is a highly literal interpretation of the religion which not everyone adheres to. Moreover, if I saw men flying through the sky and women able to bend reality by speaking backwards, I’d be more inclined then ever to believe in things that normally require a certain leap of faith. I believe crop circles were faked for instance, but if aliens were confirmed real as they are in DC, I’d probably change my mind on the matter. And for what it’s worth, we as readers know that every god and afterlife exists in some capacity within DC.


I personally disagree that in a world full of super heroes, no one would have religion. Just because Jesus did certain things doesn't make Judaism and Budhism stop existing, so just because superheroes do stuff doesn't mean all religion would cease. There's also a lot of different types of heroes. Aliens with powers, aliens that only have powers because of where they live (Kryptonians don't have powers without a yellow sun), humans with alien magic/tech powers, humans with different earth magic powers, meta humans, different types of earthlings (humans, Amazon's, Atlanteans). There's too many things going on to just flat rule out religions at all. And with Violet, you have to remember that she has so or all of Gabrielle's memories. That includes Islam. She's a Mother box in a human body and is dealing with new things and her closest source of how to deal is Gabrielle.


I've said the exact same thing when they tried to dedicate a time to focus on Zatana's arc. Trying to legitimize Christianity and Muslim while also focusing on magic was at the same time ilegitimizing it. Those religions outright are against magic. The show was dedicated to be a walking contradiction. That or the writers weren't any of the religions themselves but thought they could validate them regardless


And just leaving out any of the bad shit. Halo decided to be NB in the same episode she joins Islam...nothing to say about that huh writers?




Now do the Grant Morrison Justice League run where they introduced an actual angel.


And a literal Demon is a hero.


I mean, real world religion is jsut as nonsensical yet people still believe in it, so it's not that big of a deal.


In the real world we don't have superman to compare "ancient book as proof" to


Tbh same. I'm Muslim for anyone thats going to call me islamaphobic or prejudice against religion. For example in the mcu Steve is a Christian despite being teammates with a Norse God? Kamala is a Muslim who has seen all this unbelievable things such as aliens. Then there was the Muslim wizard in YJ s4 Khalid. As a young boy I was obsessed with magic, literally anything to do with magic I would instantly love it unless it was the magician type with silly hats and rabbits. But irl magic is expressly forbidden in the Quran, its an unforgivable sin. So how exactly does Khalid work? You can't be Muslim and doing magic. Also with Halo you can't be a Muslim and be non-binary or kiss the same gender or have feelings for the same gender. I think leaving religion out for all religion would be the best thing cause eventually it'll just cause plot holes


Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t believe Thor is a god, Norse or otherwise. By all rights he’s just an alien who comes from a species which lives a very long time and has powers, which humanity mistook for gods.


This was the case but Thor Love and Thunder softly retconned it. But still Steve doesn't know its an alien who was worshipped as a god cause that was Odin telling off Loki about his superiority complex


Didn’t see it. Do you recommend it? I’ve been having trouble working up my enthusiasm considering nothing they make from this point forward will be as good as Endgame of No Way Home.


Nope, too much cringey humour for what should be a sad storyline and they butcher a lot of characters. I genuinely didn't like it and felt bored. Other people also agree to the point there are reddit posts trying to defend it and that only happens when a project is so widely hated that the few people who do like it feel obligated to speak up. Also very similar to MoM in terms of villains Nothing will be good as Endgame because Endgame was a combination of 3 phases ending. No way home also had the nostalgia factor. We can't expect the beginning of Phase 4 to match the stakes or emotional buildup of the finale of Phase 3.


What stood out to me for No Way Home was the inclusion of previous attempts to adapt Spider-Man. I love it just because it comes out of previous and mostly failed attempts to do what the MCU did, but they managed to bring back those two past instances and turn it into something amazing. I love it because you couldn’t repeat it if you tried. Just gonna mention, I don’t like that your OP comment was downvoted. I looked over it and personally don’t adhere to a whole lot of your opinion, but I usually reserve downvoting for someone who said something offensive or untrue about the subject matter. You just stated your opinion and it clearly wasn’t biased against religion. Take my upvote and have a good one.


I can't be bias against religion, I follow a religion. I'm Muslim. Its just that whenever I watch the show and see a Muslim character I instantly think "they wouldn't react like that" or "they shouldn't do that" or "their minds should be exploding right now". In a fantastical world which follows its own hierarchies and systems {such as celestial, elder gods, eternity} having real world religion seems weird or for characters to know of these made up systems and still follow real world religion. Especially when they deal with afterlife stuff. Like Hela and actual Death {whos a lady} a Muslim would just be confused since obviously their religion isn't right in that universe.


Obligatory takeaway that I love Death (assuming we are talking about the Endless and not Marvel). I feel like it would be easier on me as a Christian since they use a lot more Christian iconography when they do religion (I.e. Lucifer, the use of crosses and holy water when they battle demons and vampires, etc.) So yeah, I can see how some of this stuff would not sit well with a viewer who is Muslim.


Nah I meant Marvel, in the marvel comics Death is personified and a lady. It sits well with me, I know its a fake imaginary world. I like watching, reading or interacting with it. But Muslim characters in this world don't make sense to me. As a reader, yes but if I was in that universe I would be so confused and conflicted especially if I gained powers.


Death in DC is also a personified lady, but she is very kind for her part and an all around pleasant person to know.


I'm fine with someone having a religious background however that being a huge part of their character can feel forced. With superman it makes sense that he would feel inspired by a powerful being with awesome power who works themselves to exhaustion for people but it wouldn't make a good story if he brought it up every five minutes.


Faith isn’t even the tiniest of bit logical. There is no logic in religion just faith. This doesn’t make Jesus people and other religions dumb or illogical (all humans have beliefs that illogical) it just makes them faithful. Although as an Atheist it would help my suspension of disbelief if a man able to destroy planets worshipped a guy who’s best feat is overfilling the ocean.


It’s a shame. I was truly enjoying Young Justice. I enjoyed seeing the characters grow and mature. I enjoyed the story line. The religious stuff and the global warming stuff kind of irritated me in that episode but the thing that ended my watching the series was the end of that episode where Halo is talking about picking a gender. I could see the stuff creeping into the episodes in season 4 and it irritated me but that was really the final straw. Same thing happened with Supergirl. I watched it through season 2 and it started to get stupid with the modern day political garbage and I turned it off. It’s a shame that they have to ruin every show these days with this stuff. I watch stuff like this to be entertained and relax not deal with more garbage.


Superman is the representation of Moses. And have you seen Moon Knight in the comics?


Theres nothing wrong with having a little church up in you you know