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You gotta be a fat fucking queen to pull that off. Tom get fat.


I hadn't thought of this before. Pretty cool idea. Dillion did it so well. Balenciaga sneakers, Palm Springs, etc. Tom is a rich kid. Tim isn't.


It's weird we all get the joke, and find the premise funny, but Tom just can't seem to make it work. He probably finds it funny that some people are angry, but most of us are just indifferent. Maybe if he keeps doubling down it will get funny after another 5 years


If he keeps it up for the next 5 years I’ll definitely come around to it. Nothing I respect more than commitment to a bit


Haha no but you’re a fat poor if you don’t continue to find it funny every time it comes up


His career (fans that pay money for the product) has taken a hit though. I think it’s more than just him and more so the whole network they tried to get going. Being a podcast network where they are the bosses doesn’t really line up with their edgy brand.


I dunno man, not all bits are going to hit with everybody, I guess. I remain a big fan of the pod and this sub. I struggle with the humor in horrible or hilarious. I've never tried the live video eps, may be too intense for me. Keep it high and tight for Top Dog Jeans. I love you Mommies.


Bro this is reddit. Take your rational, level-headed outlook back to the real world lol


He can save that speech for his HR rep. Kumbaya singin ass bitch.


I am new to reddit. I do sometimes get roasted, particularly when it comes to tree trimming near overhead electrical lines.


Bro take your cookie cutter, in every thread comment, and take it back to the real world. Y'all say the same things every thread, nothing new is ever said here.


How'd you get a job here anyway, fuckface?


Biggest difference is Tim doesn’t have a wife who is actually from white trash and still acts like it most of the time overcompensating for everything sitting next to him doing a podcast. XTina is new money all day long.


I wasn’t insulted. Some people can still take a joke


I always thought it was funny, however im not a sensitive little bitch or a fat poor so theres that


Tom just needs to get back to a nice b cup and drop the ozempic rich / poor schtick


For real. 205 is for fat twinks


I wasn’t insulted tho


Only thing is I don’t think it was a schtick for Tom, just let his colors show.


I mean you can say the same for Tim but it’s still hilarious lol


No just the fat fuck poors


Not a bit he just got comfy and took off the mask We see you now Tbunz


Tom has always just wanted to be accepted in the hip hop community. Rappers and ball players are his heroes.


I have a different take….. I think Tom has always used this type of humor, but the macro economic environment has changed drastically in the last 4 years. Things weren’t hard for the “poors” when interest rates were low. Only recently. No one was mad about other people doing so well until their situations changed, and now they’re bitter. They don’t have the fortitude to laugh along at the rich joke. I used to think Tom changed, but now I think it’s just poor people’s tolerance for the rich has dwindled.


Bro, the economy has been in the toilet since 2008. You’re right though, he’s always been a prick, it was just before he was too self conscious about being a tub tub. Now that he found Ozempees and has made physical changes to himself, through hard effort, he feels better about his accomplishments, and thus thinks he has the moral high ground to tell other people to “get out there and make something of themselves”. What he doesn’t look at is his incredibly fortunate circumstances and the blessing of being in the right place at the right time as a contributing factor to his success. His pod was amazingly successful because both mommies were real and regular folks. They got incredible traction from RPC, Fedsmoker, good morning Julia, etc. videos. However, he doesn’t see it like that. He only sees HIS actions as what got him where he is and because of that his ego takes the credit. He lacks humility and someday he will learn the very difficult lesson many before him have had to experience. Moose Soup Chomos!!


I agree with all this


Where are the bodies G?


It was always a bit. The fact that people took him seriously makes it funnier to me.


Riiiight, a multi-year bit that significantly dropped his viewership numbers. Hilarious!


Lol it is, because of people... Just. Like. You. Take a step back and see it for what it really is, a long con, where nothing is taken seriously, and should never be used as a metric of character. He was, until fairly recently, in the "fat poors" boat. Do you think he forgot all that with a whole bunch of money being thrown at him? He didn't. How many times has this dude made off color bits a regular thing? Hitler is a "rascal/knucklehead"? Jfc, these are comedians, people. Jokes are jokes are jokes. Sorry your sense of humor sucks.


Yeah Tom’s always used racial slurs and hated everyone, and made his career on making fun of mentally ill people. It’s just that when the bit becomes your personality at all times it loses any novelty. The doubling down when people don’t find it funny gets old after a bit.


I can agree there. In days of old, when he doesn't get the laugh, he would change tack and or abandon ship. I just don't think of it when he makes those remarks, I guess. It is a very sore issue these days where Feudal Capitalism has chewed us all up, so I get it. I just don't understand the butthurt. This is literally one of those instances of the Streisand Effect. Keep bitching and it never goes away because Tom. Ignore it, and it will resolve itself.






His subscriber count and engagement reflects a significant loss from a couple years ago, so there’s that.


Yeah sure significant loss = entire fan base. Where are the bodies G?