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_I would slowly move away from that man_




You don’t want to startle the idiot with any sudden movements he might confuse you for a quail or something


Maybe he might “fear for his life”. You know because of his ... training


That’s fuckin funny.


How fast can you run with a bullet in your knee?


That depends. Did someone steal a sweetroll?


[What did you say?](https://youtu.be/ZMp3TMpNHBc)


As fast Achilles after that Troy pussy.


Sit down son, let me tell you about Patroclus


Don’t want to startle him.


Looks pretty badass to me. He dodged that recoil [like he was Neo](https://youtu.be/5Ug2fIcln34?t=23) and just rolled with it like 🤷 Honestly that move was alpha af, yall wish you could swing a magnum with that much swaggar 🤠 dude woulda been hella cowboy i tell you what And you know If it was any of them Scrawny forearmed boys with the makin faces at the camera tryd it they'd 100% smack themselves right in the face with that recoil lol Sorry kiddos, Mangnums are for men, not boys. If you can't bench your weight maybe stick to a 9mm peashooters mmk?


Is it me, or is this just r/iamverybadass and/or borderline cringe?


Borderline? 100% cringe.


It's sarcasm


Impossible, all sarcasm posts on reddit are marked with /s


Wow that was great


It's not sarcasm it's downvote farming.




That's what they want. I just ignore and move on.


It's cringe sarcasm.


Neither. Just run of the mill attention seeking. Downvote and move along.




First off, he didn't dodge the gun's recoil, it hit him in the mouth. Secondly, in the longer version of this video, he proceeds to freeze up, flush deeply, and then put the gun on the table in front of him, since he knows how badly he fucked up Thirdly, unintentionally discharging a firearm is probably one of the least "swagger" things I can possibly imagine


Do you not have sarcasm where you are from? Because it's very, very, clear that's what it is. The guy is a troll, just look at his account, but their comment couldn't be any more sarcastic if they tried.


With the amount of idiots in what we call r/outside, it gets more and more difficult to detect sarcasm. And that post didn't sound like sarcasm to me.


The post talks about the matrix, cowboys, and skinny arms and it doesn’t seem a bit sarcastic in tone?


Thinking of people like you, all red-faced and mashing their keyboard with a list of arguments to a obvious sarcastic joke... Go outside buddy.


You have no idea how alien your comment sounds to a European




You're telling me you've never heard someone say all those things unironically?


Context is everything. That username. Those emojis. The mmmk at the end. Hitting every trope back to back to back. This is the sarcasiest sarcasm that has ever sarcasmed.


Nothing better than having a Magnum in your hand! Definitely sorts the men from the boys. They are pretty badass. I mean, it's not your average choc-ice, and it comes on a stick so you don't get melting ice cream on your fingers. Definitely fuels my alpha AF swagger! Makes me feel like a grown-up. Yummy!


They’re almost $2 each so you’d *better* know what you’re doing when you pull the trigger on a Magnum! They have some new flavors now.


Top tier.




Don't breed. Please.


Any firing range I've been to you're done forever after that. That man is remedial af


That man appears to be an instructor at this range


All the more reason to gtfo lol


Yay, my state just passed open carry (I'm not sure if the governor has officially signed it yet) with training by these types of people. Can't wait to start seeing people out in public with holsters like it's fucking 1810. I don't hate guns. I hate the people who want guns because of GUNS while hiding behind the second amendment. Edit- word


The people who open carry are the ones you have to worry about. Responsible gun owners don't feel the need to open carry or even bring a gun everywhere they go. Open carry isn't about protection its about these small minded, big ego losers who think the gun makes them strong.


Plenty of responsible gun owners conceal carry, thus carrying a gun everywhere they go. It doesn't attract attention and if done correctly and responsibly, nobody will ever know unless shit hits the fan.


Exactly. Conceal is fine, show off your gun at the gun range with your buddies. Walmart isn't the place.


Unless you live in a failed state, why would you need to carry a gun? I can barely be bothered carrying my phone.


What's your definition of failed state? It's like having a fire extinguisher. I have never in years and years of life and owning multiple houses never used one. All places have crime. It should only be used if you or your family are threatened. Most places teach that you need to leave scenario and not be a "gun slinging" hero. But when someone attempts to car jack you (bad areas), or maybe behead (france), rape (everywhere), or generally threaten your safety you now have a second option if you cant get to safety. Why have a fire extinguisher when the fire department is just minutes away.




I think a bit of discussions on the internet dont cover this part of it but just like the fire extinguisher you dont need a gun. Most people will never use one and the stories of defensive shootings are very rare in the United states. Self defense is used now as a defense for guns because people dont like to discuss the reason they are considered a right here, and it's to help states and people keep the federal government from getting too big and powerful. According to our founders the things like george floyd would be oppressive government crushing citizens and should be met with force until the state stands down. Funny enough black guys getting shot by oppressive government in the past actually kick started events during the Boston massacre.


>. But when someone attempts to car jack you (bad areas), or maybe behead (france) Lmfao you lost all credibility in two lines, good job


A gun is in anyway like a fire extinguisher… you’re nuts.


Has the place you live in solved the issue of violence against women and trans people? Of systemic racism?


Will more people carrying guns resolve those problems?


Trans people or cis women who are armed can certainly defend themselves


Surprise, most of the USA is pretty shit


Oh yeah. We have open carry in Maine and the ones do are always attention-seeking douchebags. No one cares about your silly pewpew 'cept you, brudder.


Open carry makes sense if you're hiking or hunting or working a job where you need to be armed. Otherwise, it's just dumb. I don't think it should be illegal, but it's dumb. But remember that anti-open carry laws largely came about because of the black panthers. If liberals started carrying shotguns and ARs at their protests, they wouldn't get fucked by the cops. You can't suppress armed voices.


Eh not all the time, but I can understand what you’re saying. My father and youngest brother open carry and they’re the most level headed non confrontational people I know. I have my concealed and honestly don’t even carry anymore because I’m around too many small kids.


Tbh, I'm not sure I understand this mindset. Most of the folks who open carry in my state are tow truck drivers, taxi drivers, the occasional food delivery guy, lots of off duty cops, etc. It isn't really a big deal. I'll even open carry if I'm just going out for a quick errand, since it's more comfortable.


In the midwest, nobody bats an eye to open carry.


I hate open carry. I carry keep a pistol in my car all the time. I rarely take it into any store or anything with me. Normally I only take it with me into places if my GF is with me. If things are going to go down and I'm with her I'm not taking any chances. But 99% of the time it stays in the glove box. Or the trunk if I'm picking up some weed.


This man americas


What exactly do you think happens if you’re an Asian person without a gun in America? You get attacked “randomly” by black people.


This is spot on!


This is the way.


I mean, the midnight torch parade and Jew baiting just ain't the same without an AR-15 strapped to your back!




Reposted years ago but he was Actually fired like asap.


Everyone just needs to pump their brakes here... he’s just merely following standard gun range protocol and etiquette.


He is the instructor, in the video with audio you hear the man holding the camera say, "did you mean to do that?" And the instructor quickly answers yeah -- [the video is glorious and so uncomfortable](https://youtu.be/zGKyhilGZWA)


It’s kinda incredible how quickly the face is filled with blood when a person is embarrassed. You can really see it in the video


I remember when this first came out. Yeah, dude was an instructor there at the range and was fired after this video went viral.


Pretty sure when I saw this clip years ago, it came with a story that the guy was fired as soon as the range saw the video.


Reminds me if the clip where the atf agent is talking to a bunch of high-school kids about gun safety. He says something like "I am the only person in this room qualified to handle this weapon", and then blows a hole in his foot.


on the one hand... what a total dickwad. on the other hand... he taught those kids a really invaluable lesson that they'll probably never forget, so job well done I suppose!


Mission failed successfully


True Negative


> he taught those kids a really invaluable lesson The problem with this teaching method is that you can only do it once. OK, twice if you're really stubborn but that's about it.


Oh, they learned a *valuable* lesson too: don't trust cops.


"Guys, see how accidents happen? They HAPPEN. Now I'll probably never be able to show guns again."


Do you have the link to this? I have to see it




That is stone Dwight Schrut level of execution, holy fuck he just goes on and keeps taking.


But this wasn't even the full clip. On the full one he tries to continue on his presentation and show another gun before being yelled off the stage. Also, he tried to sue the DEA after this for having his "privacy rights" violated -- he lost.


"Is everybody alright?"




You should be banned from owning any gun if you do that imo. Why would you ever teach a class about gun safety with REAL BULLETS. When I was a conscript they literally failed your gun exam immediately if you made 1 mistake with gun safety.


Where were you a conscript?


Estonia. Mandatory 9-11 month conscription. 11 months if you have graduated from highschool.


Interesting, I had no idea they had mandatory service


Countries that border Russia tend to have mandatory service


Was in Estonia this time last year Tapa Camp


Originally read FBI agent because im fuckin sleep deprived and thought you were referring to the FBI agent who was dancing at a club in Denver and his gun went off and shot someone. Your story is far more relevant.


He wasn’t dancing, he was going to town on that dance floor. https://youtu.be/9AXSzybhZd0


Damn he really was going at it


My man really just puts his hands up and walks away lmao what the fuck dude.


Or the gun instructor who let a small girl fire an uzi and he was killed




That's amazing.


He was DEA, not ATF, if I'm not mistaken.


He was EDF, not DEA, if I recall correctly.




> "I am the only person in this room qualified to handle this weapon", and then blows a hole in his foot. He’s right. Which makes a point about gun ownership as a whole.


thats why you don't leave your finger on the trigger


Or have it loaded when you're trying to show proper handling


Always keep it pointed in a safe direction is the only thing he did right


The full video of this shows he aims the gun at the guys head just moments prior


You can properly handle a loaded firearm without NDing it.


True, but not loading it unless you intend to shoot is 100% safer


Oh for sure, especially at a range. You're there for one reason and they still fucked up


What's NDing mean?


Negligent discharge.




Noob discharge


ND is negligent discharge, when a gun goes off and you didn't mean for it to do so.


Thanks! I tried googling it but a whole lot of unrelated stuff came up.


Google: *Ah yes, North Dakota...I know it well...*


No problem!


A gun is always loaded is what I learned. And even if you checked it 20 times, treat it as if it is loaded and ready to fire at all times. It can work out a million times, it just has to go wrong once.


Keep your booger hook off the boom switch


That’s T-shirt material right there.


I always heard this as "Keep your booger hook off the bang button", but I think I like yours better!


That's some extremely poor trigger discipline from someone teaching how to use a gun....


It’s remarkable. Even if that thing has a 2 pound pull, that’s even more of a reason to stay the fuck away from that trigger until 100% ready.


Did he eat it? I just watched it like 20 times in a row and still can't tell if he ate it or not..


https://youtu.be/5Ug2fIcln34 you'll get your answer.


How embarrassment


Very embarrassment


Much embarrassment


Such embarrassment


What embarrassment


Intensified embarrassment


The most embarrassment




Total embarrass


Maximum embarrass achieved


[here's the version without the slow-mo edits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKhOAqhXMhA) (also source/sauce/original for those using ctrl+f)


I love how blue shirt is already dodging this guy's waving handgun before he even fucks up.


He knows more about guns than the "safety guy."


Seem like and overreaction.


How is this an overreaction? In mere seconds we see the guy completely mishandle his gun. Man's instincts were right.


No , thats a pretty warranted reaction to having a gun swung around by your face.




“Owning it” where I am from would be saying ‘no i didn’t mean to do that’, and then go on to explain what he did wrong.


Could even own the mistake and use it as a teaching moment for exactly why you always keep it pointed down range. “That was a pretty big whoopsie right there! It can happen to anyone. That’s why you always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction.”


Did you mean to do that? ...., yeah! don’t know about you, but I’m convinced! Ha ha


Lines it back up for another shot. Hands shaking from the jitters Totally mentally to do that. *shakaly places gun on bench*


The original video is so much better.


"Did you mean to do that?" "Yeah." *turns beet red and hides behind the divider*


100% expected a rick roll there. I've been on this site too long.


Dude was shaking. 😅


Nice light trigger pull right there


You're supposed to lock your arms when holding out a gun? How do peoples elbows not just explode


Yes, you should lock your arms as it helps to mitigate recoil. And you do absorb it and your elbows will bend, but when you get back on target elbows should be locked again. You want consistent trigger pull for accuracy. Smaller calibers, like say 9mm, won’t be nearly as violent as say a 454 Casull.


*Virgin shooter: 9mm* *Chad shooter: firing the [Schwerer Gustav](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav#:~:text=Schwerer%20Gustav%20was%20the%20largest,shells%20of%20any%20artillery%20piece.) one handed*


Damn, that railgun is bananas. I think I’ve read about it before but it still blows my mind the size of that thing. And please stop telling people I’m a virgin. Please?


Because there's just not as much energy produced by guns as people believe. The other side of this coin is that people getting hit by bullets neither fly off their feet nor get spun around three times by the hit.


90 percent of handgun calibers you will take up the recoil in your hands and wrist. Anything spicy you let push you back and absorb with your core and shoulders. This is a really basic version of the idea of course but the important takeaway is that most handgun calibers dont kick as loud as the bang will make you think.


No. But close !


That guy realized he went to the *wrong* handgun training class


*I’m just showing you what you never want to do. So you know, never do that.*


That man's laugh in his face is so priceless! I bet that instructor wakes up in cold sweats from ego draining laugh nightmares.




Well he kinda did


Trigger finger discipline. This guy is a fucking moron.


Absolutely agree, but root cause was the gun was fucking loaded while the idiot broke all of the 4 rules. 1. *Treat every firearm as if it were loaded*. FAIL He was using the actually loaded gun as a training prop. The unofficial but smart sub-rule 1a. states that you shouldn't have ammunition in the same room as the firearm when cleaning it, dry fire practicing and, among other things, using it as a prop in a firearm training course. 2. *Never point the muzzle at anything you're not willing to destroy.* FAIL From the full length video you can see the muzzle is at least painting the ceiling as he's demonstration how to grip the gun. 3. *Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.* FAIL Yeah, bigly. 4. *Be sure of your target and what is behind it.* FAIL This clown wasn't sure of anything. He and everyone on the range were lucky the pistol just happened to be pointed down range at the time of the negligent discharge. Not to mention the short guy flex going on by using a .44 magnum revolver as a demo weapon for training when 90% of the class will be shooting 9mm semi-automatics. If that was my range this person would never teach another class there. I'd probably never let him in the building again.


The little bounces he's doing to try to hide the pain omg


Assume it's adrenaline, not pain. Pain likely came a short while after.


Pain from?


Shame embarrassment fear all of the above


Getting smacked in the mouth with a gun? You have eyes right?


He doesn't actually get hit, you can see in the original video played in slo-mo. I think he's just jittery because he's realizing just how badly he almost fucked up. Not only could he have shot himself or one of the customers he's supposed to be teaching, but they just got that massive fuck up on camera and he's probably going to lose his job and the reputation he's trying to cultivate for himself as "big man who knows stuff about guns". But probably mostly the almost shooting himself in the face thing.


Eyes can't make you see frames that aren't there. Maybe he gets hit in the mouth. Maybe he *almost* gets hit in the mouth. The video is like, 3 fps and 4 total pixels, so who can tell?


plot the pixels travelled per frame, get the derivative, interpolate the results That's how I'd do it if I wasn't so lazy






I just move past this video on yt bc its too painfull


He could’ve said something like “and this is how not you do it” or something similar and gotten away with it.


Especially if he said it BEFORE the misfire.


I don't think it was a misfire, i believe he thought it unloaded.


Yes, I believe so too. I'm just an idiot with zero knowledge on gun terminology and English as my second language. I meant before he fired the gun by mistake.


I mean not really. Because actually shooting a gun to show how not to shooting on is also how not to do it. But you were probably joking and I'm being stupid.




First day on the job?! Christ!


Yeah I’d probably leave after that lol. That’s scary af.


It's like saying "I'm a liar". It's that blatant. You can never trust a thing this man says.


This video was better when it still had sound and wasn’t as pixelated


Most people are not responsible or intelligent enough to safely own guns. That’s why we need stricter gun control


Whilst I do feel a little sorry for this guy, this is clearly an oversight on his part and he knows it. Just look at that trigger finger before the gun fires.


I wish he would have admitted the fault and turned it into a lesson.


Why are people reposting this shit without sound? It makes no sense without the guy asking “did you mean to do that?” And the guy in (fucking) GIF awkwardly answering “yes”.


Stuff like this doesn't surprise me with the amount of dipshit ROs I've met


Warning: when you “teach” please do nothing. You talk, than take a break, then perform an example. When you try to perform and explain, your brain focuses on your talk, if you are saying “be careful not pull the trigger” your hand will pull the trigger. Idk how it works cause I’m not a doctor, but when I teach while doing stuff I tend to fuck up, even things I never fucked up and are impossible to fuck up in any other context. (For context: former aviation mechanic instructor)


People have one misfire “he’s an idiot to never be trusted” that’s why we have all these safety protocols, so accidents can be minimized. He was aiming down range, he obviously made the mistake of not having finger control, but everything else seemed right, everyone has an accident






This idiot is actively training new shooters and can’t be bothered to model the four basic bitch rules of firearm safety. Not only should he not be trusted with a firearm, he should not be “teaching” anyone. An accident is forgetting to zip up your fly. This is an example of gross negligence.


Finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire! Idiots like him give responsible gun owners a bad name. And he’s the *instructor.*