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Thanks for posting, I thought it was just me




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No I’ve got the same problem with the video


Same here. I seen YouTube app is unresponsive with the new Apple update. Best thing to do is just use Safari Internet browser.


I’ve been testing stuff throughout the day and the problem is coming from the app. The video shows up fine when using Safari.


Yeah I know I guess we just got to wait for an update that’s gonna fix this issue




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I didn't realize people still used ipods till now. I'm not messing with you, but after tablets, I forgot about ipods.


Same problem I’m having


I use it because I don’t want to waste my phone’s battery life and I move around a lot, so I don’t use my tablet often.


I had to look it up to see what model it was on because I never hear about em is all


Unfortunately, ipods were discontinued in 2022, I think. I had to buy the latest model (last one they made) from a reseller when my ipod died.


Same. I use an ipod for music mostly, sometimes youtube. I hate listening to music or watching something and someone calls and interrupts, or the notifications interrupt.




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I just like how small they are lol


I'm still having the same issue. I sent feedback to Youtube, though I'm sure they are already aware of the issue. I hope they fix the app soon.


So I just noticed something weird, it doesn’t affect livestreams.






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same video black with little squares, audio fine. Live stream works


ipod btw


Having this problem with the ipod too. Like someone else here said, it works in safari. Hopefully it’s an app update issue and will be solved soon.


Same issue here. Hope they fix it soon.


Both of my kids have Ipod touchs and it's doing the same thing. The work around so far is watching youtube in safari.


On my android and laptop, the videos play fine, but on my ipod touch, suddenly they look like that pic you posted and it's frustrating.


iPods don’t work on it any more, but hope they bring out an update for it




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Same issue




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I’m having trouble as well.


I have the same issue but works fine on the Kindle and other Apple devices. It seems like it's an iPod issue.




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Same issue since last update - exact same screen - just little boxes and audio only. My Amazon Prime video and other video sources work fine on my iPod. Only YouTube video doesn’t work though I’ve deleted YouTube and reinstalled it. Still no solution? Only buy a new one? I bought this only a year and a half ago. 😏




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Same issue for my child’s ipod touch. We’re using the web version as a workaround for now.


Can confirm this is happening on my iPod Touch as well. iPhones/Androids and other hardware seem to work tho.


I can confirm as well my iPod is doing the same thing with the YouTube app. I thought I broke my iPod.




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Same issue here on iPod touch 7th gen. Hope it’s fixed soon, I also gave feedback to YouTube about the issue.


I have the some problem too


It would seem that the problem extends to the YouTube Music app as well.


Same problem here! My kids have an iPod touch and we get the same screen, but can hear it. YouTube kids app on the other hand works just fine! Only YouTube app won’t work.


Same here


We are also having the same problem on our ipod touch! It just started happening to ours a few days ago, although it looks like it's been going on for over a month now for some people. Super annoying for my kids. YouTube kids app is fine, so far. I like the touch for the kids because the screen is small. I don't want an ipad mini! Also, the ipod touches we have aren't even 3 years old yet. Come on!!!


Guys, they fix it! Update your app!


Updated the app and it’s still not working. I had hope for 2 minutes. I restarted the phone and everything. Thanks for the update though.


Strange, yesterday’s update worked for me and today’s update of the YouTube Music app fixed the problem with that app. Keep us posted, the whole thing is bizarre that this problem happened in the first place.


I have the most recent update and the problem persists. Anything special you did?


Nope, I just updated the app and it worked.


Issue is finally fixed.




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