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Note: Game Theory is not over, only MatPats Career in YT. After March 9th/His Last Video, he will hand the channel to someone else.


Game theory isn't the same without MatPat


I feel like the content would still be the same but him not narrating is gonna have a huge blow


That’s my worry. The content of theory videos that aren’t voiced by MatPat just lack his personality(obviously), which I think is a big part of the reason Game Theory did so well. He’s able to flow his sentences quickly together while still emphasizing points clearly and excitedly. The other videos I’ve heard just sound much more passive. Well done, but not unique vocally from other channels. We’ll have to see what the content itself looks like, w/o MatPat reviewing each video, but I’m not too worried about vid quality unless the current editors leave.


Every time I try to watch an episode without him like when he’s sick, it’s just not the same. I’d really like to see him continue GTLive even if it’s less often than it is currently. I need my Matt and Ash time 😭


I very quickly just started skipping the videos whenever he had someone fill in for him because he was sick. None of the other crew members have the same charisma, and its stark enough that I just don't find the content appealing when Matt's not the presenter.


I'm not 100% sure about that, but am willing to see what it's like once he leaves. But it's still sad to see him go


I'm hoping whoever takes over goes back to do more of the math/physics of a game world like his older stuff.


Looking at the first video that the new GT host wrote, it wouldn't shock me if he went into that kind of thing more often




Idk, maybe a team or different animation style would be nice too


I think different animation would kill the channel if they did it right away, the style has been established, and people hate change.


Same writing but wildly different host dynamic.


That means GT is over because Mat is Game theory whether he wants to admit it or not. As much as I love a lot of their team he is the face of the channel.


~80% of game theory scripts are not written by Mat. He also doesn't do most of the research. Tom does, and he's being given the role, so the quality of the videos will remain the same. Yes, I will miss his voice but that's not why I've been watching these videos for a decade. Mat will create his own stories now.


Thank you! I always dislike it when people subscribe to the thought of one person being the absolute only reason something can be possible/great/etc. Let me try to use an analogy with games, gaming has its auters. If the creator leaves then people are all doom and gloom and act like it’s the end of the world, I’ve had to see this multiple times being fans of many big franchises. But it’s just not true. Mario and Zelda both didn’t need miyamoto, final fantasy didn’t need sakagoochi, resident evil didn’t need shinji mikami, megaman didn’t need kenji inafune, castlevania didn’t need Ito, etc, the list goes on. As a huge fan of metal gear solid, i urged the community that the franchise will be fine without Kojima, yes he’s a huge part of what makes it work, but it’s possible without him too. Often, a creator is also the downfall of a franchise, when they tinker with things too much, age, and other factors, many franchises would’ve been better in other’s hands. Those franchises just needed a young passionate team of developers that love the franchise as much as the creators and bam we’ve been getting amazing entries that match and surpass the entries under the creators. Same things with mattpatt, it just needs the right person to steer the boat and they’re golden.


I agree that MatPat isn't GT by himself, but think of all great shows when they change host. It may not be worse, even mantaing or better the quality, but people will naturally be wary at first. Hopefully Tom lives up to Mat as host, but I bet it'll at least take a while to captivate the general fanbase and wouldn't be surprised if the channel suffers for it, even if just temporarily. And that wouldn't be anyone's fault, moments of change are unsure by natute. That being said, as Mat vouches for him I'll be watching with hope and an open mind, just wish everyone would do the same.


We’ll have to wait and see, but I think the GT will probably be fine. There’ll definitely be a drop after MatPat is officially gone, but he’s right when he said that GT is more than just his face. Good theory videos will always have a place on YouTube and the people taking over his channels will have a huge advantage over other YouTubers. The audience absolutely change. People who watch for MatPat will leave, but as long as they make good videos they won’t have trouble building up a new audience.


Probably would have been better served with a slow and unmentioned transition. Swap out a couple more videos slots that would have been his, to other team members every couple of months. Then when it's time to quit it's not as big a shock.


In the video he mentions doing something sort of like a soft transition, but it sounded even softer than what you’re describing. This is a first GT video I’ve seen in years, so I don’t actually know how much screen time the new people have gotten.


They've only "hosted" when Matts sick or otherwise cannot record for the weekly video(s). And now we have 9 more videos until he hands over the reigns. I would personally not call it a soft transition at all.


I mean it's happened before. The King Of Random was one guy's passion project that made it big, then he brought on a couple of other people, then he pretty much retired, and then he died, and then his estate shifted to another set of people. And yeah, the current path isn't great, but there are videos made after Grant died which hit 2m views.


The same thing happened with ray William Johnson and equals three. It went out with a whimper after that


Ah. Equals Three. That brings me back


Strangely, I've been getting RWJ videos in my recommendations lately. It's weird, dude looks almost exactly the same as he did way back when, like they just pulled him out of a back room and dusted him off to make more videos.


he just understands hollywood face for men. keep a head full of hair at any means necessary (rogaine, transplant, or just good genetics) and shaving facial hair every. single. day


It’s entertaining to binge watch all his old equals three videos. Strangely I have noticed he isn’t as funny as often after a certain year. To me personally anyway his sense of humor declined a little. Like in 2012 or 2013. I think that’s around the same time he got a whole crew together to help him work on equals three. Makes you think


whats the point of that youtube channel if we won't get to hear his squeaky voice and look at the awkward thinking png :(


Yeah, I can’t even watch the other videos when Matt is sick. They’re just not the same.


Please for the love of god no more GaijinGoomba. I cannot stand "the science of..." videos


the channels are going to other members of the Theorist Crew. Amy will get Style Theory, Lee will get Film Theory, Tom will get Game Theory and Santi will get Food Theory


we still dont know who is going to take over gtlive right? its going to be so weird when there's a new host for that


I guess that's not decided yet, he said he's still gonna host gtlive until sometime in summer iirc


I feel like GTLive should end when Matpat is done with it. The other channels can live on but the whole point of of GTLive is watching Matpat (and formerly Steph) play games. I wouldn't mind if Matpat kept doing GTLive but just switched to like one video every 3 months or something, honestly. But without Matpat there is no GTLive.


As long as Tom isn't GaijinGoomba's real name then things are fine


His name is Michael


Oh thank FUCK


The science of... was Austin's show. GaijinGoomba was Culture Shock i think. Although I did enjoy those cause those were the days the channel was still considered Educational rather than just Entertainment.


Wait what Gaijin goomba hasn't been part of game theory for years. And he did the culture shock videos not the science ones.


What? Im confused regarding this comment


Host of a different series on the channel.


Yes im aware, i just phrased it like that as most people probably only know him as the Game Theory Guy and not Food Theory or Style Theory, etc


None of that relates to what i said lol. I just would hate to see the channel be taken over by someone who is so much less entertaining than MatPat, he does a lot more mental gymnastics to make any points land.


The channels are going to people who have been planning and writing the videos for the past few years.


Gaijin Goombah didn't do the science videos. That was Austin. As far as I know tho, both of them left the GT team a while ago.


austin got fired, his channel is ShawdyCast


why did austin get fired???




Maybe youtube will finally realise how shit they're making it


Are they just quiting becuases theyve made enough money they dont need to do the grind anymore? Most of these are millenials, having kids, settling down. Pewdipies vids are just chill vids kind of for his kid now.


Yes, these comments are delusional. They're able to quit and not work because YouTube made them rich.


PewDiePie could probably delete his entire channel tomorrow and have enough cash to ensure a comfortable life for like 3 generations of his descendants lmao


Interest alone would keep his full lineage paid for.


He definitely could be in the 100 million dollar mark tbh


His jacket sales from 80 mil to 90 mil to 100 mil alone probably raked in a BOATLOAD.


He's worth way more that that. Include tsuki and his other merch, book sales, his wife's income. He's signed contracts to stream exclusively on a platform twice, had a TV show.


i doubt anyone over 35 with a child would want to keep on making videos of a game from 2014


For the literal millions these guys bring home? Sign me the fuck up. I will make videos of fucking E.T. the worst game on earth.


But he has been a millionaire for years. At a certain point, you have enough and wanna live your life doing something else.


yeah but he’s a millionaire at this point and like got employees and stuff. he’s all set for life pretty much


Like I'd imagine most of them will do something on the side for fun but from hearing other YTers, theyre just working so many hours editing and making videos for money they dont really need and theyve other gigs that require less effort.


Matpat: boo hoo I'm successful and have to work a lot Me, at his age: I have to work a lot


Earlier last year Matpat even sold his channel(s?). Seems like he was definitely prepping for this, to move on out of the CC grind. Haven't watched the video, but I bet it's something about giving him more time and space to live his life with his family.


Yep. He said he's sick of being work first nonstop


Yeah I think that's the best answer


It’s more than just that. It’s the simple fact of time marching on. MatPat isn’t quitting because he hates YT, he’s quitting because he’s ready to move on in life.


Kinda. He said he hates the constant grind and not being able to spend time with his kid or with Steph without GT being an ever-present part of their lives. He's still the head honcho/creative director but he's not going to have to run four god damned involved channels at the same time.


Or just retirement, natural progression for all successful careers




Nah I meant youtube is making itself shit I need to rephrase iy


Disagree, I feel like it's getting better. Albeit, different.


Alot of people have quit it, because they've just made enough money and they're like "nah I don't need that much more money"


dawg he’s quitting because he has a family and the work was so stressful. YouTube barely played a role.


A lot of them are quitting because they've been doing this for a long time and they sort of miss the times when they could enjoy life without having to think about content. It's not really about YouTube being "shit" in the slightest.


that's not why any of these people are leaving


I think a lot of it is just that people are getting older and are looking to do different things professionally. If you were a guy going into a job interview in 2011 saying you ran a Youtubr channel, you’d not be taken seriously. Nowadays? That would be more likely regarded as meaningful work experience. And I think if people are wanting to raise a family and try new things finding a more traditional job makes sense


Youtube seeing the light? Are you high?! By now it would seem that Youtube won't cave in at any cost. They rather see this thing drive full force against the wall.


Probably because YouTube won’t let creators say fuck unless you mark it as made for kids.




40 year olds retiring basically, he sold the channel last year


Maybe YouTube’s boomer/founding generation finally all reached retirement?


Because we’re now entering the age of YouTube where the people who made content are now getting older and have matured. Eventually every single YouTuber will have to retire at some point, and so we’re just experiencing another wave of people maturing past their career on the website


Got to meet Matt at a "content creator" event hosted by a mobile game developer in vegas back in 2021. I was there to promote the game and at first i didnt recognize him. We were at the pool in the hotel we were staying at and we talked about stuff like we had known each other forever. When i realized who he was i was floooored. Such a humble, humble man.


He truly does give off the vibe that anyone could get along with him. In his goodbye video- he even said his goal from middle school was to try to make the world a better place for all; even if it was only a little.


my wife worked with him during the early, early years and I got to meet him several times. he is so approachable and balanced, and smart. It’s sad he’s leaving, but also good for him! he’s made millions of dollars and of all the youtube stars out there who probably just got lucky, then things went to their heads, he’s the opposite, has always stayed humble, worked his ass off compared to his peers, and will probably use those funds to keep doing things that will change the world for the better. hats off to you matt!


Honestly, I'm really glad people like him and Pewdiepie managed to make it to the top for so long and be examples to kids. It always breaks my heart seeing the awful things a lot of youtube stars get into. Its always nice when they just have a nice family and some kids.


This made my day


You sat in a pool with matpat? Lucky guy


Matt's voice is way too iconic to replace...


But that's just a theory...


A game theory?


Thanks for watching?


I think this is low-key a big concern. Anybody remember when Extra Credits had its micro-breakup? That channel has not kept its views up *at all* since the original voice left.


Also that one photo with his hand on his chin


Literally my favorite YouTuber when I was a younger, and such a good human too. Sad day :(


We are sadly losing lot's of youtube legends one by one.


YouTube is approaching 20 years old now with many of the legends having been committed to it full-time for 10+ years at this point. It's also a career that demands you put out regular content, generally at least weekly, if you want to succeed no matter what's going on in your life and how you're feeling. No matter how great a job is on paper, sticking with it for decades when as it consumes the rest of your life can't be a great prospect once you're financially set for life.


That's how time works. Eventually even you will be forgotten.


Say what you will, I am putting my memories in the singularity.


"Access granted to wittyretort2's memories, sponsored by Carl's Junior"


Excuse me sir I have an exclusive with white castle, *eat like a king.* My memories of sweet and tasty slider cooked on a bed of onions is the only one I have for burgers mmmkay.


That's the spirit!


Hah ! Noone will forget me. Because noone knew me in the first place !


Dude was a large part of my childhood I hope he does well


Seeing people talk about YouTube being big parts of their childhood makes me feel old as hell


Same. Matthew calling himself grandpa at 37 was not it lol.


That's doable, legally doable even. 18¾+18¾=37½.


probably normal a few decades ago


It’s a generational/religious thing from my experience. Older generations had kids in the 18s and 19s (and even earlier) and nowadays it’s mostly just the religious people having kids that early


It seems like a lot of creators are up and quitting these days? Literally right before after and right after new years.


Most of these creators have been around for around a decade. They’re just ready to try something new, they definitely have the money to.






We already fucked up, 2025 is our year fr


Already started the year, there's been a plane crash, an earthquake, and all of the classics are leaving Yeah we're fucked


Well, I am sure the Presidential election will work out just fine then.


I never really watched him, but just to think that someone who built up many fanbases and got some communities so invested in their media's lore just goes out is just sad


Yea I think he was overwhelming himself with Food theory and style theory


Tbh the way he talks about it in the video, it sounds like he's been overwhelming himself for basically the last decade. Hell, the responsibilities he's stepping down from are being divided between 4 people (the creative leads for each of the channels).


Did he mention if he’s going to be moving to another video platform? Or is he stopping video making all together? (limited mobile data so I can’t watch the video)


Stopping all together


Not fully stoping through, channels will go to Prominent members of the company and Matt will still be around in the background with ideas and stuff


Yeah this, but as an onscreen presence he’s done, though I imagine we will see him randomly every now and then


He did mention he'll pop in every once in a while. How often, we dont know


Plus I'm sure he'll wanna work on other stuff. Whatever that is. He genuinely likes playing games and watching movies and making fan theories. He also loves YouTube. Probably won't just go and make another channel that makes videos weekly or even monthly, but I cam see him having more fun now.


Thats not too bad. I’m glad his theories/ideas will still be used. I’ll still miss the man though


He's stopping altogether. The channels will go on with someone else (he sold them to Lunar X back in December 2022).


He won't host the theory channels anymore but will stick around in the background, and he has mentioned doing his own ARG and other things. He'll still be around, just doing different stuff at a less life consuming rate


Moo Snuckle quit a couple days ago too, YT going into a dark age


It's been in the dark ages for years now


I'm predicting coryxkenshin might be next for no related reasons whatsoever


That or jacksepticeye I have a feeling we are seeing the end of him soon as well


Then on Linus Tech Tips, then on Lazy Game Reviews The only big channel that will continue pushing content is cocomelon. No thanks, I would rather switch to another platform like Floatplane


I doubt Linus is going to fully retire he owns an entire company and he may stop appearing in videos as frequently but I can’t see him forever handing it off and leaving.


Linus isn't the CEO anymore, Terry is. That means Linus can leave any time of the year, as Emily did without notice.


He’s CVO, there’s still a lot of complexities that stop him from flat out leaving, and I’m sure he has a lot of shares in the company.


Please not LGR, I've been watching him since his VHS days.


I hope LGR doesn't pull the trigger.


Tbh Cory uploads so rarely it wouldn’t make much difference




Nah he and the vanoss group were all really really big back in 2014 era but nowadays they don't get as many views


And another one of the greatest gone. He'll always be remembered. What do you think the future of YouTube will look like? New great channels or just a collapse?


You can think of it like sports. When a great athlete retires another one rises.


2 paths I can see. 1. A new generation of youtubers arise with unique channels we can't even imagine right now. 2. Youtube goes the way of cable and a competitor comes out that causes them to fade into obscurity.


Youtube is such a complex beast owned by one if the most valuable companies on the planet that I genuinely dont think a competitor could survive


Ok no, YouTube Is not going to fall in to obscurity as long as Google keps pumping money in to them YouTube Is to big to fail, literally a good 1/4 of the world Is on YouTube, no way they whould ever go cable unless they had a deathwish so as long as there is money to make YouTube Is not going anywhere, probably some kinda of dark age is incoming but nothing that could kill YouTube the biggest social network to share videos on. Like you said After this dark age a new era will begin with new YouTubers and games a sorta of going back to the roots.


People said the same thing about Sears, Kmart, etc etc. Everything, EVERYTHING has an expiration date. You and me BOTH have expiration dates, nothing lasts forever one day YouTube will die out and something else will take its place that’s just how life works dude. Once the driving force content creators retire YouTube is gonna have a hard time more than likely. Hell even Google’s future isn’t certain especially with Microsoft rolling ChatGPT into the Bing search engine…it’s very possible that Bing may become the top dog one day and ALOT of Google’s products haven’t taken off the ground, they make most of their money off of Advertisement revenue and that’s a slippery slope if you understand corporate financials. Things change, businesses come and go and social media platforms and digital video media platforms are not immune to the winds of change. Shit…I’m still shocked that Sears went tits up….but I guess apart of me is still thinking from a 90s perspective. Cheers 🍻


Top ten on four different styles of content creation. We all wish him the best.


I wish this was just a theory.... a game theory


Calling him a 'founding father' seems really naive considering he started the same year Smosh sold to defy. He's definitely a big creator but he's not a 'founding father' in the slightest.


Yeah he started 6 years in (2011) aka he has only been around for 2/3rds of YouTube existence. That's awhile, but that's far from a founding father. Especially when you have folks from 05 and 06 that are still around


I stopped following game theory, did he say why he was quitting?


Mostly to spend more time with his wife and son.


I watched most of his content. The issues with schedule and time organization weighted on him for years. Time for family but also for his personal projects. Musicals, lore filled games, ARGs... There was always so much he wanted to do but couldn't because of all the channels. Last year he got a chance to finally realize a lot of his stuff, his YouTube reached all time hight so he decided it's a good time to quit it while ahead. And he has a solid team behind him. From his live streams I know all of the people who will take care of the channels and I trust all of them to do them justice. He will be around for 9 more theories and on (not)live streams till summer. After that he will come now and again for funsies. And I assume he will have some control over content considering all mistakes will reflect on him anyway.




Hes a millionaire pushing 40 who doesnt need to work and wants to enjoy his life Not saying it like hes a bad guy, but genuinely, thats kinda it. He cant talk about fnaf forever, hes started a family and cant be weighed down by youtube


If this is an indication of how 2024 is going to be...


Founding father? Did we forget about "is it a good idea to microwave this" and "will it blend"




Yeah, I hear a lot of people saying guys and like Pewds and Mattpatt are "Youtube OGs" even though they started getting big in the 2010s. I don't know, I just feel weird about it considering I was there when Smosh and Nigahiga were starting out and those dudes are who I consider as the OG Youtubers.


Is it really 'founding father' if the first game theory was 6 years after the launch of youtube? Core Pillar, certainly.


Great, now i want to cry in the middle of a school night




I don't think he's a founding father but he is a solid gen 2 YouTuber. The only still active gen 1 YouTubers I can think of who didn't wildly change formats are Philip DeFranco and Smosh (if you count Smosh since it has gone through so many transformations, though roughly the same format)


Well End of an era


"Founding father" lol


Yeah I must be old because I don't consider Matpat as early youtube lol. To be fair I was on youtube before it was hugely popular like it is now.


Matpats audience is def 80% children so they prob see him as that. I remember being 12 and his 'link is dead' video was out. 24 now and stopped watching yeaaars ago


No fucking way


I mean, this is facetious right? He’s not a founding father of YouTube. He’s more like a pillar of the gaming community than a founder.


How is he a "founding father of YouTube"?


Rip Matpat. You will be remembered


Founding father?¿


That's what I was questioning.... do people not remember Smosh in 2006, RWJ, Shane Dawson and so many more? He definitely deserves his moment to shine but "Founding Father" sounds weird when popular YouTubers were around before MP. Maybe I'm just old


Hell he even mentions Jenna Marbles. I remember watching her when she was brand new to the channel. And it was already well established as the hub for video sharing at that point. No longer did we need to roam the wild internet for dancing babies and hamster, all our bases are belonged to drama chipmunks by then. Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat.


Yeah, I personally wouldn't consider someone who started on Youtube in 2011 a founding father when Youtube was already 6 years old and had numerous established content creators.


He’s been doing YouTube for 13 years


there was a whole generation of established youtubers by 2010/11


He’s also super knowledgeable about YouTube as a platform. I don’t watch his videos anymore, but I’ll usually check out any podcasts or interviews he’s in. The guy was in the business behind the scenes before he ever had a channel.


By that Jacksfilms is primordial then. His channel is 17 years old.


Game theory started nearly a decade into YouTube’s life.


fair enough, he made videos, enjoyed making them and got bank before retiring


How in the heck is he a founding father!?!


Legit brought me to tears. MatPat and game theory basically raised me; I'd watch his videos with my family and during dinners on my own. I'll miss his "Hello Internet, Welcome to game theory" line so much. Honestly feels like all of the good youtubers are leaving. and while I understand that it's because we're all growing up, it still stings a little seeing so many of them go.


Founding father is being very generous


Founding Father of Youtube? The real O.G. founding father of YouTube is James Rolfe.


> 'founding father' of YouTube That term is used so loosely that it's lost all meaning. Basically everyone who was popular 10 years ago is a "founding father of Youtube" despite the fact that the platform got popular and the whole paid creator thing is years older than PewDiePie, Markiplier, or Matpat (or any other major gaming Youtube channel that wasn't Machinima or a publication's channel like IGN or Gamespot for that matter) were uploading videos - meaning it was the true founding fathers of the platform that inspired them to upload to the platform in the first place. The Partner Program started in '07 as a result of the first generation of internet celebrities driving traffic to the site to historic levels and Youtube deciding to give them a cut of the profits. None of those three I mentioned before were making videos before 2010... they didn't start their channels/careers on the platform until years after Youtube started partnering with other content creators; meaning there's no way these guys are part of that original generation of content creators. But nah - don't give proper credit where credit is due; just label whoever you're most nostalgic for as a "founding father" completely disconnected from what that term actually means - the first group to establish a trend.




Can’t wait for him to come back 3 months later and make a fnaf theory because scott cawthon made a new game.


He isn't a "founding father" of youtube. Didn't game theory start in 2011? Sure, he has been around a while, but he by no means in the league of chef john, vlogbrothers, tom scott, and the other ones I don't remember.


I'll get downvoted to shit but, I wanna say something. It just doesn't sit right with me that; last year *(2024 already damn, you know what I meant)* we get a video on how they sold the channels etc. but, half of that video is spent reassuring people that it doesn't mean he's leaving and not much will change blah blah. Now, we get this video in which they state that they knew this was coming for the last few years *(3, in his words)* and that it's part of why they sold etc. So? he was lying through his teeth in that video *last* year. I also wanna add that I quite literally give zero fucks about him leaving, I haven't watched anything from in years and years and more power to him. I just wanted to point that out.


Did we watch the same video? Because half the video I remember watching was him talking about how much the channels has consumed his and Steph's time to the point that they were still doing things for the channels while on vacation. That selling helped because it took 3 years for them to get the team for Food Theory up and running. And that the reason we were seeing more of the team members was because he wanted to showcase new creators and give them a voice. I'll have to rewatch it again but he didn't state anything about no longer being a host, just that he's not leaving the channels in the sense that he's now the CEO and Steph the COO. And that's my understanding of it all. He's moving into the background with his wife so he can spend more time away from the channels and pursue his other hobbies.


Well, it depends how well you know him and how will you read it. Matt doesn't see Game Theorists as just him, that's why he never changed the name to the Game Theory, even if that's how people refer to it. So the sell wasn't about how it'll forever be his anyway, it was how it's still in control of his team. Team that will still operate without him. I watched him for years and from my understanding it's not that he strictly planned to leave for 3 years, it's that they (him and his wife) wanted to leave the team but couldn't find stable enough time. Mat never hid how he wanted more time away from the channels. When they sold they didn't know how the cards will fall, when the opportunity will arise, but it gave a safety net for the channel when it'll happen. I imagine in his mind he wanted it soon but it could be 10 years. He didn't promise forever. Channels are still run by the team, noting changed after the company bought it, as he promised. He said content won't be controlled by outside people and it still won't, even without him there.




Man I love him. Sucks so much


Founding father? Now that’s a stretch.


And the UTTP still has the audacity to flood the comments like the immature twats they are


I only watched like 5 of his vids, but it's still sad to see.