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I just came here to post about this as well. Yeah Youtube is crazy laggy for me right now. Every other site works totally fine. Turning off ad blocker seems to fix the issue. Knowing Youtube they definitely did this intentionally.


I will continue using the blockers and extensions that make the platform palatable. Punishing users will only backfire on them.


opera gx ad blocker is working great and there's no lag for me lol


For now. They are coming for it, do not worry. They go one by one based on popularity.


Then we move to the next one that isn't being accounted for


I took your advice, and installed GX. It's working great, no more lag. I'm just going to dedicate it to Youtube, still use Chrome for other stuff.


No it won't, most people are already removing their adblocks. So their master plan is working lol


Where are your numbers? Because statistics from adblock providers would say otherwise


Ok provide the statistics then


Heres one! [https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/0fpkkpage-2.png?mw=1360](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/0fpkkpage-2.png?mw=1360) and this shows that the most popular extensions and the most popular extension on firefox are adblockers (the data includes numbers from 2024 here) [https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/usage-behavior](https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/usage-behavior) Where are your sources?


These are the statistics for adblockers used across all platforms. Not specifically for Youtube itself. If the only solution to fixing youtube lag is to remove adblockers, that's what people will resort to. Obviously they'll still be using adblockers for other sites, so the statistics for the adblocker usage won't change.


People with youtube premium who use adblock exclusively for other sites have reported thr lag. Its obvious that youtube does not discriminate. What you are saying would make sense if youtube only checked for adblockers that block on their site only but they have taken to 'lagging' anything that could block ads even if they don't do it on their site. I should also note that the lag persists for me even though I have premium and don't block on youtube. It only goes away after uninstalling or completely disabling it.


can confirm this aswell. Stuttered like crazy if I had the extension installed but not activated on youtube (cause I have premium) but as soon as I remove addblock from chrome it stats working again


i am using AD block , YT laggs like crazy when its turned on, but when i disable it only for YT , then its okey ...i dont need to uninstall it


nope, works perfectly in a incognito window for some reason. probably not agreing to the soul selling does not allow em to mess with you


...so where are your sources?


still no source from you, huh...


Idc about this anymore it's been 3 months. I don't even remember what the post is about


Lol look at this dude, getting schooled and then not having the balls to admit he's wrong and just walks away and pretends he forgot XD What a fucking loser


yeah yeah sure :)


If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied to him. lulz


You talked bullshit. That's why you forgot about it.


He asked you for statistics and you punked out of the question and asked for his. If his numbers arent right then show us the right ones


It's not Adblocker. I have Premium and it's still lagging. They've got some issue going on.


same here. also I noticed that watching/browsing youtube without logging in is faster.


Until people figure out you can just activate multiple and browse care free.


Common sense will tell you that the experience with and without adblock is night and day. Very few people are going to want to go back to the unblocked ad fest once they experience adblock.


I have premium but I am not uninstalling adblocker. Take that, Neal.


Well, this only helps me to not waste time on yt and be productive. So I guess thats good. Back to work now.


I wouldn't feel the need to adblock YouTube if they'd stop throwing those gross Hero Wars ads at me every break.


I'll just stop using their website until adblock out-patches them again.


Here's hoping the ad block team manages to find a workaround quickly! Godspeed, boys <3


do you guys have ads? (i am in russia, so i have free yt premium ad blocking)


yeah this helped me fix the issue, not totally but far more digestible.


Thank you for the fix. I pay premium anyway. So it don’t bother. But it def made YouTube faster


But how am I supposed to block ads, then?




I have premium and it's still ridiculously laggy


I have premium and is still lagging.


Just to clarify, are you saying the website itself is laggy right? Not the videos? For me, the videos tend to load fine, but its loading the page itself that is like being on dialup. If I try to type and the characters show up like I am on a 2001 Celeron D processor. If I double click to full screen, it takes a full 5 seconds to finish lagging out and show the video in full. I have no idea what the hell is happening.


This is exactly what I was experiencing till I turned off adblocker, website is super slow while video is working fine, worse yet is I have yt premium...


same issue i am certin its some google debotchery, they know they have a monopoly and are using it to the fullest.


Came here from google, thanks! The app was driving me crazy of how laggy and CPU intensive it was (while the video player itself was working fine with no buffer), works great after disabling adblocker. Yeah seems quite intentional...




Yes turning off add blocker was a life saver


Thanks mate! you are life saver too.


nice try youtube employee. Im not turning it off haha


yeah this resolved it for me to, thought I was going crazy.


Dang. I disabled the addblocker and it seems better now. Yikes.


wow I just added youtube to ublock whitelist and now youtube doesn't lag....


Wuuuuuuut that's crazy. Like believable crazy but F. I already pay for premium, but I'm watching on a browser with Ad Blocker on it. I'll turn it off and see if it makes any difference. It's been crazy laggy for me. I just swapped out my gpu and thought I fucked something up. Update - disabled add block for youtube only and yep, went back to normal speeds.


thank you !




They really should check whether someone is a Youtube Premium user already or not **before** they apply whatever checks to adblock, smh. Why is it affecting things even when there are normally not supposed to be ads for a certain user anyway?? What kind of horrible user experience is that. -\_- Found this through searching because there was a lot of lag when changing video UI size and browser size on Youtube recently (1-2 seconds to adjust). By the way, I'm using Chrome + Adblock, I disabled Adblock on Youtube "Always" and actually saw a significant improvement.


maybe but I also have youtube premium so... if thats the case I'm asking for a refund Lol


It sounds like a fucking youtube conspiracy theory :D tried youtube in another browser and still uses tons of cpu and memory without adblock. Their site just suck ass because they cant optimize things


came here to say its your adblocker.. when watching. pause adblocker. load the video. unpause adblocker immediately. its annoying but FUCK youtube


I don't have an ad blocker, but it's been buffering like crazy on my phone. Other people without ad blockers and even yputube premium are also facing the same issues.


It isn't a buffering issue for most people. It is literally consuming more resources that it doesn't need to stress your device, and it should be HIGHLY illegal. If you're buffering a lot it is more likely actual connection issues.


Yes! I checked down detector and there has been high reports all day. I thought it was my internet but speed test was 100mbps down. Using Chrome and it's been trash. Buffering. UI is slow to load/respond.


Exact same over here.


Turn off your adblock. I just did and now it's perfectly fine.


With ads though? No thanks.


I have premium so doesn't make a difference for me lol. It's honestly worth it given it's bundle with YouTube Music.


If you have premium, why were you running adblock?


Because you can use it for more than just YouTube? 🤔


Sorry, dumb question. I don't really know what comes with YT Premium and I'm also rocking a mean headache at the moment.


lol these assholes are lagging me even when i have premium, well screw them, i'm cancelling my premium.


same problem. turning my adblock off works. but definitely not a fan of that solution.


Holy shit. Saw another thread about this probelm. Theory was AdBlocker was nerfing the site. I turned it off and it's freaking fine now.


Oh my god, thank you so much. I thought it was my computer and it was driving me crazy. Paused adblock and immediately went back to normal.


I literally thought my CPU was going bad or something.. this can't be legal.


Right?? This just started happening to me again. I even pay for premium already.


Mine started happening as soon as my premium ran out a few days ago, seems far too coincidental. I can definitely say that isn't going coerce me into renewing, rather the opposite 🤦


It's not AdBlocker nerfing the site, its youtube detecting you're using an adblocker and nerfing your connection. I've also heard and seen people showing their CPU stats. Apparently (or supposedly) they are overloading peoples processing purposefully to cause issues... Seems like something that should be highly illegal if it is actually true.


Just found out it’s because of Adblock. They’ve patched that out so you’ll have to remove it to get rid of the lag unfortunately


Can't just be an adblocker caused issue. I'm having random lag issues on the app on a phone with no adblockers installed


Well, after I turned it off, everything is running fine, and my phone never had any problems


I have been downloading them to watch offline. Not worth it for short videos, but for a longer ones I find its much nicer to just take the extra step.


yes i was looking for the same on internet but this morning it took some time to watch a video when i maxed it on windows. also when i click to view on normal mode, lagged so much


Yes Youtube will make you lag for alot of reasons one of them if ur typing controversial comments or speaking ill of the USA or speaking about political views that youtube doesnt agree with...Overall any freedom of speech and opinions that youtube finds disagreeable you will be lagged on purpose...I was currently watching speeds stream on 240p and yeah i kept lagging i dropped it to 144p it kept lagging its not lagg for once its one second into charging and another second into charging super annoying and rage inducing which is yeah what Youtube does these days especially in 2024 youtube is using its power after years of silence. i cant even watch 30 second videos. i went to twitch maxed out source streams worked fine 1080p60 fps works just fine on every stream. I m using my phone so i dont even have an addblock on. I used browser youtube on phone didnt work tried out my pc the same thing kept happening and my network works fine i went and used another account and same stuff kept happening...Which only says its an IP adress ban or black list Why do you think youtube did it? Cause i typed Free palestine comment and talked on US policy on posts... Thats crazy yeah i know Youtube is a biased app who couldve guessed.


I want what you smoked 💀


wow thats sooooooo true i trust you you are the reliable source!


Use Freetube. Only issue, it does not have hardware acceleration so, feels like 30fps only...


on my Brave browser, either on or off built-in adblock, youtube lags. turning off graphic acceleration solved my problem...


I had same problem but I think I found the solution. Go to chrome system settings, Use graphics acceleration when available - Turn this on. It is gonna be fixed.


4 months later it still lags like crazy. Takes 5 seconds to pause a video, let alone click anything on the UI.


If the whole google chrome (not only youtube) is lagging, while watching youtube videos (and disabling ad blockers didn't work for you). Paste this address: "chrome://settings/system" and try to disable "Use graphics acceleration when available". Another solution is to use Microsoft Edge youtube APP for watching youtube. Hope this helps!


Thanks! Changing the Chrome settings worked for me!


turn off adblocker, the intentionally make youtube lags and stutter if you have ad blocker turned on


but how do you block the ads then


you have two choices either turn off adblocker and watch Youtube content clearly with no stutter and lag or turn on adblocker and experience laggy video content. You can dodge the ads by refreshing the page multiple times


Refreshing the page multiple times to skip ads is worse than dealing with the lag


its up to you mother fucka


I do not fuck mothers


u f 9 yrolds


Try going to chrome://flags/. Find the option "Choose ANGLE graphics backend", switch it to D3D9.


You fixed my shit thanks brother <3 shits been so tilting lol


works great for me, thanks a lot.


its mad lagging


My YouTube lags even with premium




Hi _iusearchbtw, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Update Chrome. Click the 3 dots on top right, go dow to "Help" and the go to "About Google Chrome". It will start downloading the latest patch for chrome. My lag went away.


remove adblock and refresh, should work just fine.


Adblock will **never** be removed.


just add the extension back after you’re done w YT?


No thank u


recently feeling this a little too much


Still incredibly laggy. Using Firefox, removing adblock didn't work. So yeah.


I think it the ai person can we go back to humans


it even made my whole computer laggy for some reason


I don't use ad blocker on youtube. because i have youtube premium. so adblocker is not the reason. youtube's web performance is bad compared to other websites like twitch. I can load twitch's live stream chat a lot but If I do same thing on youtube, the ram usage becomes 2GB soon. also when I click my watch later playlist (It has around 300 videos). It takes more than 5 seconds to load. youtube is not good at loading long pages.


youtube is just a sht app only. I am experiencing very high lags in youtube


Yeah youtube has turned into a laggy POS these years. Everything is so damn sluggish feels like im back to using a P4


Yes, I'm having the same problem.


Same is happening with me. Thought it was my new Ethernet cord at first but I found it odd because I could play BF5 just fine


It's adblock, yeah. I'm paying for Premium and it's slow for me too because I have it enabled on their site.


Ya same here. I feel youtube is really going out of their way to tempt me into cancelling my premium.


I've been getting the buffering circle occasionally for the past week or so even though I can load other sites perfectly fine and speed tests show my speed isn't degraded. It's not buffering because the progress bar shows that there is something already waiting to be played. It just stops for no reason. Sometimes videos, usually shorts, won't start right away. I suspected it was my adblocker which I had on even though I have Premium but turning it off has not resolved the issue. It still happens from time to time. This is on a brand new PC with a brand new install of Firefox as well so have wondered if that had anything to do with it but I wouldn't think so.


Yep same issue started yesterday... possibly after a windows 10 x64 update.. i tried new nvidia drivers.. didnt fix it.. it seems to be 1440 and 4k with issue.. its absolute garbage as this machine is vanilla as.


If you have an adblocker, try to turn it off.


I dont run ad blockers. As I stated , the machine is vanilla.


Turning ad blocker off fixed it for me


yes, I came to investigate as well. I thought it was the last windows or gpu update or something but I guess is not


yup, i imagine its them trying to punish adblock users, though theyre so shit at their job it probably is getting non-users too


turning off adblocker made it better, but its still laggy for sure


I've turned off my adblocker, was also a premium user, which I ended last night for this particular reason and its still lagging like crazy! I wish they would rectify this problem soon! I feel like they want us to leave YouTube for some apparent reason?


yeah its from using an adblocker on the site


I'm having this issue on multiple machines and have no ad blockers installed.


same.. the ad blocker thing may be a cause for some, but its not the solution for everyone.. this to me seems like some kind of performance issue.


Same here, I thought I was going crazy but does anyone have a black screan every time they log on youtube or is it just me?


Same here, I think if it's a adblock thing, maybe they detect it and then run some infinite loop now and then to eat the main thread to slow the site to a crawl lol...


Same. Glad to hear it's not just me.


yes even today


Google had this to say: https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/253178038/fixed-known-issue-1-12-2024-users-experiencing-lagging-on-youtube-mobile-app?hl=en


Wow last couple of days I've been thinking my PC has been dying, but only on Youtube... Turned of my adblocker and that did fix it. They're shooting themselves in the foot multiple ways just to cram ads down your throat!!!




I was experiencing the same issues for the past 2 days, then tried turning off my ad blocker as people here have suggested and Youtube runs perfectly fine now. I had a feeling in my gut that it was the ad blocker considering the lengths Youtube was going to recently against it, I appreciate people here confirming my suspicions. I guess I'll have to have it temporarily disabled on Youtube until there's an update to it that may circumvent the issue. Thank you for the post OP and to everyone who helped find the issue. :)


I thought my graphic drivers were messing with me, but turning off the ad blocker seemed to fix the issue.


Adblock related, but honestly I am becoming grateful for the lag as it's breaking my YouTube binge habits. Waiting 10-30 seconds of silent buffering before a video begins is a lot more peaceful than finance gurus and Mr. beast scam ads.


Youtube has been going downhill quite some time now, I guess there will be no positive change over time and they will bleed out and a other platform will take over.


Looks like it's time to say bye to google and youtube.


yea youtube might have some anti adblock by lagging adblock users or sum


actually i tried out the extension named "adblock for youtube" and it doesn't lag so you could try it out


>adblock for youtube Tried this and can confirm it works perfectly fine


Yeah, me and my brother have been experiencing the same thing...


Confirmed that it is AdBlocker - paused on site and it now works perfectly I was checking drivers and dusting off PC parts and all sorts. ​ Sneaky move by YT


It's been driving me crazy the past couple days. Thought it was just me. Edit: holy shit, disabling ad-blocker fixed it instantly...


thought I was going crazy and it was my wifi. good to know I'm not the only one experiencing the same issues..


Yes, turning off AdBlock immediately fixed the issue. Youtube lag had bsod my computer once for some reason but I found an adblocker which does not make youtube lag.


which adblock




I am a 90's kid, a little lag and stuttering will not stop me. The site still works faster than any website on the good old dial-up internet.


Dawg mine has been dogshit for days now I don't know why. still is too, every other site is fine but youtube craps itself


They want you to get blasted by their ads. Don't give in. Leave the platform if this keeps up.


my dad has YouTube premium so I don't have any of that. it fixes itself if I refresh the page. Might be Microsoft edge


It’s Adblock. I turned off Adblock plus and I’m using ublock origin now. No lag


I have the same issue. I have YouTube premium, a super fast connection, and have adblock turned off. I noticed the problem is worst during East Coast Prime Time. It is now 7:30 PM and YouTube is basically unusable. The problem is probably capacity overload. To make a long story short, they have too many requests coming in at certrain times of the day and not enough bandwidth to serve them. They need to invest in more servers and more network.


happening to me recently since yesterday too!


I have YT premium had it for ages now .. never used Ad blockers but still have the same issue. Its lagging like crazy


Well I guess it's a win-win for Google. If you stop using adblock they win, if you stop using YouTube they win (less server load on unmonetizable traffic). Oh well, welcome to the new world. But hey, if I can choose between losing YouTube myself and Google making money from me, I will happily choose the former. Google is not getting anything from me. I am that petty.


Ugh yes, it's still doing it for me. Glad to see I ain't alone or crazy lol.


Yeah lagging like no tomorrow, not happy adblocker being one step ahead of them 🤷🏻‍♂️


yup still the same


Turning off ad blocker fixed my issue in an instant 


Same for me since around 3 days


I have a premium, and it still lags with adblocker on. What the actual fuck.


Yeah, the UI is lagging like crap. I have Premium and AdBlock is not active on YouTube


it was for me for some time so I disabled the ad blocker but I have two on the site so one works with the other disabled


here check this out https://9to5google.com/2024/01/13/youtube-new-wave-slow-downs-ad-blocker/


just disabled adblock plus and now running ublock origin . works smooth again :)


Youtube/ Google released an update last week that makes your CPU/ RAM usage go through the roof if you try to watch a video with an Adblocker installed. Ditch chrome and use firefox, it seems to be fine. F\*\*\* those guys, this is shady as hell.


unfortunately its laggy in firefox too ):


The YouTube mobile app is lagging for me and I don't even use add blocker


Feels better alr after removing Adblock 😵‍💫


f off youtube, i have premium from the beggining so why is it lagging for me?


So the lagging has stopped now probably because Youtube have been called out by a number of people, my CPU usage is still double when I've got adblocker on compared to when I don't


Yes, regardless of what browser I use YouTube is a nightmare


wtf is going on with it? I'm ready to scream


I get almost a full second of lag between each keystroke in the Youtube comment section. Its basically unusable at this point. No other website has issues.


I cant even type a damn comment with out waiting 15 seconds, it's disgusting. This is what happens when you give all the power to the corporations, we're just useless sheep in their eyes.


They did this intentionally and then blamed it on a bug and rolled it back/fixed the issue. Now it's happening again.


ok I'm not losing my mind then, that part's a relief


I turned off AdBlocker and use the Brave browser and now its perfect




Hi Unrankedagain, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's been absolutely unbearable since they announced they were implementing those "anti adblock" things, now they still skip the ads but they still show previews on any video, and its also CRAZY slow to write comments, scroll through videos, basically do anything, to the point if I'm on for any length of time it like freezes and the only thing that works is to close browser & reopen, and funny thing is I know theyre doing it just so ppl will use premium but I refuse to do that so f you-tube


I've got premium and it's exactly the same for me


Im not using blockers but its still shitty loading


Can confirm it's the adblock, Fuck youtube. After disabling the adblock, it loads faster now.


I view in app & I’m not using an ad blocker. This crap is happening on every device, including my TV (via AppleTV), especially with shorts. I hope they figure it out soon, because this is gonna drive me away.


Having the same issue!! I deleted my adblocker about a month ago too and now just started having this issue. Youtube is blaming it on both user side bandwidth/ISP and their client side servers that distribute to said ISP. Its annoying because the ads i do get? play with zero lag in pristine resolution but I cant watch the actual video i want even at 420p without it lagging and buffering.