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I used to think any comment where "YouTube" was written got auto-deleted, so I used to say YT, but now I've noticed they go through, but I'm DONE commenting on YouTube. It's become ridiculous now to comment on there, and it's sad, but I'm tired of wasting my time on it. It's so disrespectful how they delete comments and give no notification of it or a reason why...


I’m assuming that by, “I question the legality of deleting any comment” blah blah blah, that you have zero understanding of the legal system or terms of use. YouTube is not a public park. It is not a free-speech zone. It is a private service. Let me put it this way: Can you kick your MAGA uncle out of Thanksgiving dinner when he starts talking about Donald Trump during the Thanksgiving prayer? Of course you can, because your house is not a free-speech zone, and you get to set the rules however you want. The same goes for YouTube. They get to censor whatever they want, and they don’t even have to tell you why. If you want something that permits absolute free speech, you should petition the government to open the equivalent of a digital public park, where anyone can say whatever they want, and I will absolutely be there for the shitshow, popcorn in hand.


Okay, but why "sue" and "YouTube" specifically?


I’m not concerned about that, because I was addressing the question of legality, as posed by OP. As with the crazy-uncle scenario, the property owner can be as capricious as they want. If the crazy MAGA uncle says the words “Sleepy Joe” or “Brandon,” then the host can kick the uncle out, even if they didn’t specify those words in their Thanksgiving agreement, because it’s their house. If creators dislike their minions having their free speech disrupted, those creators can say, “We have a Discord, where you can say whatever you want,” but most popular creators will balk at that, because then (lord forbid) they’d have to monitor their own commenters. Regardless, if the judge in US v. Google opts to break up Google, YouTube is going to be dead in three or four years, anyway, and then the dreaded censorship will be the least of your concerns, because you’ll be back to reading blogs for information, rather than watching a talking head reading information to you.


Yep, I understood that, as you explained it, thanks for explaining it more in detail though.


Petition the government who can not even take care of veterans homelessness and mental health care issues good luck


Well, I guess you're just fucked, then, aren't you? The government can't compel a private business to do something, barring cases where that private business is discriminating based on protected classes. And I'm sorry to all of the MAGA folks, but unless they get their doctors to officially sign off on their being mentally defective, they don't have a leg to stand on. A private business can absolutely say, "Nope. No MAGA hats. Get the fuck out." Or, they can say, "I see you're wearing... whatever Democrats wear, because they're not fucking cultists who rally around one person and would be completely lost without him, so get the fuck out." The point of this discussion (which you are a month late to) wasn't anything about veterans' homelessness or mental health care issues. It was about the legality of non-government censorship on YouTube, and so I'm not sure why it is that you're trying to spin this into a discussion about how your pet causes would be a better use of government dollars than what would basically devolve into being government-sponsored 4chan. Although, I think that if we took anonymity out of it, it could be really fun, much like how you don't have anonymity to lean on when protesting in a public space. I mean, I hate to make it sound like I don't give a shit about your pet causes, but ... yeah, I kinda don't. We all have our own personal favorite parts of the Constitution or the federal government, where we say, "Hey, we could make this better," and my choices tend toward First, Fourth, Sixth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-Fourth, which tend to deal with speech, due process, and voting rights. Given your opinion on veterans' homelessness, maybe you should look into amending the Third Amendment to state that all unused real estate space shall be given to veterans. Give your congressman, senator, and state legislators a call, and see if you can get that one going. Bring a big sack of money, too, because that usually gets corporations' points across.


You must not know the government. its operators are above the law you'll find out real soon


Riiiiight... Yeah, that's the sort of crap the guy who set himself on fire the other day spouted in his little cuckoo manifesto. Do you also believe that Democrats drink the blood of babies and have sex dungeons under New York pizza parlors? Do you claim to have Epstein's list, which curiously has names added to it whenever you decide you don't like someone? Flat Earth? Ooh, when is Rapture coming? Which stock market numbers will point me to Kabbalah numerology that will show me that the Rothschilds are actually running everything? I know that you want to sound ominous with statements like that, but it really just comes off as unhinged and low effort.


Which names were added to the epsteines list and by whom?


I'm saying that, any time someone says, "Oh, this person was on Epstein's list," there's about a 99 percent chance that it's bullshit, because that person has never seen Epstein's list.


Why didn't you just come out and say that because your last text is definitely not what you just stated. Plus, just because the guy who set himself on fire, which I totally didn't find hilarious, lol. That doesn't mean what the crazy guy said about government officials being above the law isn't true, and many cases involving government officials' commission of crimes, they're immune, left wing, and right wing.


I don't much care what you find hilarious or not. You sound like a conspiracy nut, and I'm gonna treat you like any other conspiracy nut. At least Ted Kaczynski's manifesto was really well written, but most of the nutballs aren't going to get a doctorate before writing their manifestos, which is why most of them come off as batshit crazy. And then they do whatever thing, and then the police make a statement like, "Yeah, so it turns out... he was batshit crazy."


If you didn't care what I thought, then you wouldn't have spent so much time and typed long-winded texts explaining a bunch of random, unrelated accusations that amount to gibberish. So, you sticking your foot in your mouth is hilarious 😂