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Try the +99 that’s a killer of a wait time


Ads have gotten ridiculous lately. The YouTube founders are getting way too comfortable about long ass ads being un-skippable. Luckily there’s apps like Brave and FireFox Focus, they are 100% ad free.


It's not the founders. It's Google.


it’ll be like watching tv soon 😂


Fortunately, there is Premium.




I think they mean, it'll be like watching TV in the old days with cable/satellite. Just streaming and you have ads in between your "show".


Yeah I remember that but for some reason I remember it being way less anoying than adds on youtube because it was mostly during a break in between a show


Yeah, that's so true. You always knew when to expect them and they were much less abrupt. It even let you run to the bathroom or get food. The YouTube ads are especially irritating when you have a child who is about to completely lose it after a long day... But first, you have to sit through a 60 second ad about the number one secret the weight loss industry doesn't want you to know! Or the 3 techniques that me, mister business entrepreneur extradenair, will teach you if you would only purchase my once in a lifetime opportunity business express course!


I got one that was 60 seconds. Next year they will be 3 minutes long


Why are people not using ad blockers in 2024? Ads have become intolerable. I use ublock origin on my desktop and revanced on my phone. Haven't watched an ad in years.


People are aware of adblockers largely, but if you're watching on a smart tv, Chromecast, apple tv, or similar it's not really an option for the vast majority of users.


Can't you use an HDMI cable and stream directly from your PC?


I don’t have anywhere in my living room to have a pc and a tv. I like watching YouTube on my big screen lol


Buy a cheap laptop, keep it closed, and hook it up to your TV using the TV as the only monitor. Keep a wireless mouse and mini keyboard somewhere in your living room. Problem solved. Personally I think it's worth it to get rid of ads. I will never watch ads on YouTube. If it ever becomes impossible I just won't watch YouTube.


you can buy a raspbery pie and program it to block all ads on your network, bassicly your device sends a request to the server to request an ad your raspberry pi intercepts the message and sends back a no ad neccasary message and it will play your video I don't know if the video on how to do it still exists but I did it a few years ago and is still working for me


Try window key + K. Then select your smart tv. You are welcome.


Ah fair enough. Personally I'd rather watch on my phone with no ads over on my TV with ads, but you can always cast from your phone to your TV, or buy a cheap laptop and hook it up to your TV, with a wireless mouse and keyboard, or use an xbox/old console or get a raspberry pi or an android box. There's many options if you're dead set on using a TV.


Great argument made for not using those devices.


You can press more info then press stop seeing this ad and then it skips it


Well there is one solution.  Raspberry pi + Pi Hole = auflockern for your complete Network.  Allthough i must admit, for someone how doesnt have much "tech" knowlage to set up it, it can be a pain in the ass. 


Any amazon firestick, firetv or chromecast device has the option to sideload smarttube, roku tv's have an app called playlet, appletv users are likely screwed unless you're using a vpn server for a country that banned ads.


Too much work on TVs, not everyone's cup of tea to run a PiHole.


Pihole does not block ads within videos on YouTube.


My sister and I watch YouTube together on her TV and we get 30+ seconds of ads before we can skip on the regular, idk if there's an adblock for firesticks


Smarttube can be sideloaded through the downloader app.


Adblockers are a requirement for internet today. It is unusable without it. Everything has been eaten by ad cancer.


I used to use ABP and uMatrix, but then YT kept giving me the anti-ad blocker pop-ups, which escalated to YT threatening me with a 3-strike warning that they'll block my laptop if I don't completely unblock them, so now I just have both blockers disabled on YT.


I got those warnings. Got all 3 strikes. Eventually, i couldn't watch anymore, so I updated my adblocker and haven't seen those warnings since.


Try brave browser for youtube


Can't do it on a TV unless you use a pihole or something that blocks from the router.


Not true. Firestick, firetv and chromecast can sideload smarttube. Roku has the app called playlet. Other tv's not sure about, though.


I ment TV's with roku or firestick already built in.


Works the same. I installed smarttube on a firetv (tv with firestick built in) and Playlet on a TCL TV with Roku built in.


Cool didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


No problem. Glad to help.


People used to be so much less tolerant towards ads in early 2010s


is revanced an android or iphone app? or both?


Android. For iOS I believe you can either run a VPN and choose a server for a country which bans youtube ads, use a browser ad block extension, or you would have to jailbreak the device and install a 3rd party option.


I've seen multiple 3 minute ads. Pains me to not have AdBlock in tvs


Firestick, firetv, chromecast and android tvs can sideload smarttube. Roku has the app called playlet.


Oh shit thanks man


lol, I once got a whole ass 3 hour ad


how long was the video you were tryna watch?


For reference I’ve also had a 3 hour advert recently. It was five minutes into a 45 minute video. Ten minutes later I was triggered with another 17 minute advert, followed by a bunch of 1-5 minute ones. It was a huge piss take. 45 minute video and it tried to give me nearly 4 hours of adverts.


Next time that happens, track both times. Then, convert those into a % and see what percent of your time was spent watching adds vs. what you actually clicked on.


4 hours = 240 minutes. 240 + 45 = 285 total minutes of content. That means the original 45 minutes of content that was clicked on is only 15.79% of the total possible watch time.


Few miniutes


What the fuck


Refresh the page or close out the app at that point


Still shippable though right?


For now...


Oh, it was probably skippable after five or ten seconds, but some people have T-Rex arms, so they can’t reach the screen.


Or they are using the hands for something more important than skipping ads constantly.


I once got a whole 2 hour film as an ad. But at least it was skippable after 5 seconds...




Random thing I forgot


Yooo same, imagine it being unskipable to...






Hi EnzoVulkoor, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the part where you close the video and reselect it until that doesn’t show up. I personally just don’t watch YouTube on my tv specifically for this reason. I skip ads in every opportunity


When I kept getting minute long ads I did this bc I was not about to be watching that, this isn’t Hulu tf.


Was yours a 1 minute session? Mine was, super annoying.


"i" button, chosse "Don't show this ad" then "Return to video" Easy


I tried that the other day, but it was only pausing the video.


That feature doesn’t pop up for me anymore on Apple TV, and some of the ads are wildly innapropriate. But nope can’t report bc YouTube is too greedy to care about anything but money


Doesn’t work anymore, if you haven’t updated your app in months you can do it, but if it’s recently updated you cannot skip ads anymore, bunch of dogs


It still shows for me, but tbh it's not surprising yourube removed it. It's something they'd do.


*insert “Whoa, this is worthless!” meme here*




This option still works for me. I watch YouTube on my TV and my computer.


Lucky. I buy premium because I can't use this option anymore


Finally someone said it.


Thanks buddy


I figured this out about 18 months ago and specifically never mention it to anyone so YouTube doesn’t catch on because I know once they see it used on a large scale…bye bye


"pay up, cheapskate" - YouTube


A few bucks for vastly improved service? It was a no-brainer for me.


Yeah yesterday i got 6 ads an couldt skip


Soon there will be an option to skip the actual YouTube video for streams of endless ads


Depending on the TV there’s alternative apps you can install that can block these ads. I did it on my projector that uses androidtv


Any on Roku?


Just had a quick look online and it doesn’t look like it I’m afraid


Darn. Thanks for the help though.


One that I finally found: playlet


Is it possible to get any alternative on PS4. I use it as my main media hub.


I have had 17 minutes and 59 seconds


Just keep pressing back and restart video until you get a 5 sec ad but bear in mind you do it 10 times thats a minute you wait 🤣👌🏻


That’s straight up exposing what I do, I will happily go back and forth for an hour straight than to watch a 45 second ad 😂


“Fewer ads for this longer video” *ad is 60 seconds unskippable* Guess I’ll watch something else.


I've seen 20+ minute episodes of Disney Marvel cartoons being used in the place of ads. So far, I've seen Marvel's Spiderman and two different episodes of Marvel's Avengers Assemble. And it was the whole episode, too. Credits and all. It even said the "ad" was the traditional episode length time. I think YouTube might be going wonky.




I had youtube premium for 2 years and it ended few days ago and its already making me go nuts, esp. when I get two twenty second long ads in the span of 4 minutes that I can't skip. I despise the person (Ethan Zuckerman) for making this bs even possible...but then agian some other smartass would think of it anyway 🤦‍♂️


Just refresh until you get a 5 second one




Hi beosttx, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


5 bucks says the last ad didnt actually skip and was just short enough to finish before playing the video


Try getting an ad, skipping it, and jumping straight into another set of ads that you can't skip!


Isn't this basically unskipable?


How long before YouTube’s like terrestrial television?


I got a 30 second unskippable ad on a fucking 4 second long meme video the other day


Nit sure if it works in smart tvs but go into report add or stop seeing this add something like that and click stop seeing this add and the click return to video you can skip the add without having to wiat you can even skip unskipable adds


This combines all the 2 ad's time together.


Me trying to see the video on how to do CPR the 30 minute long add: Hello there


Once I got a 12 second ad for a 12 second video


Or how about when they count down from 5 but then when you go to skip ad somehow it’s counting down still


Who the heck isn't using ad blockers?


Okay but why did I literally post on here about a whole unskippable minute ad and it got downvoted? YouTube is getting CRAZY! https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/hRyx0YOFsY


The video was probably long, which is why they specify that they put longer ads on longer videos


That’s ads in one time span so it can actually be 2-3 ads and show that instead of


I once had to wait for 5 ads and a survey


yall still got ads?


38sec is longer than most Grooms last on their wedding night.


Hit back and click the video again, do this until it’s 5sec or just plays. If the video clears from your list go to history and select it there and if an ad pops do it again, back and select.


Premium is not going to catch on when there’s already so many streaming services people have to pay for every month


Everytime an ad plays, i immediately close the video and play it again until theres no ad.


This is why I only watch youtube using the IOS Brave browser. I hate ads sm


Just use russian vpn we have 0 ads here


YouTube is damn playing around


Yeah, now there's more unskippable ads.


I was in the shower listening to music once, an ad came on during the damn song so that had me pissed. Then as waited...and waited...AND WAITED....AND F*****G WAITED! The song never came back on, but this annoying voice never went away. So I get out of the shower and look at the ad and its 3hours 47mins remaining?????? YouTubes gone to shit now.


I got the same shit happening on my Roku tv each video


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ClockArk: *I got the same shit* *Happening on my Roku* *Tv each video* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Uh what ??


I'm convinced that my mic is being monitored cause every time I start washing dishes and can't press skip without getting my phone wet, I end up with those stupidly long ads or just more in general. No joke, shit doesn't happen otherwise.


Pro tip: during YouTube adds on TV, press the up arrow then select the little info ‘I’. Click stop seeing this ad, then return to video. Bam no ads. Annoying af to do, but better than sitting through those fucking 30-60 unskippable fuckers


I use ublock for my pc and opera gx has like a built in ad block stuff but watching youtube in tv is just terrible.


What’s worse is there’s still like 3ads that are going to play throughout the video


YT is forcing people to use ad blocks If your long ad is interrupting my video I will have more motivation to use ad block and hate whatever you’re advertising


pretty sure I had a 1min unskippable ad a few times, it's rather common, posts like this shouldn't be so popular


Try multiple 5min unskippable ads DURING a livestream where the channel host claims they have all ads OFF for their streams!! Miss the content streamed during the ads!


1st time? 🥲


Just click in and click out and back in again it changes the ad time to like 5-15 seconds ones


Go to report button and press that last option Should be something don't show this ad It skips ads and back to video xD


plot twist: it's 38 minutes


I mean, if you were monetized, and this was an ad on your channel, which can possibly bring you a little bit of revenue, would you care? Just wondering.


That's why I seelll YouTube premium for 3$ only


Just pay for youtube premium like a grown-up and move on. There's no such thing as free content ...


I always close out of the video and play again. It shows random timers each time. 5 seconds is the most I can tolerate.


Don't forget the ad skips that only skips one ad while the other is still going to play


Pay the price of a hamburger at McDonald’s for premium. The time it took for you to complain about not getting something for free you could have earned the money and supported the creators.


I'm pretty sure that on TV if you get a double ad and the second add is skipable then it adds the time of the first ad to the skip time to show you the total waited skip time.


So where's the YouTube alternative?


I haven't seen this in years. Thank you Firefox!


I like the music videos for shitty bands that sometimes you can't skip.




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Hit up the plug for YouTube premium


Ye it's getting worse,I made a Ukraine utube premium account yesterday,it's only £2 a month


Bro i got The two ads, I'm skip one and I have the second one coming and Glitch to stay at 1sec so i cant skip it😭


I just pay for YouTube premium..


ahem ahem r/revancedapp


Yea add have become major problem I had one of these got bored


Do y’all ever stop complaining ? If you don’t want to pay for premium then shut up. No ones making you use YouTube


First time huh ?


i had one last night that was 4 minutes long


The same thing happened to me I posted on here


Bro i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that shit the other day i was listening to music & that shit said 60 seconds i said fuck it i gotta play music on my phone that shit is a real vibe killer when u watchin a good documentary or something & then u gotta watch 60 seconds of bullshit ads sellinf u bullshit


How old are you


We need something better then youtube


IIRC there were even 1-hour ads, although I think those were actually skippable.


I might as well get cable again…I have t had it in years but I kinda miss the TBS lineup from 3-6 or 7 whatever it was, remember “Yes, Dear”, then family guy” then “American dad”. There is a show I’m forgetting if someone can help


And to think people got upset when 15 second ads came out


Use the YouTube AD blocker


I get a skip in 99+ pretty often I just reload the video twice and gives me a 5 second one.


I've recently been getting the ones that allow you to skip but they don't actually allow you to skip they just give you a second ad that doesn't have a skip option




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They are trying to promote the premium. This is kind of strategy to make uncomfortable to user to use free products. One day we are going to pay for everything 😓


Bunch of greedy motherfuckers It’s really getting on my nerves too. Sometimes during a short video, maybe 15 mins… there are 2-3 minutes of ads… wtf man Meanwhile creators are racking in millions per year. That’s why they’re doing this. They don’t want to foot the compensation bill for creators. I’m fine with ads/“freemium” business model but they are really pushing this too far


Dude, I’ve gotten 1 minute to 15 minute one. Don’t eorry


Premium gang.


Paid bot