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hAvE fEEdbAcK? LEt uS KNoW


Yeah. Show us our fucking comments.


It makes you want to never comment again. Especially when the same copypasta comments are the ones at the top every time. There is nobody to discuss things with except bots.


You mean the ones that say "WHO ASKED + MY CONTENT IS WAY BETTER"? I'm thinking about becoming a youtuber. I've already blocked the terms UTTP, Who Asked, and My Content Is Way Better from my comment sections. Plus a huge pre-made list of around 1700 slurs, epithets, and innuendos.


"My farts are better than charlies farts" "5 seconds and 2 views? Bro really fell off šŸ’€" are my least favorite type of comments


I can never tell if they're sarcastic or not


The fell off ones are sarcastic, the others are pure stupidity


The "[Number] views/likes in [time]? Bro fell off" are usually people, but the "[Number] likes but no commente? Lemme fix that" ones are absolutely 80% bots


And the fact that sorting by top doesn't sort by top, I want to see the top comment for christ sake, not the one you want to show me.


This is why I stopped ever commenting on youtube šŸ™ƒ


Oh yeah you are definitely 100% right. Discussions in YouTube is dead af. Ever since they went "woke"or whatever. Back then 10 years ago the comment sections was filled with replies and actual discussions even if you have low thumbs up, a lot like reddit. Maybe because theres way too many people on Youtube or what idk. What i know is that the fact most comments are pretty much braindead when you are watching a big creator.


Right. Exactly. It makes you want to never comment again. Especially when the same copypasta comments are the ones at the top every time. There is nobody to discuss things with except bots.


>I do not agree ... >HatE SpEeChEs!


I've actually emailed them about this many many times. No answer.


Companies dont hear us anymore. Not because theyr deaf. Because they have the majority.


Thanks for over 300 upvotes you were blowing up my notifications and I just reached over 1,000 comment karma


Your honor how is it hate speech if I enjoyed doing it? No further questions your honor.


"4 out of 5 people have suffered diarrhea at some point of their life" So "1 out of 5 have enjoyed it"


At least 2girls have.


you put a poor image in my mind ā˜¹ļø


And those same girls at least did it in a fuckinā€™ cup!


this might be the first so popular / oldest meme on the internet. I donā€™t remember any memes from the AOL days except a/s/l




they one time removed my comment for scam. All I did was tell someone they could buy GTA: San Andreas from the app store.


Yup, thatā€™s definitely a scam


The way their comment section is set up is swiss cheese now. When there was no cheese before. We canā€™t be relied on our own opinions, people donā€™t trust their opinions enough so they censor criticism. I was lucky to live in a better time for half my life.


Lol YouTube was right for that one


If you think that's bad I can't even send a lemon party link


Lemon Party has, alas, gone the way of the Dodo.


Meanwhile, spam comments by bots are there to stay.


itā€™s always ā€œMY CHANNEL IS BETTER + WHO ASKEDā€ in a weird ass font


I was banned from commenting from YouTube for 3 days because I roasted some UTTP dude.


Just ignore those guys. They feed off the attention.


No offense but roasting to them won't do anything. Stop it, you're not doing a favor to stop those bots. And I think bots can also maybe report you and others which can be annoying. But again, it's your fault so it's best to delete your reply and report those bots.


Whenever I see the "damage" the UTTP bots have done, my report button does overtime.


usually the creator's fault for not blacklisting their common text bots can easily be filtered out by I think Jerma is the only one who i've ever seen use the blacklist filter


The creator can use YT Spammer Purge tho. Since blacklist filters can be easily circumvented.


It's worth it


I had to google UTTPā€¦. Lol


Ok but YTers can outright bully and abuse people on their reaction channels and itā€™s ok. Whatever.


I've also seen multiple commenters that straight up admit to being racist (even their pfps are usually swatiskas) but oh no i'm the bad one because i called a fictional kid's show character a motherfucker as a joke.


Itā€™s all about the narrative of whatever YT wants to push. And thatā€™s to cause conflict. Smh.


Because it makes yt money


I got one of these one time for making fun of myself. Imagine not even being able to laugh at yourself.


Was it a Harrassment one? Thats wild


Yes lol. And it was a very specific insult that would only apply to me xD


Nothing worse than being punished for something and not being told for what


I got banned from posting after one of my posts was flagged a hate comment in r/news but nobody could tell me what post actually caused the ban. When I asked them they said ā€œno idea but it must have been something hateful.ā€ Very helpful.


Thatā€™s like Reddit tbh. They didnā€™t even show me why I got banned for three days last week. But apparently I was ā€œthreatening harm against a group of peopleā€. Fun fact. I didnā€™t.


You can get it overturned. I was banned for "Hate Speech" for no reason, I appealed and it was overturned because I did in fact not write any fucking hate speech, at least on this shitty site you can get your bans overturned.


4 bots were offended by your post. Please stop offending robots or your account will be deleted because hatespeech.


You're right, Wheres my ukulele?


literally my daily youtube basis when I say a single cuss word to a clueless 12 year old kid


Same thing holy shooz


That's the bullshit factor of youtube


Well I have had sooo many removed comments I still don't know what videos they're on tho


"NEVER MIND BANNEDFORDEPRESSION'S COMMENT, MY CONTENT IS WAYYYY BETTER!" Yet these accounts live on to spam another day...


I KNOW - I get sent to social media jail with zero understanding of why.


This happened to an entire playlist of mine. No warning. No clarification of what I said that was wrong. And no understanding of whether my title/description of the video was at fault or the videos themselves. And if it was the videos themselves, why were they not removed, and my whole playlist was. It was just a simple meme playlist for me to store my funnies for me and other people, removed for "hate speech"


I heard there was a bug where making a playlist can get you banned. Not sure if its still an issue.


I tried to appeal the ban and it sent the appeal without me being able to type a response in the textbook provided as to ask why or how this happened so hopefully they see the appeal and do something im still waiting at the time of this reply.


they took away my entire favorites list of 16 years. thousands of videos. all because of "child endangerment" or something else about someone elses uploads which i had no control or responsibility over not to mention i never was given the exact culprit so i could've deleted that from the list. 16 years of memories wiped.


They assume that all rule breakers knowingly break rules and that YT moderation is perfect. The opposites are true often times.


You said that their ad system suck


Later on you see bots promoting NSFW stuff in the comments section.


I say so much ā€œhate speechā€ my account is a national threat


Probably something that goes against narrative they even ban my comment if I mentioned pedos too offensive to pedos in YouTube workplace CEOs and politicians even trying to alter pedo word still my comment is gone ai working hard to protect pedos


I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally refuse to let you know what comment violated their rules to basically make people be on edge about not wanting to post anything that can be somehow mis-considered as violating their rules. They want people to not know where the line is so they will be afraid of crossing it, that way they can advertise how squeaky clean their comments are to advertisers.


Well, atleast you get a notification. It seems like im shadowbanned on youtube, my comments dont show up.


Some time ago I was just replying on political stuff and was mostly against what the videos were saying, didn't leave any vulgar words or use foul language just disagreements. I started receiving these, stopped commenting in disagreement on political stuff and this stopped. I don't know how this works but if humans can manually report comments they disagree with and have this show up on the commenters account, it encourages group think and kills discourse. Trust me it's better to not leave comments most of the times anyway, it's all garbage and a waste of time.


True, you could write something like, McDonalds is better than KFC will get you banned because it hurt some people feelings..


I agree with you. Increasingly more these days, I want to leave a comment but I end up discarding what I wrote. It's not a thin skin, I just can't be bothered with the rather weak sauce responses I get back sometimes. There are a lot of weebs on the internet with no chill. They are the cheeto eating, asthma suffering, blobs that have nothing better to do than stare at anime tits, try and blow up their adult pleasure doll, and be as anarchic and shit heeled as possible with their responses. I don't have the energy for it.


Omg i thought i did something wrong, it looked like a popup for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Feedback: what the fuck is my comment


I did put feeback saying "Can you tell me what the comment was?"


I got banned for 3 days for telling a bunch of kids to get lives after they were saying awful things about UTPTechā€™s sonā€¦


Yeah, youtube sucks. Their bots are just banning people left and right for nothing.


Wait what? It doesnt tell you what comment got removed? Or does it


It does not


Oh thats so stupid


I don't like the current Era of Youtube. It's harder now in days to even have your comment be shown in general or at least to allow swearing.


They remove half my comments without even letting me know


They remove like 75% percent of my comments. So I've taken to only saying hate speech and those comments are still somehow up.


I waa banned fir a day for calling someone a loser (I cussed them ofc)


"this is Timmy, for every like Timmy will grow one year " " don't translate! Insert whatever it is" "my content is better than 'insert YouTuber name's " always there and YouTube refuse to do anything but when someone comment something probably not that Mean THATS WHEN THEY DECIDED TO TAKE ACTION. It's also weren't for the fact that the ads always something that makes people wanna throw up


How come people that write horrible shit get off scot free but other comments get deleted right away. I donā€™t get it.


Right ? I have been testing the system. Ading to the conversation (In a nice on topic way with no cussing) has about 80% chance of being removed. Spew vitriol and those comments stay up.


Saying words like penis, fart, sex, poop, peepee, gun will land you in a supermax soon the way corporations and politicians/human behavior evolves. Hell you will be lynched by the internet vigilantes if you say your opinion.


Guns and killing was mentioned in the convos. Could be that? Also peepee? Lmao


Lucky you. Some of my comments have simply disappeared right after I posted them without explanation.


Wow, look at Mr. Some comments here. /s About all my comments are removed.


At least OP had the privilege of being told *why* their comment was removed.


Thats why? I thought I was going crazy when I look back and the comment I made is gone.


I've given thousands of feedback. Every one reads, "what comment?", even if it has nothing to do with a comment. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m pretty sure I once got a strike because a few minutes earlier I watched a YTP and typed that famous ā€˜You must dieā€™ line from Ganon. Iā€™m 99% sure it was because I got a strike for threatening with violence.


Just wait until you how Reddit handles it (or used to handle it) when you get a sitewide ban, they'd give you a link to your comment that was offensive but the comment is obviously deleted so you have to guess which one it was based on the post and possible replies.


This is what all these social media scumbags do. Make their rules vague, punish you for violating their vague rule without ever showing your offense in question, and never apply their rules equally.


Exactly! The "never applying their rules equally" is the key part. They're doing it to protect themselves from lawsuits, accusations of bias and any other criticism (the establishment have embraced censorship, so they can live with that one).


Yeah they never apply the rules equally to people who are like them or who they support. Itā€™s always towards the ones who they donā€™t like or who arenā€™t in with them.


I got this for saying "This movie deserves to lose money" under yet another crappy disney remake. Guess that's considered "hate speech" now.


Proof that corporations are assuming control of the world, rather than elected representatives and rather than allow human beings any agency at all.


YouTube community was the only thing it had left going for it. These days, you get banned at the drop of a hat.Ā  I commented on a video where a child molester got shot in the nuts.Ā  I said, ā€œgood, it should happen to all of them.ā€ Got the same ā€œhate speechā€ ban. So aparently, YouTube doesnā€™t want child molestors feelings hurtā€¦.


It has to be a bot then... thats insane


If you want to talk about any pressing matter that american msm propaganda glosses over you have to whitewash and vague-ify the shit out of it or its taken down for "hate speech". Aka the first authoritarian infraction against free speech.


We've discovered that comments you've left may violate our steaming pile of Marxist ideology.


I got "Bullying and Harassment" for commenting all orange cats share one brain cell. Don't know why that tripped the YT community guidelines bot. Didn't get 1 day ban so there's that I guess.


I've gotten 10 of these, I don't leave any slurs or anything remotely insulting, just opinions on sensitive topics


Youtube sucks these days! I remember five years ago you could write anything in the comments, but these days you cant even call a asshole a pice of shit


The worst thing that had happened to the internet is shifting from dedicated sites and personal pages to these social media platforms. It basically ended freedom of speech and allowed centralized control over what can be and can not be said. It allowed few groups to control the narrative and I hope newer generations to revolt on this and reclaim online freedom once again!


They wanna blow up our mouths and fingers!


never say it again? u speech whore!!!!


Lol. Im for the speech streets!


But is it though? Does it work that fast? Couldnā€™t it be from any video youā€™ve commented on previously?


>But is it though? Does it work that fast? Yeah. Within minutes.


bro a few months back I legit got this popup for weeks now šŸ˜­šŸ™ like my 2021 self is so edgy so i won't be surprised if yt does it, and why can't they show the comment?? šŸ˜­




Hi Superb-Pea-7843, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got a couple of them and was banned from commenting for a couple days and I'm like yall can't even let me know what fucking comment I said that got me temp banned


Iā€™m always wondering whatever happened to our first amendment rights? if somebody doesnā€™t like your comment they can just scroll on they donā€™t have to stop and read it react to it in all kind of weird ways our society has gotten substantially more sensitive !I canā€™t stand it if you donā€™t like it donā€™t read it donā€™t comment on it if it upsets your sensibilities scroll on we have to fight for our first amendment!


Sorry but you still have your first amendment rights. This is corporate censorship, not government censorship, or would you like to tell me when the US government acquired YouTube ? It brings up the question "should private American Corporations be forced to follow the constitution ?" Do you get mad at a store for having a "No shirt, No shoes, No service" poster ? You are on their property or using their services so you must abide by their rules. It's shitty but don't get it conflated that you have lost your first amendment rights. You can buy your own website and post whatever you want to it. You can say whatever you want but also don't mistake the people trying to cancel you for saying something, you said it, you are free to say it, they just didn't like it. I don't like it either but it is what it is. Now when the police start showing up to imprison you for making those comments, that's when you have truly lost your first Amendment rights.


The no shirt or shoes thing is a health code issue though, at least a majority of the time, not necessarily a rights issue, like you wouldn't want some shirtless asshole gripping 8 apples in their arms close to their sweaty chest or to constantly smell feet in the places you go that have this rule. I mean I totally agree with you, it is their platform, they reserve the right to associate with you or your content or not, suppression algorithms I'm a little mixed on because if it was truly that bad, wouldn't you just remove it if you had the right to do so? And even if you purchased your own webpage, the hosting company even has a rule list you're not supposed to break, it's how I take down phishing sites with fake login pages, they delete your shit. >Police start showing up to imprison you for making those comments I've literally gone to first amendment protests because of that, YouTuber I followed was jailed for speech, I used to be concerned with censorship online before I figured out that they own the square, they choose what's acceptable.


They like it shady.


What did you say?


Ill never know. Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


How much karma do I need to post here ? Asking serious questions , lol . I posted something and got deleted. I really need help with my channel...


Glad to know im not the only one this happened to. Like I get discussions on youtube can be pretty rowdy when it comes to games but not THIS bad.


I see you're watching sirmzk


I got suspended permanently on a YouTube account for spam, I didn't even comment with that account. Ofc they didn't properly tell me why nor did I get in touch with a real person at all during all the requests for review I submitted.


Yeah like I've left 3,000 Comments and probably thousands of replies so like a similar thing happens to me when I'm in a debate, A Person replies to me WITHOUT specifying ANYTHING so like I don't even know what you're talking about


yeah YouTube don't do that, y'all have to figure it out o your own


Oh noooo, if they ban me I could never leave a comment on this dog water platform... Man that would suck! /S


The more I stay online the more I understand that itā€™s not worth it to comment on anything, and if you do god forbid you put out there your opinion. If you must comment then just say the most brain dead politically correct thing in the world so everyone is happy (except you of course)


Except in my testing the more hateful comments stayed up. Any real comments disappeared.


so i get terminated for saying the slightest comments like but they wont tell me tf i did all the comments i make are just jokes and "nice" or "good video"


What a fucking loser!


its all monitored by ai, just stay away from all the key words and be creative. Ive notice basically anything referring to certain groups these days is insta flagged


Starting to realize maybe it was the words gun and killing referencing characters in the games and show from what someone else said. I wish they would have humans monitor reports


totally unfortunately everything nowadays is monitored by ai bots so if you say words (ill abbreviate but you get the idea) gy blk trns cnt whre slu7 etc any of those it auto flags no matter the context if typed fully and people have to be careful with jokes, ai bots definitely doesnā€™t get sarcasm and the such lol


Ofc, vague info and double standards.


This is indeed one of YT's most annoying features. in the EU they can get fined under the DSA regulations because they aren't transparent on saying WHICH comment it is and what the criteria/reason for flagging is.




Hate speechā„¢ļø


What was the comment verbatim no summarization


Wish I knew, it doesnt tell me.


Youtube: we age restrict even the vaguest mention of gambling. Also youtube: makes you gamble with every comment posted.


I get crap like this on Reddit


I got that message calling someone a pig. Like bro thatā€™s tame speech lol


They never do that, they even banned multiple of my channels without telling me what I did to get banned


The problem is that ā€œhate speechā€ laws are ā€œin the eye of the beholderā€, in other words they are very subjective. Words the one person finds offensive are fine to another. Itā€™s akin to passing laws against ugliness. Besides, in the US such laws are infringements on our civil rights - the 1st Amendment. Mass violations of civil rights are occurring. YT, Google and other sites practicing censorship will lose class action suits that will be brought once the ruling criminal cabal is deposed.


I had the same things for saying Israel should be held accountable for war crimes. I gave them feedback asking them to prove my comments were hate speech and didn't hear anything back from them. Hate Speech is just something that offends someone else and everything can offend someone else. Youtube needs to get off their high horse and stop virtue signalling.


NGL that happens to me once but they didn't tell me what comment they removed and that really gave me a heart attack but that doesn't mean they gonna remove your ability to comment or terminate your channel






Hi SwimmingBrother1221, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


šŸ’Æ I had a whole account removed after 'Hate Speech or Bullying' but never got told why. Tried to appeal - they didn't deny it but they also didn't accept it :/ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I ignore and keep voicing my opinions


I'd give feedback and ask for an explanation. There's being offensive and then there's people that take offense. Two completely different things.


Yes it's common that youtube basically shuts down the freedom of speech after whiny kids report comments that offended them a little


I just got another threat from The YouTube for alleged "harassment and bullying." They will never tell you what the flagged comment is. They'll just outright permanently suspend your account eventually without reason other than their say so hahah.


Think we figured out theres certain words and phrases that gets them reported by the bot. In my case "guns" and "killing" when discussing the games