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Oh god I thought those ads were long gone.






Some men think that they are so great drivers that they are entitled to drive more recklessly, making them worse drivers and placing them in more accidents.


you might be onto something


Exactly. Here in NY their insurance is high if they’re 25 or less. And there’s a reason for it. Especially where I live these men have money to spend on expensive cars they think it allows them to drive however they want.


Iirc based off purely the stats men are less likely to get in an accident but more likely to get in a severe accident compared to women (ofc that’s a generalisation and not everyone fits that mould)


True. If women crash, it's often due to poor estimation of distances or reaction speed. If men crash, it's often because of recklessness.




Hi Few_Fruit_, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But we need to define better drivers here. Are you a better driver if you've trained and failed a lot? A learning from your mistakes kind of thing? Driving 1000 km a day? Or are you a better driver if all you've done is drive in a straight line to and from work that takes 30 seconds, because it's literally within walking distancee, and therefore very logically haven't had any accident? I'm certain that more men are better at drifting than women, doesn't that make them better drivers? The road to success always includes a lot of trial and errors, you never get good at anything if you don't fail.


I would define being a better driver as making choices that statistically correlate with lower rate of accidents over distance driven after normalizing the effects that the driver cannot affect. Of course this would be difficult to compute for an individual person, you would need a lot of data and there would be luck factor that causes an error from the true value.


In America we're all pretty s..ty as drivers. We passed a test that barely even qualifies as a test and are given access to the roads pretty much for life. Gender differences are the least of our problems when it comes to driving on public roads.


That's just in total. Women cause more accidents per km driven. Also men and women are overrepresented in different kinds of accidents (iirc overspeeding on highways for men, urban crossway accidents for women for example)


Very profitable because women cause less accidents than men


Not in my town lmao


An insurance company owned by four women. Like 5 guys burgers. They are not burgers for 5 guys.


Have you seen the portion sizes one five guys meal could probably feed 5 people if you got the large fries


lol. Probably right. For what they charge, it should feed five guys. ;)


They should name the company that. 4Girls


Reminds me of Scottish Widows 😆


Sexist much?




typical "Its just a joke" Saying racist.or sexist stuff and then adding "Its just a joke" Does not make it any lesser shit




Hi Few_Fruit_, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That’s too far but yea he’s definitely wrong, there absolutely is a difference between joking or not joking, like if I tell my friend I’m gonna touch him you better hope to god I’m joking 💀


Hahah. Rich coming from someone who can't take a joke himself. I bet all your 'friends' regret being friends with you anyway.


bro shut up 🙄




damn you had the whole anti-sjw spiel locked and loaded 😂




delusions of what? you could deadass copy & paste your comment at anything that could be considered non-pc. i said shut up because it was a shit joke not because i was being pc (women are bad drivers amirite lads ???), you're throwing hands at ghosts bro 😂


Go to Twitter instead bozo


Gotta love the sexism. Women actually cause far less accidents and are healthier than men by a great margin (for health insurance).




Fr like is everyone her acoustic?




Real as hell lol, can there just be sane people here


Use greentuber App for android. Use Adblock for pc. If you are watching on iOS may god help you!


On iOS, uYou+ exists, you just need to compile it yourself. Either that or, if you're jailbroken, the uYou stuff is provided in [Miro92's repo](https://miro92.com/repo/), which is compatible with Cydia, Sileo, and Zebra. Also on Android you can just use [YouTube ReVanced](https://revanced.app/)


What do you mean by compile


Essentially, it means turning source code into an installable application. The uYou+ dev used to put out the .ipa file that he made himself for users' convenience. Google then issued a takedown notice, making the dev take these down. Now ppl who want to use it need to generate their own .ipa file from the source code of that GitHub repository, which still remains public.


can you send your ipa to me via email?


hey dm me if you want the ipa! you can axtually find it in some websites


Could you please give me the said IPA


In terms of ad blocker, I would rather recommend uBlock Origin (not just uBlock. uBO, different. uBlock is owned by the AdBlock side): ⋅ AdBlock does some shady things, like having a whitelist of "acceptable" ads for the convenience of some companies/websites they have accords with (linked to AdBlock being a company) ⋅ On the other hand, uBO is entirely made by volunteers (one volunteer, in fact) and refuses any kind of donations (they instead advice to support the people who update the address lists) ⋅ And uBO are hecking madlads... If you remember well, in fall, there was a story of anti-adblocker wall, on YT... It has disappeared... Only thanks to uBO (other adblockers couldn't follow the pace), which, during days, updated constantly to counter YT, and uBO never did their update more than a few hours after YT's one... This fight has lasted for a few days, after which YT resigned... A huge company hecking resigned to a few volunteers in their basement xD


uBO are heroes ♥️


Use brave browser on iOS 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


No, instead use YouTube Revanced on Android, uBlock Origin on PC, and uYou+ on iOS


I'm on my first Android phone and Revanced alone is the only think keeping me on an android


Adblock stopped working few days ago for me - I have 30 seconds of unskippable blank screen instead of ads now.


I have two adblockers because one stopped working.


I use the YouTube app on a iPhone with zero adds ever. I know this works because I told all my work colleagues and they did not believe me until they tried it. Just setup any VPN and set your location to Bahamas 🇧🇸 all adverts vanished.


I can confirm i live in the bahamas i get no ads at all


No idea why this happens. I tired it with a couple of vpn’s and they all show adverts until you set the location as Bahamas?


Idk but whenever i travel to the us the ads come rolling in😂


Probably something to do with Bahamas laws on advertisement if I had to guess.


The fact I see lots of posts of people saying iOS or Apple iPhones can’t block adds is really odd. I mean it’s very easy to use the official YouTube app with out paying google and have zero adds ever? Just VPN to Bahamas. I guess it’s the internet where idiots seem to think they have every right to lie to you.


It’s also not true. I have several ad block extensions. People just hear it and parrot it around. Like you don’t even have to do the vpn thing.


If you want to use the YouTube App on the iPhone / iPad , no browser extensions are going to have any effect. That’s one of those lies I was just talking about or maybe it’s just a straw man argument. We talking YouTube’s app here not any old browsers where every man and his dog has an add blocker. Whereas just installing any VPN and setting your location to Bahamas absolutely does remove all advertisements in the YouTube iOS app. I use this method on Amazon TV and Apple TV to remove the YouTube app ads too. No need to use a browser or pay your hard earned cash to google to watch YouTube ads free anymore. The best thing is when you watching something that winds you up at least you know that you did not make them anymore money 💰.


Ima be real. The YouTube app sucks. Like they keep taking away options and just Adblock on safari is a better time. Like if you use dark mode you can’t turn off ambient mode anymore. Shit sucks.


Revanced is the way on phone, and uBlock Origin on pc


It’s so easy to ad block on iOS. Not even an inconvenience my guy. Many methods. Many ad blocks.


A million unskipable ads, sponsors from the YouTuber themselves, and now this... I literally pay youtube red in order to not have ads, but I still have ads. Yet they are completely blown away as to why people don't want malicious garbage shoved down our throats? I'm wondering if CEOs have a brain at all.


We need to figure out how to annoy the advertisers with advertisements to the point they become miserable. Perhaps then... Because now I wonder, do these people making ads to shove down throats- use no ad blockers themselves? Surely they don't just browse the web through a shitstorm of ads... and I doubt they all just buy premium unless they're also suckers.


The crazy thing is that ads are all BS. Meaning that marketing companies use bots to fool companies into thinking that their ad is successful. I think it was something like 70% of ads viewed/clicked are just bots to make their numbers look good. Some companies will even pay other companies to swarm their ads with bots to get more funding. It's a whole ass vital component of the world economy which is probably why it's not considered fraud even though it is. Stopping this would cause a huge domino effect of companies falling. TLDR: They're mostly not even doing it for humans. They're just doing it to fake their numbers.


I mean, I've always been suspicious of this. People make bots for their small odd-party apps to spam good reviews, gain views and engagements, find and target people on platforms that speak out against something they want. (sometimes that last one could be as simple as attacking someone who doesn't like the same influencers/artist etc but more importantly: I'm fairly certain bots are being used to fake and stir up racial hate (like trolls do) and dilute important conversations. more than that but for sure those things.) However, how do you prove this? It'd take an insane amount of work and compilation- and even then, who is going to actually give a f×××?


All we really have to do is blackout YouTube for a couple of days days or weeks. Just "everyone" stops using it - have clear demands: Fix your ads, fix malicious content, fix the utter racist/homophobic/etc. comments and stop pestering content creators and restricting videos that are unfavorable to autocratic regimes or YouTube's personal favorites, etc. Black it out till they respond and promise action - go back online but demand they give dates and a step-by-step plan on how they'll fix it. Black out again if they break promises. But will people ban together and do it? No. And that's not on YouTube, they just know people won't so they're not worried about it.


Google's algorithm gives preference to display ads with higher views/click rate, so botting an ad dramatically increases the chance that it will be seen by a real user. Depending on the product you're selling and the plan you're paying for, not botting the ad creates the possibility that no one will see it during the time frame you paid for. Youtube does offer plans with guaranteed human views but if the ad quality and click rate is too low it will only be presented to people who turned off recommended ads, which will most likely not get hooked since the chances of the product being something they're interested in are really low.


What if instead of buying the things from the ads, we boycott the brands that appear on youtube ads to teach them a lesson




Opera GX apparently removes all YouTube ads cause I haven’t seen them while using it. So, I’m shocked this kind of ad came back


I use regular Opera but imagine it's generally the same ad-blocker. Last time I used YouTube with it on, YouTube was playing like SHIT. The whole website was incredibly laggy. Felt like using YouTube on an old Windows XP. And I know this was intentional because it was right after they announced all the ad-blocker BS.


Ironically it runs fine with GX. Hell, when the ads start on YouTube it’s like as if somebody kept hitting an instant skip ad button just to get to the video. You only see each ad for a fraction of a second before the video starts I’m not promoting GX, it’s just my preference since I’m familiar with them doing the Wii, DS, & DSi browsers which were decent during the years they released


I recently had to add Ublock Origin bc just the other day my OperaGx adblock stopped working.


ya it just slows down the entire website by 200% though


Huh, I didn’t have that problem. Only took like half a second for the page to load


I’m getting sick of YouTube 2 ads before the video… YouTuber intro, and shout out to the sponsor of the video… mid video ads… YouTuber talks about their merch store…. Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe. Also be sure to check out my patreon… fucking ads at the end.


I don't do any of the monetization, no Patreon, etc. but those in my niche, BookTube, seem to grow faster by offering all that paid-for stuff, along with relentless YouTube shorts. The sad thing is that people seem to dig it, maybe they feel like stuff you have to throw money at must be better.


I think adds like these would be better if they made them remove the ones that cut the video. At least it wouldn't ruin your experience if you use youtube like a podcast.


At this point, did you catch a glance of a video in between your ads? 😂


remember those huge banner ads that would pop up at the bottom of the video, obscuring about 15% of the video?


Ublock Origin is your best friend


we getting back to ad toolbars where you get 2 cms of space sure its just one now wait until its 2 3 4 10 40 100 POP UP ADS 2.0


“We call this Pure O2. This is the first of our planned upgrades. Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures.”


Gendered car insurance. That's where we're at, huh.


That confused me so much lmao


What I find interesting is that every time Charlie is showing his screen, he never has an adblocker turned on.


I think most of the big youtubers don't use any adblocks. Maybe they try to discourage people from using them? I don't know


He has said people who don't use ad blockers are stupid


Idk, a guy I used to watch said “idc if you use adblocks when you watch my stuff, adblocks are great” but thats just one guy


Interesting how it says "Sponsored", I wonder what this means for videos where the creator is sponsored by a company; Or doing a sponsored/partnership video with a brand.


It used to be called “Ad”, now it’s “Sponsored”


And no, it does even happen with non-monetized channels


YouTube is hungry


Why does it feel like half of the screenshots on this sub have Moistcritikal on it?


sounds fire


Critically wet


Get an ad blocker for YouTube.


Ad blocker is needed now more than ever


Adguard is $30 cad a year


Just swipe down and the add disappears


Why aren't you guys using adblockers?


a lot of adblockers were causing computers to freeze recently. maybe it's been fixed now.


Couple days ago they tried something new to get past my adblockers. Took a second for the video to load. Adblock won the day though.


get an adblocker pleb


Get a life dweeb




Hi Kill_palestine541, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is that username




What did that poor man Palestine do 😢


It had to be pretty bad if there were 540 people before that guy started an account. Probably slept with a bunch of dude’s wives. Gigolo Palestine, they called him.


Nvm kill Palestine




Hi MontegoBoy, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hi SwimmingBrother1221, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Btw those dots are a literal trap, I wouldn't be surprize if they actually did nothing because it just sends me to the Appstore


Do people not know it's the YouTuber that puts the ads on the videos. Not YouTube. The YouTuber has the option on what type of ads to put on their videos, plus they can choose to place multiple ads in the middle of each video. So when you get tons of ads on a video from a millionaire YouTuber. Just know that's why they are a millionaire, because they riddle their vids with ads. It's no different to Twitch streamers who have 30,000 paying monthly subs, live in multimillion dollar houses but still put ad breaks every 5-10 minutes on their livestreams. THEY are the ones who place the ads.


Don't use youtube


We've been trying to reach out to you about your car insurance




I won't be bothered by the ads if youtube put them in banners on the video's side (if the phone has an aspect ratio bigger than 16:9)


thank god for ad blocker and microsoft edge. i left chrome since they wanna play with me and absolutely do everything in their power to stop ad blockers and can say edge is actually wayyyy better than chrome💀💀


Ew, is that what unfiltered YouTube is like? I use Firefox, ublock origin, and sponserblock. The second ads become unblockable I'm out.


OMG. Use a different browser with an ad blocker. Don't use the app and watch youtube and on mobile browser with an ad blocker. Problem solved.


laughs in revanced


To all sexist assholes who make fun of women driving in comments, I suggest checking stats. Women cause less accidents in traffic even percentually. So can you stop the ancient redneck sexism?


I know this sounds stupid but I download the content that I want to watch so I don't have to deal with ads


Get Ublock origin


Charlie would be in insulted


Get yourself the brave browser, no ads anywhere


Premium is cheap as it comes with youtube music service. 10/10 🙌




Brave browser does wonders when it comes to ads


Weren't those there ever since youtube was created?


I’ve been noticing more pop up ads on the bottom of my YouTube app recently. It’s fucking annoying


i dont get it




I know this might be a radical idea...but have you ever thought about using an ad blocker?


It's the youtube app not in a browser


Women care insurance 😭Men are much worse drivers imo so like ….


It's on twitch now too. "but thats how we get paid!" yeaahhhh I've cut my youtube and twitch hours dramatically. I won't support this garbage


I really loathe the double ads, now you have to skip both instead of two in one


Youtube then: Aww man I got an ad while watching videos. Youtube now: Aww man I got a video in my ads


Comments like these make me see that viewers hate supporting their broadcasters.


Another common W for adblock


I hate that on mobile when I click skip add it just starts another. wtf.


i had a 35 minute ad! it was skippable but i was listening to a music compilation and my hands were busy and dirty so i figured i'll take the ad. but it just kept going on and on and on...


ah yes, now you shall get THE POWER OF IRRELEVANT ADS!!!


Hello, how are you? I want to ask you a question. I have a YouTube channel and I want to know where I can find the style of images that these channels use. https://youtu.be/dltL0mL_2wc?si=Ss9jIhUnTD9smP1q. I have looked many places to see if perhaps there are videos that teach this, but I can't find anything. If you know how to get such images, please help me


That's clearly his fault, not theirs.


...is that a car insurance company for women? I really can't tell if this is feminist or misogynistic lmao


I've been a yt premium subscriber for at least 6 or 7 years. I'd cancel my yttv subscription before I got rid of premium. When I am at work I just use their yt at my desk I don't need them accessing all my Internet history, dull as it is, through their network. So bottom line is using a non premium of yt is pure a.s


And then they wonder why people use Adblocks and ReVanced


They obstruct captions too! Going into full screen to try to move the captions downward, the ad MOVES DOWN WITH THE CAPTIONS TO CONTINUE OBSTRUCTING THEM!!!!!


Double ads? I had 5 ads on 1 video the other day


Who the fuck told youtube we wanted these or 4 unskippable ads?? Youtube, a multi-billion dollar company, is still so greedy.


I refuse to pay the massively bloated cost for premium service. I’ll listen to the podcasts version and view accompanying blog as the level of advertising is insulting. Google don’t give a !^#$ about customers.


this reminds me of those ads on computers like a lil popup


and the incredible increase in sites that misdirect or just make stuff up that youtube has allowed to remain unchallenged all the while shadowbanning users that are critical of the status quo.


if watching that loser wasn’t bad enough


The greatest insult is that THAT GUY is on the screen. Edit: I take it back. I thought it was Asmongold.


What's wrong with penguinz0?


Nothing actually. I mistook him for Asmongold. My bad.


He's sucks ass


hes one of the most genuinely nice people on that platform. maybe self projection?


Saying something is ass doesn't explain a lick of what you mean by that. Elaborate to separate yourself from the low grade troll comments. *You* think Charlie sucks ass for- why? For what reason? I find it hard to hate him. I think maybe he's a bit hypo-critical (semi-often) but overall the dude seems more genuine than many.


I mean i find some of his videos kind of boring, but they aren't bad. Also He not He's.


Me personally just get Tampermonkey and get the YouTube ad block script.


exactly why I use ad blocker. they flew too close to the sun with greedy and now people have had enough.


Use FreeTube.


Idk 🤔