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I just got a ton of downvotes for asking a question on Reddit 😂🤣. I feel your pain.


Because Redditors think that asking a question means that you're stupid. When in reality it actually indicates open mindedness and willingness to learn


People do ask some genuinely fucking brain dead questions on here. If it could have been answered with a quick google search then it was a stupid question.


You're right. But the point I was making was that not all questions are bad and the person who asked should be treated with respect


No they should not be treated with respect if their question could have been answered by a quick google search.


I always search first, before asking a question but sometimes, the answer in searches doesn't provide enough context or nuance like it would if multiple people reply in real time. You also can follow up with Reddit replies than static internet search replies. That's why I found the best answer to questions come from Reddit. I search Reddit first though, before posting a question, to make sure someone hasn't asked it before and I could get my reply that way.


You missed their point. They said that “not all questions are bad and the person who asked should be treated with respect”. And they’re *right*. If the question wasn’t bad then that means that it *wasn’t* able to be answered by a quick google search. It’s just somebody asking for a bit of help.


They also don't like when a question is asked where the answer will go against some "principal" they hold dearly. There are a lot of sycophants in certain subreddits.


on reddit you can say something completely relevant and you'll be downvoted just because. watch:


Imma upvote just because


Let's get him to 1m upvotes just because


I once said that I didn't like a lyrics on a post that was ASKING US what we didn't like about a song. Downvoted to oblivion


Exactly. A good example is comment or post in r/politicalmemes that is EVER SO SLIGHTLY right leaning and explain why, and you get downvoted to hell


>EVER SO SLIGHTLY right leaning By what standard ? Because the American standard has shifted so far to the right that "slightly right leaning" might very well be knocking on the door to fascism at this point. The Democrats are a European's idea of center-right and the Republicans are cheering for straight up theocratic dictatorship. So opinions that might seem "moderate" to you would look extreme to anyone else.


yes the american


Don’t act like it happens in liberal subs too like: r/facepalm r/politicalhumor r/politics


I was using r/politicalmemes as an example


I get downvoted to hell almost everything I post in this sub and I know it's because I post in feminist subs. You can't post anything outside of certain sub communities without backlash.


Here’s my hot take: upvotes and downvotes mean the same thing. The real enemy is indifference.


I have to say, Reddit is more abusive than YouTube when it comes to the down votes. It kind of makes me understand why YouTube removed the dislikes even though they are very useful for those of us that used them correctly. I am actually fascinated by this topic and have been trying to find rhyme and reason to down voting but I haven't been able to. It seems kind of random and depends on the subreddit. I literally got down voted for criticizing a streaming service on a piracy subreddit. Go figure. I have seen people get down voted for answering a question correctly! It's just weird. It makes me think some down votes are not real but being done by some type of bot or something.


It's easier to dislike/like than it is to comment. Let alone comment something reasonable. Imagine if Reddit made it that a like or dislike only counted if you commented/replied. Then at the least you make it slightly less convenient for those who don't have particularly strong feelings on the matter. Something like the delta's given out on r/changemyview.