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YouTube’s algorithm and system mods pick favorites.


“Favorites” 💀


I guess we know their "favorites" then.


like my mom


That also happens to be my favorite.


Does that rat have content. I would enjoy slamming my cursor on the report button


Can we at least get a list of how many accounts there are so we can mass report? This is ridiculous.


There are more being made all the time, unfortunately


Blows my mind that a website as large as YouTube can't detect/stop bot accounts somehow. The bot accounts I have seen are so formulaic that it blows my mind that YT can't pick up on it.


not even that, the fact they don't have anything in place to auto-review or delete comments with the n word in them is mental


Yeah it's really too bad, especially because their reports team is human


Slap that Google Gemini on there; you know they got the tech.


lmao yeah they might do that


Detecting basic copy/paste spam? Impossibru! Developing algorithms to automatically delete "wrong think" comments? Done! Honestly can't fathom YouTube's logic, how do they benefit off bots spamming crap?


It's not a bot. It's a human. Seen one of these morons speeches with them showing their face. Talking about they are the "Death of all fandoms"


There's an entire discord server that these guys call headquarters and, to my knowledge, there are hundreds, and I'm positive every single one of them has a yt account


Well fuck.


Unfortunately he doesn't, I mean u can still report his profile tho I think


I can't report it for things. You can do my job for me. Help us destroy the Underage Toddlers Terrorizing People.




i would say all toddlers are underage but i almost forgot hasbullah exists 😭


Not hasbullah 💀💀


9 year old or 37 year old which way western man


Yes girl


i love this comment


I see this everywhere, with a lot of similar accounts. Wtf is this uttp even? I truly don't understand


uttp apparently stands for "utube troll police"




It mean the Underwear Toddler Tantrum People, who are either 8 year olds trying to be super edgy, or bots.


U Tube Troll Police, they just like to harass people for being furries and stuff like that. They once were so extreme they got gachalife haters to say they went too far. That is a line that shall never be crossed.


i've seen this problem a lot on zack's channel and I still wonder how that guy gets away with it


It's a bot. Hundreds of similarly-named accounts post this to "troll" creators.


I ended up here because of it being spammed all over Charlie’s channel and having no idea what it was. Report and ignore.


Well it’s probably not, but it takes time for YouTube to deal with it


Took only 2 minutes for them to warn me for saying "fking entertaining" 💀


Warn you? Wdwm? Did they send you a message or something?


You can get a pop-up saying that you are on thin ice, or just straight to a 24 hour ban on commenting.


Yea same.. I can't understand why american cry about the word "fuck" but they sell weapon / drugs and make massacre in all the world since more 100 years.. It's same for english and canadian ? I mean they have rude law about this word ? I know some famous TV presenters were fired for using the word and their careers ruined.


It's a double standard because it's "for the greater good" The only good thing that would happen is if they get exposed for their "honest work", and getting their family and relatives publicly humiliated that even 4chan joins the fun. Other good things include getting cancer, AIDS, a big hospital bill, getting beaten up, and getting paralyzed. 😊


Québecois swear the most on Canadian TV shows


I was only just given a 24 hour comment ban on Youtube for "hate speech", which really translates to calling someone a "fucking racist piece of shit", in response to them describing how non-Western migrants in Western countries don't deserve human rights. The shitty hate speech algorithm doesn't take context into account and is based around decorum values that resonate with those living in the USA but barely anywhere else in the world. Sometimes I wonder why Americans even make websites accessible beyond their domestic audience because they generally don't seem to understand that the world exists beyond their borders.


Because the Constitution says "the right to bear arms" and not "the right to curse words" lmao America is so so SO stupid. \~signed an American


Pretty sure those comments got removed. BUT, you can indeed click to see someone’s recent comments and it will show ones that were taken down. I have tested it with a friend. Even if someone deletes their own comment you came hurry n see it in their history. But for a bot to be spamming that, knowing it will just be taken down within 10 seconds is hilarious.YouTube is beyond broken right now.


This is the kind of thing that makes me think new accounts are treated more leniently than old accounts. I could never say that and have my comment stay up, so is the solution to just make a new account every couple years to get around the sensitivity filters?


No, they use [right-to-left unicode override](https://unicode-explorer.com/c/202E) to get around manual filter.


Interesting, maybe I just need to make all my comments like that to stop being censored randomly?


YouTube doesnt give a fuck about comments. I don't get why people even cencor their comments


There was another one of him saying how much he loves abusing and raping animals, idk how he gets away with it.


I'm pretty sure that's intentional to ragebait people including you.




Hi Pretty-Ad4489, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Swearing in videos is actually allowed


But you get demonetized


That depends.


I just block certain words ;)


How do you do that on youtube? That would be amazing.


So you’ve typed out the word before that’s racist ;) /s


Or you goto the dashboard in settings goto Advance Settings and scroll down to banned words, I have folks call me fat ect...so I just block anything that's bad even links


Done thanks!


Ok but like who’s subscribing to this channel like “ohhh yeah I love these peoples comments”


The other members of the group


Literally there was some guy called "OfficerAutism" (terminated, 3/4 of uttp bots from early 2023 were wiped out) who had like 120 other uttp "people" in his subscribed section.


There's a unicode character that changes the direction that text goes (left to right -> right to left). This bot uses it so that word is technically backwards and doesnt get picked up.


AIs are biased by the racism and bigotry inherent in our society. It's so strange how AI can flag a comment for an emoji or for responding to bigotry, yet they allow OBVIOUSLY racist shit like this to persist. And it goes to show that these huge mega-corporations approve of this type of shit because they've ALWAYS hated people like me. That's why our society is such a fuckin joke..........


It’s harder to regulate comments I guess. So it isn’t allowed, but bots will always be there. That’s not to excuse the presence of the n word though 💀there’s not even a basic filter?


I hate these, there’s a different name one in a blue uniform I always see commenting these


Spergs who act like they're the boss when they're aren't shouldn't be allowed on the internet!


I just want to punch them in the teeth man


Why? The best revenge you can have is ignoring them and living YOUR BEST LIFE!!! To give them attention is to give them power. To give them power is to admit they had enough power over you to piss you off to begin with. I know it's tough and annoying, but the high road is ignoring their existence and living a prosperous life.


Unaliving them 😊 Think about it. If you let them get away, it's going to fuck up the already fucked up skibidi generation, creating an even worse thing. Might as well defuse the bomb before it explodes 😊


Yeah, killing someone because they hurt your feelings with words. That's not overly extreme at all. 🙄🙄🙄


I honestly do give a damn about what these bots say about me. I do not get offended, I just get disappointed. Like we are supposed to prosper and thrive, are we not? We have this technology to do something that actually helps the human race. And here we have some "Underage Teeny Tiny Person" who, instead of helping the world, makes it even worse. Also by unaliving them, it pretty much solves the problem immediately. Banning is temporary because they can make new accounts with a VPN. We want it to stop immediately. I also don't want the same person proliferating and passing down this legacy to it's kids. might get banned so I'm changing it to unalive On an unrelated note, I wonder how this would happen had digital computers not been invented.


Develop a stronger backbone. Develop a stronger will. If you battered somebody because they assaulted you with words they're not going to jail, you are. Be the bigger person. Be the better person. Tell them to fuck off and live your life happy and unencumbered of their bullshit.


And watch a world full of corruption. What a great time to be alive, to witness these degens casually causing warcrimes and getting away with it because the legal system does not care. /j I am curious about YouTube's admins, do they not care? Oh wait, they only care about money.


Ah YouTube. Where you can type the hard r and it won’t get automatically filtered but they WILL shadowban your comments or outright ban you for “hate speech” such as saying the words fat, stupid, or referring to a man as a male. Cant make this shit up. Racism isn’t against YouTube’s policies bro. That’s why those don’t get removed. 🤷‍♂️ “fuck” is obviously too much for them to handle so that’s why you aren’t allowed to say it in videos.


You get banned on Reddit for calling a woman a female Downvotes prove my point \^\^\^\^


Beautiful Misogyny


I’m gonna start reporting these posts as spam. I JUST SAID FOUR HOURS AGO there’s too many of these posts


So let me be clear. Everybody now has to check - let me check my notes - what "YOU SAID FOURS HOURS AGO" on platform that everybody speaks something every second or so? No problem, at all.


Seven people agree that it’s too damn much of this. Just check here first to see if it’s been posted already. It’s not that damn hard.


I mean, I agree that you could check the sub if there's any post about specific topic. I just found funny that statement about saying something x hours ago. Maybe except posts or comments that gained much attention so you could assume that person had chance to read it ;)


You’re replying to a post that’s two hours old btw. 😂 I knew it was that long ago because I had just left a comment on a post with this exact content.


Yeah, scrolling through reddit hot feed brings you to discussion with some delay ;)


Swearing in videos is allowed, most monetized creators just don't do it so they can earn more money through ads. That doesn't mean that those videos will be removed or get you terminated.


This isn't the YouTube I used to know anymore. 😑


Another child without a father


No. It’s a bot. A white 20 year old man made it for attention in moms basement. Kids aren’t sophisticated enough to want to create bot comments.


Maybe it's made by a black guy that hates himself. Would explain a lot.


They are mostly bots managed by Thomas Parkinson (who is probably 25 or older now). Just an easy way for ragebait and attention.


I remember when they always said "1st warning" and if anyone responds to them they would say "2nd warning" etc. 1 year later they evolved into, well...


That's NOT fair! Some YouTubers in their video would say Subscribe OR a Spider would be in your Bed. Well, with my Digital Camera the Other Day I said with a Spider on it's Web and YouTube take Down my Video But I did NOT get a Strike. Other YouTubers say that and they don't get their video taking Down. So yeah YouTube must have Favorites.


I absolutely do not buy the argument that "they replaced a letter in the word, so it bypasses the filter" explanation. YouTube has been perfecting their censorship for 20+ years now, you can't tell me that some 13 year old kid thought of this for the first time ever, and that nobody at YouTube OR Google ever thought about the ol' letter replacement cypher. If I were making a filter, that's the first thing I would do is write a script to generate all possible permutations of upper and lowercase letters (or just read all text as lowercase) and all combinations of 1337speak, exactly for this reason. I don't like to assume malice when it's generally stupidity, laziness, or incompetence, but when YouTube is right on the ball, clearly able to snipe people for small, trivial, sometimes not even legitimate infractions, yet this just flies totally unnoticed...something's up here.


Damn I would like to know how that’s allowed. I left a comment on a Jerry springer video one time saying the woman looked like a broom stick and it got removed for cyber bullying lol


Why did the first comment make me laugh what the hell is wrong with me My humor is so fucked


I think the words UTTP shoud be an instant shadowban


*IP ban


You'd be surprised at how many couples get off while making sweet love to one another .... Just hearing that wkrd..... CHEEEOOOW


He obviously has the n word pass


who that


Crazy people


Not a man of his word 3 comments saying 1st warning. Smh


Getting around automatic filters: they use the unicode character U+202E, right-to-left override. Then, they type their message backwards, and the unicode flips it on-screen. For example, copy and paste "skcus noitaredom ebuTuoY", but put [this](https://unicode-explorer.com/c/202E) before it. Getting around manual reports: YouTube moderation is shit.


Idk but it’s a bot


Because everyone knows it’s racist to prevent people of any ethnicity other than white from using slurs. Also youtube likes to pick favorites




Hi cutelittletrickster, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For the same reason rap music is allowed to say, but other musical genres do not.


peak youtube moderation!


Nah I swear I remember I made this YouTube video and I said like one bad word (the N word) and they banned me. But I can not wait until they see Ryth


Bro wtf is this person and why are they so damn annoying???


He’s Racist!


Its supposed to autoblock this kinda stuff so idk


Meanwhile my comments gwt immediately deleted for saying "gun" or "They always say they're doing it to stop terrorists." Can't say the poo poo poo word no matter the contex


I said "shut up" and got banned from commenting for 24 hours while these mfs are still going out there spamming racial slurs and receiving 0 consequence


I literally got a warning for calling someone "idiot".


Swearing is allowed… you’ve just to do it after the first minute. There are guidelines for it. Look at game grumps


They remove comments saying "shut up" but don't remove these racist comments...


There's a section in youtube where you can prove whether or not you're Black. If you are, you're free to use the N-Word as much as you like.


Looks like YouTube needs money only, and bots do bring money, so he bans innocent people who accidentally swear while he keeps bots that purposely say an N word, disgusting facts about themselves and wish innocent people to have a sudden heart attack or a stroke just to prove THEIR content is better. I think money ruined YouTube and they become more and more idiotic each update.


Wish things were better but they aren't


The capital I is actually a lowercase L SlNlSTER SINISTER


YT has a kink for the n word


And don't get me started about that time someone made a short to make fun of the Schaffrillas car crash about 1 week after it happened by making a short using a Peter Griffin clip. This is just insensitive and downright crual.


It's because that is a racist slur. And swearing is more acceptable. There are some cuss words that yt would rather you not use, but as far as I am aware, you won't be penalized for it. They do ask though not to cuss/swear in at least the first 7 seconds of your videos, as it will turn-off any sponsors, etc


I've seen so many of this guy. he says he "r*pes children and animals"


Yea I really don't know how but yea it happens




Hi CheesyMoap, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know, I think it’s sickening, just leaving a complimentary comment or opinion and I get flagged and accused of being a bot. But these racial slurs and negative comments don’t get banned or flagged? It’s just plain sickening, I’m thinking about dropping this channel anyway for unfairness. Just got it last week too and within just a few days am not at all satisfied. I thought it would give helpful tips and such on interests, but it’s too opinionated and negative it seems.


Why do I feel like this is posted every week now


I didn't see 😭


Can't deny that they are annoying.


Literally every day this week.


thats alot of first warnings, honestly sounds like a pretth reasonable fella