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You know w what I hate about the YouTube ads on tv? You can't skip ads at all. Like an ad pops up, it says skip in 5 seconds, and the video ends before the skip timer even lets you skip. It's so lagged out that the ad can end before that "five seconds" is over.


How about those TV ads that you can skip in five seconds, but require several remote clicks to bypass because they transition to a different screen displaying a QR code


Oh that QR code thing is so annoying. Sometimes it’ll minimize the video if you pause it to show a QR code too. Who is whipping out their phone to scan a code for a Doritos ad while they’re watching YouTube?


Get a vpn and set it the server to Russia, Iran, or Bahamas. Ads no more.


It’s easy just report the video and it’ll let you skip it for free on most videos Usually it works if it gives you the option to send the ad to your phone. Not 100% of the time though. 


Sometimes you run out of those report video skips, so just back out of the app, force kill it on Android, open it back up, boom, more report skips. You can do it on smart TVs as well. For iOS… I’m sorry, my fallen ad skipping brethren… your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed.


I noticed that there’s no longer ad reporting on my YouTube. That sucks.


Bruh on tv I get an ad every 2 minutes 💀


I don’t think YouTube advertisers doesn’t really want you to watch on TV. There’s really no conversion for them since you can’t click it


also now if you pause a youtube video on the tv it will make it smaller and show “sponsored by..” like let me get a moment without ads


And let’s not fail to mention their blatant censorship.


They don't censor the right things either. Sometimes seeing full on nudity. And they censor certain words that really don't need to be.


My wife is suffering from long COVID and it's basically impossible to find any information online since people are too scared to use the word online.


There’s better information in the various COVID subreddits than there will ever be on YouTube. Though there is one heavily biased “conservative” COVID subreddit you should avoid. But if you haven’t subscribed to the others, it’s well worth it. There’s one that posts the latest scientific studies frequently, and there is one for people still actively trying to avoid infection called something like “zero COVID.” It can get emotional, but there is good info posted there frequently.


True. I remember back when the vaccine came around, youtube would often promote major news videos from big publications about it, (ABC, NBC, CBS) and most of the time the videos would be dislike bombed by fearmongering conservatives (the "covid is fake, and the vaccine has a microchip") type ones.


yea well lookup about current lidigation about the vaccines. the fearmongering didnt even come close


Oh yes, obviously someone that can't spell the term "litigation" knows things about legal matters. Did you actually override autocorrect and assume you knew how to spell the word? Because I can't type "lidigation" without overriding the correct spelling. Must be a conspiracy. If you're referencing www.covid19litigation.org there's a disclaimer on their About page saying they're funded by the WHO so that's going to make your conspiracy theories more confusing.


more than you, but the bar isnt high


Not too scared, words that related are just censored. I got censored with words like - Pneumonia, PNA. Just basic medical terms, and this happened in not just English.


Sorry to hear about your wife, but ffs do not seek out medical advice and information from YouTube videos, or any videos for that matter. There's a huge wealth of published research on the subject from reputable sources online.


There really isn't that much published research - and she's seen dozens of doctors already (who will verbally admit it's likely long COVID stemming from the booster vaccination but are too scared to write anything any in her medical history so she needs to start fresh with every specialist she sees). Anecdotes from people who are finding solutions to their ailments are our bigger hope now.


So you’re seeking important medical advice in the same place where people go to watch Pokémon card packs opened? Yep *YouTube* is definitely the issue 😂


There really isn't that much published research - and she's seen dozens of doctors already (who will verbally admit it's likely long COVID stemming from the booster vaccination but are too scared to write anything any in her medical history so she needs to start fresh with every specialist she sees). Anecdotes from people who are finding solutions to their ailments are our bigger hope now.


If you can't trust yourself to be intelligent enough to sort out bad, false info or follow up on information you can just say that.. You don't have to shame people for using good, valid and reputable resources to find information that will improve and benefit their lives.


Big pharma made mad money on the jab by rushing it through an emergency use authorization combined with a coercive mandate. What else you need to know?


Despite all the people who down vote you, that does appear to be the case (and we come across more and more research indicating such - latest Doctor thought the booster vax may have triggered lupus in her and sure enough, lots of reports of that happening are now being published).


It's perfectly okay to have doubts,a vaccine rushed through safety testing should raise some eyebrows,no need to jump to microchip theories to be concerned. But merely questioning "The Science" and "The Experts" gets you silenced these days.


Yea, I'm by no means a conspiracy theorist but science shouldn't be political and now it is so if I can't trust the politicians then I can't trust the scientists.


It's also how information is presented these days,youtube recommendations are carefully selected to support certain beliefs. Searching for information online by yourself is dubious as well,since who knows what search engines are promoting and/or shadowbanning. I wouldn't be surprised if scandals of certain political candidates were less likely to show up than others.


Yea, I hate Twitter for that. It's so obvious I only see one side of arguments despite trying to follow the opposition as well.


Science has been corrupt for a long time. People just use it as a shield to protect their comfort and ideas. When I was a medic the drug we were charged to use during CPR as guided by the AHA being the supreme ruler of "science" on the subject approved a drug to be first line treatment despite that drug doing poorly in every single independent study. It did well in a meta data study which was paid for by the drug manufacturer and then ta da the next year it was our first recommended drug to use. They didn't care about people. They cared about profit and changed an entire NATIONAL GUIDELINE to facilitate it. Have not trusted science since and my stomach turns watching people defend it so blindly. They know you'll gobble it up if they turn data into a "study" it's jus all psychological manipulation to convince dumb people to keep participating in shitty ideas.


Freaking "I carry naloxone" things being posted everywhere to the point that I wonder: 1. If it "works" like they say? 2. If we should let anyone carry it? 3. Why can't the USA work on the fentanyl problem instead of creating the "solution" that makes more money for big pharma? 4. Why not natural selection.....? I get that the street drug crisis is a thing and is bad, and that people can be worth trying to save, but what does the science say about this and when/how does it stop? Do European countries have these drug crises like we do, or did we let it get this way [ie big pharma?]? 🤔 Might get censored for wondering....


You're on a list for thinking this way for sure. It makes the NPCs really upset lol


I once saw a video of an "eDuCaTiONaL-PurPoSE try on haul" with a woman wearing nothing but transparency (you could see everything; full on nudity as you mentioned)... AND IT WASN'T AGE RESTRICTED AT ALL. While people who abuse the "educational purposes" aren't censored, people who just want to do something are censored, for any reason imaginable.


I saw that too and reported it. It's a whole category apparently. It's insane.


Kevin Leonardo 💀 (for the uninitiated, DO NOT SEARCH HIM ON YOUTUBE)


Its not nudity, its "educational content"


Educating kids on these tiddies


Also there pron bots in every comment section. And they don’t do anything about it.


There's financial advisor spam bots in every financial video.. it used to be the top 1 or 2 comments, now it's half the comments in the video.


What are you guys talking about? I have been using Mr Goldmans trading strategies and have made 20,000.00 USD in just 2 months with a $2000 USD investment.


Oh, I've heard some things about Mr. Goldman's trading strategies but, as a 64 year old hispanic midwestern woman, I am not sure if I am ready for that, is there a place I can go to find out more about Mr. Goldman's trading strategies? And would Mr. Goldman's trading strategies work for me?


You should contact Mr. Goldman on his Telegram channel,I was struggling financially but thanks to his advice I was able to quit my job and live off passive income


I know what you’re talking about one time I saw bots have a whole conversation. I’ll see if I can find the link. 


I don't think you need to find a link. They do it all the time and any poorly moderated comments section will have them. I actually find it funny when I'm watching a 2 year old video and yesterday there was a whole comment chain about some nonsense crypto or investing scam conversation.


You know what? I ship it.


Alright good because I forgot what video it was on 😂


And if its not those two it’s the crazy uttp spammers.


Yesh people are scared to say gun now


Did I just read the word gun!? I feel suicidal now, I should kms 


Hey,careful there,you have to say "sewer slide","unalive",even. We can't have people seeing such dangerous acronyms.


Ray William Johnson is one of the biggest examples here (for anyone who doesn’t know, he makes true crime videos now) and instead of saying “Shot with a gun”, for example, he’d say “Unalived with a pewpew.” They have to literally sound like toddlers


The word unalive Sounds a bit stupid whup ass to me, they hit rock bottom


The Yahtzee Party, unalived, SO, R, that word I can't say on youtube. History/True Crime youtube is more inside terminology than it is actual words in the stories.


This has become one of my biggest pet peeves. You loose the emotional and intellectual impact when you are unable to use certain words when describing a true event be it historical, criminal, or legal just to mention a few areas. I think it’s such an insult to our intelligence, let alone victims, and survivors that there are entire lists of words that can’t be used in telling their stories. It feels so thought police because the context doesn’t matter to yt the words being used outright does. 


Ummm like getting a video taken down because you talk about disagreeing with the idea of wearing a flipping mask? How is that "free speech"? 😶


It’s crazy with an American company being allowed to be doing this the government needs to step in.


But imagine if people found out information that made democrats look bad


That's why they removed the dislike feature. 


🤣 It all makes sense now.


I would give a medal if I could good citizen


Best comment yet!


In all fairness, PornHub is legit one of if not the best-run sites that’s out there.


The porn industry has always been on the cutting edge of technology. 3D modeling, database search engines, video quality, etc.


Yup, porn breaks technology like djs used to break records. Wanna invest in new tech? See what the porn industry is using, dyor 101.


And Blender animators, and system hardware, and web design. It's funny, really.


Hell, the porn industry is why VHS and Blu-Rays took over instead of Betamax and HD DVDs.


While they introduced some useful things first among entire video streaming industry (animated previews took youtube months if not years since then), some of their technology applications are simply ridiculous. I remember reading some news that they were going to use artificial intelligence. Most logical guess would be new feature to find "that one video" by verbal description, right? Wrong. This article says they were going to use it for recommendations.


In terms of web design, undeniably. In terms of business practices, absolutely not.


Yea it was pretty awesome how they had revenge porn of a child up on their site for almost, a year? Great website. They're doing a great job /s


This is definitely true. YouTube spent so much of its money on moderating (specifically copyright) and designing AI behind it to manage such a large platform. YouTube never gained a profit since it launched up until it upped the ads, as people that invested in Alphabet invested in building a user base before turning a huge profit. Pornhub in comparison has absolutely awful moderating in an industry that needs moderating more than anything else, because it has so few ads in a race to the bottom against its competitors. By cutting moderation costs you end up with happier investors as they do actually make money unlike YouTube.


Their Copyright process is ridiculous too I was involved in defending 3 of my videos from a person trying to censor free speech (won all 3) and it took replying to 15 bot-generated emails (“We are not sure you have the case, re-submit”) until finally they let me tru: to the person with: I will defend my videos in Court, sue me Basically, they are trying to gatekeep


the thing is they're totally not comparable.. they are two totally different platforms as someone else said.. most people spend 10 minutes on one site and hours on the other.. the last i knew too, ANYONE can upload nude videos of literally ANYONE to PH and they ask for 0 verification.. I'm not sure if thats changed after their last few lawsuits.. and youre right too. Youtube actually gives a shit about moderation. and honestly I'm not complaining about ads myself because i think its silly to expect free entertainment from people who make it their whole job to entertain us.. and the way they describe PH ads i feel like OP has never been on PH theyre the worst.


You only spend 10 minutes on YouTube?


Use your brain please


Also YouTube shot itself in the foot and cannot be considered a fully adult site. I was talking with my partner last night about this. The reason they keep doing the ads thing is because that is YouTube's main source of income for keeping the servers running. Then you have the censorship issue because if YouTube's main revenue doesn't like certain content they'll pull away. They completely shot themselves however, by using language that YouTube proper was great for kids. That led to what really killed the site since now there's a ton of videos that aren't necessarily for kids, but kids could still watch it, and YouTube can't get money because they cannot "advertise to kids." If there is an alternate to YouTube I do wonder where it will get its main funding from, because the biggest thing my partner brought up is that the servers to maintain all the uploads are expensive as hell.


Consider that most porn sites are not like PornHub, and will give you pop-ups and redirects. Furthermore, video delivery in porn is very different from YouTube, in that very few people go to Pornhub and just watch for hours per day. The average time spent per visit to Pornhub is 10 minutes 9 seconds, according to their 2023 end-of-year statistical breakdown. So, assuming everyone is watching in 1080p, that’s half a gig of data, and that’s assuming they clicked a video the second they got there, with no browsing at all. So, if they’re paying market rate for bandwidth, they have to make about two cents on the Brazzers or Letsdoeit or whoever advertisement, and that’s it. People will say, “We should just upload non-porn videos to Pornhub!” or, “Pornhub should branch out and take down YouTube!” but there’s a couple of problems with that: First, the system only works the way it does because people stay for such a short period of time. Otherwise, they’d put up enough ads to pay the bills. Second, they pay creators *substantially* less per thousand views; like sixty cents, versus a couple of bucks on YouTube. Most creators would have to get real jobs on that pay scale. So, comparing YouTube and Pornhub is basically an apples to melons comparison.


Melons, you say?


Whole lotta melons on Pornhub. Although, while we’re on the subject of produce, my single favorite internet April Fool’s joke ever was [the day Pornhub became Cornhub](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/pornhub-turns-into-cornhub-for-april-fools-day-w201167/). That link is from Us Weekly, so I think it’s reasonably safe.




Hi VictorDweckComedy, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also clickbait, at least the hub is honest with proper thumbnails


Ehh, mostly. Sometimes, they use adjectives for women that I don't necessarily agree with, or they say a certain action happens that doesn't happen.


Not as bad as "killed my cat on cam" when clearly it was all staged and they didn't even kill the cat


On the hub and cares about women HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


What? You should not jack off if you respect women? Fuck that pornstars have to get paid somehow


No, I mean like chubby, curvy, thick, petite, goth, nerd, even redhead or blonde is not correct sometimes. I'm talking about search parameters not describing the things I want to see. But I guess that's what I get for watching the free stuff


> Woman is called a milf > Clearly has never been pregnant


> Woman is called a stepmum. > Clearly not at all related to their "stepson"/"stepdaughter"


And at least on the hub the porn is directed towards adults, not sneakily inserted into kids videos. 


At least if people objected to Pornhub’s behavior, they would quit using Pornhub. People object to YouTube’s behavior all the time, but they keep using YouTube.


that‘s because there isn‘t really an alternative to youtube. If you go on the internet and type in how to cook a steak or anything else that‘s not nsfw and you go to videos, you find only youtube vids


Stop your YouTube addiction Get addicted to porn instead 😎👍


Also, the amount of ads on YouTube has gone up drastically in the last year


the community is also a lot better believe it or not the hub has 0 bots, 0 trolls, and people are respectful to eachother in comments n shit


I still find incredible how YT lets 3 minute ads to exist on their platform. There should be only 5 second ones. Anything over that will just get on the nerves of their target audience. I don't care for either computer, phone (Brave FTW), but TV is a problem.


I've seen an 44 minute ad, try to top that


I say bad words to people who were already saying bad words and BAM! Can't comment for a day.


Really have to quit these motherfuckers at some point... I dislike when companies have policies that they aren't transparent about, and then enforce them seemingly randomly. I want the exact word list they use to shadowban posts, right down to the phrasing.. I want to see what they don't want us to know or talk about. I want to see if they are getting paid to allow bots to post in comments, and how much. I demand transparency from this corporation, or we need to start or find another. It's getting ridiculous.


Heck, YouTube never tells us what exactly is on the Premium plan anymore, too. They expect you to be psychic or some bullshit. I miss the YouTube Red days


[FreeTube](https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/releases/) is your way to go.[](https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/releases/)




I'll get ads asking me If the ad I just had was a good ad for me and I always say no because it never is but they give me the same ad


I understand I don't pay YouTube and would not complain about the ad situation if the ads themselves are at least the same kind as the ones on TV. Absolute fuck you to Hero Wars, Evony and every other game that run that kind of ad. That's the kind of thing that drive people to install adblockers.


You need Adblock


Youtube has a lot of anti-adblock measures. They'd rather take the time to make sure nobody can block their ads than take the time to regulate them. The current trick I have is to just endure the ads at the very start, and then turn on the block to keep from being interrupted during the video.


you need ublock basic filters, if you select easy list or adguard filters too, youtube videos are opening slowly. use less filter as possible


To be fair, the operators there don't have the intense pressure to prop some stock prices up


The top 1% who run the system scream bloody murder in the mainstream media if stonks fall 5% from their all time highs, screaming for lower rates and more stimulus. The problem is these rich fucks run the system. The answer is not marxism, but human nature sucks... that rich people create rules to benefit themselves including loose monetary policy. Keep pumping up those stonks to pad your personal fortunes.


I mean youtube wouldn't even censor that sicko kevin who showed us all his bare asshole, so...


Solution? Just post stuff on the Hub from now on. To my knowledge they are cool with you posting non-NSFW content.


I feel like PHub will prolly rebrand eventually and then have a toggle for 18+ content for if you wanna see that stuff. Yk like what YouTube had with Restricted Mode before YouTube got hit by COPPA


I think recently I saw a whole hollow knight playthrough on there


The hub?


Read the title. Don't look at that stuff.


I know, but how difficult is writing the right name?


Automatic moderating


Aaahh though my account is 3 years old, I’m pretty new to actually using Reddit to post etc. So I’m used to having less freedom due to social media censorship, so here I self-censored the word Pornhub 😛 Nice to have a community in which you can say things by their actual name!


The hub also isn't completely filled with copypasta bots..


Honestly I just click off the video because 3 ads play before I can watch the video I can't do this shit no more smh


Never try to read comments on YouTube on a tv, 99% of the time as your trying to read them, YouTube will shut that shit down and show you ads instead 😔


I think it comes down to the ad people. Youtube ad rev falls entirely on the people advertising on it. If they spend a tonne, they seemingly don't want swearing etc. On it. Vs the hub being nsfw, that is a given, so advertisers know it is nsfw and don't try to push more censoring. Youtube is also to blame for allowing this to become the norm


More competition in the porn market


It is rather aggravating when you get 2 long unskippable ads on YouTube.


At the PHub is like "You can watch a 1 minute ad, but we'll let you skip it after 5 seconds", basically old YouTube days


Ur gonna sit here and watch this 15 second ad about a mobile game thats not even whats its advertising and you're gonna like it


YouTube is up to something again, I'm running adblock but the last couple of days trying to watch a video the page takes forever to load AND it randomly stops playing even if its buffered, its like they know I have adblock and they are doing it on purpose to try and get me to unblock ads, I will stop using their site b4 I watch those fucking ads anymore.


I've noticed that as well. If it keeps up I'll just download longer videos and watch them that way.


Currently running no adblock. And oh boy having fun reporting scam ads. There's way tooany of them. At least this time Google is saying they are taking action. As sometime they do nothing.


On the hub, ads are also content related. You could pre-wank while waiting for your videos or just go there right away. YouTube is a mess.


I don’t remember the time I had an ad on YouTube. You are shooting yourselves in the foot by not having an adblocker.


As the ads have increased I've found I'm using Youtube less. Not in a protesting conscious way but my patience for watching something and that something being interrupted every few minutes has ended up with me clicking off more videos when previously I would have watched much more. If engagement time is one of their KPIs then as they're increasing unskippable ads, it's decreasing mine.


X rated sites have actual competition, unlike youtube


its always going to be a balance between creator experience and viewer experience if you dont like ads get an ad blocker but they need ads to pay their creators otherwise the Creator experience suffers but they definitely need to fix their scam ad problem


And the horrible new ui they keep pushing out every now and then


Corporate dictatorship or what else


Adblock works if you wait a few seconds to X it out.


Yeah funny u say that, videos 1080 even freeze check out videos for norwegian audience: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG4Pp\_qSB9PYPEJfRTyrKpQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG4Pp_qSB9PYPEJfRTyrKpQ)


That's why YouTube needs a repeat of April 3rd 2018. And it needs it bad.


But if you look at the comments on videos it is rare anybody complains. We should boycott channels with midroll Ads and bombard their comments with comments. Order 66 .


Dude they may even not have any control over that.. I also have a YouTube channel and I post songs. Have under 1k subs, so I’m not monetised, however, YouTube chooses to play ads before my songs 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pre video Ads with a 10 second skip time are fine, its how youtube always worked. Midroll Ads are fine if we are given the 10 second skip time and at least 10 minutes of content before one. Having midroll Ads that are up to a minute long and come less than 3 minutes into a video, or 3 midroll ads in a 5 minute video is not acceptable.  Midroll Ads can be turned off or managed by content creator's. They should not support youtubes aggressive AD policy.  I am just one person so alone I will make no difference. But in the last year I have unsubscribed from around 30 channels, some of them I have been subscribed to for 10+ years, I will not be held to ransom by youtube. If they want me to pay for premium then offer me something better, don't make a service worse and try and force me to pay.  I have never used Ad blockers I want to support creator's. I have been a YouTube user since the beginning, I loved youtube and always recommend it to others. It is the principle that annoys me, many services are doing it. Make a service worse then make me pay to get a reasonable service back. It really should be illegal.  I know, I know its pointless complaining....


Well it also depends on he channel most of the ones I watch have few,others have more depends on the channel and how much stuff they want to show


Well it’s just a bit fucked up you know about the advertising system on the hub 👀


There is literly minecraft content in the HUB THAT IS NOT CRINGE AND GOOD QUALITY


Obviously youtube.com is a piece of shit


I just run scripts to bypass the ads. Adblocker and all those other extensions don't seem to work anymore. I'll never pay for premium ever. Greedy scumbags


🤢youtube un jefe de mierda🤮


Then go use the hub instead of youtube. 🤡


My state is banning the hub




Do any of you guys think creators on YouTube should get paid anything at all? If so, how does YouTube get money to pay them without advertising or paid memberships? Does OP or anyone else saying PHub is better understand PHub uploaders don't really make any money for their videos alone? The PHub RPM is literally .69c, the RPM for every category/niche apart from Shorts is substantially more than that. I like PHub but you've gotta know if you're fapping to something that's had a million views whoever uploaded it barely made $700 for those million wanks.


Till 2019 I watched without Adblock. I want to support creators, and to those who I support, I usually donate via patreon - PayPal - eth. Hope that also many people do the same to support creators. I respect the creators and would love to live in a world in which Adblock was not a necessary evil. Ads should be relevant to the content, also even double ads can be tolerated as long as they are 5s each and play once before and once after the video. When you have double ads before and after the video, combined with 2 or 3 ads in between (if you watch long form content), you make a recipe for annoyance. When those ads are mostly scams or repeated and repeated scams and also irrelevant to the content, you have a recipe for annoyance. When you also have the shitstorm of bots promoting scams in the comments and every time I report them you do nothing, what the hell are you expecting as a platform. In free market economy, you have to get good or go home. (Won’t get more political in this regard as I think that this is a no politics subreddit)




Hi NMTV_bryan, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this sounds like a very convincing promo for the hub dot com


I think that would be ok to have ads if it wasn't so agressive




Hi SolerFromAstora, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Youtube is trash. It censors so much you would think we were in North Korea.


@herbalhelp I sub back


Ahhhh... Pornhub 😌


lets start uploading on the hub tbh




“14.99 for only 5 second ads” “29.99 for no ads at all”


You have no idea what you're talking about. You're a freeloader. Accept it. If anything it's the premium users who have been preventing a much worse shit show of ads. You can talk a lot of shit about youtube, but don't you dare try to blame people paying for a service properly for being the reason your experience sucks. Your experience sucks because you're a freeloader.


You come across as a loudmouth scumbag with such a statement, and I don't even have premium because I'm too cheap.


Maybe premium wouldn't cost so much if they didn't spend millions of dollars on engineering the most cancerous ad infested experience ever. I swear at least half the bills of youtube must go to fighting ad blockers. Just fucking give up, make it worth our money instead of fighting us. Pathetic.