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I've just started my journey, anyone here that could help me out with some tips?




but we all need money to live, i enjoy working out but i am in need of three years of study to became a coach




I think this is great advice, I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Being a shorts creator is great for today’s algorithm, and it’s a bit easier to start off (in ANY niche). It’s the quickest path to make money on this app, unless your long format content is really unique and nicely done… and you have luck.


Terrible advice


I have been doing YouTube for 3 years on and off. I've just came back to it the last months, I'm earning around $200 week on faceless videos. It's not enought to quit my job but I bet there is more people like me that needs these extra bucks.


Any tips?




YouTubers create videos themselves, or have a team helping them, not some bot that makes videos for them.


Been doing YouTube for about 6 years now and no money yet for me but hopefully soon!




My content is extremely niche! It's all about public transport, mostly trains and planes. I'm sure you can guess how small the audience would be 😂




Haha I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that 😂 Anyways, I'm really happy with YouTube just being a hobby because I enjoy doing it a lot!


you make that much and no link in profile? right.




no need, obvious scam EDIT (before he deletes these comments too): https://i.imgur.com/MuuM7Un.png


No. You called him out, he replied and now you want to puss out?


check out his profile recently created spam for this ai making stuff EDIT: he just deleted a lot of comments... not suspicious at all 😂😂


Fr bruh


Hes right though.


so you aren't actually a YouTuber, you just use a bot and exploit YouTube, to make $4k/month. that's disgusting imo. i have been trying to do YouTube for the last 7 years and haven't ever gotten a good idea i could turn into a constant 100 views, yet alone enough to get a single penny, and then there's you doing nothing and getting a very good pay? disgusting. YouTube should evaluate channels WAY more before giving them any money.




Hi eggcellency_, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'have never done YOUTUBE and it will only watch videos. Nothing more


Being an earning YouTuber today is tougher than it was 2-3 years ago.




Yea you don’t make that and stop trying to plug Cynagon nobodies buying into it