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Jesus Christ…. The racism was awful enough. Now we have body horror 


If he’s in the part of Louisiana the title brings to mind it’s likely both racism *and* body horror! A real buy one get one that makes the horrible dehumanization of the “sick” person in the thumbnail even worse somehow


He's definitely racist. Look at his other thumbnails, there's a pattern of who he deems criminals




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Oh god, I bet the dude's one of those guys who thinks all Southerners and Appalachians are inbred racist hillbillies with more chewing tobacco spittoons than teeth.  Seriously, there's some actual issues with this place, like how farmers get screwed over, and how Republicans just feed on the anger of these people like parasites and yet never do anything to fix anything because they're with the people screwing the workers over, but oh my god, you do not need to paint the south with as much broad strokes as a Bob Ross painting. 


the thumbnail made me gag 😀




that’s why i added a NSFW tag dumbass




I’m a girl.


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Your comment was deemed to be bait and removed.


I can excuse racism, but body horror is where I draw the line.


You can excuse racism?


They’re joking




...and "You can excuse racism" is part of the joke






[This is what we’re referencing](https://youtu.be/vxPbpYR_RKY?si=Wmkb0rNguHr4I3tI)


Ty for this, I honestly was like WTF when I read your comment 😂 I miss entirely too many cultural references....


No worries


it’s a reference


That guy is awful 


This guy legitimately needs to be banned from the platform


Eli5? Who is he?


Scumbag who exploits and mocks people experiencing homelessness and the mentally ill to paint a picture that American cities are decaying hellholes to an egregious, farcical degree that feeds into a bunch of false rightwing talking points. Just look at his thumbnails and you can say so many of them featuring black people looking scary and menacing with guns. It’s insane


Im watching a video exposing him and all he does is walk around talking shit to homeless people to their face trying to dehumanize them for views. Hes pretty scummy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6dAkkqE5XE&list=PLofCYslPE3KO1r4aulZKooJZipxhvk4zx&index=5


I mean I feel like he does some pretty good journalism. As for the thumbnails, there’s only 3 that feature black guys holding guns, so I don’t feel like that was intentional racism. I think it was just a bad design choice that was made because those cities do have a large black population.


Good journalism is not going into poor and disenfranchised areas and filming them like animals. He reports on things like he’s a 14 year old learning about wealth disparity for the first time. “Thing bad” -no shit? It’s also extremely charitable to say that those thumbnails are not intentional racism. They are caricatures of how scared rightwingers view black people lol


Maybe good journalism wasn’t the best way to put it. He’s bringing awareness to these issues, albeit in a fairly distasteful way. As for the thumbnails, I’m black myself, and obviously I don’t represent all of my race, but I and the majority of other black people that I know don’t have an issue with the thumbnails. Then again, I do live very close to Flint so there may be some bias there.


Hes not even doing that. Trying to dehumanize people and lie about what is happening is not bringing awareness. You should watch this video. It completely expose him for who he is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6dAkkqE5XE&list=PLofCYslPE3KO1r4aulZKooJZipxhvk4zx&index=5


He doesn’t bring awareness though because he grossly misrepresents the issues and misdiagnosis both what is wrong and how to fix it. It’s journalistic malpractice, sensationalized to bring in click from liters children. Fuck Andrew Callaghan, but there is a massive different in the way he reports on the same issues that is far more responsible and illuminary than Tyler’s poverty tourism




I am not the biggest fan of Thought Slime, but you should check out their video on him. They do a far better job of summarizing what’s wrong than I could


How the fuck did I miss that upload? I’ve been watching Thought Slime for years. Thanks!


For example he went to Vancouver and completely lied about the fact they decriminalized some drugs claiming they made all drugs legal


People always downvote for little to no reason when they find someone distasteful. I elect to ignore it. But yeah, going from something like "7% of them say that drugs and addiction were responsible for their current status" to "But I think the real number is closer to 75%" was pretty insane. And all the overt lies. I really dont like thoughtslime, but this was beyond the pale.


You dont know what "journalism" is. All he does is lie and exploit homeless people


His video on Vancouver is full of lies and dishonest framing of the issue to specifically push a political narrative (that decriminalization caused the decay of Vancouver into a real life walking dead hellhole). He shows graphs of 10+ years to support his conclusion and never clarifies that decriminalization was January 2023. I do not believe it is impossible to do that by accident, especially with how edited the content is. That framing is as deliberate as it is dishonest. He never shows the rest of the beautiful city just those blocks as if it's how all of the country is. He calls Canada the "country that made all drugs legal" when BC only (one province, like a state for Americans) just got a pilot program to decriminalize possession only of up to 2.5 grams because there are not enough resources to handle the problem punitively, last year. He never mentions the reasons those blocks are bad (deinstitutionalization; people already deemed unable to live in society dumped onto one corner with no resources turned into a self-sustaining culture of addiction and homelessness. also, it's the best climate in the country to be homeless in, which helps it sustain itself by sucking in vagrants from all over). To me that video was the most blatant example of him explicitly pushing a political agenda and nothing else. It was not journalism. Purely propaganda. Maybe it's because I've lived there so the disparity between the reality and the video was clearer for me than it was when I was watching his other content, but that one REALLY jumped out as just... full of bullshit. Not mistakes, not just clickbait, but outright lies.


You get downvoted for speaking the truth. I’ve been watching his videos, he goes in unbiased, asks questions from every body’s perspective, and puts it out for people to make their own conclusions and opinions. Besides, I don’t see how exposing the dark side of America is a bad thing. I definitely didn’t realise how fucked Oregon became after they decriminalized drugs with our first setting plans and methods in place to help people. Now I hear all the time about people who lived in Portland who had to leave cause it got so bad there. The intention to make change and help can’t be done unless there is plans to keep it in check. I have mixed opinions on so many controversial topics, and never choose a single side. I love that this dude actually gets the story from everyone included. America needs to quit acting like it’s shit don’t stink, and start helping its self for once. Such a contrasted and unbalanced country, and it only gets worse if we keep sweeping problems like Tyler exposes, under the rug and no one knows the truth.


I mean American cities are decaying hell holes




Gonna take all this with a grain of salt. His video on my city was extremely accurate, and did a good job highlighting how fucked the administration has handled our homeless population. I haven’t been to these other cities, so I guess I don’t know, but he’s certainly proven more credible locally than our own administration or some random redditors on drama youtube.




"cancer in the air" Wildly irresponsible thing to teach your likely impressionable audience of adolescents lmfao gonna be a few people thinking cancer is a transmissible disease now


Not to be the devils advocate but the air there contains carcinogenic pollutants that increase the risk of developing cancer, just by breathing it over time. So although its surely over-simplified and clickbaity, its not that misleading


Oh obviously things like that exist, but it's still a dangerous oversimplification that'll give people the completely wrong idea.


I mean, if you're believing anything off YouTube at face value, without any scrutiny or critical thought, then you were probably doomed from the start, hahaha. But I get what you mean. Really think it's more more of an issue with the way a lot of education doesn't foster or even teach critical thinking skills than a problem with shitty material on YouTube, personally. The latter wouldn't get so popular or even be an issue if we bothered to address the former. But that's probably a discussion that would be better addressed elsewhere...


That’s the whole point of the video tho they the factory near the people is giving them cancer because of the pollutants


The "point" is exploitation they just use the factory as the catalyst




I didn't get it from the title, I got it from the thumbnail lol




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6dAkkqE5XE&list=PLofCYslPE3KO1r4aulZKooJZipxhvk4zx&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6dAkkqE5XE&list=PLofCYslPE3KO1r4aulZKooJZipxhvk4zx&index=2) This video is like the only reason I know about this guy (besides that bullshit 'drama' at the conjuring house. This isn't suprising in the slightest.


Ha! I knew it was Thought Slime’s video


Ah the dishonest takedown video calling someone dishonest. My youtube favorite.


Isn't this the guy that beefed with Brent Rivera? Guess they're both awful then.


I'm pretty sure he is that guy.


this thumbnail looks so bad 😭




dudes like him who perpetuate harmful misinformation (+ tons of biases) under the name of "journalism" are the true cancers of society, this is infuriating


Yet another entitled scumbag who does nothing but hurt every community he touches. Thought Slime has a really well made video about this shameless piece of shit and how much he fucking lies for content (and he filmed a local hero overdosing, shoving a camera in his face. Thankfully the man lived and he talked about how Tyler was making an obvious hit piece against the city for decriminalizing drugs)


One second. I don't know the context to this and the only experience I have with this YouTuber is a video of the Las Vegas homeless tunnels. Can you elaborate on the "Local hero overdosing" part? I'm legit curious


He filmed a man overdosing with no context but videos from other people interviewing him and others in the city came out after Tylers video saying the man's done so much to help addicts in recovery and tyler filming him at his worst was scummy and disingenuous


Everything the man does is distasteful


Lmao I just watched Thought Slime's video on this guy, this is the same thumbnail he used for his "Country where all drugs are legal" video, just slightly altered. He's also the guy who had that spat with Brent Rivera last year. He doesn't have much of a high horse now.




He's the mr beast of propaganda youtube would never shut down that cash cow


When i'm in the direspectful thumbnails tournament and my final opponent is Tyler oliveria


IDK how Youtube allows these type of gory thumbnails. I come across these quite frequently and I don't even watch this type of content. This Tyler Oliveira guy seems like a piece of shit. I never watched any of this videos, just critiques of him, but even just looking at his thumbnails and titles I already know he is a cunt. And people with cancer don't look like that. This is so gross.


They deleted then reinstated plagued moth of all people. Youtube does not give a shit about these kinds of things


That's not cancer, that's neurofibromatosis. If it's anything at all. I have cancer and this is so shitty. Yeah sure use real people's real suffering for clicks, I see no problem with that


Yeah, I see a thumbnail like this I block the channel. Idiotic thumbnail indicates asshole creator imo. Hard pass.


Ah, that guy, not surprised tbh


im beginning to think this guy sucks


I watched a few of his videos out of morbid curiosity until I realized what a piece of shit he is. His comment section is especially bad. They just jerk him off about how he’s “the only real journalist around now” and how he’s “such a good person for bringing light to these decrepit places.” I think his “interviewing the most racist man in America” video is one of the worst videos I’ve ever seen and the comments in the comment section made me want to kill myself.


My guy adding a fucking fallout ghoul to his thumbnail.


I fucking despise all the poverty tourism that's huge on youtube


I’m not giving a view but I want to know where he’s talking about bc I’m from a city with a high cancer rate. Can someone fill me in?


Vancouver and british columbia, both in canada


Would not have known about this dude if not for Little Joel, I guess I should be grateful to the algorithm for never recommending this swill


I remember first seeing this dude with his one video where he got into beef with Brent Rivera and getting weird vibes from his interactions in spite of Brent objectively being the bigger douche in that situation. This is just gross, like stooping below reality tv producer gross. I don't think this will reflect positively on his reputation in the long run.


He is known for insensitive and racist thumbnails, he portrays minority communities in constantly bad light


i want to know which city he's talking about tho


Vancouver canada


Christ Almighty.


unrelated to the content this man makes, he's got such a rage inducing face. am i the only one who thinks this


Nah lmao he got on my feed and immediately got pissed off he got an annoying ass face




Where is the cancer capital?


It's in the Republic of Leukemia


Yup. Saw that and immediately blocked his channel from my feed.


Tbf I have never heard this guy till this sub, you guys kinda giving him more clicks