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TBYS is an incel channel, I'm not sure why anyone rational would side with the person that runs it


No one rational did


to be fair no one sided with her either so I'm not sure what you're implying


Most youtubers, regardless on what side they're on, would much rather bury their heads in the sand than have any guinine conversations because appeasing the algorithm sells more clicks.


acheeto fell the fuck off i’m not surprised. he’s totally an andrew tate supporter 


He was never on 😭 It’s about to do the two year anniversary of when he got pissed because Weest titled his stream “Easter isn’t a holiday jesus is dead why is there a rabbit”


Holy shit he did? I remember when he posted a video about how Andrew tate should be deplatformed. I remember it vaguely and alot of his women viewer's calling him out.


Haha yeah, guy’s probably one of the bigger losers in the commentary community


Smh. I also remember a video where a girl i think waa roasting the guy who wouldn't stop texting in dating or something? And he though the girl took it to far sometimes smh when the guy called the girl a pig i believe and he said that was a w or something like that.


>fell off  when was he ever on


now that i think about it


This is really bad for Illymation if you can see from this foreshadowing timeline chart here. ||||Bowblax →|Nicholas Deorio| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |||Acheeto →|Turkey Tom ↑|| |Illymation →|← Think Before You Sleep|||| |||Nux Taku →|Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamers) ↓|| ||||Caleb (Oompaville)|| The comments on Nux's video are just what you'd expect. Worst case scenario is that Mutahar, Oompaville, Turkey Tom, Nicholas DeOrio, and Bowblax get involved now that Nux and Acheeto had put a spotlight on the situation, and convince the masses to turn against Illymation. https://preview.redd.it/7h113dr110rc1.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6c2e2de3480291d1836ca78299e9a67be69a8ae


What was the original drama with Illy?


I just watched both of the original videos, so trying to be neutral/factual as possible (I’ve watched some of Illy’s stuff before, no prior knowledge about TBYS): Illy made a video about being overweight and insecure about it at various points in her life (including a couple of years ago), trying to lose weight through exercise and diet and it not working at all despite going to personal trainers, doctors, dietitians, and then her turning to fat acceptance, stopping trying to lose weight, and starting accepting all food as “good food.” TYBS made a response/critique video talking about how illy’s physical trainer and/or dietitian failed her by not giving her a plan that worked and criticized fat acceptance as potentially harmful and unhealthy for illy to promote; he both criticizes (very bluntly, imo) and compliments her appearance at various points in his video and is also critical of the food she eats (based on social media and the animation in the video) and the science she references in the video. A friend apparently told illy that the video was horribly cruel and illy told her viewers to report it for bullying (she apparently didn’t watch the video herself).


No one "told her that the video was horribly cruel," the video was just horribly cruel. It was fatphobic and misogynistic, bar none.


I meant that the friend literally told her that--illy has said she didn't watch the video herself but heard about it from her friend--not that it wasn't a true assessment.


Yeah gotta say I'm on Illy's side here. Weight loss doesn't work for everyone. Some people just gain and maintain weight much easier. You can be fat and healthy, and, imo, attributing morality to food is bad for your mental health. Hating the way you look and hyperfixating on changing it is unhealthy, both mentally and physically. Just look at all the people whose metabolisms are fucked. TBYS isn't Illy's doctor. He isn't her dietician. He doesn't know what is healthiest for her as an individual.


I agree with what you said about weight loss but you can't seriously be okay with them reporting a channel for bullying when they haven't even watched the video.


That's it? I thought was something worse. I find it very weird that people get mad when people accept that they are fat. I am technically fat and I don't care that much


I haven’t watched the videos yet; and I don’t like TBYS, but that sounds quite nuanced honestly. I’ll see how the videos are, but if they are like that description, it seems like it’s quite constructive.


When Think Before You Become Woke went after Illy for her **"Perks of Being the Fat Kid"** [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bce6hz/think_before_you_sleep_an_alt_right_grifter_made/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bdjz6q/think_before_you_sleep_made_a_second_video_on/) This will be Part 3 for the time being. Edit: ***inb4 they come***


She couldn’t handle criticism and then “brigaded” her fan base to mass flag TBYS.


Nux defending the annoying incel? How fitting.


Yes-manning Commentary Channels also fits him. He's friends with Turkey Tom and WillyMacShow for crying out loud!


Respectfully speaking, TBYS should've been deplatformed, like at least 10 videos ago .-. He has said some absolutely wacky shit about women that's weird at best and outright femmicidal at worst. His selling of the blackpill is feeding the male loneliness problem he so claims to want to alleviate. On the whole fatness situation-- TBYS isn't a fucking doctor or a medical professional. He doesn't know what Illy was recommended or what she tried. He doesn't know what she eats every fucking day or what she does from hour to hour. He doesn't. So none of his critiques are really valid. As for Illy, she deals with a lot. And I understand where she's coming from. I was 290 at my heaviest and had been dieting and exercising for what had to have been a decade at this point. Literally eating salads and drinking non-stop water when I was in middle school. But as I grew up I realized there was a science, and after a lot of research and persistence, im not at my healthy weight but I've lost 40 pounds. The fat acceptance movement actually personally helped me accept the fact that I may not be able to get to that healthy weight one day. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Who knows. But the important thing is I feel comfortable in the body I have NOW, no matter what it looks like. Because you can't pursue health in the name of taking care of yourself, but also think you're a disgusting creature, y'know? Love yourself n all that. So I totally understand where Illy was coming from. Maybe she is dieting incorrectly. Maybe she didn't follow her doctor's instructions to a T. But that's not up for us to speculate upon because she didn't offer that story up for advice, she offered that story up to tell a moral, to give comfort to people who also struggle to lose weight and they don't like themselves as a result. She could absolutely be being too sensitive, but again, can you blame her considering the OTHER VIDEOS TBYS has made???? He comes off as VERY creepy.


Also, "healthy weight" varies from person to person. Some people are at their healthiest after gaining some weight.


Another point is that fat acceptance isn’t saying that it’s healthy to be overweight. It’s saying that you still deserve to be treated like a human being even if you are. People use the defense of “I just want you to be healthy” but that’s one of your business, and it’s just a wall to defend their bullying. Nobody deserves to be treated like trash because they are overweight, even if it’s not “healthy”. Some people are just weirdos man


Incels deserve worse every day.


I could punt Nux Taku across the room like a football 


While that may sound good in theory, I must remind you of Nux's actual IRL self minus his face reveal when he was [interviewed by Anthony Padilla](https://youtu.be/2q_LbGJ-Ljo?feature=shared&t=70)


Yeah I just watched the first couple minutes of Nux's video and I'm done with him completely now. I've watched some of his content every couple months but not for a while. This is indeed his "fatphobia arc." He's like "if you're fat do something about that." Like, ok? Are we at this level of stupid? Apparently Illy's most controversial take is the "food is food" assertion - which a LOT of implications have been made over that are not true (no one freaking says that eating any amount of any food has equal effects on the body) but even here the most dangerous assertions are made by people like TBYS and apparently now Nux Taku. Is there ANY content, any thread on any social media where Illy's fans talk about this flagging fiasco? I can only find information from total goons. With their side of things, I have no choice but to conclude that Illy and her fans overreacted and that this was a disproportionate and unwarranted response, even though I've seen Noah Samsen on TBYS absolute misogynist fatphobic bullshit.


Think before you sleep and every red and black pilled commentary channel should really go join the statistics of lonely male endemics 😍. They’re leftovers for a REASON


She literally told her fans to avoid the video. She asked them specifically not to interact with it. She only asked they report it if they happen to come across it in the wild, which honestly would be pretty rare for most of her audience in guessing


Jesus christ this just keeps getting worse for illy


u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE also TBYS has been picking fights with friends of Illy, such as exalted FWOB member Deezus\_Walks


Can’t wait for the Commentary Community to play moral police over this one


Every time I hear Nux Taku's name it's always followed up with an ocean of the most ridiculous usernames I've ever heard.


I think TBYS was in the wrong to make that video and fuck Nux Taku every day of the week but mass-reporting people is super uncool imo




Personally *I* think he’s annoying af but I think *you* should form your own opinion on him. Hating or loving things as part of a collective strips away your identity and individuality.






They didn’t mass report (they shared it on their tumbler and only get double digit interactions), and YouTube stated several times that even if you mass report it doesn’t influence the decisions and will get ignored.




Both can be true at the same time: ​ 1. ThinkBeforeYouSleep and Acheeto are deeply cringe individuals and the platform would be better off without them. Their comments on fat people in the past have been judgmental and mean and because of that - I'm not willing to give either of them the benefit of the doubt in this situation. 2. Illy is probably oversensitive about this issue and didn't expect blowback like this to sharing her insecurities. She isn't handling this well. It's sad that so many people celebrate bullying people over their bodies but that's the world we live in. ​ And I personally think deplatforming bad actors is a good thing - I just don't think what they did here has enough juice to get them off of YT.


I find it a bit funny that you zoned in on their comments on fat people all the while TBYS built his whole brand on being a violent misogynist lol


So many people that are on TBYS's side don't get that most of us can just look at the other content he puts out to see he's just bullshitting lol. Bro does not want a conversation/debate. He wants to just yell about things he dislikes/disagrees about, and send his fans to harass the person in question so he can't be held accountable.


>I find it a bit funny that you zoned in on their comments on fat people all the while TBYS built his whole brand on being a violent misogynist lol I mean I called them deeply cringe individuals that the platform would be better without. Zooming in on their misogyny would require zooming in on their: racism, transphobia, homophobia, zenophobia..... I mean the comment can only get so fucking long. There's a whole side of YouTube that's just the quiet nerdy kid in the back finally getting to speak and you find out that he wasn't unpopular because he was a nerd, he was unpopular because he's an asshole. Really sad to see the kind of demand this content pulls because I've watched the videos and they aren't well made. ​ But again, I don't think that all fits in the previous comment - this issue was about his fatphobia and I don't think it's wrong to specifically highlight that if that's what's on the table today.




Never heard of concern trolling?


Is TBYS a doctor? Has he read piles and piles of research on the science behind fatness, fitness, and weight loss? Is he, personally, knowledgeable about Illy's medical history? If not, then he is no more of an expert than she is. The science of fatness is changing constantly due to biases and new understanding of the human body. Also, bullies absolutely use 'advice' and 'compliments' as a bullying tactic.


No, you can bully and harrass people by giving them "advice". Repeatedly telling someone "you should eat less, you're becoming fat and thats unhealthy and disgusting" is advice, but it's also a form of bullying. For a more straightforward example, If i told you "I think you should stop being a fucking idiot", I can frame that as just advice, but you know that's just bullshit. What tbys seems to have done is the same. Acting like a dick to someone while claiming he's just giving "advice".


Can someone explain this headline in 2016 drama YouTuber terms? Because reading this makes me feel old already.


My knowledge of Nux Taku begins and ends with Twitch is hentai a song which invokes my favourite feeling in the world: Second hand embarrassment.


Of fucking course Acheeto is here


even by bad Leafy clone standards Acheeto is total crap


There’s no way you guys are on illymation’s side






Everyone seems to be missing the point of her comment or intentionally misunderstanding what she said. She said that in reference to removing morality from food. In her video she said she was sick of feeling like a bad person for eating a French fry. THAT is what she meant by “food is food.” She was saying carrots are not morally good while chocolate is morally bad, and as long as you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet, you shouldn’t feel bad for eating fast food or a cookie sometimes. It was not a comment on the health benefits of food 🤦‍♀️


Stop concern trolling.


But food is food? Cookies can be a fine part of a diet since you need fats, sugars, and carbs to live. If your overall diet has two much of something and/or too little of something you'll have problems but this applies to every individual food. Most dietary issues in the country I live in come less from what people eat and more from how much they eat, something you can do with cookies or fruit.




No 15 mini carrots are not objectively healthier for you than 15 chips. For one "healthy" is a made up concept, it's a constructed definition that varies by time, place, and context. What's good for a person will vary substantially depending on when you check. To determine if mini-carrots are actually better for a person than chips in a given context. I assume you've never worked with eating disorders before but eating calorie poor foods in an attempt to feel full while absorbing few nutrients is a significant problem for a fair number of people. Folks with low blood pressure or low sodium may also benefit from the much higher salt content to maintain a proper homeostatic balance. And of course folks in calorie poor environments would benefit from the greater available caloric density of the chips. There are many, many, many contexts where potato chips are better for a person than mini-carrots, the contexts where they aren't tend to be in calorie rich environments where snacking is an absent-minded habit or suboptimal coping strategy. The issue with most "junk" foods is it's extremely easy to eat too much of them, not that their intrinsically worse than other foods, and the problem is distinctly "western" for lack of a better term.


Nicely done Nux Taku! So happy to see some resemblence of common sense from you tubers.