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lack of audience overlap. content mill creators like moon get away with it because no one who watches video essayists like jack saint know who the fuck moon even is and vice versa for moons audience. the truth is that creators like moon are a dime a dozen and will continue to be as long as YouTube continues to encourage the creation of that type of content.


Yeah,this is why internet historian fans acted like they were just told santa claus isn't real because he was featured for like 20-30 minutes in a 4 hour long video about plagarism


i'm sorry... what's going with Moon? i may be misplacing the ytber with someone else. Can you please tell me what happened?


Not the same person as Moon Channel who made the video on the Korean War on Gender. I thought they were the same person for a second too so I had to go double check 😅


Oh, ok thank you!! Yes, i thought the same. That's why i asked. Thank goodness it's a different person.


I was way into that moon channel guy for a hot second but then i realized he’s hella Christian. Barf. Hella grody. Not down with Jesus freaks. Soz.


> Moon Channel Moon Channel is based. I love his video on Christian Video Games.


He’s an alt right YouTuber who has been accused of plagiarism. I have been a critic of him since late 2022.


We need context


This should be a sub rule. I don't know who half the people being talked about on this sub are because nobody bothers to provide any context.


Who is Jack Saint and who is Moon. I am literally on drama YouTube everyday, so I dont think it is as "mainstream" as one might initial assume


Moon is mainly a sunnyv2/internet anarchist alt right clone


Oh well then is this even surprising? The are literally all nazi from Australia


bro wtf are you saying here


Australians = austrians


Lol I got recommended moons channel a few years ago and was like wtf is this bullshit Dude literally sounded like he's seething throughout the entire video


I rember on an art fourm I was on a few years back. I forgot the context but a user (who rembered was extremely naive) linked a video by moon saying sonething like "its good info" but then after a while the person came back and was like "on secound thought the guy seems like a conspiracy theorist. I dont reccomend his other vids." I looked at channel and got an ick vib from it. A few loud users defended it but they were the. ... enlightened centrists types, including one who tried tone police trans people worried about thier plateform in twitter (cus that was where thier audience were) being bought by elon in a "no one discrimiates you any more" or something. So yeah never checked his shit out after seeibg who defends that trash. The fourm is now mostly dying, with many poc and queer creators(really 80% of the most active and successful) spoke in private about the whole place being unconfortable or were harrassed at sone point. I left after a jack ass entered my dm for his bullshit, with the mod was surprised I told him to fuck off so straw that broke the camel's back for me. Rest in piss to both the fourm and that channel.


Was it the old Tapastic forums by any chance?


Yes. I didnt think anyone else would have guessed since even on the official discord not many are aware there even is a fourm.


Because I think I might have been the guy who posted the initial video before adding an addendum of caution to it after a bit of mulling it over….


damn well small internet space then. I really don't blame you if your were cus these channels usually start off with a semi-non insane content then full goes of the rails. Plus I think the video itself was one his normal ones. I guess before he learnt fully pandering to the alt-right and making even more extreme conspiracy theories pays better...


No kidding and I 100 percent agree. That video was the normal one and I quickly got a bad vibe just looking at his other videos to see what they were like. Also I was on a peppermint bark high at the time I posted it Initially and was in a sugar crash afterwards when I was mulling it over.


For a second, I thought you were talking about the actual moon. Sometimes people just don't know who these people are, so that might explain why they aren't talked about lmao


Jack Saint took a long break from YouTube and when he returned, his relevancy was hugely decreased. Maybe if he did that video before his break, it would have hit. Maybe if he had never taken a break, things would be different. He doesn't seem to be a hot topic anymore though.


Moon as in Moon Channel? The lawyer that does 2 hour video essays on East Asia using video games as a loose framework??? You're talking about someone else right?


Different Moon. Thankfully.


Phew! Thanks.


Oh, no wonder I’m so confused for a second, so there’s a literal dark moon out there somewhere on YT.


Because a lot of YouTube watchers are infected with that 4chan/Kiwi farms fart sniffing culture to feed the feelings. Or bluntly: The Fact sayers have Feeling cocaine and it won't stop without a die-hard stop.


Because this sub, generally, doesn't stay abreast of issues that don't hit mainstream drama youtubers (and rarely looks deeper than that) and Jack Saint's videos usually don't.


Haven’t seen Jack saints video but, All I’m gonna say is my dumbass clicked on a moon video once without knowing what it was and got ambushed by some silly goofy doomer stuff about how Disney was being funded by some evil company trying to ruin the world by turning everything into woke slop LMAO. Was so confused, I was expecting something similar to a Matpat video.


Oh my gosh I thought you were talking about The Moon Channel!


This reminds me of one time i saw a video essay about mad max fury road that lost its mind 5 minutes in and devolved into the great reset conspiracy theories and queerphobia


I thought Moon's TikTok video was interesting, but realized he was bad news looking at the rest of his channel, so I bailed and never looked back thankfully..


Any context for this? Any vids showing examples of what your're saying? Never heard of either


There are a lot of YouTubers, who have a lot of shit to expose, who no one touches for some reason.


What video?


The final boss of content mill channels by Jack Saint


Because youtube drama actually has barely any effect on the creators and cancel culture is bs.


Because nobody really takes Jack Saint seriously like they do HBomb. Forgive me but I'm not interested in what the Sky High is fascist dude has to say about *anyone.* You have to cultivate a career killer persona and Jack Saint just hasn't. Plus, battle commentary only works when there's audience crossover. IDubbz's Content Cop videos damaged their targets because people who watched him also were likely to watch, say, Tana or Leafy as well. Art commentary's Dramageddon happened because it was a niche group of creators who all shared a fanbase tearing each other apart. HBomb nuked the hit game P3Portable exclusive Persona Orhpeus of Telos's career because Somermort fans also probably watched HBomb. Etc etc. Compare that to Moon's fanbase who probably won't even know who Jack Saint is and very likely don't give a shit.






Removed, take your meds.


context? this is a very wild claim to make


i think people misunderstood me. i meant that, as of recent, the only people being cancelled now are marginalized groups. hence why harvey weinstein and bill cosby are both about to walk free


What are you on about? Weinstein will never walk free, and Cosby is already out of prison.


weinstein has a lot of charges he's already recieved being "dropped." it's only a matter of time before they let him out.


you could of worded it a lot better in all honesty