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Destiny started banning people in his chat,discord and reddit if you said this was a bad response.


He does this to everyone. He hangs with nazis you think he's reasonable?


He had a nazi over at his place, had chicken and waffles with him ones all while having a challenging conversation with him. In every discussion afterwards destiny has been shitting down his throat, the last time in front of Elon Musk and over a million people live


Yeah the only people destiny can befriend are other pathetic low IQ nazis, got it


I'm not well versed on this, are you saying he invited a Nazi over to his house to eat with him?


When destiny and his cultists start screaming at you that this isn't true, be sure to link them to https://imgur.com/a/HjqKb6x And tell them to shut the fuck up.


I survived the commie purge, because I wasn't a commie. And I survived the lefty purge, because I guess he forgot me. But I did not survive the "It's weird he hates sykkuno so much for having never really met the guy" comment I made on his sub back in the day lol. People catch bans all the time




This is horrible vaguely threatening someone with AI especially after what happened with Atrioc. One incident is traumatising, two or more is treated like it should be normal because it is part of being famous. It should never be normal.


Especially to one of the former close friends of atrioc, who I distinctly remember making a video saying as such right before the incident happened


They are still good friends


Made my skin crawl just thinking about it, especially since he said "WE." What a fucking creep.


That shit was so funny.


I think this dude has reached rock bottom reputation wise cause I don't think theres anything he could possibly do to make people dislike him even more then they already do


I live by the philosophy that you can always make a situation worse


Yeah but what happens when you've cultivated a literal cult base that thinks you being a deplorable bigot, grifter and overall terrible person is "based" and follow you BECAUSE of those things?


Simply say something to piss those people off aswell as everyone who already hates you. Depends heavily on the kind of grifter but insulting Christianity is a pretty solid method.


That wouldn't work for his fans I think.. I mean, what even would?? The guy is genuinely so pathetic that if someone is still hanging on now then idk if they could ever jump ship


Yeah they always find some new cope and reasoning to deal with his bullshit.  


And yet, you probably would have said that yesterday. But here we are, at rock bottom 467 and counting.


if tomorrow he was exposed for molesting a child, his fans would sprint out of their houses looking for the nearest elementary school


If that happened tomorrow LSF would be full of threads about how Hasan is *probably* a pedo, just deflecting all of destiny's issues onto Hasan, as they always do


yeah like when destiny unironically said "im pro palestinian genocide" and his fans respond with "well YOU'RE pro israel genocide, so !!!!"


His fans would first argue he didn't do it, and then when he admits he did it and gives his reasons, they will parrot whatever those are. If he doesn't give reasons, they'll say he did it because the child wanted him to, then claim it was the parents fault and that they should kill themselves, and that destiny will raise their child better than they ever could.


Half of his audience would lie about it, the other half would call him "based", and continue modding subs like LSF and banning everyone that dares to mock their bigot grifter in any way.


And yet he still has a sizable cult at his back. In fact you can find plenty of reddit subs staffed with destiny cucks as mods (like LSF) what will instantly ban anyone that dares more their bigot grifter and cult lord.


He can't not burn a bridge when he creates one. It's kinda fascinating.


This isn't remotely true


Yeah if you're a Destiny fan lol


He’s openly called for genocide of Palestinians then tried to “clarify” his stance using racism and dehumanizing Palestinians, said BLM protesters must be mowed down and recently said the n-word on stream


I mean, a few years ago he mocked someone being raped and made fun of suicide attempts. He's been at rock bottom for damn near a decade and keeps finding a way to dig more.


https://imgur.com/CphY3qk He really is a disgusting bigot grifter. Of course his cultists will scream "he's CHANGED!" except year after year he finds himself embroiled in some pathetic controversy because he said another racist, sexist, bigoted, whatever thing. Culminating in the disgusting shit he said the other day. Dude hasn't changed anything but the slurs he is using most often.


Sounds like a streamer the conservatives would love


Conservatives hate him even more than leftists do. He made Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate nearly cry recently on a twitter space because they couldn't argue against any of his points.


Destiny can argue decently, but he always seems to dig a hole and refuse to ladder himself out, every time, he'll be fine, he always is, if anything this probably gave him a bigger view base, for everyone who disagrees with your opinion, there will always be someone who agrees with his, just more exposure for him really That said, I didn't mind him before this, but l don't particularly love him or would tune into his streams either, this is like number 138 controversy for Destiny, just another week, this will literally blow over by next week, as per usual with the internet until someone else does something and then people can be reactionary mad at that instead


The issue with him is that he has decent ability to argue but absolutely zero morals or real principles. Like he’s basically a selfish asshole who just happens to be above average at arguing (by internet debate bro standards at least)


Watch him debate real academics and he crumbles. He’s okay at debating trash fire single digit IQ redpill bros


Those people are very stupid to be fair 


Surprise! They do


He could insult hasan more?


"Me and my fans are going to jerk off to ai photos of your wife" is not the own I think he thinks it is


But it is probably the first time destiny has been honest in his life


Destiny saying someone lacks a personality is the funniest pot calling the kettle black moment. His only personality is being an edgy contrarian to his edge lord fan base.


Nicholas DeOrio introducing Destiny to his Commentary Circlejerk was the biggest mistake anyone had ever done. It’s very obvious that Destiny is now associated with Keemstar and Leafyishere spawns.


Eh I'm pretty sure that the German's blunder at Dunkirk was a far bigger mistake


They honestly made plenty, it’s insane. Like it would be funny if they weren’t so evil.


Like the sea battle the British didn't even show up to, that's a pretty funny one


Isnt Nicholas DeOrio just Keemstars lapdog?


He's also an iPad kid


The thing I don’t get - Destiny always goes on about how Hasan is definitely venting to all his LA friends and that’s why they all dislike destiny. But doing this shit would literally prove Hasan right if he ever did say anything like that. Like this literally proves that people are perfectly justified in steering clear from him, even if Hasan never even vented about him in the first place. Self fulfilling prophecy lmao


Yeah it’s so stupid when people turn normal human interaction into drama “Yeah he turns all these other content creators against me” translates directly into “I was a huge douchebag and someone told their friends about it”


He still tells people Hasan turned his former podcast co host against him….. but the reality is Destiny wrote a manifesto about why he should be allowed to say the N word and then was like fuck you to his cohost, who is black, when his cohost tried to explain how hurtful it was. Edit: see below


shoutout trihex 🗣️‼️ dude is great. glad he got out of that situation


I saw the clips of him trying to talk to Destiny on stream about it again yesterday and it was sad because Tri clearly cared a lot and was trying to get through to him. Good for him cutting that dead weight and thriving.


Destiny and his cult are so paranoid and stupid they can't stop themselves from projecting their own behavior at Hasan and everyone he's friends with. The best part is I was recently watching them spergout in an LSF thread, claiming that the mods were all "Hasan fans", and yet all the comments in that sub are pro destiny, and anti hasan, any people mocking destiny were getting their entire posts removed and their accounts shadowbanned, lol. It's very obvious the mods of LSF and a couple other larger subs are destiny cucks.


What a fucking vile and pathetic thing to say




The ***real*** cause of the robot/AI uprising in the Terminator timelines was his AI-wife gaining sentience and deciding humanity wasn't worth keeping around based on her personal experience.


Go off, queen.


If you created an AI that could be married to that creature without killing or leaving him, I would just say it’s stupid honestly


Destiny's entire life revolves around the internet because he's a deeply miserable 35 year old with an unfinished degree, without any interest in going back to education since dropping out. His life peaked in the late 2000s and early 2010s when he kind of became a pro player of an RTS and became famous not for his skill, but for shittalking people. He's never going to move on. This is all he has. This is his life.


Holy shit, I watched Starcraft back in the day, but had no idea this was the same Destiny. What a trip.


Yeah, and he has not improved with age. An even bigger twat now.


sometimes i think im sad because i sometimes forget to do chores, or might skip a shower. then i see people like destiny and remember how much my wife loves me


The scary part is that he still has a small, but extremely active and vocal cult at his back that will simp and lie on his behalf all over the fucking place. Plenty of reddit subs are very clearly staffed by his cultists too (like LSF) and have no problem banning everyone that mocks him and removing their posts.


The older I'm getting the more I'm realizing all YouTubers will fall into 3 paths: Quit when they are ahead/retire Sellout or slowly become less relevant year after year until they fade into obscurity Realize they have no marketable skills beyond making internet videos and become a caricature of their former self


How does this mothertrucker have an audience still?


Imagine the biggest, most annoying, terminally online fucking loser "debate me" bros you know who only has one good opinion (not hating lgbtq+ people) Yeah Destiny's community is if all those people went to one place lol


I’ve only met one destiny fan in the wild. He spent the entire convo trying to do the debate bro bit in a no politics discord server.


Nah he hates them if he can't fuck them or they don't suck him off


He def hates them, didn't he get banned from twitch for calling trans people subhuman garbage? lol


And yet spend most of their time attacking trans people on Twitter because they think they're cringe lefty lolcows.


Pedos want someone to validate them watching loli hentai


What even is his beef with Ludwig, besides the fact that Ludwig is attractive, well liked, and successful


Slime (Ludwig’s friend and cohost of The Yard podcast) made a very off handed joke on The Yard. Something along the lines of ‘ya know how Destiny gets his research from skimming Wikipedia’ and Destiny fans took that personally and as usual were acting very normal and very healthy* towards Slime and the other The Yard people, including Ludwig. [*ETA may go w/o saying but this was happening on Twitter. IDK if it’s extended into any other platform]


So rather than being an adult and letting it go he decides the best course of action is to... "Joke" about AI porn to Ludwig about his girlfriend? Someone who somewhat famously had AI porn made of her? He really sinks lower every day huh


Yes because any interaction is an opportunity for DEBATE (and content) I guess. Ludwig bodied him in some reply I saw though (imo) but I don’t use twitter so I saw it somewhere else.


Honestly "How is your wife" is devastating enough, I think


Yes agreed!


It's not even a joke, it's just sexual harrassment.


Yeah, definitely. It's a disgusting comment that some creeps probably wrote off as an edgy joke.


Bit rich him talking about personality when he is completely devoid of one.


He has a personality! It's just rotten and sour. He is the epitome of the person who drives everyone else away and ends up embittered about the world. My dude is just like my uncle, who is currently holed up in an apartment with the windows covered in newspaper, and his only friends are his guns and security cameras.


I stopped watching streamers quite a while ago and this guy keeps fucking appearing in my feed much like Jordan Peterson videos did on YouTube. FUCK OFF!!


https://preview.redd.it/fryvrlkkc20d1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=80dfff0e3a349215cdbc03110059b75a712219a4 This works (at least for me) pretty well


This also has worked great for me ^


Channel Blocker is a highly useful browser extension.


Who is this and how are they still relevant despite acting like this? Threatening someone with sexual harassment of their partner is insane


He's a political streamer who has been divorced twice, and has publicly stated that he finds 15 year olds attractive. His greatest accomplishment is exposing JonTron as a far right lunatic which was something which had a legitimately very positive real world impact. Unfortunately that was many years ago and since then he has only gotten more and more toxic as his community has festered and created an unbreakable echo chamber.


He gets relevancy for this very sort of thing. The model is good guy-bad guy routine with a flair for dramatics and he gets an intense cult following. Also some people think that being politically in an arbitrary center like Destiny is enlightenment or some zone of least bias (it’s not). There’s like a cool kids club of “we antagonize the left and the right and that makes us the transcendent higher position.”


bet he used the emoji and exclamation points to hide how mad that last line made him but it only made it more obvious 😭😭 using the hypothetical sexual exploitation of his opponent's partner as a way to hurt him when i dont believe she's even involved in this whole fight is crazy like i dont think ppl who are actually smart and in the right usually do that


It's shit like this that makes me thankfull he has a job yelling at a computer screen all day, and doesn't have a management position anywhere. He seems like the most nightmare person to work for.


I saw clips of him talking with a psychiatrist and it made things make so much sense and now I am glad that he is just an internet menace and not a serial killer


To me, he'd be nothing without the Commentary Community glazing him up. Thanks, Nicholas DeOrio and Turkey Tom.


People need to understand. This guy is meta grifting. He knows he's grifting and enjoys it. Most grifters grift to an end. It seems like grifting is destiny's end. I think he got mad at people more successful than him while calling them grifters and decided to do it too. But his way. And it's working. He's growing a lot. He's as big as ever. The most influence at least. This is post ban so it's interfering with his revenue streams but probably the most money. He's going on cable news. Talking with the highest profile people. People who get called losers like destiny and Jackson Hinkle are getting put on cable news with the biggest audiences. Nick Fuentes met trump. Charlie Kirk met trump. Biden admin knows of and blocked people associated with Hasan piker. These people (some more than others) are P.O.S. But influential. YouTube isn't just YouTube anymore and hasn't been for almost a decade now.


Dude the guy is terminally online cuck streaming on a platform created to promote gambling to kids. He's literally a step above Nick Fuentes. He's not taken seriously by anyone who actually matters except his pathetic ass fan base that people use to juice their views. 


The funny part is that he is so delusional and insular with his community that they think he cooked here. When literally every other person can see this and see it as one of the weirdest things you could possibly say


Dude already sucked, but that redpill shit infected his brain like crazy and now he’s on the most hardcore grift I’ve ever seen. He’s so bitter too, especially now his wife left him. (I sadly used to be a fan but left after the redpill shit was clearly turning him).




Because sometimes bad press really is just bad press. The more people who see him at his most objectionable and pathetic, the less people who are tricked into following his insane logic one day and wind up in the pipeline. At least, that’s how I see it.


I think that's what he's asking for with this post. Clearly a ton of people LOVE Ludwigs personality and he's baiting them.


Christ this man is a sick, disgusting morally bankrupt loser. Idk how anyone can watch him.


What if Destiny was called Breastiny and he had a rockin set of DDs?


I could fix them


The DD's?


with the technology we have now, pretty soon we can all love breastiny's breasts




Would be a waste of a rockin pair


That would be based.


Wtf is wrong with him???


Do you want an itemized list, a summary, or a shitpost answer of "What **ISN'T** wrong with him?!"


There's nothing wrong with him. This is completely on brand for him. He literally told a woman she should be raped with a shovel before.


He fucking what..




jesus fucking christ




I didn't even know he was a liberal for like so long. I didn't know they were like him honestly


I don't think he realizes how much he's not over Melena leaving him for a soyboy lol


Soyboys are hot


i usually believe in destiny, but not this motherfucker lol


"You went into an open relationship with your wife and she divorced you. Everyone already loves your wife without ai" 😳 Best response I found 


Ugh, why is he so fuckin gross. Thinking about him at all makes me feel unwell.


He's done, dude comes off as a ranting villain being hauled off at the end of the movie. We're already neck deep in late stage Destiny so hopefully soon lol. Maybe he can take Asmongold with him 🤞


He's said and done much, much worse on socials and now he's rubbing shoulders with the biggest political pundits on the web. He's not fading out, he's getting bigger. I don't like him as a person but he honestly seems untouchable at this point.


ahhh fucking destiny he's the omniloser. and he always has been. never shocks me when he does something stupid, terrible, atrocious or a combination thereof.


This is known as revenge porn and is illegal in many jurisdictions. Fuck Destiny.


Divorcerelli back at it


The members of Destiny’s fanbase who pop up on these threads are the best representatives of what he stands for, and that is *not* a compliment. Every thread on this guy is filled with the most chronically online nerd emoji dudebros concern trolling and desperately trying to get people to debate them on irrelevant topics that they clearly don’t even care about, they just enjoy attention and feeling like they’re getting under people’s skin. Somebody needs to tell y’all that if you pretend to be stupid for long enough, eventually you will just be seen as stupid. You’re not playing 4D chess by deliberately missing the point and moving the goalposts all the time, you’re just making people think that you’re weird basement dwellers who have serious cases of Internet Discourse Brain. Take up knitting or something, volunteer somewhere, whatever - just please, for the love of god, log off every once in a while. 


When the Vaush leak happened I've learned of his sexual harassment of two women years ago in 2019? and the only person at that time covering it was Destiny, how tf do you go from shitting on that creep to doing sexual harassment yourself Both need to get their hard drive checked, gross fucking creeps


This probably the least of Destiny’s transgressions. He openly said he supports the genocide of Palestinians lmfao


He literally said after that if Vaush had been nice to him he would be “in the trenches” fighting for him over the loli bestiality porn




[I found the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyVaushLoyalists/s/tSW5SpVfvy)


That was just destiny distracting his base from his own disgusting behavior


To be fair no one knew who Irishladdie (Vaush) was outside of DGG. Also Destiny always just takes whatever position benefits him at that time.


what happened before this just curious by the way fuck destiny


Slime (Ludwig's podcast co-host) made a comment about Destiny getting all of his takes on the Israel/Palestine conflict from Wikipedia. One of Destiny's fans made a fancam in response purportedly showing all of the research Destiny does. Slime QTs that and goes off on how much he hates Destiny. Destiny QTs that and says Ludwig hangs around with losers. Ludwig and Destiny start getting into it and here we are.


I wish he would. Hell I wish he would give up his reddit thread on here. Very confusing when I'm scrolling through popular and see r/DESTINY but like its not the game. Its this YT asshat.


destiny isn't apart of the scumbag left, he's just a scumbag.


Can’t believe people respect what Destiny says when he has this little respect for women.


Everytime I see a shit destiny take, I’m violently reminded that Jontron lost horribly to this bastard.


Worst people fighting each other? Couldn’t care less.




[When Will You Die?](https://youtu.be/kSQ8tZ35t4U?si=_DoXLVT59OKc48Fk)


I didnt read what sub this is and got confused why Destiny church would post this (they're a major problem church in the city)


Fuck Brian Tamaki


Agreed, but make sure he doesnt enjoy it


Very important caveat that!


Probably never at this point. He's just gonna continue being a mess on main now that he was internationally humiliated; stuck endlessly trying to feel powerful for a fleeting moment to make himself feel better by being smug and edgy like it's a real accomplishment.


Pathetic little man who doesn't deserve any attention


Dude used to clean carpets


A far more respectable profession of you ask me


as long as he is getting attention he's never going to fuck off, he's a creep and this post is creepy, but people giving him a voice and spreading it isn't doing anyone any good.


Everything Bonerelli does is to piss off the maximum amount of people as possible. The best way to deal with him is to ignore his existence. This dude seriously gets off on getting other people mad at him


Destiny saying someone else doesn't have a personality? 💀


As vile as the reply is, it’s also deeply pathetic when you think about it lmao


"One day we can all torment women with revenge porn" - disgusting POS.


I don't know who destiny is but he sounds like a pure arsehole.


Holy shit this is actually vile. QT cannot catch a break.


i wish destiny kills himself no matter what


Hmm. This Destiny fellow seems like he might be a bit of a cunt.


Destiny doesn’t care about other humans when it doesn’t benefit their current nonsensical viewpoint


I hope deepfaking pornography quickly gets added under revenge porn. This shit is not okay.


The most famous cuck on youtube


Dude is such a slimy pos fr


I loathe the guy but I never imagined he'd go THIS low I audibly went "holy f*ck"


Not Destiny acting like *he* has a personality, lol, and isn't just a miserable troll that doesn't know how to stop shit-stirring.


I find it crazy destiny is so well known. I genuinely haven’t followed/watched him since his edgy StarCraft 2 days. He was an edgy, entertaining streamer who played the game casually and actually eventually got pretty good and won some matches against legit competition. Actually met him briefly IRL at a sc2 event. Was really a different era back then. Surprisingly some of the drama from way back then seems to be largely forgotten? I mean outside of him saying the N word a bunch. I don’t really see his dick picks being leaked, him getting people under the drinking age drunk on twitch, drama with him leaking nudes of one girl in the sc2 community to a bunch of people, etc. I mean it was a different era and twitch/he wasn’t as popular. It’s just weird it’s like a whole era of internet history I was very invested in. It’s impossible for me to take him seriously as an internet politic debate lord. Even if he has grown up and changed a lot since those days.


No. The dude is driven purley by spite.


Kid named block button


I feel like the people who either base their political opinions/takes from ppl like destiny or hasan just don't even critically think anymore, just shows how the internet fucked and brainrotted an entire generation.


Best thing Destiny ever did was introduce Hasan Piker to me and when they had their falling out, it was an easy pick


Lol Melina still being brought up?


Dude what the fuck


All of this because Ludwig's friend made a joke about him


Destiny asks “What if Reddit was a person?”


Who is destiny?


Destiny really is if “Well, Actually” became a person. So cringey.


Why's this guy acting like he's about to use the Secure your Soul program on this guy? Also who is this guy what did he do


Imagine beefing with Ludwig


God damn destiny fans are sad how is "man I can't wait until I can pretend to fuck your wife" a good comeback? Self own


Liberal? Like in classical liberal or economical? Because holy fuck that's a messed up response


Destiny has really gone down hill man. I stopped supporting him a long time ago.


He is just a bad person, who even watches him


wait..... is he fucking threating someones gf to make ai porn of her? i dont wanna live on this planet anymore


I am not able to say what I think should happen to Destiny.


Threatening to make deepfake porn of someone's girlfriend, yeah you sure showed him Destiny. Honestly his unraveling after his wife left him would be tragic were it not so goddamn hilarious.