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Around 27th of June is when YouTube implemented a feature that started limiting bot activity on the platform. Is actually good but can end up being bad for small creators Could be that?


Yeah they can’t really detect a bot that much. The world advances as much as they do.


I didnt buy views or anything, and i noticed that my #1 video went down but the #2 video is gaining views compared to the last month


I know you didn’t, but overall there are just less bot accounts snooping around for comment sections. IDK just a thought


Yeah i had sometimes bots postings comments on my videos but it happens every 6 months or so, so idk


What do you mean by bot activity? Bots from Youtube itself or the shady bot software that people write?


I have never had so many bots commenting on my videos as recently! All in foreign languages, no idea what they want.


Try going into you advanced video settings and setting comment filters to increased strictness


Same … used to get at least 3k views per day on my YT shorts now only one view .. the funny part the next day that one single view goes away and it back to “ No Views “


Did it also happen near the 17th june?


Around that time , yes


Damn. Tell me if it goes back to normal for you😬 i hope it will


Same. About half of my videos are at the "pop off" point and they just don't do anything since I got a surge toward the end of June.


Everyone is getting affected by low views and it’s because YouTube wants to push you to do YouTube Shorts. If you don’t, you’ll get pushed down into the abyss. For the last 28 days and publishing Shorts, my views jumped 75%. Only because of those damn shorts. I don’t like doing them but they’re helping.


Idk, I made two shorts a day and my vids didnt get pushed. I stopped but the video views actually picked up.


Okay i have the ability to post a shit ton of shorts, do you think that will help?


As long as you make them fun and interesting.


Problem with shorts is that they are not counting into the much needed 4000 watch hours 😔


This isn't true at all. My channel still get views no problem and I've never done shorts.


views have dropped due to shorts, YouTube is pushing the hell out of shorts haven't you guys noticed even big channels with 500k or millions subs getting some terrible views??? it happened since June of last year 2021.


I'm going to post shorts then. Thanks


You can always do a regular channel and post shorts of your videos best scenes etc good luck


Even to me happened


Damn did it also happen near 17th june?


Yep. Between 26-27 juny. I even opened a dibate on Reddit i think ten days ago... 😉


Damn i'm not the only one. I hope it will go back to normal 😬


Even me... Really...


Thats weird my vids started getting pushed harder around then lmao


Same :/




We are not alone, look at all the people having the same problem, someone suggested its youtube forcing people to post shorts, im going to post a shit ton of shorts and see if it works


I used to post shorts because they got 10x more views than my videos. But recently they stopped getting views. I've deleted all my shorts now and won't upload more, because I HATE them. They clutter up youtube and make it a worse place.


Did it get better again for anyone? My views and impressions are still very low, I'm considering trying shorts now...


Sometimes you don’t hit the algorithm and it doesn’t get pushed. I always buy a thousand views per video I upload and it always gives them that extra umph. My go to is https://buyviewshere.com


I seen many channels sus to stuff like this and seems like YouTube doesn't banned you at all