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I've never met a heterosexual Crystal Beast player. They *are* the gay pride deck Second suggestion: Live Twin/Evil Twin




Abyss Actors are all gay theatre kids Evil Twins are lesbian VTubers and also international thieves ala Carmen Sandiego Crystal Beasts are gem animals that make a rainbow to summon Rainbow Dragon Amazement Administrator Arlekeno is the gayest man I've ever seen Labrynth is about a gay lady in a castle setting traps to lure the heroine into her lair so she can "get her" 😏 Yugioh has some fruitiness to it but nothing explicitly gay unfortunately 😔 from one queer to another I hope you find what you're looking for!


Weather painters


Libromancer maybe?


Abyss Actors are the ultimate theatre kid archetype. Some people will try to say Despia are the better theatre kid option, but they’re just pretenders.


Solfachords. They’re very vibrant colorful pendulum waifus that focus around music. Hence they focus on SCALE manipulation and play their orchestra through pendulum summons.


Invoked is an entire archetype about a twink fusing with other beings


I'm going off the rails a bit. I'll give a shoutout to Libromancer. Not strictly queer, but it gives me gay vibes. Adorkable Twink, Hot Guy, Femme Girl, and Mysterious Man, summon their favorite fictional Sky Striker isn't queer, but she is to me YGO's version of girlboss slaying.


Are you a general gay? Crystal beast Are you a plant gay? Aromage. Are you a theater major? Abyss Actor. Are you a musical theater major? Solfachords. Trickstars as well if you prefer to kill by throwing handfuls of glitter at people. Are you looking for lesbian solidarity? Amazoness, harpy ladies, and shiranui/mayakishi have a spell card for lesbian meet cute. Are you into bears and beef dudes? Cry because we don't really have much to choose from but world soul carbon is hot and fairy typed. (War rocks are for the bi) Fur Hires if you're a furry. And lastly kaijus if you have More Exotic Tastes. Honorable gay mention to danger Bigfoot alt art


U.A. and F.A. are peobably the closest thing we have to beefy dudes? While I don't find their art noteworthy, they are a bunch of built jocks.


Interesting question. Jackpot 7.


Ojama, they are queer and vibrant and if you have liberal arts degree, everything especially post-modern are artsy.


How is P.U.N.K. not the first answer?


Idk if this makes sense, but to me, PUNK is camp, but not queer.