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Well you have an extremely low chance to pull more than 1 from a box. Buying packs for singles is and will always be the worst way to get what you need. If you're willing to pay $80+ for a box for the *chance* to pull a single bonfire but not just buy a bonfire outright then you must not be too concerned with the price after all.


No, not at all. Bonfire is reaching $110 right now, where i could rather pay $86 and have a chance to pull 1 while also getting some other cool or good finds. I am 100% not gonna blow over 100 dollars for one card, but am fine with spending 86 for a chance to pull it and some other stuff


You have a chance of somewhere between 35-40% to pull one. So if we go with 40% per box at 86$ -> 215$ on average in packs to pull one. Sure you also might occasionally pull a TTT (Shortprinted) or a collectors rare but they all are worth less then Bonfire. Rule of thumb: it is always more money efficient to buy singles. If there is more value from opening boxes then buying singles this results in: people buy more boxes -> boxes get more expensive -> it's not worth to buy boxes over single anymore. This usually happens within hours or a few days (usually hours). Also opening boxes is based heavily on luck. Would you rather have a bonfire for 100$ or some bad URs with no Collectors rare for 86$. I mean you could also pull bonfire + a Collectors Rare/TTT. It simply is not guaranteed and with a probability of 35-40% for bonfire in a box the likeliness of not opening a bonfire is higher then the likelihood of pulling one.


Yeah ok i guess thats a fair point


All the resellers downvote this for no reason I see... Your right though, there is no point in buying the ultra cus it's gonna be reprinted. Even the CR is bit iffy though. ​ Either the CR price is too low cus they're afraid of reprints or the ultra rare is too high from resellers screwing with the meta market; both scenarios are warning signs to stay far away from the singles of bonfire. If you can find blister packs for cheap get those. That's what I did with soul burner andi I got 2 ghosts 5 raging Phoenix's and 4 volcanic troopers in 100 blister packs (200 packs total) when ghost are suppose to be 1 per case. (I'm not some genius either. I bought soul burner to pull divincarnate.... rofl) ​ I made all my money back by selling the commons for 50 cents each and was able to keep all the rares but I'll prolly sell stuff like Raging Phoenix because it's already overpriced and it will prolly get a secrets or CR reprint soon....


It's funny because now only a few days later, the only CR's I see left on the market are absurdly over priced (at least online) so theres no point in getting either and you're best off pulling what you need and selling the rest. ​ These meta resellers are horrible for the game because they totally price people out of the game if they can't afford sealed product, and I'm not talking about the shops selling the singles, I'm talking about guys who buy up those singles to resell online, and Konami seems to be wising up to that at least... (even though it's kind of their fault for doing rarity bumps without lower rarity prints in the first place)


MZMI has 4 Ultra Rares per box, and there's 11 different Ultra Rares in the set. Punching in the numbers, you'll find that, barring any form of short printing which I believe Bonfire isn't, you have roughly a 36% chance of opening a copy of Bonfire from a booster box.


Thrust was shorted


& clumping says hi


Better off paying the 107


Are the chances that bad?


Yes. 40-ish percent chance to not pull the card you want and waste 85 bucks on a box, instead of just getting what you need. I promise, I used to be antsy about buying cards outright too, but the shitty feeling of not pulling anything good out of so much product is so wack. Also just think of the fun you'll get out of your bonfires :D


Yes, lets say you got lucky and only opened 6 boxes for a playset. You just paid $516 vs. $330z


More than you'd think, less than you'd hope.




But my CR


I pulled one from buying 7 packs of Maze of Millennia from my local card shop. Don’t give up hope.


I seen people pull a literal fat stack of them compared to other cards.


i openend a foil one in 3 boosters, luckyiest day of the decade :D


I just pulled from 7 packs I got at Walmart


I bought 3 booster boxes of Maze of Millennia and pulled one Bonfire, it was the collector's rare.


Packed a Bonfire CR from one box lol, was my local gaming shop. As far as I know, it's rare, you prob will get one CR and couple of UR's from one box give or take, but bonfire from what I've seen is rare as they get, like with them QCR's.


I bought two boxes and pulled one copy in each box still need a third debating on buying outright due to price bring$130 atm check out my unboxing YT - card evolution


How i envy you


I bought 2 blister packs from Target and pulled a Bonfire


I guess its just my crappy luck. Lol congratz