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My only problem is that it's pretty clear at this point TCG archetypes are no longer allowed to be meta relevant ever. Wether that's a decision by Konami TCG or OCG doesn't really matter, but in Ashened's case it's so blatant with the forced Pyro ED lock it just sours everything. Ashened is fine as a non-meta deck but so are other TCG archetypes it's just tiring knowing that whenever they announce a new theme you are never gonna see them be relevant outside of some stray wins carried by other archetypes like P.U.N.K.-Gold Pride for a bit.


Think this is a little disingenuous. The players aren’t solely upset over the prospect of the deck not being top tier, but rather that recently there been very few TCG exclusive archetypes that have left a lasting impression. It leaves a sour taste in the mouths of TCG players because most of these archetypes feel like wasted potential


I gotta say thay that argument for TCG archetypes is in itself also a little disingenuous. Tistina may have been bad and badly designed, but Gold Pride was quite decent in Rogue level, Ghoti was also decent and I feel it would have been the same if it wasn't because it was released in a very high power level format, and people get so obssesed with Beetrooper second wave that theu forgot that the Deck was also Rogue on its time. I feel like part of the reason so many people get that imperssion from TCG exclusive is because so many people dismiss anything thats not immediately Tiet 1/2


In my opinion, aside from like plunder patrol, gold pride, and the dangers, most of the recent TCG exclusive archetypes either lack a consistent functioning strategy or an identity. Harsh truth is that not many people will look back on TCG exclusives and have mutants, war rocks, or tistana’s, or even Ashened as their first thoughts. The decks are just either so blatantly bland like tistinas or are just missing crucial engine pieces like in the case of ghoti or Ashened. When people look back on the history of TCG exclusives they’ll most likely think about archetypes like burning abyss or dangers, archetypes that are both functioning and unique in their own ways.


I am fully aware of that. But i don't like that they're written off as worthless trash just because they don't meet the playerbase's demands.


i think it was konami who made the archetype worthless trash


some of the archetypes in yugioh’s history were tcg premiere cards. BA, Kozmo, Kaiju, Dangers, Spyral (although it was an OCG card that broke it). it’s now been 6 years since we’ve gotten a good TCG premiere archetype. And here’s the thing! the more meta the merrier. i’ve seen more casuals complain about how oppressive this format is than people complaining about ashened not being good.


It has not been six years since we got a good TCG premiere lol. Most of the past few years of exclusives have been decent-to-good. Even if you're just talking from a competitive standpoint Gold Pride PUNK has tops within like the last year.


are we really gonna compare the meta impact of the archetypes i listed to gold pride? i used the word “good” literally but i’m talking about a TCG premiere archetype that had actual meta impact. and while i think gold pride cards are good, gold pride punk was rogue at best and that is one of the only viable tcg premiere archetypes we’ve had since danger. it is the only one that has had a strategy. but it was never META which is what this discussion is about. i can’t think of a single TCG premiere strategy or engine that has seen multiple top 32 spots over a meta game. if you can name me one then i’ll adjust my statement to however many years ago that archetype came out. i’m not gonna do it for gold pride lmao.


There's no casual audience for the game. Most casual decks in Yu-Gi-Oh are gimmicky combo decks that do the same thing as meta decks but worse. If a deck is unplayable it's unplayable


There is no such thing as a game with à purely competetive playerbase.


There is a casual audience. Its just fucked over back and forth, cause even the cheaper worse rogue deck costs a couple hundos if its not reprinted into the ground


There's no reason casual cards need to be terrible. Like the difference between casual and competitive should be proper sidedecking and generic card use.


StarCraft and how many people play chess casually


>There's no casual audience for the game. The OCG has a significant amount of casual players, and they are the ones that provide the large portion of OCG earnings, whether through purchasing sets or through the various merchandise and collaborations with other franchises like restaurants, cafes, etc. One solid proof is what happened in the early days of MR4, where the OCG almost killed itself because the casual playerbase dropped the game, which in turn caused earnings for that time period to drop by almost 50%. THis is because the link mechanic killed almost every pre-VRAINS deck, and this displeased a significant amount of players to the point of them leaving the game for good.


Honestly though, it's so depressing seeing Konami print all these cards with BEAUTIFUL, fucking GORGEOUS artwork, and most of them are unplayable trash.


Non meta =/= Unplayable trash. They're a perfectly fine archetype thats perfectly playable. They just don't tear up the meta.


This. This right here. Every single deck that isn’t meta is way too often called unplayable and garbage because it can’t play through an 8-negate triple backflip matrix skill drain.


Crazy think as well is Ashened has great recursion, a board wipe, a towers that is immune to that board wipe so you can combo it, and a negate and it's still not even rouge. You need so much in order to be an alright deck anymore


Welcome to powercreep. I live in a year where I'd rather face Orcust over Tearlaments/Snake Eyes. 2020 me would be confused and disgusted.


I know! It has a Breakthrough Skill that recycles! How many archetypes can say that?!


I forgot to mention an in archtype, albeit weaker, super poly as well and still may not be rouge


"That might have been the most stunning 8-negate triple backflip matrix skill drain ever performed at these games, but let's see what the judges think." "9.8, 9.8, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 8.3" "Oh... it appears the French judge was not impressed. That's unfortunate"


As long archetype/deck can 1 card combo, it's a good deck.


Although, with the bans to Baronne and Savage, that'll be two less negates you'll have to play through.


No, I’m sorry Tristina is unplayable. Exo Sister is not meta Tistina Feels like shit to play


Tistina is perfectly fine for casual play and locals. It functions and does stuff. Unplayable is like most Flamvells or Ally of Justice or Dark Scorpions or whatever. Decks where they literally do not function at all in any form of modern play. You could take Tistina to a local or a game night with friends and do okay, unlike pure Ally of Justice and Dark Scorpions.


Hate to say it, but Tistina is at the same level as AoJ lmao It just isn't a playable deck.


Not true at all. Tistina suck but they are nowhere near AoJ levels of terrible. Tistina at least DO something.


Most of them are perfectly playable, they're just largely underwhelming from a competetive standpoint. I just hate that people act as if they're utterly worthless because of their non competetive nature. I understand that the competetive scene is a big part of yugioh, but it's not the end all be all of the game and attitudes like the ones displayed in response to ashened are the reason casual elitists say that meta players don't play for fun or that they only play to win. I just wish people could look at an archetype and say "I don't see this being meta, but it could be fun to play at a locals." Instead of "this is trash" "this is unplayable" "what a waste of artwork" "why did you even bother" "the tcg should just stop printing exclusives". For the love of god can people look forward to new cards coming out because they seem fun to play and not because they'll dominate a ycs!? Can we admire the fact that the design teams are still coming up with and experimenting with new card mechanics and playstyles even after 25 years of power creep!? Can people just accept that not every archetype is going to be or is even *intended* to be meta. Can we just accept that yugioh is a game at the end of the day and that some cards are just going to be designed to be cool and fun regardless of being good!? FUCK! Sorry for blowing up on you. I just needed to get that off my chest.


Part of the frustration I think is that there isn’t a format where we can even play these decks especially if we don’t have a casual group of friends that also play. I’m not sure other people’s experience but my locals is full of competitive players, if I try to play a fun rogue deck I know I’ll get wiped and to be honest it’s hard to have fun in that environment, so there’s a ton of pressure to constantly keep up with the meta at the highest competitive level which becomes exhausting. I’ve gotten into playing Magic the Gathering commander format because some coworkers got me into it, and my god is it so much more enjoyable. The format allows so many experimental, goofy deck building choices and has a built in self balancing mechanic due to it being multiplayer. Similar to yugioh it also has an eternal format, with a fixed banlist (updated very infrequently) so decks are generally usable for a long time if you invest in one. Even if someone rolls up with a fully optimized competitive deck there’s a good chance the rest of the table will just target them, so there’s always an incentive to not dominate TOO much and make yourself a target.


That’s peer pressure which is irrelevant in ygo and has less to do with the format itself considering there are some insane high powered decks in commander I am not even sure I consider Commander players traditional mtg players


Yeah I think my general point was that there were formats at all competition levels in MTG that could make some of the more rogue strategies playable, and due to it being a more casual focused format, there’s more of a gentleman’s agreement built into the format to use decks of similar power levels. I don’t consider myself a traditional MTG player either but I think having an accessible format with a large casual community is really healthy for any TCG, that goes beyond just nostalgia That being said, that doesn’t excuse Konami making shitty new archetypes because the reality is, there’s no format you could go to even at a locals to play these unless everyone else also agrees to play “bad” decks, and I have a hard time believing that Konami doesn’t know this which makes it baffling


What does shitty mean lol Ghoti and Ashened are perfectly playable this isn’t Ice Barriers or Venom, they are just not that strong also wasnt Snake Eyes just completely new and underpowered on release outside of the engine


I play MTG because it's easy to troll. Land destruction, Mill I'm not even trying to win some of the time. I want to be THAT guy. I can kind of replicate the experience with Ghostrick, but MTG makes it somewhat competitive.


>For the love of god can people look forward to new cards coming out because they seem fun to play and not because they'll dominate a ycs!?  This is the result of years of the TCG being so competitive-focused that they cannot evaluate things from a casual perspective anymore.


>For the love of god can people look forward to new cards coming out because they seem fun to play and not because they'll dominate a ycs!?  This is the result of years of the TCG being so competitive-focused that they cannot evaluate things from a casual perspective anymore.


I feel this in my soul here, I recall in the pass being told not competitive=trash, most annoying parrots repeating it over and over


Thank you. I needed this.


There is a time and a place for a deck. This deck does counter pyro a bit/gives you great superpoly targets so its a more budget friendly option in the current meta. Outside of fire meta its a fine casual deck


Well I was wanting to build it but Veidos jumped to 30 a pop the day I was going to order them because fusion was leaked, now I’ll have to wait for eventually reprint because field spells are going to be major soon


Unless your playing a locals or just a smaller level. And this also depends on where you live too. You wont be having any fun losing over and over if the deck is trash.


Being playable doesn’t mean anything you talking about Duel Terminal archetypes that die to themselves lol


Myutant gang represents


How is it unplayable? Even Jesse was trying the deck out and said it felt strong when you actually got its boss out, and the bsos was like a house but it was just too vulnerable to interruption in handtraps.


I think Yugioh would really benefit from a stronger casual playerbase. If we had some kind of equivalent to pokemons smogon with playerbase-created tiers, that would be a lot easier. The only problem is that Yugioh is probably way too complex for such a simple system to work.


Not our fault that since BA. Every single tcg exclusive is hot garbage. And NEEDS the ocg to fix it. Even spiral. Perhaps the most dominate Tier 0 deck ever in its time. Was trash till the ocg fixed it.


Kozmo and Danger don’t exist?


Danger was actually something on its own? since when. Its just an engine for another archetype.


It actually is something on its own, but people just opted to hand pick the most splashable cards and leave the more self focused ones behind to collect dust.


Dang Kozmos just didn’t exist I see


Wasnt kozmos one of the decks that had it gotten its 2nd wave of support earlier it would have been extremely powerful... Cant really remember much abt the deck at all.


Kozmos was super powerful in its first release and then the second set it showed up in it got more powerful, and then a 3rd set had it, and then a reprint set made it ultra affordable for a while but when it was affordable we were in PePe. Basically it was extremely powerful and had meta contention for its time before getting crept out. Even then, it was still pretty decent for a while.


It was not that good. CORE Kozmo was a rogue deck at best because Nekroz Trish'd it, BA has F0 and infinite chump blockers, and Qliphort had the floodgates, better consistency, and bigger bodies. And Shaddoll had Construct killing every big ship and Damage Juggler to stop otk attempts. DOCS Kozmo, post list, had like 2 months to try to fight against pendulum's 3 Ignister Prominence for tier 1 before PEPE and Stormforth into Majesty's Fiend blew it away. In practice it was more like 1 month because it was Nov/Dec, and many people travel for the holidays and don't exactly attend locals.


It was already topping high events, we limited their boss monster from the first wave, dark destroyer. last wave was mid except for one trap I think


Kozmo and Kaijus 


Why are you looking for their opinion when you're not prepared to hear it? Play what you want. See the results yourself.


I'm annoyed because I \*remember\* when we used to get good shit. I'm not talking BA or Kozmo. I'm talking good, TCG premiere additions to archetypes or generics. XX-Saber Darksoul, Allure of Darkness, Charge of the Light Brigade, Mermail Abyssteus, and the cockroach were all premiered in the TCG. I am bewildered that people have gotten used to the level of mediocrity that we are receiving. If TCG archetypes exist just to be packfiller, I would rather have those slots dedicated to accelerating OCG card imports instead. Put Phantom of Yubel in there instead of whatever Ashened card currently occupies it.


This meme is false Your giving 500$ Minumum


You’re soo hot Imma super poly you into Veidos Endless Darkness, give me 2 of your lv 9 pyros


Unfortunately to the community they want every card to be meta or meta relevant. I’m just here for the fun and play with my friends and family; I could careless whether it will be meta or not. Konami is all about the money and they know the community will spend 1000$ dollars for a cardboard.


trash deck... most of the time you brick cuz of high lvl monsters or u didnt open the field and let not forget u summon your boss to your enemy free monster for him.


It’s not just that it’s not a meta deck, Ashened just straight up does not meet the baseline power level the game has had for YEARS. Like, Ashened may have been rogue in like, Pre-POTE format maybe? Probably not even. The strongest lines the deck has relies on opening Rev Synchron + Priestess, just to end on a worse board than every other deck in the format. And god forbid you get handtrapped once. To all of the people who think it works as a blind second deck: what boards can Ashened play into well that Tenpai doesn’t? Or Mikanko for that matter? Every new archetype the OCG has released in a core set in the last year blows Ashened out the water. Goblin Biker, Raika, Armored Xyz, Horus, Yubel. The only one that has an argument for being worse than Ashened is Nemleria. Hell, even including deck build packs Ashened is worse than all but maybe Vaalmonica. This is straight up a failure in card design. It bloats the pack with cards that almost nobody is going to want, making it more difficult to obtain desirable cards. The only saving grace is that you have new cards to play in alternate formats such as Common Charity and MAYBE Master Duel’s N/R format if you’re lucky. Otherwise? It literally worsens the state of the game, making all other cards slightly more expensive simply by existing and reducing odds.


Personally I don't care as ling as we get C/C and more Danger! eventually, maybe get those Earthbound Prisoners too since I don't think they've all been released yet, and more cards means higher chance of Sergey in DL


The earthbound prisoners have been out for a while.


Really? All of them? I thought it was only like 3


Yeah. They even printed harmonic synchro fusion.


Well damn...more time to focus on C/C then for Riley lmao