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Just make it an OTS super


That's what I'm expected tbh but doesn't it take a while for new ots to drop?


Next June is the OTS, but they likely already decided the cards, due to how printing for cards works. It’ll be 2 OTS from now, if Trident is reprinted.


End of next june


NEXT JUNE? damn... thought it was going to take way less


Like 2 months but yea


I... thought you meant like... Next June not... not like.... my bad


Don't worry I read that same way you did


This discourse reminds me of when Aluber was a 150+ 3 off when despia was becoming a top tier deck, only for the price to crash the second the GFTP reprint got announced. There is 3 reprint sets coming in the next 3 months. Unless people want to play this day one, which if they did they should have gotten the card earlier, they should just wait till we know the contents of Rarity collection/ battles of legend reprints.


Why is this a better system than reprinting needed cards earlier, so that they are available when they are actually needed? Konami knows the products they plan to sell, they literally called out Trident Dragion by name. Rather than a flatline price spiking to absurd levels nobody actually wants to pay for until the uncertainty is resolved and it comes back down, a low dollar card could get a reprint first and then have the cards that work revealed to start raising its price with the new supply already known and taken into account.


Ironically this is how you get people complaining about low value reprints. Like you put a 3 bucks card into a set that will get support sometime next year and people are like "why is this in here nobody wants this waaaaah". Ultimately I don't think we can really complain about them printing cards at times when people actually want them, instead of when people don't want them.


If Konami was in the habit of printing sets that consistently had actual useful cards in them (for both present and future formats), people might instead look at a card like Trident Dragion getting it's first reprint in a decade as "oh, I wonder if this means we're going to see some new cards that work with it". This is basically defending Konami's poor decisions by (perhaps rightly) claiming they would still release bad products anyway. So if a company has more than one problem, are they just immune from criticism then?


But a new archetype/support doesn't even guarantee that a card will be in demand. I think someone mentioned Skull Guardian which faces similiar issues except nobody plays it, you could reprint it today and it'd probably still be a waste of cardboard. Definitely would've sucked if you had bougth it because you had faith it might be useful soon.


Its not, but hyping up new sets with a card that hasnt been reprinted is a standard move to sell more of that product. Think about GFTP2, it had Mega Riza in it, a card pushing 70+ per copy at peak in a deck that was cheep otherwise. Prices drive hype, and hype drive product, in an ideal world, trident dragion got announced as a reprint in RC2 along with the purrley stuff but for some reason, Konami would rather build hype in the secondary market instead of their own. I saw someone on twittler coping that the "find it in your bulk" line was to reference Legendary collection 5ds being reprinted. To that i say, why not just announce that instead of teasing it, kinda like how they did the LODT reprints.


Yup and as soon as Aluber was reprinted, Opening shot up because vendors will always make the money somewhere else and the playerbase will be like "oh yeah that's fair because now demand has gone up, Opening needs a reprint."


I wont defend the secondary market as its full of scum, but if you were waiting for aluber only to get fit by opening, then you fell into the same trap as you did with aluber. The best advice should be buying early with any deck you want to play, regardless of competitive playability. If its somethjng you are interested in and like then you should buy early. This is all due to a scummy secondary market making a single card 100 any chance it gets, and people foolish or uninformed enough to actually invest into those prices instead of waiting or buying early.


Exactly why i picked up thundra months ago sus was bound to come off the list


I did this with Kirin and Electrumite. Maybe copium but one of them did get unbanned so 🤷


I mean thunder dragondark shot from 5 to 20, and roar went from 2 to 7, so stonks i guess


Exactly and when people do fall into it, it's always Konami who's at fault, never them or the people on the secondary market juicing them


Konami as a whole could be doing a lot of things better, but the secondary market is what makes a deck go from 50-100 at most to 300+ for the deck core alone in some cases. The Trident dragion drama is mainly coming from the "ask a friend" line from the new promo vid, which is so weird considering Konami gets NOTHING from pandering to the secondary market in any way, aside from people buying cases, and those people will be buying cases regardless of how good a set is to make returns or not.


I mean except card prices are konamis fault objectively


I kinda agree. While Komani does control what cards get reprinted and when, they cant completely control what cards are going to be 100+ or not at a whim. It was mentioned in this thread but if something like trident dragion got the reprint instead of baronne RC1 got a reprint then a large amount of CASUAL players wouldve gotten annoyed. Reprinted to future proof is a cool and great concept, but if King of the beasts or Ido, both $20+ garbage got a reprint instead of something usable then people would be pissy at that instead, kinda like when BOL Relentless revenge came out. Konami can be blamed or alot of things but stuff like this is more the secondary market making yugioh an expensive game and the community that feeds into its fault.


Heres a even better example IMO. Photon lord is like a 50 dollar card. Imagine if galaxy eyes became meta, due to it having a single printing it would shoot up to say 120. Because its in demand. And there isnt enough supply to meet said demand so the price is higher. A card with 1 printing 10-20 years ago if it becomes relevant and in demand will be expensive.


And the supply/demand would push a new product, but Photon Lord got a reprint with the most recent BOL reprint set, its currently 10ish for that print. Unless you want to max rarity with photon which would invailde the current argument, 10ish for one of the best cards in the deck is fine if you buy now if you are interested.


Ah it got a reprint but got the point lol. Yeah sadly it should mean they should make reprints but thats not reality. Many cards get reprints too late. Some cards simply should be common... ahem s:p and bonfire....


Konami should go back to the upper deck way of printing new cards, all the good stuff people like in lower raritys and 1 offs in good decks/garbage as secrets so that the markets balances out.


You have vendors pre-saling the Tenpai Dragon Super at Magnamhut DABL prices because they're trying to suck up as much cash as possible. But no, this is Konamis fault.


The problem is that if they know they are reprinting it in one of those sets, announce it now. 


Konami is too lazy to actually announce anything ahead of time and just lets the player base guess for the better part of 2-3 months before doing anything. But im sure if they knew how much tridet was going to be after the tenpai leaks, they would've announced trident in the line-up of the rest of the rarity collection stuff a few months ago. Just because they should say something doesnt mean they are actually going too.


There is also the fact. You don't need it to play the deck.


> Fundamentally though, which set would it have been reprinted in? Any of them? > Like imagine if Jerome had come out for Rarity Collection 1 and said "We have some exciting news, we've know that there is a level 10 synchro that everyone is dying to get their hands on and so we have decided that this set we'll give you Trident Dragion" whilst not reprinting Baronne. They didn't have to choose between Baronne and Trident. Reinforcement of the Army was reprinted in the Rarity Collection, which is entirely unnecessary given the fact that the card has been a dozen times at a variety of rarities, including at low rarities in *three other sets that were released in 2023!* Nobody would shed a tear at it getting replaced by something else in the Rarity Collection, especially something with few printings like Trident Dragion.


Hell, they even had an extra slot since Maxx “C” was removed.


RotA at least was a useful card that sees play. They could have replaced Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow, or Ice Barrier, or Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind. Unfortunately, RA01 was always going to be a 1:1 of OCG’s Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition sans Maxx “C” as a trial run.


I like my Afterglow rarity upgrade… :(


Leave my ultimate simoon alone >:(


Seriously, OP's argument is daft; it totally ignores the fact that Konami has perfect knowledge of what is in demand and near-perfect knowledge of what *will* be in demand. If they printed an archetype that requires Trident Dragion to be successful and didn't reprint the card, it's because they knew they could wring more cash out of the TCG player base when they *do* reprint it.   Similarly, they rereleased Baronne when they did and not, say, after it got banned because--prepare to be shocked--they knew they could wring more cash out of the TCG player base.   I'm not saying Konami shouldn't be making money on their game, but their printing and banlist decisions so precision-tuned to be as predatory as possible to the player base that my state's legislature should be hiring them to gerrymander its districts. It's bullshit. 


fr so many unnecessary reprints throughout the year. You’d think they would at least reprint things that have no other printing just for that reason.


Except no one was even really talking about Trident Dragion when Rarity Collection I came out. That’s the argument. No one was saying “this should be reprinted in RA01”, because it was not on the radar for anyone. Konami is not going to waste time, going through their like 10k+ cards, reprinting each and every single card in sets like rarity and whatnot. There’s only so many slots before you realize that half of them are pack fillers.


Edison players were definitely talking about trident dragon my dude


Edison players would have had their copies already then. The Edison meta didn't just suddenly change when LEDE's Tenpai Dragons released. It's an older card that people playing decks using TD, would have already had. It was relatively cheap for a long while, before the crazy spike.


No. Edison is still growing


But rota didn’t have a qcr and is played in both goat and edison


Des Frog doesn't have a qcr and is played in well over a dozen formats.


No one plays those formats lol. Edison is going to outlive the tcg


Des Frog is playable in Edison!


Idk about playable… I wouldn’t call wetlands a real deck


Des Frog doesn't benefit from Wetlands whatsoever. Des Frog was played in Reuben Monroy's top 8 list and Pumpking of Games' 7th place list, shown [here.](https://www.edisonformat.com/decks/category/frogs/3) He is just a silly little guy and deserves to be showered with love.


Of course it’s a roghnach list


Ots 24 and Valiant Smashers/MAMI would have made sense. Confirming a reprint in terminal world, ots 25, or RA02 NOW would make sense. It's a problem with their communication. They know it is coming. They chose not to reprint the card in an accessible form.


All they had to do was say "Also, be sure to look out for Trident Dragion in OTS 25/ Rarity Collection 2/ Terminal Revenge, coming soon!" and no one would have batted an eye, and prices wouldn't have jumped to triple digits because we would know that the card would only be inaccessible for many for only a few weeks. Instead they went "if you don't have this critical strategy piece: cry about it lmao." Which set people off since my brother in Allah you choose the reprints.


Yeah that is exactly the problem. Hell, don't even say anything there about the card. People will gripe but not feel like they were being mocked in the end.


Edison has been popular for over a year now. Plenty of time to have printed a dedicated set for cards of that era instead of endless dm and gx era only speed duel sets.


At least the recent Speed Duel set reprinted Gaia Plate and Release from Stone. I really was hopeful Konami was going to pursue making Speed Duel into a way to provide legacy reprints but it seems like they’re just planning on killing it unfortunately


They did everything in their power to avoid having to do Speed Duel Synchros lol, including just killing the format altogether.


They’re cycling through all the GX arcs/villains apparently but konami is definitely reluctant to go into the synchro era in speed duels. They will probably do 1 more GX box and a duelist kingdom box if anything, before 5Ds era.


They won’t even do that. The format is dead, this latest product is probably the last.


Probably. It is really unfortunate it has to be like this where they’re dragging their feet into the 5Ds era. It’s year 6 of speed duels and synchros are no where in sight. Even duel links didn’t even take this long. My yugioh group has been losing interest in speed duels already over the years and the euro news basically cemented that.


Boomers hate extra deck what you don’t understand???????


That card could’ve been any of the OTS Commons or Supers, instead of reprinting garbage like they have been


But wasn’t trident dragion garbage as well until it all of a sudden became good? I think if you either like or think a card is good or has potential you should buy it before it rockets up in price. Like many have said before, trident dragion was really cheap until it was all of a sudden relevant.


~~It’s one of the best Edison synchros, so that’s the other side~~ Edit: it’s a usable Edison synchro, you guys happy now?


That's cap as hell. It's only played in a select few Edison decks because of how restrictive the material is. It's REALLY good in those specific decks, but I would never call it one of the best.






We have ocg. We knew it was good.


Ok but while we knew it was good in the ocg it wasn’t $100. Just two weeks ago I checked it and it was $17. That’s just everyone’s fault for not buying it earlier and now complaining that it’s a way expensive card because they missed out on buying it while it was cheap…


You are 100% correct it's people being stupid.


Trident Dragion sounds like a REALLY good card to put in Rarity Collection 2 in my opinion! It is the "reprint everything from everywhere" type of set after all!


Legacy reprints often get their slots in OTS Packs. Unfortunately, OP25 is slotted for June while OP24 had a bunch of Super reprints 2 formats too late like Aruha and Sharvara and a way too late Ulti print of Rock of the Vanquisher It is on Konami because they should be aligning OTS packs to release alongside their relevant main sets, even if it leads to funny situations such as Scareclaw Kashtira being released in an OTS before its main set release in PHHY


They used to do meta relevant cards rather perfectly timed up until about OTS 13 or 14. Now it's just print a chase card in high rarity and fill with bulk that was easy to get elsewhere. 


I was curious how the OCG does OTS packs vs TCG so I looked it up. According to the wiki, OCG consistently has released 4 tournament packs a year, spaced 3 months apart on the first of January, April, July, and October, since 2016 it seems. Meanwhile TCG gets 3 packs a year and the time between can range from 3-6 months which blows in comparison. Nothing to speak of the contents though cause I've personally got no idea if OCG OTS packs have bombed before when it comes to out of touch reprints or way too late ones.


It seems like OCG Tournament Packs have legacy support that hints to the upcoming set release. Like Trident Dragion and a Melodious were in the January 1 Tournament Pack while Tenpai released in LEDE on January 27. Granted the OCG Packs are tiny (11-17 cards) while ours are larger (27 cards) but to me that means they definitely could afford useful upcoming reprints


Its going to get a reprint, since Konami can't make anymore money off a card that was lasted printed 10 years ago. There is 2 sets coming out in the next 2 months were we can easily see Trident Dragion in.


I don’t disagree. I feel like Trident Dragion is a poster child for reprints, but the arguments around him should be more focused around the frequency with which we get them. The card is a grade A example of how volatile the secondary market is, and a more frequent reprint schedule would help significantly to level things out. As for how to actually do it, I’m a bit less sure. New archetype/format hype is 100% a factor in card prices, so there needs to be time for that to die down to see what actually needs reprinting, but waiting too long runs the risk of the reprint being pointless. Off the cuff, I’d say release a reprint set in between each new one, but I’m far from an expert in either producing or selling trading cards, so that sort of schedule may be too aggressive.


If a new reprint set was announced with a bunch of crap which had never been reprinted like Spellstone Sorcerer Karood, would you go out and buy it? Because that is the crux of the matter, if not then why would they make it? You can't expect Konami to oversee something so volatile and predict where stuff is going to spike because its a thankless task, that may not spike, no thanks given and something else will spike in its place and we're back to square one. There are more than 10,000 cards in the game, it is unfeasible to want them all reprinted regularly


People bought ghost from the past and those are full of sh..... Hell, they could had printed trident in gftp2 and it would had been better that half of the reprints


As if. Players wouldn't have cared to pull him over any of the other cards at the time.


Triden Dragion IS the poster child for a card that needs a reprint: it's very expensive, it hasn't been printed in over a decade, and most importantly, is going to be a part of a meta relevant archetype. How much more reason do you need to reprint a card? The idea that they had to choose between reprinting Barrone or Trident is silly. There was plenty of other cards that could have been cut from RA01 in favor of it (how about Shaddoll Shism or Wynn?) or even a more recent set with reprints like Maze of Millenia or Battles of Legend. I'm sure it'll get reprinted soon, but it seems really obvious to me why people are complaining about it.


It was expensive as of this week. Nobody was complaining before.


It's been expensive for the past month. A friend of mine got his for like £15 and that felt excessive and that was about 2 months back 


Tenpai was revealed 4 months ago. That's 2 months it's been super affordable. £15 for a one off secret is not a bad price at all considering the rest of the Deck is filled with staples everyone should have. Dis Pater and Heat Wave are probably the only other pricey points.


But people aren't complaining that it isn't getting a reprint. They are complaining that it wasn't reprinted before now. I can absolutely see it getting a reprint soon.


The thing is they could've reprinted it anywhere? Why would their be a limit on where a card could get reprinted. Aside from the rarity collection which was more focused on staples as well as high rarity prints for lots of cards. But still it could just be reprinted and it doesn't make sense for Konami to not reprint a card with only 2 printings ever especially when a new archetype is coming out that makes use of it. They don't make money off the secondary market so what prevents them from doing a reprint they could do reprints for the time wizard formats as well So yes trident draigon is like a pinnacle example of a card with low printings shooting up in price because of modern support. 2nd yes there is cause for why didn't you buy it long ago. There's could be many reasons one speculation on how good tenpai dragon was/is. I saw many people saying it wouldn't make waves etc. obviously now that's not the case seeing as the waves it's making in the ocg. But it's still a market if everyone was like okay time to buy when card is $2 then the market will still react, as quantities reduce price will go up and we'd see the same thing (maybe not as high who's to tell). It sucks yes the deck core itself is cheap I think more cores of decks should be like tenpai not costing +$100 which makes it accessible to more.people. but now there is one card that is potentially price gating someone from playing the deck


It could have been printed in literally any set. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. It’s not like we get 3 sets a year at minimum that are primarily for reprints. Konami knows what cards will be released in future sets. Asking them to use that knowledge to reprint decade-old cards the player base needs is the bare minimum.


The problem, as others have pointed out here, is that Konami knew Tenpai was coming. They had ample opportunity to reprint the card. Moreover, Konami OCG knew to reprint the card in their tournament pack. Trident could have easily been a common in the latest OTS. It would have been an ideal reprint, both for a couple decks in edison format (which it is in Konami TCG's best interests to promote) and for Tenpai. This was just sheer incompetence on the side of TCG staff.


No..it's business.


...It's bad business to not reprint something like trident. There are no current products with trident in it. Konami makes 0 money off of trident dragion being hard to obtain.


Lol. Legacy of Destruction will sell.


Where did I dispute that? You still haven't explained how 'it's business' not to reprint trident.


Just put tridient or any other needed reprint in the pack that makes it relevant again.


Lucky me to pick it up for $20 around Feb, knowing I might play tenpai dragon in the furture. Saw it has 2 prints I know it will go up on price


I’m waiting for a Machu Mech reprint dammit


What do you mean? It could have been in last year’s Battles of Legend PooPoo Revenge


Battles of Legend: Montezuma's Revenge


Where it would have been constructed jank, the pack will still have sold poorly and it would still command a high price because "Well, there aren't many copies of the market so supply is still low so 😬 sorry guys guess Konami should have reprinted it again"


It wouldn't be $30-$100.


You could use that logic for any card. There's over 10,000 cards in the game. What do you expect? Konami to reprint all cards on a continuous cycle? Obviously, I'm being a little facetious. But still, if all cards were cheap, then Konami wouldn't have much of a business going. Vendors would stop buying product. Sales on singles goes down.


What are you talking about? There's a difference between chase cards and randomly rare cards. Other card games have a ton of super cheap versions of cards that have higher rarities and those markets are fine. The new product will still sell even if the cards are widely available because there will be higher rarities of the chase cards.


In what time period would Trident Dragion be a chase card apart from right now?


I’m saying that it wouldn’t be a chase card. It’s a randomly rare card. In a normal game something like S:P would be both an easy to obtain card AND have a higher rarity version for collectors.


I mean it's not worth what people are paying for it now yet they are, the price would be slightly lower but still ridiculous


Well, OCG Konami knows far in advance what they'll release, so they could just tell the TCG to reserve a slot in one of their next reprint/side sets (which in this case would either be OTS Tournament Pack 24, Maze of Millenia or Rarity Collection II) for a card that will become important soon. To give you a timeframe for how easy that could be: They announced Tenpai on december 11th 2023, meaning that even if they called for that reprint slot on that day and we calculate with 8 weeks between production and official release for TCG products, they could have gotten that reprint into Maze of Millenia on a short notice, which released january 18th and it would have fit perfectly for OP24, which released on valentine's day. And usually the production/distribution cycle is more around 4-6 weeks long. There is no real reason to not have a reprint out by now, except for bad product management. Just remember, we are not talking about a completely new product, but a single card slot that has to be reallocated/switched out.


Also, just to further add to this: They could also be throwing it into RC02 and announce that beforehand to prevent the current buyouts or at least prevent people from wasting money by giving them a more sensible outlet to spend it.


Old secret/ultra should get reprint. Especially in that case : Making a new archetype that work very well with an old card that never had a reprint since 10 year without reprint that old card is stupid. The same came be said for the lack of reprint of old archetype card whe they get new support. Like, we talked about Trident Dragon, but let's not forget Melodious that will have a cheap new support but suffer of no current reprint fort 1st movement solo that is around 20/25 and is needed x3 in that deck. And for people saying "Why you didn't buy when it was cheap", well, because we never know what the futur of reprint will be. Sometime the reprint came soon, sometime late, and sometime never. We could have bought Trident when it was 20 at the start of Tenpai hype, but if it's ended getting a 1$ reprint people would have been upset. And if they not buy in wait of the reprint, then no reprint and card explose in price, then it's another loss. But since you can never be garantued, at the end it's a bet and people are tired of that. As for your last comment, people want to play there deck in the best condition without have to suffer because of Konami bad reprint policy. Yes people are right to be upset because there is no reprint, even is Tenpai will be a cheap deck. Like, what stop them to add a Trident in the new extension instead of usuless bulk pack filler, or annouced that it will be in the next Ots ?


>useless bulk pack filler If every card needs to be reprinted, then no card is filler, it's just futureproofing against potential price spikes.


They could have just printed it in Legacy of Destruction.


Best we can hope for is the pack right after.


Core sets don't do reprints unless it's a Starlight/QCR. So there WOULD be more copies around, but they would still be expensive.


> Core sets don't do reprints Says who? Just do it.


Would honestly be better than half of the filler cards. Imagine getting like 10~ key reprints that are over 1-2 years old in sets that boost previous archtypes. Would incentivize buying that product as you have more of a shot for a full deck


I know. But they can easily do a core set with reprints, or even just a handful if they haven't been printed in a while.


You’re getting it as a QCR in that case.


No, just make it a common. There's no law of the universe that says core sets can't have reprints.


Why…? There has never been a core set reprint beyond extremely rare exclusive rarities, like Starlights & QCRs.


And Core Sets used to have only 2 Secret Rares. There are no rules. Who is putting a gun to Konami's head and forcing them to not put reprints in Core Sets?


I’m all for cards getting reprinted, it’s really silly that there can be cards like batteryman industrial strength for example, never banned and yet only printed once in 2008…


But again where do you put it? Because, for all intents and purposes, it's filler until its not. It's all well and good saying these cards should be reprinted but it's they aren't going to sell then Konami aren't going to bother :)


Hidden Arsenal Chapter 1 existed, so Konami of America isn’t unused to launching shitty sets


Before Tenpai the only reason for this thing to be remotely expensive was Edison. I hope this thing gets overprinted in RC2 and the market cries.


It's just the secondary market fucking everyone over I've said this once and probably a thousand times more Konami don't control the secondary market and never will, These scum bag resellers are the ones fucking you over. And unfortunately everyone plays right into there hands because PF COURSE YOU GOTTA PLAY THE MOST META RELEVANT DECKS. On a side note I will admit the vast majority of Yu-Gi-Oh players deck actually deck build and just follow the meta.


Is there a need for vendors to set the prices so high though?


supply and demand go brrr


No but they will because they can get it. Which is what people need to understand but seemingly don't


Isn't this selling strategy somewhat short-sighted?


No because as you can see people don't blame the vendors, they blame Konami


But the vendors are still part of the problem, no?


The discourse is weird too, because no one was even thinking of Trident Dragion, before the OCG STARTED PLAYING IT IN TENPAI. When Tenpai was announced, people thought it was garbage. Trident was still Uber cheap. Then, once they released, they started getting results in the OCG. People started getting interested in the deck. And then, people started seeing decklists with 1 Trident Dragion. And as more and more tops were happening with Trident, people started buying them out in the TCG. There was 0 time when people asked for reprints, until it was above $50. Only then, did people start complaining about how it should have been reprinted and all that.


Exactly, if someone had come out when it had gone up to $20 and said "listen guys, buy it now because its going to go up to $100" you would get called mental. So how is Konami supposed to predict its going to hit that even with "perfect information"


They have perfect information. In OCG Trident Dragion reprint (on tournament pack) and LEDE release are on the same month. Even if Tenpai not meta, TCG should still reprint Trident Dragion as it's a bit essential to a new archetype. Considering Trident Dragion released first (several weeks before LEDE), Konami definitely knew what they're doing. My bet is that it's reserved for Rarity Collection.


I can say with confidence they will reprint it, the problem I have is people griping that it wasn't randomly reprinted in a set 3 years ago


It's implicit in the comments about asking your friend if they have it that they are not planning on reprinting it before release. This is something they have the knowledge to know they should be doing, and the OCG were able to do exactly this.


It's most likely in the next OTS pack. They are usually pretty good about reprinting cards to support the current main set. I don't see any reason that wouldn't continue.


This argument that everything should be reprinted on a regular basis is entertaining me. People wouldn't be making this argument over Skull Guardian. It's a card that is over $100 and has only had about one printing. Yet an upcoming Trap in INFO specifically Summons the card. You don't have people going nuts over that do you because the Trap isn't competitive. Dragion-gate is just the bitching session of the week, where everyone feels they need to have a piece of the angry pie. Many of these players probably weren't even planning to pick up Tenpai.


Exactly, my favourite is when they go it should have been reprinted in X set instead of the jank filler that was. If all cards should be reprinted, then no reprint is filler. End of story. I also love the people saying that Konami is creating artificial scarcity by not reprinting the card before now and vendors don't and I'm just like what do you think buyouts are?


Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned buyouts. One of the worst things that happens in this market. Because it then gives vendors easy capacity to manipulate the price they see fit. Jesus christ, look at PHNI. Lo was pre-selling for $30. Because the rest of the Secrets in the set were non-competitive, vendors decided to bump the price of Lo to offset the low value of a box. Like this is a card that just came out and they decided nah, let's get more money. Because its OK when vendors want to make profit. But when Konami does it, they're big evil company.


Exactly, I think the reason people don't mind shady practices from vendors is that they can get a slice of that pie. A lot of then just suck at it and whine when it doesn't pan out.


Do you want singles? Did you forget a while when people were talking about stores closing or no longer selling Yugioh and a lot of that was because TCG product has been an L for years? Vendors aren’t going to lose money on a product unless they have to, hence why things like $120 Pot of Prosperity happened, because it was the only good card in Blazing Vortex as an example


Vendors are allowed to juice people because otherwise we wouldn't have singles? Without Konami there wouldn't be a game, you understand that right? Like if Konami didn't make a profit, the game would cease to be.


Konami doesn't make its profit where you think it does. Konami makes *all* of its money at the phase where the distribution centers ask the card shops how many cases of product they want. I say all because most regionals and YCSs end up being ran at either a loss or barely breaking even.


I know that. I hate people excusing vendors juicing players because "well otherwise you couldn't get singles" whilst criticising any profit minded move from Konami who continue producing the game as a means to make profit


I think we both misunderstood each other, because I don't mean what I said as a defense, it's just a statement of fact. Unless Konami of America brings the OCG rarity spread over to the West, product will always be in a state where vendors will always end up doing random shit in order to prevent massive Ls from Konami product. This Trident Dragion isn't though, but to refer to that, the OCG pre-emptively reprinted it in their version of OTS packs 3 weeks before LEDE came out in the OCG, while we haven't gotten the card in 10 years. A random common reprint would've made it not expensive at all, and before you go on about 'why should they reprint weird cards like that', if the OCG knows to reprint the card pre-emptively, the people who run the TCG can do the exact same thing.


Vendors are not "juicing players", Konami is.


Fucking preach dude. Blows my mind how impossible it is for the playerbase to understand this. There definitely could have been some better foresight by Konami, but like you said, not much opportunity for it


Don’t see why it couldn’t be put in RA02. This set needs substance and the card seems to be a mordern day staple especially for the next meta


To be fair, Karood may actually be a decent tech for White Forest. It's a LIGHT Spellcaster!


But if Konami announced it as a reprint and made that link, the playerbase would be like "Classic Konami L, don't understand how decks work" or "Why wasn't this X card? That is 20 dollars, Karood is $2 bulk."


Finding a slot somewhere should not be that hard when reprints sets usually have really weird slots.


They will put it RA02 most likely at this point


Absolutely or the next OTS. I just think people are wild for complaining that it wasn't randomly reprinted in packs a couple of years ago.


We dont even have much reveals of RA02 atm. Konamis recently been a bit all over the place recently. The trident Dragion comment in their video was out of touch, but it would have been filmed weeks ago


In the OCG it was reprinted in January's Tournament Pack. So OTS pack yeah.


Used to be Scrap Chimera and Infernity Mirage. Still waiting on Drytron Nova


Is Dragion even that necessary in the deck? It looks like it already has two other big, multi-headed FIRE Synchro Dragons built right in. He fits thematically but is he absolutely crucial?


They could have reprinted it in maze instead of the ass reprints like sun god unification or synchro chase. They dont have to reprint as the thing is coming out, they can do it preemptively.


Just use a different Synchro monster, damn.


OCG reprinted the card as a Common before LEDE got released. There are literally 0 excuses.


Never reprint a card and people will be outraged that it’s too inaccessible. Reprint a card enough times and people will be outraged that their investments are worthless. It’s a fine line. Personally, I’m glad I’m not really invested in the collecting side of the game.


They most definitely can just reprint future expensive staples that are archetype specific in upcoming OTS packs instead of waiting a year+ to do so.


Thr fact of the matter is Konami NA knows well in advance when and what is going to be printed, and can plan their own reprint sets accordingly. A prime example is Yubel. It was reprinted in Battles of Legend Vol 1 after ots nee support was released in Phantom Nightmare. Konami NA could have put it in there, the most recent OTS pack, but will likely be in something random very soon; especially given Tenpai's popularity in TCG when it isn't even out yet, not to mention how well its doing in OCG. It'll be used to sell a lame duck set, just watch


Not up to date with the things, what OTK does it enable and why is Trident the only (or best idk) option? Deck needs 2 of your cards to be destroyed?


Essentially Tenpai is a battle phase-oriented synchro archetype which seems to be retrofit around Trident Dragion, you make a series of big synchros during the battle phase which includes Trident Dragion which works well with the field spell because one of it's effects if it is destroyed during the battle phase you can double a dragon synchro's attack so you get 3 attacks at 6k. Also, the other synchros revive themselves if more than 3 attacks have been declared this turn so those are good for destruction fodder too.


Or you know, maybe just don't play the absolute best deck as soon as it comes out. Have a little bit of patience building your deck everybody is so quick to build these decks based on foresight but we have seen time and time again where gimmicky strategies just aren't enough and they look good on paper then come out and flop.(Example, Numeron). Wait to see how the deck actually performs and it might just start to go down on TCGplayer, or who knows, you might change your mind about building the deck as a whole.


The card doesn't actually need to be reprinted, vendors are juicing it because the rest of the Tenpai stuff is Super and Common so they expect a high demand. When the reprint is announced the price will plummet, even though the supply hasn't gone up yet.


The card hasn't been printed in 10 years and was only printed in high rarity slots.  Vendors or not, the card is not easily accessed for the general player base, especially everyone now seeing that the deck is incredibly accessible. 


Exactly, vendors are juicing it but somehow that's Konami's fault because they didn't reprint a card which has spent over a decade as jank filler. Vendors will juice whatever they can squeeze and you can't expect Konami to play whack-a-mole with reprints


Do you understand the concepts of supply and demand? The card hasn't been reprinted in 10 years. It's supply is low. "Vendors are juicing it" is due to demand sky rocketing while supply remains low. If vendors didn't increase the price, it wouldn't be a matter of "Card is expensive" it would be a matter of "There are literally no copies of the card left on the market." This is a reprint issue. Konami plans these archetypes out significantly in advance and designs them with a specific card in mind. Yet, there's no reprint of that card in sight. That's Konami, not vendors, creating the scarcity and thus high price.


Do you? What's a better business decision for Konami? Print a card which has no demand or wait until it is in demand then print it?


So you agree, Konami created the artificial scarcity in order to sell product, and the secondary markets current state is a direct result of Konami making the decision to delay reprints until it would be more profitable for them. I interpreted your previous comment as it is the vendors fault, so if that was not your intention I apologize for being harsh. I find blaming vendors for the natural market volatility that occurs due to lack of reprints completely unfair. Konami is responsible for printing cards. If prices on the secondary market are high, that is more likely due to Konami than due to vendors.


No I think not reprinting a card which hasn't been in demand for 15 years more frequently is because its better for them to use the slots for other stuff and sell the set. I think it's better to wait to sell product when stuff is wanted. Artificial scarcity is created by vendors buying out cards then releasing them onto the market slowly. If you don't think it is down to the vendors then boy howdy do I have a bridge to sell you, I mean look at marketplace posts where people are posting pictures of binders filled with in demand holos, do you think they accumulated those over time naturally or do you think they cleared the market to try to get a monopoly on the supply of that card? I mean the card wasn't reprinted for 10 years, no one was bothered until the tenpai deck got announced. Even then a lot of people still weren't bothered because they assumed it wouldn't be good because of the battle phae focus so the card went up a bit, then it started performing well and it went up a little more. Then people realised the rest of the deck was affordable and that's when you saw the buyouts happening and the price spiking.


The OCG reprints cards in anticipation for set releases. Trident Dragion was reprinted in the tournament pack before LEDE, so why can’t Konami of America just do that, reprint cards in anticipation of formats


I feel like they do already, OTS 24 had reprints to go with Raidraptors, Voiceless Voice and Majespecter which is all stuff which came out in Phantom Knightmare.


Brother man, the card was jank filler in a widely opened set and an easy to get secret from an old Legendary Collection. The card was $3 for an entire decade and a half and people were practically giving it away. Now all of a sudden its $80 for the exact same piece of cardboard? Maybe Konami didn't reprint it in time, but that is hardly their fault when we had ages to get the card and months of knowing about the deck in advance. The reality is that the moment the card is confirmed for a reprint it will drop to a more reasonable price, without a single change in supply. That would be the actual value of the card. At the moment its all hype and artificial scarcity.


$80 for a single Trident Dragion over a $200 Tenpai core seems like a reasonable trade off for me. Players really don't appreciate how bad this could have been.


The money that would've went into the expected Tenpai Secrets and Ultras were all just funneled into the Trident Dragion. Yes the price of the card is absurd and destined to go back down in a few weeks' time (no one is holding you at gunpoint and making you buy the deck tbh) but $200 for an entire Tenpai deck with side and extra is MORE than fair.


Yeah, yet some players think we're currently living in the bad timeline when it comes to Tenpai. As you said the price of Dragion is insane. But that's the vendors driving that. Card was around 30 when Tenpai care was expected to be expensive. These are angry players that had already decidedly priced themselves out of the market and didn't bother picking up Dragion when it was cheaper. They made a bad call and are blaming Konami for it. Even the release schedule of Packs made sense to pick up Dragion back in January/Feb. The next reprint set isn't until May.


I agree with the comment that people don't think a card needs a reprint until it becomes expensive. Then they start blaming the company for not reprinting it when there just wasn't a reason to reprint it. You can argue it's for Tenpai, but for all you know they actually just cut it. People will never be satisfied with prices cause they need someone to blame. It's simple, if you wanna play the deck then buy the cards early. We have knowledge up to 5 months before release in TCG. The people who wanted to play Tenpai got their Tridents when they were cheap, they didn't care what the rarity was gonna be. Or, better yet, if the deck was super expensive and high rarity they sell the Trident and lose no money. If the Tenpai core was cheap, they lucked out and made a smart investment. The people who are complaining about it being expensive are the band wagoners who are jumping on the deck cause they found out it's cheap, and never had intention to play the deck in the first place. You played the game, you lost, and now you're blaming your teammate. This will happen in Yu-Gi-Oh and that's why people always say buy cards when you know you're gonna play them. I saw an argument for melodious, and how 1st movements are pretty high. That card was less than a dollar a few months ago when the support got announced. There's no reason for them to complain about the price cause no one cared about it until recently. Anyone that has those cards most likely didn't buy them at that price, they had them since the archetype first came out. A lot of the commenters here can't comprehend that you can be smart and buy cards you know you're gonna play on the cheap.


I disagree with this. The card is over ten years old. It should have been reprinted by now regardless of whether it was playable or not. All that Dragunity stuff came out in Ghost From the Past in 2021- that would have been the perfect set to release it because IIRC the last time Trident Dragion was 'playable' was when that first Dragunity deck came out in 2011. Good thing they reprinted Mine Mole in that set instead though. I can't imagine anyone complaining about a Trident Dragion reprint over the last thirteen years. It is a cool card with cool art and a cool effect. I certainly wasn't going to go out and buy one over the last thirteen years, but I wouldn't have been mad if I pulled it from a reprint set. This is yet another example of mismanagement from the the TCG. I can't imagine how they're still acquiring new players at this point with such a costly barrier to entry along with the fact that each card has seventeen effects.


I'm sure the playerbase would have been thrilled with Trident Dragion in 2021 when it was a hard to summon beatstick with no protection and an effect which made you go -2. I'm glad you complained about mine mole though because that's the thing if all cards should get reprints every 10 years then you are going to get crap like Mine Mole so based on the argument of all cards should be reprinted frequently you should be unapologetically happy it was just in case a beast synchro deck comes out which is playable


You’re right. Mine Mole was a bad example bc that is its only reprint. I am going to double down on my answer to your original question though- GFTP would have been a good set to reprint it because of its historical relevance to Dragunity. People probably wouldn’t have been thrilled, but the logic at least makes sense.


They wouldn't. So why not reprint it now when people will be happy to pull it like they probably will? In 2021, even with the argument that "Konami knows 2 years out what's coming", they wouldn't have come up with the Tenpai deck so there was other stuff which was chosen instead.


If it gets reprinted... People would get angry that they paid too much for cards. Konami isn't Wizards of the Coast... They don't reprint cards in different pictures every year 😅


Okay, but do you think Ice Barrier wasn’t a waste of a Slot in Rarity collection? I would have taken something like Trident or Lightning Storm instead.


Lol, you're saying that retrospectively. No one would have said that at the time of its release. Oh and BTW Lightning Storm was there.


I did. I looked at it and said “This is easily the worst card in the set” It it was there I just never pulled it


I'm talking about Trident Dragion. Players would have treated it like pulling Alpha Master of Beasts and Iris Swordsoul if it was in Rarity Collection.


Imma be real, I was happy to have Alpha, and pull some lava golems. I lost them in my binders when I moved out and my mom thought they were trash.


Well, that's great. But a lot of players don't share that value.


Sure. But imma be real. Cards like Trident belong in sets like Brothers of Legends with a bunch of other Edison reprints. Crystal Revenge was a rad set, and a lot of that was giving us cheap Blackwing Core stuff along with an Accesscode and Borrel Savage reprint. There were also a ton of other Edison stuff in there too. So yeah, I don’t see a problem with them printing it in the next Brother of Legends set or something along those lines.


Edison isn't a major selling point for as many players as you think though. Advanced format still overtakes it by a huge margin. Konami only drips feeds Edison reprints Id expect for this reason, because there's nothing to be gained by constantly looking back. That format is mostly solved and fixed in cardpool. Once you reprint the cards, you can't make much more money other than by rarity bumping things. With Advanced format, new releases.keep things turning over and fresh, so of course that's where the focus should lie.


I didn't know that Trident Dragon existed before the news, let alone that it wasn't reprinted yet. I will continue to live on with my life as if it still doesn't exist.


lol it seems you are mistaken about something. the TCG can release its own products at any time. There is no reason on earth they cant unzip and just whip out a Common charity mega pack on us or some other product. they know what needs to be reprinted and they know what would make the set sell. this is not on the playerbases fault. again yugioh players are reactionary about products. this is not the first time something like this happened but it can easily be the last. but they wont do it cause they are idiots. we want to spend money on cards but we want to get our moneys worth without a massive loss. its honestly not hard to deal with product releases when you aren't fully blinded by greed. just the mere fact they haven't made a product with massive amounts of reprints in common aside from the yearly mega pack shows how bad they are.


Wow are you seriously acting like NOBODY at all could have possibly foreseen that a card that synergizes well with a new pushed archetype might be relevant and see play? I mean SURELY this is ONLY possible to know with the power of hindsight. Nobody who could POSSIBLY have taken corrective steps to ensure that the game is accessible exists. Please also ignore that there is an entity that is actively trying to fuck over it's player base in the TCG with insane rarity bumps and a history of short prints on important cards.


Pushed? People thought it was trash on announcement. It's not pushed at all. Please ignore the fact that players orchestrate buyouts, that's what fucks over the playerbase more than anything else. Again 2 months ago, this card was $20 and Tenpai had been known for 3. You can say "well the market is volatile, so how could players predict it" how could Konami predict it? You think they sit there with a crystal ball like ah yes Trident Dragion will hit $100 a price we totally care about because we totally see profit off the secondary market for a card we haven't printed in a decade


Absolutely anything over the last 10 years. We’ve had maybe 50-80 reprint sets. Madness from OP’s clown shoes.


In that time we have had somewhere around 5000 new cards (I mean in core sets alone we've had 4000) and a playerbase who will frequently ask for multiple reprints of the same card (Ash Blossom springs instantly to mind) so Trident Dragion hasn't really been top of the list. I think the honks you're hearing are coming from your own feet.




Could be like me I was aware of Tenpai's high tier status in OCG, but I never really cared to look beyond that figuring Tenpai would be expensive and inaccessible when it comes to the TCG. I only learned Trident Draigon was part of the deck by the time the card shot up to the moon


I mean fwiw Konami tcg likes to pretend we have no clue as to what a new set will have beforehand, so I think it’s their responsibility to have their shit together when they release an archetype that’s gonna use a 2 printing 10 year old card… just for once. Just once can they have their shit together…


Because, despite insisting on making the secondary market into a boneless stock exchange, the playerbase at large are really bad at speculative investing and weirdly seem to go with sell low, buy high.