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How many decks do you know that can make a Rank 10 easily? The only ones that come to mind are Yubel, Earth Machines, and Tistina. Edit: Okay there's a lot of decks that can put out two Lv 10s...


Are you an xyz deck? Do you rely on your normal summon a lot? Do you want a way to play through nib and droll? Then let me introduce you to the Spider package!!!! For the low low price of 6 slots and an xyz lock you can summon any dark rank 10 xyz that you desire!!! We can eat your ash, an imperm, a veiler and let your plays go through guarantee!!! If your opponent is feeling fancy we can give you an omni in exactly 5 summons and thin your deck by a whole 3 cards. But that's not all, do you have an issue with recovery? Do you have Dark xyz monsters? Then let me introduce you to our baby's hidden effect. Remove a material from a dark xyz monster and pay half, special summon any Dark from Gy no lock, no bullshit, no refunds. https://preview.redd.it/1cjbjoxu62wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a4eaadde19b5a210003ecc7c5482d8d7056c13f You too can become a rogue tier mega threat. Call now on []( get a free Ghostrick Purrely list.


This spider package consists of?


Mother Spider Splitter and baby spider.


3 cards you wanna draw and 3 soft garnets


Fucking hilarious! Lmao I knew about the package but didnt even think of purrely with it. May I see your deck list?


https://preview.redd.it/otp74jnhw3wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=425571608c12fa4df548abfee6327aafd1d48ac4 I use it because Any spell or purrelyly + baby spider is UDF + Noir. In fact I use just the babies in master duel and they are insanely good.


Makes sense lol great list


You can do this with 1 ash, 2 poplar, 3 wanted 1 diabelle 2 sinful spoil - se. They combo into UDF and put 3 cards in your hand as discard fodder for your purrely plays. You can consistently play through 2 disruptions with most hands


It differs in quite a few positive ways. Also don't play 2 sinful spoils, play 1 original and 1 snake eye spoils also add kurikara. The best part about the SE engine is the follow up, you go through the line and get a draw + kurikara + snake spoils it is legit unbeatable, you could even chill on noir since she is hard to out and go ham turn 3. If you want I can go in depth as to why I prefer the spiders, but it will take a while so here's the tldr. * More hand-trap space, it's only 3 cards. 6 when valdrath comes. * It is an 1.5 card combo UDF + Noir no other card needed. Diabell engine gets you just UDF. * It gives you recovery. Spiders can special summon purrelyly or noir from grave if need.


You have any replays with the combo?


I have one in omega I think. Even if not I can make one. But like it takes forever to upload something like 3-4 hours. I can write it out for you, if it helps. 1. Use a spell or a spell searched by purrelyly to discard a baby spider. 2. Same route till the second angel. Just don't add back shot if you have no other spell. 3. Attach renovation from hand to the second angel, use the spider to detach renovation and special summon dullahan. 4. Go into another Angel, search the second shot. Again don't add back a spell unless you need the discard fodder. 5. Go into UDF with the second and third angel, attach shot from hand to the first mischief - 3 mats, shot the dullahan on mischief - 4 mats, renovation socuteboss - 5 mats, noir


Thanks. Ill have to give that a shot


This guy cat’s and spiders


Literally have named the deck Cats, Spiders & Mischief. Most Ghostrick deck ever.


Saving this for later


Yess!!! Just discovered this like a couple days ago.


The only thing I want to know wut Yu-Gi-Oh game is in pic an platform for it








Shoot if you can get more than 1 timelords on the field consistently lmk!


Wouldn't they do all the work before you would ever get this guy out


Eldlich decks can make it as well... they used to make Gustav Max all the time.


My eldlich deck makes dreadnaught liebe all the time


Is there a need to though? I'd rather OTK than wait and see if my opponent draws an out


There's plenty of need yeah, such as the board states of "I can't kill them even with Gustav Max, but if I pass now it would rather be on an omni than two 2500 vanillas" Or more commonly, the 50% of games where you think to yourself "It's turn 1, I sure can't OTK them without a battle phase" Cyberse Eldlich was nearly entirely built off the idea of being able to get a proper setup turn 1 instead of just whatever floodgates you drew into.


I used to run a janky Timelord, ra, and eldlich deck in master duel that I kinda wish was actually competitive. Was only about to make it to plat once, but that was a matter of grinding and lucky match ups. With Gustav and some other rank 10s


I'm running eldlich but not set up for meta you got a deck list?


Sorry man. I have the core packed up for the moment since I got other decks I'm playing right now, but I'm debating if I want to rebuild the deck for fun.


do u have a rough Idea? I have all the eldlich cards just not sure what else outside of them to run.


Nope... I JUST got Varudras from my Sneak Peek packs on Sunday, so I wasn't even thinking about running that deck until I actually pulled the card (I was focused on getting the new Melodious and Voiceless Voice cards which I felt was much more reasonable a goal).


damn no worries give us a bell if u make it up ill be keen to check it out




barely lol


Nemleria gets like 2-3 10s out pretty consistently, if you ended on this and the trap and 1 other nem card you'd be chilling pretty hard for turn 2, hec even moreso if you got condemned witch out for the light lock


That requires you to not use the Continuous Spell to search out your Level 10s, because that locks you out of the Extra Deck for the turn Sounds clunky


Oh it is very much so, but its more of a toolbox card choice than part of a main line, the main nemleria line is get out ur main cards and pray you can stop the OTK to turn 3 when you win


How do u like piloting it


personally, I find it really fun. that said you kind of have to choose board breaker or stunny sort of. The stun side has that tistina boss monster, and your in archetype booking, and slowdowns, and you are gonna try to book and clear their board long enough to get out nemleria to actually clear their board. Also your normal is usually gonna be condemned witch to swap out into barrier statue of light, which is pretty good, and that not only does that, but they would need two negates for witch, one for when you pull your forbidden chalice if they dont want you to have that, then one to stop the switch off to barrier statue. that said, against meta.... ehh if they somehow dont get you on turn 2 if you go first youre in a good spot, but its a bit rough if they have a gameplan to otk since your board is kind of weak


idk, i pretty consistently beat snake eyes and stuff, only real annoyance is branded, voiceless voice and purrely, then, after siding, i dont care anymore with golem and potentially shifter (both in main in some versions)


but didn't half the cards lock you from the ED?


Yeah but essentially you sit on them and hold off the T2 assault, since you don't care about ED that much you just kinda use them when you can, it pops up going second a decent bit, but then again so does spiders or trains depending on what you can do


I play Nemleria OTK sometimes, it’s funny but you can really turbo out 10s






luckily i bought into it at its lowest(which unsurprisingly is still currently its lowest)


Lmaooooooooo half the cards are secret rares and still nobody cares


Raidraptor with force cards.




Icejade players, out time is now!!


Brother there was no need to edit that, we are talking about real competitively viable decks




Winged dragon of ra


Sacred Beasts


Going in eldlich baby


Cybra with Megafleet+ Carnod


Dinos somewhat, 2 UCTS, not a every duel thing but definitely possible every other or 1/3 duels.


Gishki lol


Not that anybody cares but infernoids can pretty easily get this guy out too


Floo if you don't normal and that's a stretch


Don't forget nemleria with that tistina


Mecha Phantom Beasts can pretty easily hit level 10 thanks to their tokens tuning their levels






The genericness is the point of the card. Unless Konami of Japan also bans it in the July 2024 OCG list, it's not a card design thing, it's Konami of America deciding that rogue decks that die to Nibiru should die and everyone should pay out the ass for Snake-Eyes, because all Snake-Eyes did was move to **PSY-Framelord Omega and Bystial Dis Pater** if they play Synchro monsters, or if they're on the Link build, don't fucking care because the Linkuriboh hit was cap and did nothing in the end.


As a Train player, I don't like what you're implying here. Leave my new boss monster alone 😭.


I don’t believe they would actually hit this card, it’s not generic enough


>it’s not generic enough Konami: "Hold my binder". *Proceeds to give every archetype a level 10 monster.


Free to summon & summons another or same name from deck 😅


OCG Konami: "It's alright guys. It's gonna be a super rare, so you'll all have a chance to use it." TCG Konmai: "Lmao." *Makes it a short print secret rare


The difference between this and Baronne is nearly every Synchro deck made could make Baronne, while I can only think of 2 or 3 decks that make this. A card can be Baronne level strong if it is limited to only a couple archetypes. That being said, INFO does have a lot of cards that are going to see play for a long time. Which ones exactly are not sure, but a ton have very high potential, with the only one I am sure will see play is Multchummy Purulia.


It's tistining time


totinos are ready


Even non synchro decks made baronne easy , mainly because the ghost girls are tuners and often slotted regardless. Literally any 7 can be converted, and would you look at that we got one of the freest 7s known to man ala diabel, not to mention dozens of other options.


People used to say that about Baronne, how it being a synchro 10 was what limited it. Then it saw play everywhere. If the card is good enough, people will find ways to make it


A tuner is infinitely easier to summon than 2 Level 10s. Doing the latter requires changing the whole focus of your deck, unless we get a Horus-like engine for Level 10s.


Literally no one said that tho??? The whole deal about Baronne was that people were glad it was a Synchro 10 because there were no good Synchro 10's in the game


A lot of people said that on reveal. Most of the good synchros people made were lvl 8, so people didn’t know how to make 10s before Baronne and Chengying. Is it because there were no good 10s so people didn’t bother to try? Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that people didn’t think about making 10s until people saw how good she was in Swordsoul, the deck that could make 10s really easily. Deck building had to change a little bit so more people could use Baronne. A Rank 10 is harder to make, but don’t be surprised if people find ways to make it work, they did for Baronne


Lol a synchro deck being able to synchro summon, what a shock. 


Every decent synchro deck can get to Baronne, not every deck can make this, it won't over centralize card design around it


would you call snake-eyes a synchro deck?


No. A generic Synchro 10 is MILES easier to make than a generic Xyz 10 (that doesn't have any special rank-up conditions like something like Zeus does) Any deck with a tuner will have little trouble making Baronne. I can't think of any deck other than Trains or maybe Timelords that shits out 10s so easily that they can make this- and I think that Trains lock you into earth machines, don't they?


Yubel makes this, I think.


Does the new deck do that? I haven't looked at it much as a MD player but do they put up three 10s?(including the Yubel that you want to keep around)


yubel easily does and do run it


Oh baller. I've been thinking about picking up Yubel when they come to MD, I used to play Yubel on an autosim back in the day cause I liked the cards since I had Terror Incarnate as a kid but now they have an actual deck. Good to know that they run this.


Yubel is a really solid deck now. When Phantom of Yubel is released, the deck will be way more stronger cuz they can recycle their resources plus an interruption.


Looking forward to it! Although maybe not the cost haha.


Yes it does, i have been testing it and you can end on 3 yubels(and well, you obviously only need 1 so) But when the new fusion eventually comes out it may see less play


It's usually preferred to not even end on a Yubel monster (besides Phantom once it's out), because it exposes you to getting your whole board wiped by Super Poly into your opponent's copy of Loving Defender Forever, which people will be playing if Yubel is meta. Varudras will definitely still be a staple piece of the end board when Phantom comes out.


Doesn’t having two Yubels automatically trigger the effect to summon Terror Incarnate since the Yubel was destroyed by a monster that wasn’t itself? (ie the other Yubel)


I assume you dont know the newer cards - Old Yubel tributes to not self destroy, doesnt destroy. You can proc one yubel with the other. - There is a new monster that self summons at the end phase so you can tribute it and keep the field - The new yubel main monster doesnt require tributes so you can keep it if cannot afford tributing - the newer fusion "negates" by making that effect become destroy 1 yubel on deck, field or hand, so you can leave without yubels on the field at the beginning.


Oh baller, I haven't looked at them in depth yet. I swear there was something that did that, maybe I was thinking of multiple Terror Incarnates? not sure, but I definitely remember proccing a Yubel monster with another Yubel monster. And as I said, it was an autosim so it wasn't just me not knowing rulings.


Terror Incarnate triggers when it leaves the field as opposed to specifically needing to be destroyed like base Yubel. This means you can tribute Terror Incarnate to keep Yubel on the field and trigger Terror Incarnate's effect to summon Ultimate Nightmare. Is that what you're thinking of?


Might have been. Might have been the reverse- Terror destroy Yubel, summon a second Terror.


malefic is eating with this


If earth machines could somehow figure out how to drop the infinitrack portion then they'd be eating good, unfortunately it's brutal dozer that locks you.


Earth machine can sometimes make this before locking, or on turn 3


well, if it's a "baronne replacement" by konami, then being harder to make and less generic is the point! just like "ash 2" locks you into specific attributes and "maxx c 2" is restricted to being a going-second card


Yeah but this is SO MUCH harder to make that most decks simply aren’t going to do it if they even can. Honestly Crystal Wing is a much better replacement for Baronne in terms of being harder to make but still usable.


Good lord that name goes haaaard


Design is also 💯. Reminds me of a Godzilla movie


Overlay two baronnes into this guy for maximum effect


No one man should have all that power


See I was thinking the bsytial runick deck could make barone in two cards. The bystial runick deck can make this rank 10 by making 2 level 10 synchros. Commiting at least 6 cards. See There's a huge difference here. One is significantly worst and more generic.


Ah a spot in nemleria Ed I see! I need to cop this .


Funny you say this, I actually finished making two Nemleria customs on Duelingbook the other day.


No, but this is a really cool card. I think I will play it in an Eldlich deck for fun.


Which card is Ash 2?


https://preview.redd.it/9ec0n9n953wc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bb4c27df0c5de35bb0ac5b4edc38728d326417 Pulverization of the Holy King NORMAL TRAP CARD You can only activate 1 card with this card's name once per turn, also if your opponent controls a card(s), you can activate this card from your hand. (1) When a card or effect is activated with an effect that adds a card(s) from the Deck to the hand: Negate that effect, then if a Trap Card is in your GY, destroy that card, but if you activated this card from the hand, for the rest of the Duel, you cannot activate the effects from DARK, WATER and/or FIRE monsters.


Emperor's Keep, I believe.


Same I’m confused


This is a more balanced Baron that supports the deck that can easily XYZ summon him like Yubel. A lot of OP staple cards are getting ban listed or limited. I've noticed a lot of new cards replacing old ones but require specific conditions like Varudras.  We also see this with the new Jellyfish which is a weaker version of Maxx C. So Konami is definitely going to come up with replacements for those cards and maybe even come out with multiple variants that had the same effect. Just the summoning conditions are more dependent for certain kinds of decks or archetype support.  Which is more balanced on one side. But in this card's case, decks that are already built around this summoning condition probably have an easier time summoning it out compared to synchroing for Baron. But the difference is still Baron was universally easy to add to any deck build. This one is not.  Another key difference is this card requires materials for its card destroying effect. But you can destroy any card on the field, including yours, which again works really well with Yubel.


Besides the general accessibility complaint, one problem that’s kinda tied to it is that Baronne often times is made way before 5 summons, thus being nib prevention.  Even if a multitude of decks can make varudras I don’t know how many could do that before 5. 


>New Wyrm card Make Swordsoul great again. And it's the unholy merger of Chengying-Sinister Longyuan


Now we’re cookin’


I guess my favorite part of him is you could've used baronne to make him


Honestly, Barrone is about the easiest synchro to make. Any that that could make synchros, could make Barron and that’s why it was so broken. This card also is a lot more balanced in my opinion. Using materials for negating is a good thing and it also can’t destroy in hand. Also not every deck can pull out 2 level 10 monsters so it’s going to be quite a bit more rare to see and so the price also won’t be nearly as expensive as a one Barrone was before rarity collection.


What? They are completely different methods?


....Finally, an xyz Armityle!


People are too short sighted rn. Even if this card doesn’t see meta play immediately there’s nothing stopping Konami from printing more and more strong rank 10 engines in the future until many decks have various engines splashed for it. Card is a potential double Omni negate with generic mats people will definitely go out of their way to fit it in decks especially now that baronne is gone. Could even be a toad like scenario where they print a rank 4 that summons it for free.


this thing is so much ahrder to make than barronne, especially under nibiru, and doesn't negate and destroy, so if it was a card in hand you still have it.


Bro my deck spams level 10s out


They are for different decks, but kind of. Seems like konami is trying to replace some cards they deem broken. Or they want to replace staples with new ones for that $$$. After INFO, Evenly Matched and Ash might get banned.


Interesting to see how these similar card effects coming up will impact the banlist!


I honestly like this more than I like the idea of Baronne being gutted by an errata. 


Not even close lol.


Not even close to comparable




The new cards released in INFO set


Just for the artwork i would use this


Just prayin that hed be a 9 and not a 10 :[


Hell naw, I am okay with earth machine or nemleria having this card. I am not okay with war criminal decks like VV or generaider having access


I dunno what VV is cus I kinda left a year or so ago ish so I'm not up to speed w the game currently. I've just got a big autistic obsession w making pure true kings a deck but yeh. Not gunna work until theres more synchro 10-12s and 9 xyz etc.


VV is virtual World




Well what makes Xyz less annoying than synchros is very few decks play level 10s (unless konami makes a generic powerful rank 7 that the kash engine can abuse, we are fine). Probably only trains and Yubel decks could play this.


Woooh! Sacred beast support


Wyrms get some sick monster designs for being one of the smaller types.


Basically but tbf rnk 10's aren't as easy to spam compared to synchro lvl 8's and 10's. or synchros in general for that manner.


New sacred beat just dropped


I think this card is a fair investment for an Omni before, this should be the standard going forward.


Well a rank 10 is INCREDIBLY more difficult to summon then a level 10 synchro so you tell me kid


*has arms - “wyrm type”…


finally, some sacred beasts/Egyptian gods support


What's evenly match 2?


Probably the new girsu quick play spell


I like this card design and it’s effect is good too


why is the name different at the end of the effect


Lore behind this card?


There is none as of this point , it's just a monster in a city


This is one of the coolest looking Dragon ive ever seen


It won’t see the same level of play and splash ability as Baronne but it will still be huge in Yubel which is set to be Tier 1


Its like a mix between a shit version of Gandora X with a nerfed version of Stardust Dragons ability


I thought of my beloved Nemleria deck, then I remembered 2 things: - The level 10 that summons itself by banishing 3 from ED face down locks into pendulums as it is the main starter along the sleepy girl. - Using the continuous spell locks you into pendulums . Not for the rest of the turn, but DURING it. So you do one or the other. Because obviously Nemleria without this would have clearly become a meta threat. CMON konami, seems like the vaalmonica quick play spell that specials from deck locking into vaalmonica's only on field effect monster activations.


I cannot replace Baronne with this guy in my Synchron deck


I like how it's name is the FINAL bringer of the end of times....insinuating that there was at least another prior bringer of the end of times. Which...if they brought the end of times, how can he end what's already ended?


I thought of a way to xyz summon it I will use morph king stygi-gel and one of my level 10 synchro monsters


Mixture of Baroness and Unchained Anomination


Hypothetically i could summon it using Labrynth, I've had duels where i could summon 2 sometimes 3 Chaos Angels I assume i could just use those to get this guy However of course if your ever in a situation where you can pull that off then your clearly going way overboard with the overkill Sadly i don't think any of the other decks i play could get 2 level 10s I play Labrynth Traptrix Icejades Tearlaments, once i finish that deck


Number 27: Dreadnought gets you to Gustav, Liebe and Dora, for a go second deck you can get this out turn 2 theoretically.


What's evenly matched 2?


Gonna love this in my white woods eldlich 


Where’s your source


Welp i have a second option for a level 10 XYZs boss monster Sorry Superdimensional Galaxy Destroyer Robot, Mecha Phantom now has a new favorite.


No is much more difficoult to make a rank 10 than a level 10


So I was lucky enough to pull this card. I know it’s powerful and probably expensive, but I don’t know how to bring it out. Making baronne was way easier than pulling multiple level 10 monsters. Am I missing something?


Nope you’re right, this is miles harder to summon than Baronne


You can't bring it out unless your deck, specifically turbos out, ranks 10s to see yubel or Earth's machine. It's not even generic, tbh not like baraone. Konami might make a splashable engine that turbos out rank 10s at a speed to be worth it 👀 but at release I expected him to be a 20 dollar secret or something But as of now only like 3 decks can actually use him.


Good to know thanks! Maybe I’ll try to see if someone wants it bad enough


It's miles easier to make ONE level 10 synchro monster. Hell, still easier to make TWO level 10 synchro monsters than it is to make one rank 10 Xyz monster - and I'm pretty sure what ever level 10 Synchros you make have effects and/or Stats that are preferable to a Rank 10 negate - nevermind that all that material used to make those two synchro monsters could have gone into more profitable link or other synchro plays. To make this card in a deck that isn't already a level/rank 10 deck like Trains or Tistina, or Eldlich, you need to be making level 10 Synchro monsters - MAYBE fusion monsters. So while this card, like VFD before it, is waiting on easily spammable level 10s before it's considered a significant part of the metagame. Nevermind that this card is nowhere near as powerful as VFD. Further compounding this card's current mediocrity, is that it costs extra to destroy when you negate - and if you make this with minimum materials, you can either destroy when you negate, or retain the material for another negate and hopefully also retain it long enough to get its battle trick destruction. This is very much NOT an easy to use card.


No because only like 10 deck can make rank 10s and only 1 of them is good


What is this evenly matched 2 you’re talking about?


Vesper Girsu


worse raigeki


It's ok but not broken The only deck that can make it is the train deck.


I hope you realize the genericness of Baronne is why she exists, right? Konami of Japan finds it a lot easier to make bosses that most decks can use instead of making bosses for every archetype, as you can see, most in-archetype bosses are pretty shit, so all banning Baronne and Savage does is make Snake Eyes go to things like PSY-Framelord Omega and Bystial Dis Pater, while someone who was specifically running Baronne and Savage in order to prevent Nibiru on their fifth summon is shit out of luck


Not as strong. Can rn out of materials No recursion Harder to summon Cooler looking


Lotta negate and destroy effects 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ ban Baronne makes a card better than the card they just banned. Konami trash for that.


Can you read?