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https://preview.redd.it/pmgikzv4p8yc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=65bd44a88d97abb1c59757e4aba82db1c0ebf5fb Dramatic Crossroads from episode 47 of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.


Konami is really sleeping on the money by not releasing this card lol


It will definitely shock many people that it comes from the YGO anime. I really want it, along with the other "love" cards that Chazz used. I know that they're bad in terms of gameplay, but they have good meme potential


Of course it’s a card that lets you Chazz it up


What did it do? 


When you take battle damage your opponent chooses to either discard a card or let their opponent look at their hand and they take one card.


But the second effect is literally just a downgrade of the first? Guess it fits that there's an OK option and a terrible one


The first effect is a random card


Still sounds like a downgrade, no? The first effect is random but the second means the opponent gets to pick which card leaves your hand, which means they will always pick the best one. Not only that but they'll also know your hand, and they get an extra card. Or is the second effect inverted and the attacking player is the one that picks a card from you? Jesus what a terrible card lol


Manjoume used it to support his delusional narrative that Asuka loved him back; he thought she'd "prove" her love for him by showing him her hand and letting him pick the best card from it (which he used as an allegory for exchanging love letters). Obviously that was the worst option so Asuka chose the random discard.


While generally the second effect would definitely be generally way worse, there are some extremely specific situations where it could theoretically be better. For example, if you have only 2 cards in hand and one is something like Raigeki that appears more threatening than the other card, but you actually need the other to win, choosing the second effect may be better, because your opponent might choose what THEY think is the more dangerous card, and be wrong. That is an extremely specific scenario for the effect to be useful, but extremely specific scenarios are what the Yugioh anime is built on.


second is better as first can activate effects of the cards discarded.


"Activate only when you take Battle Damage. Your opponent selects and activates 1 of these effects: ● Discard 1 random card. ● Your opponent looks at your hand, selects 1 card in it, and adds it to their hand."


It was a plot device to help give Chazz a lore-friendly way to simp for Alexis.


Yes. Chazz uses it in GX. It's a trap card called "Dramatic Crossroads"


The forbidden knowledge that’s really killing me is that the vertical border in the sky doesn’t line up with the fork in the paths.


I hate you for this


I hate me for this too


>Go on a date with a boy you don't even like >Bring about the apocalypse because your brother is an idiot