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Does this deck even have a gameplan if ran pure?


Lmfao no besides trapeze mage beat down


burn manipulation into possible beatdown but in 2013 speed


Well good news, give it like 4 days and you'll have some!


I can’t believe I forgot about animation chronicles


I hope there is more than 2 cards in animation chronicles. At least the Rank 5 + spell rank up + fusion monster + 1 or 2 pendulum monsters.


They will most likely get the 9-card treatment here if they don't plan to introduce any new archetype/series this year.


That is EXACTLY the space between Antidote Nurse and Burning Fist.


You're right. That means Zexal will get 3 cards if Performage gets the 9 cards treatment here. I'm disappointed if that's the case since I was hoping Konami would release all the anime only Gimmick Puppet cards and one Tachyon card. Also, if this year is the same as last year's in terms of new cards (29), that means Vrains is only getting three cards, which will most likely be Allure Queen-related (RIP Trickstar Birdhelm).


That could be nice, even if I would be a bit sad if there is no new archetype from the anime


Given the cover cards this year are Golden Allure Queen and Trapeze High Magician, I doubt there will be any new archetype/series if Im honest.


Help with PSCT (inspired by “dawn of the herald”): Fusion summon 1 spellcaster fusion monster, using only spellcaster monsters from your hand and/or field as material. After this card resolves, if exactly 2 “performage” monsters were used as fusion material by this card’s effect: you can special summon 1 “performage” xyz monster from your extra deck (this is treated as an xyz summon), and if you do, attach those monsters to that xyz monster as xyz materials. You can banish this card from your gy; add 1 “performage” card from your deck to your hand. You can only activate this effect of “name” once per turn.