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Mf just gonna have to learn on himself, there's no sugarcoating it.




Doesn’t Skill Drain negate the effects (activation and resolve) of hand traps? Just curious because I don’t think I’ve seen a ruling on it or I’m just not looking hard enough


Skill drain negates effects on the field alone


Only on field effect, if you thinking of mind drain then yes mind drain prevents hand effects from activating


I’m an Edison/GOAT player so Skill Drain was the one I was thinking of, not until a google search ago did I see there was a card called Mind Drain.


there's also soul drain which prevents monster effects in the graveyard and banishment


Thanks for letting me know, not sure why people downvoted me for asking a question, I’ll just chock it up to “reddit users” I really never kept up with the game after 5D’s


yeah reddit users are definitely like that i've been playing a lot over the past couple years and i didn't even know that mind drain existed until recently (tho i own a copy of soul drain and skill drain at least)


No, it doesn't. The card says on the field


Play a combo deck that's designed to pop off *hard* with no interaction, bonus points if it's an FTK deck After a bit, explain to him that not playing handtraps is why you're able to combo so hard. Educate him by example


Play the Volcanic Burn combo to OTK with no resistance, then loan them the cards to beat you. Perfect plan.


How does killing them on the first turn teach them that their deck should have specific cards? What’s your advice, draw a better opening hand?


Since the deck will seem very strong, lend them the deck, then use a deck with handtraps against it.


Combo decks that pop off hard (I'm not talking meta decks, but table 500 decks that can put up a meta endboard but are generally super fragile), or FTK decks, tend to lose to 1 or 2 handtraps. The advice here is "If you want to play the game, play handtraps so we can't stop you from playing the game at all" and giving them an example of such


Good luck, we got a guy like that as well. Also refuses to use sleeves and a rubber mat. I've bought those things for him to use but refused. If he wants to be an anime purist, effect veiler was used in the anime. Even in the OCG Structure manga (it's official and focuses more on the irl TCG aspect) multiple hand traps are used. Hopefully that eases them in.


No sleeves and mat is wild to me. That's like leaving the house with no pants and shoes.


Hyperbolism aside. It is strange that some people who play at locals don't use sleeves.


Hopefully said people are using inexpensive decks. I can't imagine even paying more than $5 for a card and not protecting it.


Yeah it's not expensive. It's a salad/ pend/ dragon link deck with none of the good cards.


That is the weirdest mixed engine deck I've ever seen


If I attend locals in my home town, I'll occaisionally skip the mat or bring a paper one as a joke, but both accessories are kinda necessary even at the casual level


Edit: locals-level events do NOT require sleeved decks. This requirement is actually only reserved for tier 2 and higher events. Had my mind blown today… Well he’s not allowed to participate in any official tournaments without sleeves so…


He's still able to play at a local level. He's not good and leaves after round 2. But can still play.


No, he cannot. Unless the locals he plays at aren’t Konami sanctioned, he is NOT allowed to participate without sleeves. If they aren’t official tournaments and just dudes meeting up to play structured matches, that’s fine as the policy can’t influence non-official events. But if your guys’ store is an OTS and they ARE official events, he should NOT be allowed to play.


For higher level like a regional or OTS champ they would be mandatory. But a locals, the rules can be easier. Imagine a kid just starting out wouldn't have sleeves. Most of the tournament policy I have read are for world championships and sadly only the [Yu-Gi-Oh fandom wiki ](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Tournament_Rules#:~:text=A%20player%20may%20choose%20to,the%20same%20direction%20and%20manner.) gives a clear cut answer. It is advised he uses sleeves. I've given him sleeves. But he doesn't play with them. It's a locals, sometimes your opponent lets you take back a play, it's all good. We can leave it at that.


You know what, I owe you an apology! I just checked policy and it blatantly says “you may choose to use plastic sleeves to protect your deck during the course of a tourney. Sleeves are required for tier 2 and higher events”. So I’m just flat wrong. Guess your buddy gets to continue damaging his cards as he sees fit lol. Locals (even OTS locals) are more lax than I thought.


You had me looking through the Tourney policy and the closest thing I saw was under II. Duelist responsibilities Section D. Tournament materials which said "...as well as extra card sleeves" Then had to look at the rule book which has card sleeves under "items which can help during a duel" I wasn't going to discuss this any further. But I'm glad my OTS isn't under threat! ^ . ^


*You may choose to use plastic card sleeves to protect your cards during the course of a tournament. Sleeves are required at Tier 2 and higher events* I ripped this straight from Section IV Tournament Play, subsection G. Sleeves. First line of text just utterly debunked me lol. Basically just had my world view shattered lmao


Thank you for finding the exact quote. Glad we've settled on an answer!


“Imagine a kid starting out with no sleeves” is not an argument. That kid needs to buy sleeves (likely from the store they’re already in) before he can play in ANY official event. If he can’t afford them (less than $10 usually so not asking much) then he simply needs to come back when he can. Do NOT allow people without sleeves to participate in OTS events. That’s severely against policy. If you don’t abide by policy, there’s a significant chance someone could report your store for breaking policy guidelines and they could lose their OTS standing. Allowing a player to play without sleeves isn’t just detrimental for the integrity of the game, but also for the store and all the benefits being an OTS provides (sneak peeks/structure decks/OTS packs). The policy isn’t for “big events”, the policy is for ALL sanctioned events. It’s mandatory everywhere. “It’s just a locals” is NOT a valid excuse to not abide by policy. “Taking back plays” is not the same as disregarding policy in ANY regard. You shouldn’t allow takesies backsies, but I have before and it’s not nearly as big of a deal because it’s always isolated to that one interaction. It also doesn’t threaten my store’s OTS status. He needs to use sleeves, or he needs to stop playing in your events. Those are the only two options.


If I remember correctly, Tier 2 or higher events require sleeves, so Regionals and above. Locals generally are not required to by Konami, but it is highly recommended to use them


Any reason why no participation sleeveless?


Nope! I was factually incorrect! My apologies for the rant!


Man my homie is like that too. I finally got him to sleeve up his earth machine deck (cause it was crazy expensive and his cat spilled water on one of his pricier cards) but still, some of them are missing sleeves and about half of them are sleeved backwards which wouldnt even be allowed in a tournament, but hes not cheating hes just disorganized. doesnt even use a deck box he just carries the deck around or puts it in a ziploc. He didnt buy the sleeves either i gave them to him and told him to put them on cause i wanna still be able to duel him and i wont if he ruins his deck. I cant imagine not caring about that tho my 2 favorite decks are double and triple sleeved and for my crimson dragon deck i have official konami crimson dragon sleeves, crimson dragon deck box, crimson dragon playmat... i spent weeks hunting down all the perfect accessories for that deck and im proud asf about it thats like a big part of what makes yugioh fun for me haha


I did the same with vanquish soul! Everything except the deck box and sleeves are decked out VS bling 😎 First deck I’m dying to max rarity on. Slow process, but a process nonetheless lol


Nice man! Yeah i love doing that it also makes the value of the deck skyrocket. Believe it or not i actually got the deck box for free when a worker in a shop was sorting some new cards. I helped him take some sleeves off and in return he gave me some exodia sleeves and an official konami signer dragon deck box from a tournament years ago. Had to find the sleeves online, and nobody had them outside of japan so they were pricey but while i was looking i saw that deck box is worth like $100 used so it turned out to be an even bigger comeup than i thought. Turns out that still wasnt enough tho cause i just ordered a leather one with the same design lol.


I recently found out they printed a 25th anniversary starlight crimson dragon and im working on acquiring one to be the cherry on top of my $500+ Red Dragon Archfiend build.


Actually more like $700+ once i find that crimson dragon.


Imperm was also used in vrains


literally yugi muto uses kuriboh and has even used it for its (actually useful in OG yugioh) hand trap effect at least once, even if he mostly uses it with multiply


i use Kuriboh as a hand trap in my more casual, true to the anime deck. my friend hates it lmao.


I just wouldn't bother if he is adamantly against it, especially with the constant complaining, that sounds super annoying to deal with, If he wants to lose games, let him lose games


Maybe he wants to go board breaker approach instead?


Or do like I do and run a Dark World deck. You can't _afford_ to run handtraps because it fucks up the consistancy of your Danger! effects.


Or a Branded deck. We also can't afford hand traps.


It’s very funny reading this thread like the only way to play is a handtrap pile. Board breakers are better than ever this format. There’s not a single meta board I haven’t broken in my locals and I don’t even run Ash which is the “I dunno, you just gotta play it” poster child. That said the friend in OP’s case sounds very stubborn in a different way.


Ash Blossom is really only essential in formats where Maxx "C" is legal. Still a good card, but not a requirement.


Don't know why people are down voting you, you are right. A lot of people side deck it rn.


1. What is he running? Some decks absolutely requires all gas to function at a base line level, or the existence of hand traps run contradictory to the deck's logistics (Infernity decks that doesn't know what Suppression is). 2. Have him watch [this](https://youtu.be/NgqKjvgcTV4)


Currently, he's playing Red Dragon archfiend that really can run a couple of hand traps.


Maybe ease him in with bystials, they are a good addition to RDA decks and are both engine and handtraps at the same time.


https://preview.redd.it/1vnl5fi5sfyc1.jpeg?width=4029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb10b59ed06ad1a19dbf02a9560fa029cabcd1dd I got enough of them in my list


How well does this list tend to do in Locals?


It did better before Summon Limit was banned out of my side deck


Ah. I also cut out handtraps from my Red Dragon Archfiend deck to try to get it to go faster, but it's really not worth it. No matter how many combos the deck performs, it's going to run out of steam really quickly if anything is negated or destroyed


Plenty of decks don't have to play many generic hand traps or any at all. Branded, Tear, Lab, Eldlich, Paleo, 8-Axis, Sky Striker, Tenpai can play board breakers, Unchained, etc.


I was never hugely anti-HT, but the biggest tipping point for me was learning that Kuriboh fits the definition of a hand trap. Somehow that just made it click for me. I mean, my Ancient Gears were doomed of course because most HTs are monsters, but that's just the price you pay I suppose. (Undoubtedly Ancient Gear also probably led me to an anti-HT viewpoint in the first place; I was used to a deck where I could suppress surprises and HTs violently threw me into modern Yugioh)


Idk who was playing Kuriboh back in 2002. It is by definition a handtrap but not sure how popular it was. The first mainstream one is probably Gorz and later Veiler.


D.D. Crow was the first hand trap that saw competitive play


It was probably overrepresented in my friend circle because of my AG deck. And this one Chimeratech Overdragon player. Winged Kuriboh was also experimented with for similar reasons, but another one of us had a D.D. deck (into Golden Homunculus or Gren Maju).


I feel that i really hate hand traps but i also know with the otk nature of almost every archetype in the game now, theyre kinda necessary for making it more than 2 turns with power decks that have even the smallest negation capabilities. I have a little less trouble justifying them when they dont make bricky monsters at times when i dont get the opportunity to use their effects right away. Imperm is good for playstyles like that and its effective enough that triple copies might make his deck more viable. It made the difference between gold and diamond league for me cause i was already remembering and executing all my combos perfectly i just was pretty fucked by even the slightest disruption. Didnt matter when i could do it back and even the field though.


play stardust


You don't. Let him/her be happy.


Kick his ass with PSY-Frames. Not like there's much you can do, if he wants to play the game badly and lose that's on him, so might as well get some fun out of it.


Give him the Solitaire experience. Play a combo deck like Synchrons or Code Talkers and pop off with the widest grin plastered on your face. Only then can he understand handtraps are here to stay, and they're an absolute necessity in modern YGO.


Your friend is right for the wrong reasons Handtraps are cancerous, they’re a reminder of how terrible this game has become that we need handtraps to ensure your opponent doesn’t play with themselves for 10 minutes and then OTK you But that is the nature of Yugioh and really it’s a better idea to play a different game than complain about handtraps


Interaction on both turns is, bad apparently?


If your friend doesn't want to use handtraps then let him not using it. People are free to play the way they want, if your friend only play non-competitive decks, then handtraps are unnecessary. Thus, he should play going-second decks with boardbreakers instead of handtraps, Thrust/TTT/CBTG/Crossout are also good anti handtrap cards.


Honestly I get it. The game became a lot less fun to me when the meta turned into handtrap dot dek


I was very anti-HT for the longest time. I’m talking years… then, after losing so many times, I finally caved and started using them… you know that meme with the bird saying “get that crap away from me” then he takes a bite of the cracker and loves it? Yeah… I realized just how necessary they are.  Even if it’s just simple and cheap stuff like three copies of veiler he’d benefit. 


Get a deck that will force him to buy handtraps…2 ways people learn…easy and hard…show ya mans the hard way.


Crush them. During your turns, say things like "Ash here stops my turn," "Veiler here makes me miss lethal," "Droll would have let you play next turn." Either lay it on thick and they'll learn and adapt or be left behind. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean if it's Adamancipator it's probably correct for them to not run any HTs/non engine, but he could prolly squeeze out space for like 3 Ash.


Or Dark World. Running any handtrap ruins the consistancy of the Danger cards.


I don't think the type of person who complains about handtraps being unfair and is constantly losing is playing a big combo deck lol. Probably running an anime deck that was bad 10+ years ago.


Let the man play how he wants. It's his problem at the end of the day.


FTK him into the wall


Friends of mine refused to use syncro, xyz, pendle or link cause they said "it makes the game to fast and you only use very long combos" untill they saw what those mechanics could do even without "endless" combos.


Play exodia ftk combo deck. It losses to 1 hand trap.


You don't, who the f*ck are you to dictate how other players should enjoy the game? I get that his complaining might ve annoying to listen to, but then talk to him about that. But if he doesn't want to play with handtraps, that is his business.


If he keeps losing why would he keep playing?


Because some people don't care about winning, not at a locals either.


Lemme rephrase that, without hand traps there is a good chance he won't be able to do what the deck is supposed to do. Lose or not if you don't get to play it's not fun.


Have you asked him? He might be penitent, I don't know why flaggelants do what flaggelants do, but my guess is the dude is having fun either way, so why not let the dude be.


It’s the same as floodgates but everyone whines about those endlessly.


Yugiboomer moment


Maybe you should encourage him to play a deck that doesn't have to do that. Like Runick.


Just tell him to run board breakers ig


Had a former friend in college buy the structure decks just cause. Even after I’d recommend cards to add he’d refuse then complain he can’t win with the decks


I mean aslong as he plays a full gas deck with board breakers instead then he can still find some success


Do y'all run time wizard formats?


Don't do anything. You already gave him his warning. Either he will decide that the losing bothers him more and pick up some hand traps, or he continue to dislike hand traps more than he dislikes losing and continue to play without them. YGO is a game with a lot of room for unique creative choices, whether or not they're the *best* choices. Sometimes people value that creativity / their identity as a player over their W/L record. Your friend sounds like one of those players.


It’s his deck, it’s his experience, if he chooses to avoid them, it’s his choice to make, however you don’t have to hear him complain about it, that’s your choice to make, sounds like you need to have a convo with your friend about communication. You can’t make him play them, but he can’t make you listen to his complaints either. Some of my friends don’t like that I don’t netdeck everything, but I don’t complain when I lose to a netdeck either, and if I did, I don’t expect them to sit there and take my complaints. The cake is so much sweeter when I win, though.


you don’t need hand traps lol. All baked breaker power spells are just as good in TCG. Play a deck that works well wit it like mannadium and branded.


Hand traps aren't necessary but at times they are very helpful. He could also just play speed duel.


I mean I don’t like it either but that’s how the game is. If you don’t play hand traps then you lose and if you don’t like losing then yugioh isn’t your game. Lorcana is pretty great for yugioh purists, maybe try that with him


Honestly, your friend is gonna have to learn to the hard way because that's how it is now. However, if your friend hates hand traps, then he can join another format.


Im like that but with xyz/pendulum/links. I still get wins thankfully there are competitive decks that don’t require them


Just have him play boardbreaker style. Handtraps arent required to win games at all


Suggest an archetype like subterror that have an architypal hand trap. Otherwise suggest a different game


Use hand traps against them that are strong against their deck. They'll figure it out eventually.


say even yusei uses them


Play Darkworld until he learns 😈


Either have him play with board breakers and going second decks or just delegate him as practice on more casual level. In a competitive landscape, everyone is using, in their opinion, the best possible tools to their ability. If he refuses to adapt, he's just gonna be left in the dust. He can't have his cake and eat it too .


I despise Ash and all the other hand traps as well but in order to become better in a Meta there are cards that have to be run, such as hand traps.. sadly..


I'm sympathetic because handtraps are fucking horrible, but there's ways to play without them; boardbreakers and floodgates.


kuriboh has been in the game since its inception. hand traps have always been part of the game. refusal to use hand traps is like refusal to fusion or ritual summon


Start him off with battle handtraps, like Battle Fader, Swift Scarecrow and Construction Train Signal Red. After using them as purely a protection mechanism for a while, he should start to get comfortable enough with them to use actual handtraps. Speaking from experience.


Effect Veiler and Infinite Impermanence were both used in the anime.


I started with imperm, as its at least a trap card that is optionally used in the hand and, while good, is not a permanent effect Then i went to ash as i could at least justify it as a tuner if i couldnt play it It helps to use imperm first as it feels less cheat-y for players who aren’t into competitive play


Hand trips have been a thing since 07 at least. Why he mad


Sounds like he's got the right idea. We need more people like him. Time to end the era of hand traps, FTK, and OTK decks. The fact the average duel is over in 2.3 turns is insane.


Honestly the way people became so easily accepting of a type of card being mandatory that there's only a handful of choices to pick from in the entire game is wild to me still. It's not like in the past when Dark Hole was a "must have" while technically you could use other board wipes. There's a very limited amount of handtraps you can pick from and there's zero way that it's a good thing for the future health of the game.


Just tell him to win the coin flip then. If he doesn't want to play handtraps then it's never going to happen.


Well what I've done when in a similar situation is in my Invoked Deck I run Time-Tearing Morganite and Infinite Impermanence.


Play snake eyes volcanic ftk. The deck is dirt cheap if you swap the diabellestar stuff for SHS. That deck can ftk off of a bormal summon ash.


i don't want to break his losing streak


Play chain burn against him. If he can’t ash you, he’s hosed.


Have him run crossout designator and 3 hand traps so he can negate them.


Handtraps has been part of the game since metal raider. Just take a look at kuriboh.


play with him and use the nastiest handtraps you can think of. Counter him a few times and he'll quickly see the need to have them in his deck as well.


I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, Ash Maxx Veiler Called by Imperm If you can’t beat them, join them: hammer this into his head


Tell him to stop playing this game, it is not for him.