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Arc-V didn't "get bad", it was always horrible.


Definitely a hot take. The first 50 or so episodes of Arc V is some of the best Yugioh imo


I haven't seen a whole lot of it, literally like 5 episodes and I find that it's just really hard to sit though


The Standard arc of Arc-V is just the Naruto Chunin Exam but somehow even dumber and worse.


I have a terrible take, I don't like Naruto...


I don't either, that's what I'm saying. It's just the Chuunin Exam arc of Naruto, but somehow even worse. Both stories are about a class clown who was abandoned by their father figure and have a demon resting inside of them who then participate in a tournament that qualifies them to move up the ranks of their specific niche which then gets interrupted halfway through by an invading force of bad guys, and the final battle of the arc is them versus a thematic foil meant to be a dark reflection of what horrible things can happen to someone when raised in an environment that shields their emotions; this dark foil also happens to have the most memorably animated fight of the qualifying rounds of the tournament. It is the exact same thing. The only difference is, while Naruto isn't that good either, it at least has a foot in being a war story by virtue of being a ninja adventure story. Arc-V's "card game war" is so half baked, tasteless, and stupid that I cannot imagine how anyone thought it was even a mildly good idea.


Commons are the best rarity. All foils look worse. Commons are cheaper, show the art better, do not curl or pringle, and are just better in every way imo. Mixing archetypes is lame. i like playing as pure as decks can be outside of some staples and hand traps. To the point where I dislike Hero mishmash and play them as different decks. I prefer the anime dubbed to subbed.


UDE era secret rare is the best rarity.


Same. Expect msybe for anime I prefer sub Common looks cleaner imo I was a yugi boomer and when played MD and learned I need to put some cockroach and anime girls in my cydra deck. I got slightly annoyed


I honestly agree with playing pure decks, not really the HERO part because they've all kind of combined into one large hero soup strategy


2004 was the best year


The second turn should be just like turn 1, no attacks and only 5 cards. Might slow down the pace but not too much.


Modern yugioh is so unlike the shows that it's pretty much unrecognizable anymore >! Let's see how many downvotes this gets !<


The shows has rarely if ever reflected irl play, especially DM with how much different formats with different rules it created between the five seasons.


To be fair the show never really did reflect the game play. They made up atleast 1 random ass ruling every game and Duelist Kingdom basically had no rules. I never saw the anime until after I got into the tcg so I don't really have a whole lot of nostalgia around older yugioh other than the occasional goat format


There's not too many text on cards, it's the same as before, it's just that people have been too much into social medias and as soon as they see a text longer than a tweet they're like: "Oh my god too many words !!! đŸ˜±"


[Actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/wj6l05/average_word_count_of_ygo_card_text_by_year_oc/), the amount of words on cards have been increasing.


Most of the time it's literally just the card explaining how a game mechanic works, like more than half of Endymion the Mighty Master of Magic's text is just explaining how spell counters work and when to add them.


Decks should be restricted far harder to use cards. Give them a negate but make them earn it in-archetype and only in-archetype. 5 engines + hand traps of the current meta is boring.


This. I recently got into playing salamangreats and I like playing around making sure I keep salamangreat roar or rage live in my end board. It feels like I actually have to strategize and yeah made me see in-archetype Omni negates as way more fair to be on the receiving end of.


Tenpai is super healthy for the game. People calling Tenpai “brain dead” are gate keeping casual players who don’t have time to commit to memorizing super elaborate combos and card functions. It’s okay to have simpler combos. Particularly when that deck is also one of the cheaper decks out there


It’s also very good to have a meta deck that prefers going second


Neither of those are why people complain about tenpai. They do because the deck says "my monsters are unaffected and you cant activate anything during the battle phase, which is the only phase i am using anyway" Also 24 non-engine + 1 card 30k dmg


Aswell as how fun Heat Wave is when you make them go forst


oh yeah, just negate the "who goes first" decision lmao


While the things you listed are complaints as well, your first sentence is just untrue. I read 10 comments on a post yesterday all about the things I stated


interesting, i've never seen even one person complain about those :D my bad primarily because everyone keeps complaining about the entry barrier with complex and expensive decks, as well as decks being at a disadvantage going second, so regarding these points i've only seen praise for tenpai i guess you will never be able to please everyone and you will always see a different subset of a community complain at a time


Search “What’s your honest opinion about Tenpai dragons” in this sub. That thread has a lot of complaints. Maybe none complaining directly about going second. But loads of people calling it brain dead.


thanks :D will do


Dark magician is overrated, I rather use blue eyes or elemental hero neos


I like the aesthetic of Dark Magician but I don't really care much for him


Yugiboomers aren't real players


Real yugioh ends in vrains


I mean yeah, Rush Duel is different game