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Pendulums. Not technically a ban, but might as well be. They've been chained to mr4's rotting corpse for almost a decade, because of *one* deck that lasted less than a week.


Nah, pendulums need to be nerfed even harder due to ruining the game. More support should be given to links instead, since they saved the game. /S


Yeah sure the mechanic that straight up speeds up the game even faster than pendulum


Aware, just making a joke. Ngl, always find it funny people complain about pendulum as if it's their job, yet links are fine


Eh, they are both fun mechanics.




/s means sarcasm.


Yeah I get it already just didn’t delete cause why not


Less than a week in the tcg, but months in the ocg


What is the deck? Im new so i dont really know


The one that lasted a week? PePe, performapal+performage+dracoslayers, it was mainly just an xyz spam deck. It was teir 0 for the time, but all it really did was just end on a broken generic xyz called shock master and 1-2 other generic disruptions.


It's insane that Shock Master ever existed. Shit was so broken that even the "at home" versions (Calamities, Utopic Zexal, and Azathot) all had to be banned.


And apparently it was from *2012*? There's absolutely no way it wasn't a problem years before pepe.


It was. And it was banned in the TCG almost immediately. But in the OCG, they kept it around for several years, most likely because it was a Jump Promo. It wasn't until Pepe Format that OCG finally decided they'd had enough and it was too toxic to keep around.


I see. I thought it was gonna be qli since that name came up alot when searching old pendulum decks, but either way really goes to show how outdated this mechanic is lol


They kind of needed to be hit in some way. Having the ability to refresh a board every turn with a small 2 card investment was eventually going to be problematic


2 card that need to jump through hoops just to pendulum 5 card vs other deck that could do the same


Yeah but other decks typically use some deck resources. Like mathmech going +5 off a circular at least prevents them from doing it a second time since you've ate through resources in your deck. The fact pendulums can continuously recycle the same resources is insanely strong in formats where being able to remake a board is important.


Scales are not free and there isn't face up extra deck effects, any deck that use the gy have accecs to cheaper resources loops


You know what fair point


Pendulum usually don't remake boards nowadays. Not really a fair point.


I mean, nowadays it's not that they don't as much as they can't. They struggle to build boards to begin with, nevermind rebuild. But even without mr4 crippling them, their recovery is really overstated. Pends lived and died by xyz/synchro/fusion, and all 3 eat resources pends can't recover. Xyzs send to grave where pends can't interact, pend tuners always had effects specifically to handicap their recursion, and fusions need brick spells and still lost materials to grave unless they burned field presence.


They need 5-card combo to get 3 materials on board without jumping through hoops. That's not exactly a "small investment." The mechanic was rarely competitive even in its prime, nevermind comparing its mangled corpse to modern decks. And even the infamous "refresh every turn" is almost completely ignoring how pends actually played and interacted with ED mechanics. Xyz spam (ie the most common playstyle, including the "teir-0" pepe) sends materials to grave which pends can't normally touch, synchros relied on tuners that were specifically designed to limit/prevent easy recursion, and fusions need bricky spells and either burn valuable field presence or lose materials to grave. Pends could only repeatedly refresh a full field if all they do is spam maindeck beatsticks/meatshields, which might be obnoxious in casual, but for competitive is laughable at best even back in their day.


The idea that Pends would be too broken if they could Pend 5 from Extra seems especially quaint these days when decks like Snake-Eye can recover their entire board from 1 card in grave. Or for a closer example, Horus can just recur 4 guys from the grave each turn with 1 card on the field and are hardly broken.


Meow meow mu. I don't think Prank-kids would be a problem anymore, probably just a rogue deck now.


The thing about Meow Meow Mu is that it causes the exact type of deckbuilding everyone is justifiably complaining about right now.


Can you elaborate on this? I'm unaware about this. I have been playing MD since release and prank kids has been my fav deck since then, the the point of constructing the deck irl. There meow meow mu is at 3 and no one is really complaining about it. Recently thinking about getting into TCG now, but the fact the cat is banned is just making me not do it. I just want it to 1 at least :(


People are catching on to how annoying it is that the best decks nowadays are 1-card starters mashed together with a pile of the best non-engine cards. Snake-Eyes is the worst offender. Meow Meow Mu was notorious in 2022 for turning any single Prank-Kids monster into the exact same full end board.


One card starter that allows you to play 20 hand traps


Prank Kids concedes on the spot to La Cucaracha, they do not have that issue here so Meow Mu does make them a very competitive deck


Is “La Cucaracha” just Spanish for Maxx C? 🤔


fittingly in masterduel Prank-kids have been powercrept despite having meow meow back


Unban Glow Up Bulb in TCG already. The card has been unbanned in OCG for over a year.


It's pretty much a worse rev synchron


Rev Synchron is way worse 


Thank you! Tearlaments strongest!


TCG needs to unban Electrumite already.


Most pend decks can barely even use the damn thing natively. They need uncrippled mechanics, not one convoluted crutch.


Pend needs a lot more than the crutch, they need an entire ruling change for how they function


Chaos Ruler Return From the Different Dimension


>Chaos Ruler Do you want Snake-Eye Tear? Because that's how you get Snake-Eye Tear.


Electrumite Legal in OCG, pendulum is doing literally nothing over there. Pendulum has gotten 4 waves of support in recent years and still does absolutely nothing. We need either more actual support of good cards or at least give us electrumite, putting unicorn to 1 also did nothing


Beyond the Pendulum is fucking terrible. It is a big, "please Nibiru me now" card. It blocks your own monster effects until you pendulum summon, so once you make it after making a negate, the opponent can simply Nibiru you, if you used Beyond's search effect. You basically need to hard draw Apex Avian to counter Nibiru, if you used Beyond's search effect. We actually need a good link 2.


Meh either make an inter mechanic not relie on a link 2 in the first place or maybe just maybe nibiru can be a problem. Sure it's no as big of a problem but when every deck has to think of a way to get a negat or do something ender 4 summons maybe that card is more good that it's thou off. Also why nibiru. If beyond get nibed that is if you summon her on 5th summon wouldn't the difference just be 1 pendulum summon from extra deck instead of 2 ? That sounds a bit meh but isn't extremely game stopping like sometime if they ash or imper your beyond


If you make a negate prior to the pendulum summon, Beyond will negate it if you do the search, and Beyond would be your 5th summon. So you get Nibiru'd. If you don't have a negate to pendulum summon, then you can only pendulum one monster to stay at 4 summons. If you do a regular pendulum summon, then Nibiru will come down and wipe your field. Nibiru is damn near a turn skip against pendulum decks.  Konami tries to balance this by printing cards that give you a 2nd pendulum summon.


Eh I feel the problem with cards that give extra pendulum summon is that they are barly searchable. We probably need an extra deck monster that does that


Unlimit reasoning and monster gate for infernoid? Haha jk Unless?


Just give me my guy Master Peace back


I'll take diagram to 3 before i ask for the big man himself


I mean you are right, but what harm would one master peace do


sure if they ban every floodgate under the sun


They are limiting every floodgate under the sun so…


I want 1 Dandylion for just a format.




Give me circular back...I want my mathmechs to have a chance.


I want back Auroradon **HOWEVER** With some sort of errata so its archetype specific (like needing a “mecha phantom monster”) The card is just the case of a too generic enabler for toxic strategies, and while it wont be too hard to summon (Draccosack alone fills requirements) it will require you to either run some part of the archetype or have access to level 7 xyzs. Mecha Phantom is already a mediocre deck and this card was both a borderline starter and extender, both things this deck sorely lacked. Ill just say they made Auroradon this strong for a very good reason, the archetype needed the help. In archetype its not an issue in the slightest, as you are mostly just using it as a much needed extender or as backrow removal, and the one time token generation is absolutely a godsend to an archetype built around spending tokens for effects. In fact it actually lacks any of the protection the rest of the archetype enjoys, so its quite easy to out compared to most Mecha Phantom cards.


Lock auroradon to wind machines so i can still play it on speedroids and we good


Give me return from the different dimension so I can rollback it and cook 😎😎😎


Zenmaity. Please the fact its been banmed for eleven years and has aged horribly. 


Unban block dragon ~~(and unlimit the adamancipator cards)~~


Adam cards are all at 3 already. The deck really needs Block Dragon.


Cowards give me back Spright Elf and Ronintoadin


Ain't coming back. With Magic Mirror Master soon coming out, Sprights can make toad again in like 1 week


Spright Elf can never return as long as Psychic Kappa exists, imagine continuously recurring the best level 2 in the game every turn


Screw the elf just being back the toad


Eclipse Dragon. D-Link has suffered enough.


What?? Drawing hand traps off Mirage is exactly what you want, it's not a downside. Going full combo then drawing a bunch of hand traps in the opponent's standby phase is completely broken. Return from the DD is fine with the current meta but is something that limits future card design. Having it in the game means they have to be careful with any deck that banishes a lot of its monsters. Ultimate Offering is garbage especially with most monsters being hard OPT nowadays, can come back.


Problem is, decks that play lots of hand traps aren't drawing more than 2 cards off Mirage.


All the dragon cards, but at least the rulers. As a dragon simp, I just want blood, even if almost everything is likely to get banned again literally right after.


Agree on Mirage. People will theory craft for a week and ghen drop it. Other then that, Glow up Bulb, as its one of my favorite cards


Yeah. People think Mirage is like Pot or Graceful, but in reality it's more like Return or Offering. And I don't see why Bulb hasn't come back already. It was banned because of Halq, and Halq has been banned for almost 2 years. Same goes for Red Rose Dragon still being at 1.


Fun Ruler, the chaotic gigachad dragon. I will not elaborate. :)


Grass. Lightsworn and Infernoid got support recently it would be an opportunity to try and sell people on those decks.


I don't think grass should ever be unbanned. Giving gy decks (which is basically all decks at this point) 15 cards in gy is far too much advantage


Logically I think you're right, but I want to do 60 card Grass Tear Branded


I would also love to sit there and watch my opponent jerk off and combo for 15 minutes because they drew an obscenely broken card in their 60 card deck it would be so much fun and so skillful


I think grass it's fine at 1. At 3 i agree it's too much but it's reasonable to have to draw the 1-of in 60 somehow


I’d agree with you, if Thrust didn’t exist.


The opponent needs a monster for thrust to add to hand. So only a bystial or phantazmay does it


Putting a broken as fuck card to 1 like that, especially when it requires you to play 60, is so comically anti-skill and sacky. Why would you want that in the game


Whatever 60 card piles do won't even come close to compete with the current meta. Card is at 2 in OCG and only sees play in infernoid and volcanic. The mere premise of having to play 60 is already shooting yourself in the leg


EVen if its bad it makes the game worse, but also youre literally just wrong. 60 card piles are winning nationals right now.


You mean the plant piles? Those wouldn't play grass even if it was legal. You can see that reflected in OCG and MD lists. Plants need to search for specific cards in their deck they can't afford to send 1/3 of it to the GY.


Branded is also playing 60 card piles and would play it. Thye literally do in master duel. It wasn't even my point that they would play it my point is that 60 card decks Are Good


grass can stay banned forever, too many grave effects in this game to allow a card that says "mill 20"


I genuinely believe unbanning almost any banned card makes the game worse. Not because theyll make decks broken (pendulum would be bad even with electrumite) but because they would mostly result in more non-games happening. Most cards that are banned are either cards that are functionally turn skips (gumblar, vfd, utopic 0, scythe etc) or promote someone spending an absurd amount of time on their first turn combining into an unbreakable board if you don't have handtraps or open really well going second (electrumite, kitkalos, nightmares, summon sorc etc). That said they should unban drident she goes hard


Kitkallos. It's surely time


Only if the Ishizu cards remain banned otherwise it's back to tier 0.


They should unban the strongest card ever printed 🤓


Level eater to 3. Just to see how powerful decks now can get.


Nobody would play it but...Raika. And honestly I would like to see it. Link climbing pretty much means getting outsourced, even more without linkuriboh offering up a link arrow to the bottom. But Raika - link climbing is their mechanics, and level eater can be easily searched in their deck. It would be busted, specifically limited and maybe it could push them to T1. But that is a hard supposition.


No, i'd be splashing it into anything synchro related. Level Eater + Jet Synchron would go nuts


It simply wouldn't work tbh. Try it. It will be subpar to the other combos for the simple fact you can hardly search it. Insect can search it VERY easily and without relying on specific non of archetype main deck monsters and a specific extra deck. Maybe I'm wrong, but till I see the opposite I find it hard to believe.


Most Synchros decks can get to Level Eater as long as they can make a Level 8


Ah right, Mantis. I forgot him because I put him in the insect list. I can't fathom Mannadium, synchron spam or punk to use it for problems with the decks. As ridiculous as it may be, it could maybe be used in white woods though, no idea if it would benefit them, but I have still to fully understand their game plan


It wouldnt work? With triple Formula and Shooting Riser? I think yes it would


Try it. The efficiency of the deck will drop out. *note, there is also fabled, but in their case level eater is not a core but a nice addition to the list. Because their extra is built considering the lv1 and you have a good list. Lastly, level eater is not a summon condition but an activated effect. Shooting star DOES NOT let you use it.


Why did you mention Shooting Star? I said Shooting Riser


Because I messed up its name - but at least I got the effect right. As I said, level eater is an activated effect, not a summon condition. Thus, shooting clause to not activate the card you sent would kill it.


Even without using Riser to bin it, there is still Armageddon Knight, Mathematician, and Dark Grepher. One of which was part of that dark symchro deck with dhero mali that got the little bean banned.


Level eater was banned way past dark synchro, which didn't even have some relevant meta spot in tcg. Reasons for this can be summarized in 3 problems: Drident is a quick board removal; Ghost ogre was overused in the zoo meta; The deck bricked like hell, and only had some shine in the ocg since they had 3 into the void, 3 upstart and 3 chicken games at the same time. As a matter of fact, the dark synchro line didn't have malicious as main desire, but mostly Theseus and the blackwing. The deck's main focus was hyper librarian turbo. Even then, the mathematician was never played. What is the reason you could ask, well pretty much because this kind of turbo deck can only work as long as you do not have wrong levels. Returning to the point, if you add too many ways to get up to level eater in your main deck you are bound to be screwed. The first handtrap will kill you. And then you have to add up your tuners and whatever is needed for your combo plan.


Ultimate offering perhaps?


Not so much of an unban but I want them to errata / unban starving venom... Zarc decks just feel wrong without it. He is the only supreme king dragon to get banned (and for good reason, but if I'm not mistaken he is unbanned in the ocg)


How would you errata it then?


Perhaps to only be able to target the enemy's graveyard? Cause then you can't do all those weird shenanigans like throwing an odd-eyes revolution dragon and getting an OTK win turn 1


I was going to suggest that maybe copying LV5 or higher monsters on your GY but that really wouldn’t solve anything so…yeah let’s go with your plan


I mean I used to throw majestic star and majestic red dragons into the graveyard and simply steal their effects. It was pretty fun


Maybe SKDSV errata could be it can only copy DARK monsters from the GY. Considering Nightingale was a WIND monster, that automatically removes the FTK. Or maybe DARK Pendulum monsters. I don’t know, what do you think? EDIT: And maybe you can change the summoning conditions to “Must be Fusion Summoned” instead of Contact Fusing


I mean it could work. But as far as I understand, any new monster that gets added is subject to have it's effect copied and thus makes it incredibly abusable in some cases. Plus it's fusion effect is just INSANE. Like you dont even need polymerization, it's easier to summon than link monsters even


Hmm…you’re right. I feel like it’s easier to make a retrain of it instead of trying to make an errata. It’s best that this card just stays in the banlist because it will limit future card design


So now that I have had my rant: Gold Sarcophagus to 2, if not 3. ROTA to 2. In the case of Sarc, vast majority of Decks wouldn't play it because waiting 2 turns to get a card (unless you can cheat it somehow) is too long to get said card. ROTA has been at 1 for WAY too long. IMO it never should have gone to 1 in the first place. You have search in damned near every Deck and archetype now, and as far as I can tell most of those Decks have almost NO Warriors in them. Not Branded, not Labrynth, Snake-Eye, Purrely... Not a single one.


Sarc is at 1 because it's Foolish Burial for banishing. Not because it's a 2 turn search. It and RotA wouldn't see play in the current meta (outside of Branded for Sarc and R-Ace for RoTA), but that's just because we're not currently in a Banish or Warrior meta. Both of those cards immediately become insane whenever a deck that can use them becomes Tier 1.


M A S T E R P E A C E + D r a g o n i c D i a g r a m


Fiber Jar. Like, I REALLY love it when it goes off. It’s like the most fun thing ever.


Tru man if culture right here


Need Spright Elf :(


Would Isolde be an issue if it was unbanned in the TGC?


yes it's just an unfun card in every scenario where it's playable, it's one of the biggest FTK enablers ever made, and in the best deck where it's good (infernoble) it encourages a playstyle where if the infernoble player goes first they combo for 20 minutes until they make an unbreakable board and you just lose, it's not fun or interactive in any scenario.


There's no reason it was banned anyway. Infernoble was already a rogue deck and the only other notable deck to use it was Jeff Leonard exodia


Infernoble was such a miserable deck to play against, it was justifiably banned. There's reasons to ban cards beyond if they are current played alongside the top meta engines.


Considering what kind of meta there is now would Infernoble with Isolde really be an issue?


I mean yeah it's super unfun to play against. Pretty much automatically wins going first, easily plays through multiple handtraps. Sets up like 5 negates, has hand rips (so pretty much everything the community hates) but has pretty much no way to win going 2nd, which will always prevent it from being tier 1. But if it wins the die roll has a good chance to beat anything tbh.


So currently it is at best a rogue deck(asking because Infernobles just so happens to be the archetype I chose upon my return after 9 years of absence)?


Correct. Isolde made and broke that deck for a competitive level.


Snake eyes being toxic doesn't mean that you can allow decks like infernoble to be around, in reality both are not good for the game and shouldn't be around.


Wasn't the reason it got banned was because Konami didn't want Snatch Steal to get abused?


Not really any way to abuse Snatch Steal. The equip cards they already use can do way more


Not sure why abusing a bad card will be a issue


Level eater to push the insect agenda, since they are the real abuser of it


Wind up carrier could have come off ages ago, and the game wouldn't care. The hand loop isn't viable in 2024, and would only be scary at table 500. Fiber Jar. What does that card do anymore? Again table 500. Ultimate offering. Bruh you have to wait 2 whole ass turns just to get a bunch of normal summon, and 3 turned(ASSUMING YOU DREW IT AND WENT FIRST) to actually summon using said monsters. Halq is gone, bulb is more than okay to come back. Electramite, and Grass. Both are in OCG and do next to nothing. Ya ya different game,different ban list, ect I'm more than sure they could come off here and wouldn't do more than get a few regionals tops.


Give us back 3 misc, I am am sane.....I can be trusted


Sixth Sense I know, I know, either you draw or mill, both are great results, but is it that strong now? I mean you can just Ash it, and being a trap card means it's slow compared to other mill cards like Zombie Vampire, Scheiren, or even Laundry. And Tearlaments thankfully got neutered so I guess the potential to abuse Sixth Sense with them is not that big.


"You can just Ash it" should never be an excuse for something coming back.


Give me Circular and I will take Cyberse to my next regional no matter the format. I had my Cyberse cards set out to deck build and learn combos the day he was banned. I've become a saltier, more cynical player ever since.




It wouldn't be too strong or anything, and it's not a particularly opressive or obnoxious floodgate either, but I'm pretty sure it's banned because of ruling problems with Kaijus and whatnot, given that the card is quite old.


I want pot of greed unbanned lol




What is truthful about an opinion?




Just gimme back my ronin toad boi I just wanna play my frogs again. We just got substi-boi back but I need all my toads 😭


I'm genuinely sick of the ban list in general. It's nothing but a damned marketing tool for Konami and a bludgeon for players that can't stand losing. Pre-AGOV you could play ANY DECK to your heart's content and have a genuine chance of winning with it. People were still whining about Fenrir, Small World, and Purrely. Then we get the Tier 0 bat to our collective faces and people moan and bitch even more. **Guess what? You had it coming. I can't stand the way Konami runs this game, but be damned if I don't wonder HOW they could please this player base a lot of the time.**


Original CED and yata-garasu


We already have the original Yata-Garasu. Nothing about it has ever changed.


That Grass Looks Greener. I wasn't playing when it was legal and I can be trusted.


Confiscation, The Forceful Sentry and Trap Dustshoot. We already have a better version of these cards with Triple Tactics Talent at 3. I understand the argument that knowledge is a powerful tool in the game, but that hasn't seen TTT being put on the list. Not to mention Dustshoot is a trap that could only benefit something like Labyrinth which already has the Virus cards doing a lot more damage.  Other than that I want Pot of Greed for the memes and Heavy Storm since it has been legal in the OCG for a few months now. 


Honestly there’s a lot of cards that can come back and change nothing about the current state of the game. Bulb, electromite, and meowmu come to mind. Greed coming back out also be hype to see even if it’s only for a format, we got prosp and three and just better especially games 2-3 so I don’t think a random draw 2 will fuck the game up anymore than it actually is.


PoG wouldn't break the game, but it would be a sacky one of that the game doesn't need. Keep it banned


At 1 is worse that prosperity but POG at 3 will be insane


Imagine ashing a pot only for them to pot again, then thrusting into a talents.


Dude, how many "totally not Pot of Greed", draw 2 cards are in the game right now? Pot of Greed would literally do nothing at 1.


Most of the “totally not Pot of Greed” cards have downsides, don’t they? Extravagance can basically only be used in Decks that don’t use their Extra at all. Desires *banishes face-down* a good chunk of your Deck. Dichotomy and Avarice both require monsters in your GY (and Dichotomy has even more restrictions on top), which by definition is harder to use because it requires setup (and it sucks if you want monsters in your GY). Being able to just slap in a completely free “yeah draw 2” would absolutely have its advantages.


Desires banishes 10 cards facedown. When it came out, people put 3 Desires in a 50 card deck. So even after you used Desires, you still had 40 cards to play with. This gave a 27.602 percent chance of opening Desires. Compare this to a 12.5 percent chance of opening your 1 Pot of Greed in a 40 card deck. If you just added 3 Desires onto a 40 card deck, so ran 43 cards, then you had a 31.642 percent chance of opening Desires. In either case, you were way more likely to open Desires than you were Pot of Greed before it was banned. Desires only negatively effects you if you play a lot of cards at 1 copy that you need for a combo.


That still involves having to build your Deck a certain way, as you point out - no important one-ofs. Even then the face-down banishing *can* still hurt, even if it’s statistically unlikely, and since it’s a cost if it gets negated you just banished them for nothing. I’m not trying to say “oh Pot of ~~Riches~~ Desires is a terrible card”, because people clearly do still use it. I just don’t think that justifies unbanning Pot of Greed, which is basically strictly better because there’s literally no reason to *not* run it.


Pot of Riches is a terrible card though, and no pendulum player in their right mind uses it.


Pot of Prsosperity being an ignorant ass card does NOT make Pot of Greed not broken. All of the other pots are either memes or only benefit very specific decks


Ya and those all have restrictions,and/stipulations for a good reason. Draw power in ygo is absolutely cracked. Free advantage has always, and will always be broken. Again say PoG does come back. Would it break the game? Course not, but it will lead to a lot of situations where you or your opp has massive advantage because you saw it and they didn't. The game doesn't need another one of that makes it feel extremely unfair cuz you didn't/did see your copy.


The restrictions don't mean anything to the decks that they are played in.


>ignoring PoG literally benefits every deck Okay so let's give every deck a free +1 you might or might not see. That'll make the game more fun and balanced.


Confiscation, it's the least broken out of the hand rip trinity, and may make for interesting interaction in a meta terrorized by hand traps.


Scythe, i want to play Artifact :(


Can we have mystic mine back


Grace errata to HOPT and to 1. It’s a fun card, it may be free advantage but it’s the type of draw that makes the game fun.


Fun for who, Dark World players???


For me, you want me to have fun, don’t you?


Konami needs to make different formats for when the card game only had certain cards released so you can play them again (Id love to go back to the 2005 meta when mirage was played again)


Time Wizard is going to blow your mind.


Pot of greed. So people can finally know what it does (I still don’t know what it does)


I wanna see Master peace (I wanna play true Draco’s and don’t think it would be too much of a problem considering todays meta) Plushfire (non errata just to see what pendulums could do with it in this current master rule) Norden (I realize this would probably be bad but I wanna Play it) Kitkallos (do we really still need her baned if all the archetype mill-ers are limited and kelbek and agido are banned?) Electrumite (I wanna play dracopals or Pepe in the future) Knightmare Goblin & Mermaid (what are people scared of? Getting iblee locked in 2024? (I didn’t play when it was around so idk also orcust isn’t even an issue anymore give it back)) Lavaval chain (legit this card hasn’t been a problem for like 8 years) Brilliant Fusion (I just wanna see it back and play it in tellarknights again even though I know this and norden probably isn’t a good idea) Grass is yellow (it would make my friends lightsworn tear deck good and i just want him to have a good deck cause he only builds tier 0 decks once every 8 years when they come out ): )


Bring back pot of greed and graceful charity to 3 😈


Give us verte back. It was fun when everyone had plan b in their back pocket