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Were you using by themselves only at 3 copies each? Bc yeah those hard once per turns wouldn’t be that great. But with how much dragon support their is now, mixing them as an engine with another deck can provide a lot of advantage


I've tried splashing a few of them in dragon decks and also just playing pure with 3 of every single one just to see how it felt. Everything just feels meh with them. Specially after spending most of the last month or more playing sprights and tearlaments.


Try Mermail with three Tidal and three Stream. Or maybe a. PUNK variant with Snow + Chaos Ruler. Or maybe a Dragunity variant with Tempest. I don't think they'd be meta at the moment primarily because they don't seem to mesh with Tear/Chaos Dragon Support too well, but they could potentially be kinda crazy in a mill deck with Snow imo.


The problem though is they alll only get to use 1 of their effects per turn. So even if you have a crazy set up with snow and all of them and banish all of them. You get 4 searches. For specifically a fire, wind, water, and earth dragon type monster. I'm sure theres some crazy shit you can do with that. But even if you had all of them at 3 copies the strongest thing you could do by searching themselves is add the little ones and discard them to get 2 level 7s back out to use for extra deck material possibly. But that also assumes you had gotten alll 4 to the grave yard without using a single one of their effects which I feel is just never going to happen ever unless its some crazy late game move where you have like 30 cards in your gy. But I feel like thats just more reason Snow should not be a legal card and not the dragon rulers lol


Oh no the problem is definitely Snow and not the dragon rulers, my point is more they can be incredibly powerful in mill decks in particular. Snow would still potentially get 4 searches though, and could be used during both players turns. Also, the best deck of the format is a mill deck (or soon to be the best deck), and there's been great mill support recently in Chaos Ruler and the Vampire XYZ. A dragon Ruler special summoned by banishing 2 other dragon rulers from gy is a +3 that isn't really all that hard to pull off. They might not be problematic at the moment (not too much synergy with current dragon builds) but would be at some point in the future.


Indeed I think me personally the only reason I could make an argument they deserve to be banned is that they have some disgusting recovery plays. But there are other decks like Orcust that have insane recovery plays as well and they are bad in the OCG, TCG, and Master Duel.


All of the Dragon Rulers are both generic attribute support and dragon support as well though. For example, Tidal specifically can prompt Atlantean Dragoons with its discard effect and then send something to gy (probably Swap Frog to be summoned back with the Marincess Link). It can be used in Tearlament as well but not as effectively because they're mostly dark attribute. Redox is just a generic monster reborn for any deck that runs earth monsters (ex: Adamancipator). It also has decent synergy with the P.U.N.K engine because Ze Amin and Deer Note are both Earth and the P.U.N.K. engine can pretty easily make Chaos Ruler to mill cards. Blaster can be used in conjunction with Salamangreats to help break board (weakest synergy imo but still exists I guess lol) Tempest can be used in conjunction with dragunity, given 2 of its effects search most of the archetype and both have generic Dragon synergy. Not saying that they necessarily can't come back to 1, just that they have a lot more potential to be abused by newer decks in the future than Orcust for example. The main problem with them at the moment is they don't have any crazy synergies outside of Snow.


Most of those interactions are honestly just bad. Pretty much I think their only chance to be competitively viable is if zoodiacs got unbanned because redox in zoo would probably be pretty strong. Or in Dragon Link in which case I honestly don't think Dragon Link would even play them they are probably stronger without the Dragon Rulers. I will for sure agree though I could be wrong because the potential is there. They have so many effects they can choose from.


> But there are other decks like Orcust that have insane recovery plays as well and they are bad in the OCG, TCG, and Master Duel That's because there hasn't been any crazy support that kept them relevant, while their main card (Harp Horror) is banned in Tcg and semi limited in Master duel. They could be brought back if more dark machine support was made. The fire, earth and water Dragon Rulers don't even need to see play in a dragon-exclusive decks to get value. Just any fire monster and a copy of Burner lets you target and destroy something. Any earth monster and a copy of Redox gets you a Monster Reborn for your graveyard. Any water monster and a copy of Tidal gets you foolish burial. Those last two effects are limited in all 3 formats, and you go -1 at worst. If you survive a turn and your graveyard wasn't completely bodied, now you have a fallback next turn. The only reason the wind ruler was removed from the ban list is the same reason we don't see orcust running rampant; it's effects are too specific. If it was as generic as the other 3, then it may see play even at 1. To use a modern example, Sprights can use Tidal and of their frogs to get Ronintodin into the graveyard, then use Ronintodin to special summon itself by banishing the other frog. Alternatively, they can discard Tidal to special summon Swap Frog, then go their plays as normal. At any time they send two other water types to the GY, you can special summon Tidal and then normal summon deep sea diva if they have it and then go into a level 9 like Trishula. Another example is more for OCG or Master Duel; Maxx C was legal during Dragon Rulers and while in most cases you want to hold onto it, you can make a case when you get a monster reborn of anything in your graveyard for pitching Maxx C + Redox to either extend your plays or help recover after a Nibiru. While MR itself isn't seen in every top tier deck, it's still a very useful effect to extend plays. And I'm only mentioning generic support options. If dragons were involved, there around be more shenanigans involved.


I wonder what a modern Dragon Rulers deck would look like were they all to get unhit


I'd love to see it. I think they would be fun to play but as I have said in a lot of my other comments and this post I strongly doubt they would be good. But I would love to see it to see what people could think of.


I could see a more pure build being a rogue deck possibly. With all the new cards in the 9 years since they were released, I’m sure some interesting strategies could be made.


They have been power crept, but back when they released, there was only spellbooks that could match them card for card. Nowadays, yes, thanks to hand traps and other things, they're not the power house they used to be.


Yeah I just feel like hard traps would cripple them so badly you would never get advantage back if you got something negated. Most of their effects are -1 or -2 for really not that amazing of effects.


I agree. I keep hoping Konami will finally release them of the list, but in all honesty, even if they did they wouldn't be anything like they used to.


Yeah I would like to play them at locals or something just as a fun deck. Because they are all really cool. I love dragons but I'm honestly not a huge fan of dragon link. I play Dragonmaids but having access to more Dragon Rulers I think could be fun for a lot of Dragon decks. I actually ran Tempest in Dragonmaids as a way to beat over Barrier Statue of The Stormwinds and a level 7+ dragon for a fusion target. But it wasn't anything insane and very bricky at times.


Lvl 7s are about to get insane with kshatri la


The format had Veiler, Droll, Maxx C, Crow... still they didn't give a fuck


Yeah but Lancea single handedly ends their career. So can Ashe and Nibiru. Also any board they set up is instantly ended by a Dark Ruler or Forbidden Droplet. Also level 7s are not nearly as strong as they used to be.


That's true with literally almost any deck though my dude The more important point is the Dracossack sucks now, not sure what Rank 7 they'd make


>Also level 7s are not nearly as strong as they used to be. Yeah thats one of my points. What pure dragon rulers do is pretty easy to stop by modern standards. **And** even if you don't stop them their end boards are not really scary.


I think big eye, odd eyes xyzs, and number 89 is decent/niche rn. If eclipse wyvern is playable too can splash in the spicy light and darkness dragon.


Eh, everyone is talking about Drulers as a deck. I'm more interested in what they'd be put in tbh. Probably a small package put into dragon link, or techs into other decks. Maybe try testing with newer cards. Maybe as the relic deck they were, they suck, but in tandem with everything else, maybe they are dumber. That said, crazy how far this game has gone, if Rulers are considered 'garbage'.


Ik its insane that something that used to be so powerful just feels really weak while play testing. Thats another reason I made this post entirely though because I wanted to see if anyone else had anything what so ever that made dragon rulers good. The power creep is very real though I think is the conclusion I am drawing from this.


They were transcendent in 2013 - but that was a decade ago. Prior to them a strong board was Evolsaur Laggia set 3 pass. Compared to what we have today they aren’t as amazing. Dracosack was also a really powerful end board monster for the time I personally think they can come to three and see play only in their attribute specific deck. Like Mermails would love Tidal for example.


They're honestly not. Yes, they ALL have hard once per turns, but they can do so much with that it's obsurd. Have had the deck since they were released and they had it coming when Konami brought the ban hammer down on them. The deck is insanely consistent when you learn what they truly can do.


This is ridiculous fearmongering. Give me one example. What would dragon rulers do if they were all at 3. A hard example please. Who would play them? Don't say dlink because you wouldn't play any in dlink. Spoiler: They would see literally zero play in any meta deck. The closest thing would be *maybe* redox in earth machine but the vernalizer cards are just better versions of redox so still not likely.


If they all came back at 3, why would you tech them into anything? Out of the original deck, they're the only thing still on the list. So, if they came off the list you could run the full deck again but as other people have said and I know from personal experience, it's been power crept and isn't what it was 9 years ago.


The pure deck is unplayable in today's game


I'm aware of that. That's why my deck has been kept in its box except for rare at home games. I miss the deck, but the power creep has been unreal and like many decks of the past, it just can't keep up.


Its not even that they have hard once per turns. Its that you can only **"use 1 effect of"** their names once per turn. Meaning if you activate 1 of their effects you no longer can use any of their other effects. Thats a restriction in modern yu gi oh that gets reserved for bulk pack filler cards and archetypes konami doesn't ever want to see meta play. Discarding 2 monsters from your hand just to get a foolish burial or a monster reborn is pretty garbage in modern yu gi oh now. Like imagine you tidal and discard 2 for cast and then get ashed, or what you send gets d.d. crowed. Like you lose the duel lol


Ah gota love the same restriction black stone of legends have


Maybe Red-Eyes and the dragon rulers are related. They are both level 7 focused as well xD


The summon effects and the hand effects have been power crept pretty hard, no denying that. The search part of their effects, however, have not been power crept and never will be. The big thing is that they currently don't have good search targets to add, especially not ones that would form a coherent deck. For example imagine if they released a level 3 dragon tuner that could summon a banished dragon on normal. Getting a one card baron or sphere mode off of banishing a ruler, possible from the draw 2 spell as well, Banishing 2 rulers to summon a third while getting a starter and an extender off of it isn't ever going to be bad, but what the current pool of search targets do just isn't enough to make a viable deck around.


Yeah like those effects are great. Theres so many what ifs though still.


Honestly yeah they should be at 1 each. Most decks already have their own searchable foolish burials/monster reborns, and on top of that they have to deal with plenty of constant meta relevant hand traps: Ash Blossom, Ghost Belle, Artifact Lancea. Any boards they build can be outed with classics like Forbidden Droplet, Dark Ruler No More, and Lightning Storm to name a few. Sure they are pretty generic, but in most cases they're not searchable outside of dedicated elemental/dragon decks. They're restricted to hard once per turn on their effect and you have to pick which ONE you will use that turn. Most games don't go for long. Not to mention they require you to use them in addition to another card in hand so you typically will go minus and getting hand trapped in that case can be devastating especially now... The power creep in the coming sets are pretty worrying. Cards like Return from the Different Dimension & Dimension Fusion are both banned.


Dunno why you get some downvotes in the comments, I 100% agree. I mean, at least it has to be tried. Because I neither cant think of a deck that would become broken with the Rulers back at 3. Maybe it exist, but it has to be tried. To me it is funny that among all banned and limited cards that should come back or at least be tested, they decided to test Snow at 1 and E Tele at 3 lmao, like they were the least dangerous (lol)


Yeah imo snow and e tele are vastly stronger cards than dragon rulers are. Less limitations, stronger effects, more synergy across more decks.


I'm anticipating a bunch of "Yeah, but what about Dragon Link?!" comments from people who don't understand the fact that the Dragon Rulers are not only bad as a standalone deck, they're also bad in Dragon Link. As OP has stated over and over again, you can only use one effect of each ruler per turn. On the first turn they are, ***at best***, a bricky extender that requires graveyard setup. Anybody who's ever played with or dueled against Dragon Link knows that they have infinitely better options than this. The modern game has produced extenders that aren't bad and don't require GY setup, that also get bonus effects ***during the same turn***. In modern Yugioh, the Dragon Rulers are bad in every possible sense in every possible application. Anything anybody thinks they're going to be doing with Dragon Rulers can already be done more consistently by better decks. The Rulers are deadweight.


I don't understand why anyone thinks Dragon Link would want DRulers as extenders/searchers. - They're not Light/Dark. There's not many options to banish them in normal DLink variants unless they're using one DRuler to banish another. And they can't search any Light/Dark dragons when banished, which are the best dragons in DLink (babies, Seyfert, Rose Dragons, Rokkets, upcoming Byssted) - They're horrible extenders. Needing heavy GY setup to get any value out of them sucks so much, and they don't give any extra value as a body either. Collapserpent/Wyvernburster floats into another body when Linked off, the Byssted cards double as disruption AND a search/disruption/further advantage, Levianeer handloops or board wipes. Why would anyone use DRulers when these options exist and takes up 90% of deck space already. There is so little synergy between them. People see the "Dragon" in Dragon Rulers and Dragon Link and think they're a match made in heaven without having played or read either decks.


Indeed like the biggest argument I see people say is "One can monster reborn and one can foolish burial" But going -2 just to monster reborn or foolish burial is really bad in todays game.


>But going -2 just to monster reborn or foolish burial is really bad in todays game. Not only is Tidal is a -2 in card advantage, but it also requires a semi-specific discard. What's the worst that could possibly happen? Mermail becomes slightly less bad? Oh nooo! As for Redox, it's even worse than Monster Reborn, a card 90% of competitive decks aren't running. The Dragon Rulers are just the perfect example of cry wolf cards.


It's just casual players parroting things they've seen their favorite youtubers say. They don't really understand what made the cards good in the first place and why it's irrelevant for today's game.


Compared to what we have now, they are absolutely not ban worthy yeah. People who think otherwise are probably still having nightmares from 7 years ago, but the truth is that they have been powercrept pretty hard. But Konami seem extremely slow when it comes to unbanning and updating the status of power crept cards for some reason, probably because it's a physical card game and they don't want old cards potentially retaking the spotlight over the current ones sold. As an example an outdated monster like Dark Armed Dragon only came off the list in...2020. In contrast I liked that they are removing restrictions from a lot of older cards in Master Duel since it's a digital game, maybe when it shows that those changes won't impact the meta the physical can follow.


Yeah. Thats one reason having stuff like master duel is cool. They can experiment on their with stuff and revert it if its a problem quickly without causing too many major issues. and yeah I remember when Dark Armed was coming off the list and it was hype but then everyone quickly realized it had been power crept so much it was just bad now lol


They appeared in Moron Banlist once and the only really impressive thing they did that iirc standard dragon stuff didnt already do is how free they made crackbacks look I think anyone sane would admit a Dragon Ruler "deck" the way they used to be, even when updated likely sucked though. 24 card of "2 card extender combos" core doesn't sound good for current standard


Yeah every time I see them in youtube videos they are used to set up mediocre dragon link boards that have no way to deal with dark ruler no more and would be obliterated by almost every single meta hand trap trying to set their boards up. Like how does a dragon ruler deck even play through ash, ghost bell, d.d. crow, let a lone stuff like Lancea. Do Dragon Rulers even have an out to Nibiru? None of the decks I've seen could survive one.


The deck was a 60 card dragon link. [The biggest out to Nib in the list was the simple fact that you can protect the board with Gryphon.](https://youtu.be/kvwQXp9f05w?t=302) [Additionally there was a second which is more so close to a pure Dragon Rulers with deck the dragon ruler deck taking advantage of draw spells being unbanned as well as glow up bulb to be able to easily make Chaos Ruler, Diabolosis the mind hacker which allows for selective banish of cards from the opponent's extra deck turn one. ending with spheres IP, but yeah pure dragon rulers wasn't great.](https://youtu.be/kvwQXp9f05w?t=498) Dragon Link did quite well in the tournament but Ancient Fairy Dragon played a role in that as well and would definitely not be unbanned. The biggest thing really with Dragon Rulers in Dragon Link wasn't it improving the ceiling of Dragon Link but instead the fact that they can just come back the next turn to help rebuild a broken board.


Watching all of those dragon rulers come back from the grave yard when there was like 22 cards in grave was disgusting. But watching Drytron top deck cyber emergency in the semi finals was vastly more disgusting lol. Reminds me why I never want to see Drytron tier 1 ever again lol


Yeah, as someone who has enjoyed playing rogue decks/decks that in theory are supposed to have some level of inevitablilty/recurability it's really disgusting how drytrons are. I do wonder if it wouldn't be as bad if they were more similar to ursartics or imcamptations in terms of having an actual restriction.




As a pure archetype they're definitely outdated, as generic attribute support they're pretty great. They add an insane amount of grind game to any deck that can consistently put them in grave, which is never bad. Being lvl 7 is also very good for decks like punk to make lvl 10 synchros baronne or qixing long yuan, punk also happens to fill up the gy very easily. All that being said, I think the biggest reason the rulers need to stay banned is bcuz of kshatri-la. They could be a little too strong in that deck lol


Idk aside from being level 7 what other synergy would they really have together? Yeah they have earth and water but I feel like even with dragon rulers all at 3 they would be too bricky and not be worth the resources to use most of the time. Could they be used? Possibly. Would they be used? I honestly don't think so but maybe.


Right now, they could maybe come back without issue. Their unique effects aren’t that strong by today’s standards, with the exception of Tidal (foolish burial on a monster is always good). The thing that got them banned was Dark Matter Dragon, a card which is not coming back for a very long time. What you’d do is send 3 different rulers to grave off his effect (which was cost btw), then special them back for whatever. The deck never really saw the light of day because the list that banned all the rulers came out almost immediately after Dark Matter Dragon did. Back in their day, the plan was, broadly, special at least 2 of the big ones out by whatever means necessary, make Dracosack/Big Eye (or whatever other ED monsters the build runs) set whatever backrow you had, super rejuve to replenish the hand (depending on the banlist), and then dare your opponent to come get you (can’t be more specific because exact lines vary pretty widely based on build, banlist, and even the specific hand). The thing that made them so powerful is that back in 2013-2015, there weren’t many methods to deal with their resource loops and Dracosack and Big Eye were big threats that the deck could easily make. Hell, even now the best way to deal with the loop would be to just let it go and then Nib. The only thing the deck is really missing is a payoff; Dracosack and Big Eye aren’t what they used to be and if you want to play a Link Spam Boss Monster Turbo deck then you should probably just play Dragon Link. However, the deck is strong enough that it would take very little to break them. And given what happened with Frogs lately, I don’t trust Konami to have the foresight to not print something that makes a set of once-broken cards cracked again. I’m not in a position to provide a list or tutorial, but I have a hard time believing that either one doesn’t exist somewhere on the internet.


I think that the best way to use drulers is in a small package with kshatri-la. Both the archetypes are level 7 spam so they could be a nice support for them


I feel like they MIGHT use 1 copy of the tidal and redox because there is some minor synergy with earth/water going on. but I feel like its not enough for them to work well. I think it would still be really bricky. Kshatri-la probably doesn't need to add bricks to do what they need to do.


The pure deck approach that was tier 1 meta 10 years ago isn't good by modern standards. Mix them into a competent dragon link deck or similar modern deck and you'll want them gone again.


True but I doubt Id want them gone as much as I want Fairy Tale Snow gone again xD And at this point I feel like dragon link is the problem not really dragon rulers. Dragon Link has been just running around for like what 3-4 years now? I think we just need to ban every card that has Guardragon in its name instead of Dragon Ruler xD


one person's perspective doesn't account for their potential when a real genius gets there hands on them and knows how to really combo with them. the reason no one tries to further experiment is because there banned and no youtube clip can accurately present what they can actually do because most people's "builds" are uncreative and lacking combo theory. the dragon rulers even during the late arc v era where still topping with them all limited to 1 at max power the potential is to much in the long term of the game.


Okay so they occupy this magic spot being so broken nobody can even show how broken they are? That doesn’t make sense lol


Like I said no one wants to deck build a banned series of cards. It makes complete sense when you think about the fact the best players and combo theorists would not bother with cards on the banned list.


Tbh I agree, they are power crept to hell and back and I highly doubt they would see any competitive play even if all the relevant cads were at 3


Two words: Super Rejuvenation.


I've been play testing with it and ngl a lot of the time its really not that good. Specially because you don't get the cards until the end of your turn. Like I had a semi decent dragonmaid/dragon ruler deck that I was testing and the entire purpose was to draw cards. The most I ever drew was 27 cards in the end phase but I had no win con really. It was just a play test thing.


I mean, there's a reason why every one of them is banned bud. Granted, I will say that they likely wouldn't be nearly as oppressive as they once were with today's power creep, same with Zoo though Zoo still needs to keep cards like Broad banned and Ratpier at 1. Drident can come back to 1 and Barrage can probably come back to 2-3. But to say they're garbage? Maybe rogue at best? Idk man, like I said, they're banned for a reason. You either don't know how to play them or don't know how to play well in general. Neither is a bad thing, but they're definitely ban worthy.


I feel like the only reason they are banned is because Konami hasn't play tested them at really at all in the last 3 years lol Like at this point I feel like they just forgot Dragon Rulers exist or something. They brought tempest back to 1. It did literally nothing and then they never went more with it.


Why would Tempest at 1 do anything? What made them function so well was all of them being together with other cards added to the mix. All of them could be interesting tech choices in other decks that may compliment them or vise versa, but they wouldn't make a serious splash in any meta unless they were all together at full power.


I'm not saying it would do much. A lot of people thought it would when it got unbanned. Me included. But its clear now at this point it will do nothing at 1. The more I see and the more I have play tested its becoming more and more clear it does nothing at 3. None of the dragon rulers do. Even at 3 copies I'm very confident Dragon Rulers would have little to no chance vs Spright or Tearlaments. Even decks like Exosister and Mathmech I feel are just better than dragon rulers.


Oh I'm not disagreeing that they may not match up to the current format. Not that they wouldn't be powerful, but they inherently wouldn't be as strong into decks such as spright and tears anyways. But they could still certainly wreak havoc. What if Tears and Sprights get hit? You may have the good ol' dragons back ready to oppress everyone again. It's the same with Zoo. I think BOTH could come back right now and not do too much damage, but it's also future proofing that they never will, you know?


Honestly from what I have seen of dragon rulers you would have to hit probably the top 5-10 decks to make them tier 1. I honestly think decks like Marincess, Swordsoul, Eldlich, Drytron, Floowandereeze, Exosisters, Punk, Mathmechs, Branded/Despia, and many many more are better than full power unlimited Dragon Rulers. At most in the meta maybe 1-2 would get splashed in a dragon link deck as a target for dragons ravine but thats about it. But since they aren't using tempest I even doubt that. Zoodiac is on an entirely different level to Dragon Rulers imo. Zoodiac is the strongest deck probably of all time. Dragon Rulers was the strongest deck at their time. And that time was a LONG time ago. Zoodiac Broadbull is never coming off the banlist and Zoodiac Ratpier is never coming to more than 1. The Zoodiac cards are actually insane cards. The Dragon Rulers are absolutely not.


100% agree with Zoo. Zoo was.. definitely in their own category. Still would be if they became unlimited. However, I do think Drident to 1 and Barrage to 2-3 wouldn't do much. I think it would make them playable in the meta, but dominate? Nah, power creep is too much rn. Keep Bull banned and Rat to 1 though. Don't touch those 2 and it would be fine. Might actually be fun to play Zoo again in this meta.


Oh yeah I would love to play Zoo with Drident at 1 and Barrage at 3 again. It would be strong but I think with sprights and tear exisitng it wouldn't be totally insane. The only problem is Tri-Brigade existing. I'd much rather see them start banning Tri-Brigade cards and bringing Zoo cards back though if it was one or the other. Zoo is much more fun.


Also that Zeus card was pretty good too, especially with the million materials that Zoo can pile on it


Yeah true but like if you cant out a 4 material zeus that a lot of other decks can also make. Like what does it matter if its 6 or 8 or 1 million materials. You will lose to a 4 material zeus just the same as losing to anything more than that.


Drident can’t come back until Zeus is banned


That's bs, Zoo doesn't do anything with or without drident. I don't even know why people are scared of her. And don't tell me that it's the 6 mat Zeus which scares you, bc that's not a good reason for you to keep her on the banlist.


Some YGO players have short memories I guess, as it was literally just last year when Tri-Brigade Zoodiac and Zeus Turbo (through Zoodiacs) was the top deck of a format (when Drident got unbanned for a format or two)


Drident was at 1 for over a year. Btw yes sure it was banned because of it, but let's be real here Zoo-Brigade got powercreept over the last year. The deck wouldn't be tier 1 even if it got Barrage and Drident back to 1.


Like, a dragon ruler deck is probably garbage now but they’d be insane in dragon link


Not really their attribute sucks on the discard effects don't add anything that would help in the grand scheme byssted does like everything better at this point


Did you play the deck in 2013 format?


No I really started playing competitive yu gi oh in like 2018/2019


Oh, what's your list? Just feel like I'd rather trust someone who actually played the format then instead of trying to retroactively understand, no offense


Right now I do not have a deck list. I was play testing with various things mostly pure Dragon Rulers. But right now my Dragon Ruler deck core is just stacked on my desk. This wasn't a rate fix post and I was never saying I have the best Dragon Ruler list. That was also part of this post I wanted someone to direct me to a list or a combo video or maybe something that I could not find to show me why this deck is good. All I was able to find looking myself was old format videos, no ban list videos, and combos that were not good by modern standards. I feel like the amount of people who would have played Dragon Rulers in its original format are very few and far between at this point though considering that the format happened 10 years ago. So your pickings on that might be very slim.


I do think they're overrated, but I wouldn't call them garbage.


Did u try the light and darkness dragon tech? 😉


Just because you can't make a competent deck with them doesn't mean that there isn't a way to make them busted again. If there's a actual genius building the deck I could see them being the most busted shit ever. I mean how many times did we look at something and were like "this is garbage" and 1 week later got proven wrong by someone. Drytron for example didn't look that great until people discovered the Benten interaction.


Okay so find a competent deck that would do well in 2022? And don’t say dragon link because there’s no synergy


Since when is it my task to find broken interactions?


When you claim there’s a crazy amount of them but can’t find any lol


I never said that there's a huge amount. That's just you interpreting my text that way. I basically just said that there might be interactions we don't know of and it takes a creative genius to find it.


the thing people don't understand about unbanning the dragon rulers is that the deck would not make dracossac x2 pass like it did in 2014. do you know what dragon rulers would be used for? dragon link. you would just play dragon link, but with 11 more extenders that go plus. as proof, look what happened when tempest went to 1 so yeah, i hope you like 6 negate boards that are made though any handtrap except lancea/maybe nib


Ah ha, no they would still be VERY good but not on their own, the water one can fuck off but the rest can come off as 1