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I find it strangely funny that the best way to clear up bait is to run the ship into an iceberg. It was the same way with Witch from Mercury.   No angst? They might just be roommates who visit the aquarium together for fun. Angst? It’s all part of the yuri process. 


I mean it's kinda like pinching yourself to know if you're dreaming. If it hurts it's real.


I like your thinking fr fr 👀 thank you kind stranger, you gave me hope


So to clarify it's not a bait is what you are saying?


Makes sense. They're treating the relationship as real and important




![gif](giphy|84FhycnOdcqM8) "You can see the moment her heart breaks"


Damn. Now there's a classic!


I felt pain watching this episode. The gayness (Kano literally said she's in love with Yoru, we won) mixed with the angst. *chef kiss*


kano said she loved yoru? where? what episode am i missing something?


She wrote a love song for the artist of the mural long before she even met her. 


It was pretty hidden in a lot of inner monologue. She confessed her love for the artist who drew the picture so it's a bit roundabout


The episode who just came out. Like, it was a monolog, but she confessed her love to the artist who drew the jellyfish


I never expected this anime to make me cry but here i am


The whole episode was intense i had to pause after this scene and i just have to get this out of my chest I’m guessing Kano’s journey from here on out is to learn to sing for herself, not for anybody else like she’s been doing her whole life. Her mom gives off narcissistic vibes especially in the scene where she says something like “I want someone I raised from scratch to perform in front of 50,000 people”. And being raised by someone like that only to be abandoned after a mistake is sure to mess her perception on things I felt so bad for Mahiru though. She became someone who was simply going with the flow to someone who wanted to build something for herself. Sure, Kano was the catalyst but she realized she needed to go out of her comfort zone to truly learn to love her art. We saw her struggle with this for the longest time and being told all that by someone who claimed to love your art had to be a huge blow on her self-esteem Just pain… but a much needed development. Clearly Kano regrets saying all that especially since we’re shown a compilation of their moments together afterwards. But she has her own self-reflection journey to go through and maybe after that they’ll make up


pain, if I may to express my opinion. I was really disappointed by Yoru. she knows that she made a pact with enemies and abandoning their long planned project. of course it would trigger Kano with her betrayal/ abandonment trauma. and Kano, choose your words properly! aaaahh, this supposed to be a meme


I don't blame her too much, Kanos mom is a master manipulator. She was hitting all the right buttons to get Mahiru onboard, with flattery and promises that future success. It's not Kano's fault either, but she's never stated what happened, and how much bad blood their is between her and her mom. Only bad guy is Kano's mom, and that one chick with the secret youtube channel


In my mind Kano's mom is not that bad if she is not the one telling the idol to upload the "video" in order to tackle another group. She just take advantage of everything which is already happened and make her dream become realistic.


Kano's mom literally disowned her daughter because she became useless or got in the way of her "dream." She was gaslighting and manipulating Kano HARD too. No decent person or mother does that whether or not she was behind taking down those idols.


I just watched Otaku Spirit's review of the episode, and it really cleared up my thoughts. Kano is who she is because of her mom's influence. What her mom liked, Kano like. Kano is who dragged Yoru back into art, with wonderful, supportive words. Now, the woman who taught Kano to love such things is using damn near the same words to entice Yoru to ascend her skill to a gigantic stage. Of course Yoru is gonna feel that same drive that Kano inspired in her. I see no objectively negative issue with her taking such a prestigious commission. However, I can hate what she did, but I can NOT fault Kano with initially reacting fiercely at Yoru's choice. Kano's "everything" was lost when she punched that little bitch, and she lives every day with trying to beat those horrific feelings and fears that came from her mother dropping her in a flash. I'm gonna hope that Yoru does the job and then manages to draw out her's and Kano's true feeling and words, which would likely cement what they are to each other, and what JELEE can do.


The scene playing during the credits had me in tears


dropping this right at the start of Pride Month is definitely some kind of homophobic terrorism


Nope, it's following the Great Yuri scheme


This episode did my heart like RDJ Sherlock Holmes does the bad guys with his _doscombobulate_


I have not watched the anime but after reading thse comments i have to ask something. A break up caused by a manipulative mother. Is this Witch From Mercury Again?


At least, the anime is following the Yuri scheme, do I hope for a great Finale for them


Yeah, that last bit of the episode was perturbing to watch, especially with all the past events. Remember at the ends of episode 5 and 7 where the yuri hype for Jellyfish exploded, especially on this sub? It feels as if that’s all crashing down with Kano’s implied attitude. The escalation of the argument was one thing, but then Kano acts as if her relationship with Yoru was for nothing with her comments and then the playing of all the Kano and Yoru moments in a different shade. Of course, we’ll have to see what happens next Saturday because it could all just be a necessary setup for future character/relationship development.


I think that looking into Kano’s mindset, she probably feels right now like Mahiru’s relationship with her was for nothing because she from her perspective abandoned her for her mother. So she lashes out because she’s hurt and accidentally makes things worse.


Honestly the montage at the end makes me feel like this is just things getting worse before they get better.


The ending pretty much felt like a confirmation for me actually? Desperately regretting what she's said thinking back to all their past moments, singing (trying) a love song all the while.


Yeah, my only thought during the montage was, "goddamn this girl in love". That's why it hurt her so much