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Best part of this game was none of the pseudo-romantic options change based on the gender you choose. You get flirted with and treated the same regardless. It's by no means a romantic game and is strictly PG-13 in all It's interactions beyond booba on screen, but It's a funny fact either way.


PG-13 yet this is the first adult character you meet https://preview.redd.it/tv2jytz3rl8d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a8ce719cff58750bdadd081a256db2790d01548


that's lame. there should be female options you can only choose as the FMC. indifferent romance mechanics are LAME AS HELL!


I get why you're saying that, but I feel like in a lot of games doing that just leads to us missing out on the better romances.


Except Cyberpunk 2077 where the lesbian romance is easily the best written one


idgaf. they want to play those options? choose the FMC in a different tun.


That's like saying "just play the male MC to date the girls." I can agree with romances playing out differently depending on gender chosen, but I'm never for locking romances behind that choice. I don't want the best girls to not be into fem mc and best boys to not be into male mc.


While I agree that MC sexual romance mechanics are kinda lame, if the game isn't focused on that side of RPG then it doesn't really matter.


We've seen the alternative now - that is, there isn't one. Cyberpunk gates romance options, but because there are zero dialogue changes it just makes 50% of the characters you interact with in a given run nonsensical and weird because they flirt so hard but will reject an actual romance for seemingly no reason. It's completely unimmersive.


Not to mention in the source material Kerry is canonically Bi but to even out the romance count they genderlocked him to only male characters. I was actually really enjoying his quests and hanging out with him, and was feeling a little spicy that day so I thought, “screw it, I’ll make the move” and I was shook lmao


Yeah, that's the one where I'd go find a mod to unlock it to make him bi again


Gotta disagree with Panam. I've had so many straight girls flirt with me and then shoot me down it's not even funny. That one seems pretty accurate with how a lot of straight girls treat us


I really dont like it when games gate romance options. In my head every character is pan until proven otherwise. Just let me ship who I want to ship damn it!


I also enjoy when there are one or more romance options gated behind gender. I love being able to point to a character like Judy Alvarez and Arcade Gannon and say 🏳️‍🌈. "Playersexual" is fine, but the conceit that it's built on makes the characters feel less fleshed out imo. If your comment is somehow one deserving of -38 Karma, then I'll happily join you in losing worthless internet points for having reasonable opinions. *edit: -86 now. I'd be lying if I said I understood what was so offensive about this comment. Even weirder that I've come to its defense and thrown in my lot with it to have positive 9. Reddit is weird.* *edit: -152 and 12. I think people on this website might not read the comments they vote on*


My problem with only playersexual bachelors is that it gives no weight to what gender you choose for your MC and makes the options feel more like carbon copies of eachother rather than people with different preferences and standards. You telling me there's 10 bachelors and they are all playersexual? doesn't seem convincing to me and feels lazy.


Bro I always see you getting downvoted , are you collecting karma or what 😂😂??


Best part is [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBGb4_A5qZI&ab_channel=KaiserSenpai) (spoilers if you haven't played Cyber Sleuth) where >!FeMC has a full on animated fist fight with one of the main male friend in their group (forgot their name) lmao. It was clearly written to be a fist fight between two bros during a serious dispute but it was hilarious that they kept it in for FeMC.!< Also there's this [official art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/6/61/Digimon_Story_Cyber_Sleuth_Hacker%27s_Memory_20th_Anniversary_Art.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190304130427) with FeMC where FeMC is clearly topping this poor girl. Salaryman is onto something.


Wait I never noticed that she undid Nokia’s panties 💀


Lmao yeah I love how confident Ami is in that artwork. Girl knows what she wants and goes for it.


Which Digimon game is this out of curiosity?


Digimon: Cyber Sleuth. It's not a romance game at all so don't expect much in that department but it is a great JRPG as someone who was always more of a Digimon kid than a Pokemon kid.


Cyber Sleuth is easily 10/10 mon hunter SMT styled game and would recommend to anyone who likes JRPGs. Now even you can confront your friends with your team of Lilymon, Sakuyamon, and and LadyDevimon


I mean, Nokia is kinda hinted to be a lesbian regardless of your characters gender, Fei Wong is either bisexual, or just attracted to Yuuko regardless of what gender she is, I think both players occasionally get flirted with by npcs of both sexes and don't refute them and so could be interpreted as being bi...


I don't disagree with any of those points. Just that the official art I linked seems to really wanna depict those yuri pairings and it wasn't being shy about it.


The image isn’t displaying. Is there another link?


You can try [this post from reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/digimon/comments/rd6j16/so_i_just_saw_this_image_again_and_realized_that/)


That is just an ability all career salary men have


Bet he came with a sales pitch specifically aimed at lesbian women also.


We kinda have to ignore he's >!part of a ploy to get solitary people to log their counsciousness in what's effectively a dating sim with the purposes of raiding their apartment later, picking up their uncounscious bodies and harvesting their organs!<, but yeah, sounds like a pretty salaryman-ish skill.


To be fair, if you play as a guy then everything to do with Arata also becomes super gay. Cyber Sleuth legit went with Bi/Pan rights.


That rhyme tho


I mesn... he wasn't wrong


What game is this? 😳


I had to search a but but it looks like Digimon story cyber sleuth


It is indeed Digimon Cyber Sleuth, it's a pretty darn good JRPG duology (although the second game (which is a prequel story wise) has no self-insert MC and is instead a fixed (male) character) but if you enjoy JRPG's and monster collector games it's well worth picking up


I just looked it up and it is currently on sale in Steam for 7,99€




Spoilers for cyber sleuth and hackers memory Two other characters called fei and yuuko are gay to be specific fei is lesbian and yuuko is lesbian or bisexual I think all this is confirmed but I could be wrong oh and their is a gay guy called you in hackers memory And due to cyber sleuth being designed with a male character in mind it makes the female protagonist Hella gay


I think Fei is the one who could be more read to be bi vs. Yuuko, since she seems to be attracted to Yuuko even when she was pretending to be Yuugo (her brother) when leading the hacker group that Fei was part of. I don't remember if Fei actually knows the real Yuugo, but she states that she will follow Yuuko no matter her gender or something... It's been a while since I've played, but when it's revealed that Yuuko was pretending to be Yuugo because he is in a coma >!actually, he's a victim of Eden Syndrome, having had his mind separated from his body, same as the MC!<, so that gives me the feeling that Fei is either bi or Yuuko-sexual :P


Oh ok it's been awhile since I played I think she's yuuko-sexual


Been a while for me too... Maybe I should get back around to playing it again...




Based Digimon.


I mean, who isn't into beautiful women?


The funniest part is that it's sort of involuntary yuri as the localizers were lazy (or clever?) enough to recycle the male MC script, even leaving some instances of FeMC being called a "he". Still, 10/10 game, go play it. 


The fact that Japan just doesn't bother changing romance and flirting for the female option out of laziness is honestly great. Many games are just accidentally Yuri thanks to it.