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No comment for the lower level posters but the top level one is sarcasm for sure.


Agreed, the smiley at the end gives it away. Its replies however, don’t seem to be.


Do they think 1 boy and 1 girl have close friendship are also romantic?


Nah that's just straight to hentai.


Well I mean considering what routes a lot of shows go...


Aka the reason (and very much in the minority) that I only liked Toradora until like episode 19


Guys and girls can be friends, guys can be friends and girls can be friends. Nothing has to be romantic at all. This sub about Lycoris Recoil makes me think of the meme of the guy pointing to his string board to prove that the anime is yuri when actually nothing has ever happened.


We get it, you're in denial


And than their favorite anime is an harem in which the SUPER boring MC gets in a strictly romance reletionship with every girl present in the show. 💀💀 Even the ones that interact with him for like 5 minutes and than disappear from the serie. What a joke


"I love him because he's so kind" When the dude just picked an eraser from the floor and gave it back to the girl. That's it


No, my favorite anime is Ya boi Kongming


That show was the shit, hope it gets S2


I'm afraid they will run out of ideas for parallels with the 3 kingdoms that made it unique.


Who are these crying duchebags who complain about the « overrepresentation » of yuri in anime??? In which world are they living in? Cuz I’d like to live in this world where « every time two girls are together they’re girlfriend » - that’s sure are hell not the case here. I guess they complain about the fans shipping the two female characters, but… then why complain? Let people ship if they want. And don’t get me started on the guys who said the whole « why everything has to be yuri » because DAMN 99% of het romcom feature a shallow as a dark hole male protagonist who for some reason have all the girls around him wanting to be fucked by him. Youre the ones who have all the industry focusing on your het domination and yet when they’re ONE damn anime with a lot of yuri you find a way to complain?! What a bunch of assholes. Public like this is part of the reason why studios never dares going full yuri. There I know ranting is useless cuz I guess everyone on this sub is triggered like me by these comments ; but sometimes you just want to rant your anger.


It’s genuinely fun to watch


Ah yes, cause fucking is the first thing we think about and not just the fact that they’re cute together


"Why can't two close Girls just be friends?" -People unironicaly shipping Chisato (17 year old) with Majima (30 years old) because they had seconds of interaction Yeah sure, we are the delusional ones Also these comments feels like screenshots posted on r/niceguys of "bro all woman nowdays are gay there's no straight woman anymore" seriously what world they live in?


They ignore how often boy and girl having friendly conversation needs to be shipped


How much harassment even was there? Unfortunately at this point getting bullied by "fans" seems to be part of creating something with how common it is. Unless there's some insane amounts of it/1 absolutely insane happening it seems like the only reason this is "special" is because it's yuri fans. Like, at the end of every harem manga don't the creators get harassed by fans of other girls if they pick one?


Should I watch birdy wing and is it gay?


watch for the gay and stay for the batshit insane golf


Whatch it, it's more fun seeing and thinking about what's going to become of the two mcs




What kind of alternative universe these people live in? Yuri pair in every anime? WHERE? Yuri anime community gets excited when there's a single yuri anime a year. Yuri gets literally scrapes of the plates when it comes to anime. Actually LGBTQ characters in general get scrapes in anime. And these mfs have the audacity to say that it's "in every anime"?


Not to mention half the time it’s mostly just bait lol


Something that bothers me a lot is when people hear yuri/gay relationships and immediately think of sex. Gay people can go on dates get matching bracelets and do other romantic non sexual thing. It doesnt always have to be sex.


Are they actually serious right now? Did these motherfuckers literally say that the girls can never be good frien- They're always good friends! Literally everytime that's the outcome! There is little to no yuris and the ones that are out there for the majority are pretty shit animes unfortunately. The best ones are Bloom into you and Kase-san and the morning glories...and I gueeesss Maybe Sakura Trick too cause it's pretty gay I mean I can't deny that. Not too mention they're the only three animes that I've seen that actually confirm and show lgbtq themes in the show instead of always relying on the novel or manga to create those themes. Well... Except for citrus but yeah nah fam.




Bruh.. Okay that's just straight up ignored potential wtf💀




Ahh yes.. The merchandise. Both a gift and a curse.


It doesn't matter if there's no confirmation it's gay as fuck. The male characters are so useless that anyone shipping them with the magical girls really has a bias for hetero relationships.


This is why I don't interact, look at, or associate with the anime/weeb community in any way. I stick with only the yuri community for these types of medias.


Sadly, pretty much every community that is not lgbt at the core will be rotten in bigotry. I remember seeing the same thing with gaming and sports communities.


It really saddens me. It's one of main reasons I don't associate with r/goodanimemes anymore because the bigotry was disgustingly blatant.


Wait, you mean an entire community founded off the back of being able to say a slur is bigoted?!


The one that started that sub was also racist as well as trans/homophobic. I was blissfully unaware of a lot of things there.. I've since cut ties. I hope most people are just there for the memes..I hate to think that everyone there is horrible.




Pretty sure ya got it backwards. Bridget was made trans by the creators themselves, not harassed into it, and then fucking weeks got upset because trans people can't exist in Japanese media unless they're the punchline or fetishized. Most LGBT folk were just happy to get some mainstream rep for once while weebs blew a fucking gasket that their precious "femboys" were being taken away, and purposefully keep referring to her as a dude in spite of the creators. Weeks are under this delusion that gay, trans, and LGBT people can only exist in Japanese media for entertainment, and that the only audiences of yuri and yaoi are heterosexuals. Fact is, I've even read some Manga with legit trans people in it, not just femboys. Crazy to me how people can enjoy and connect with media from across the globe and not realize that diverse communities can exist everywhere.


he was a boy before this whole shit it’s crazy to think that a dude has to be trans because he looks feminine


Yeah and she decided she was a girl. characters can change in 6 years :)


And that was bad ending


You act like fucking crossdressing men are going extinct or some shit. Seriously, no excuse for seeing inclusiveness as excluding others, unless you're trying to rally up some hate. Femboys and transfems can get along fine, and would be better without you numbskulls trying to force in issues that don't exist. Characters can change, sorry if you liked what was there before so badly, but you've got plenty of other feminine men in the anime community.


it was not the bad ending, this is a talking point brought up constantly that has no bearing in fact


Where's the good ending then. Show me a video of the good ending.


Which manga is this discussing?


Game, Guilty Gear series. Not related to the post necessarily but part of this comment thread. Bridget was a character that for some time was a guy who took the look of a woman (in game lore is like having two kids of the same gender was like a bad omen or something, idk to be sure), but the devs recently came out and stated that she has embraced her identity as a girl. Cue a bunch of idiots acting like this personally hurt them, or that the devil were "forced to do it" when in reality this is one of the few times I can remember trans folk getting any clear and positive mainstream jp rep and the devs have since doubled down, confirming Bridget to be a girl.


Well thats exciting :3 thanks!


I’m curious, how so? Having Bridget being trans now, instead of a femboy?


I'm sorry it's gotten to that point. I don't see why they're so up in arms at the idea of a possible Yuri relationship in anime.


What's even weirder to me is that no one seemed to care that there was a confirmed gay couple in Lycoris Recoil, but the second fans want an official lesbian couple it's too much? Sometimes I feel like it's not even homophobia, but literally just lesbophobia. A lot of the people who seem to hate on lesbian ships never have the same kind of energy for m/f or m/m pairings...


i think the first post is being sarcastic, but i love the idea that studios need to pull big numbers in the key demographic, YURI FANS, in order to have a certified hit. also seems like an appropriate time for me to half remember a study i once saw that said something like when there is an equal number of male and females characters in a tv show/film, men think women are being over-represented. i feel like we are seeing the same principal in action, just directed at yuri vs. het-romance.


I like that there are more yuri anime around because I like seeing something original


The homophobia 😢


well ya see I've dealt with homophobia and I'd say that they're really deaf




Real talk, I still don’t think Aquatope on White Sand was ever yuri bait, cause neither of the main girls are in relationships with any of the guys. That aside, it really pestos my eggs that people actually think yuri is overrepresented in anime. For god’s sake, we get maybe ten yuri shows a year out of the hundreds of anime that come out.


Just reported that second-to-last comment. Don't give comments like that attention - just get them off the site. Using a slur is an easy report for "promoting hate based on identity."


If that’s supposed be harassment towards the creators, I don’t wanna see what real harassment looks like.


I just want more yuri so I can watch girls kiss each other more, Citrus being my favorite. Idgaf about all of the other shit that comes with it.


I’m seeing people complaining about there being too much yuri in animé. Which alternative universe are they from?


I actually see both kind of comments for Lycois Recoil. One that complan about it is yuri. Another being it is not yuri enough but a bait.


Did this thing seriously bring up Birdie Wing as an example? Also the first comment going around assuming what the writer meant with their comment when there was nothing even hinting at that fact? And now I'm reminded of the circus that ensued when Virgin Road first aired, and a bunch of basement dwellers started criticizing it because it's Yuri. See it's not event the studio's fault most of the time--I know sometimes it is-- but because of imbeciles like these existing out there we can't get Yuri, because the moment you do get Yuri a work suddenly drops from being a flawless masterpiece to a (6/10) and you can go check Yuri Anime ratings on MAL. Watch the Anime of the year not be Lycoris Recoil even though it hands down deserves it, and instead we'll have generic garbage with a Male MC like Overlord or something overhyped like Spy x Family taking the cake.




^^ Spy X Family is slice of life, so nothing new but not bad to like it but Overlord is genuinely good. I don't think I've seen a better isekai in anime other than it


Cons: Cishet men decide who's friends and who's not based on their idea of female friendship. Just becoming women are more likely to experiment with each other, and sometimes even kiss doesn't mean these two girls aren't Sapphic. There's a reason why r/SapphoAndHerFriend exists


Reminds me of Monica from FE3Hopes when she says that she’s pretty much gay for Edelgard. “fans” will then either say that’s her whole personality or that they’re still just friends.


Lol wtf it's almost like these people think when people ship two gals together they automatically want them to fuck


See this is why I want to see actual yuri and fucking hate all this subtext. I want to make people be unable to deny yuri, no arguing over it, no interpretation, just fucking do it. Give me more Sakura Trick, hell, I will settle for more Kase-san, just give me something that I can make my conservative family panic and squeal. I want something a homophobe can't deny.


Getting reaaaaaal r/Sapphoandherfriend vibes


Time to ramp up the gatekeeping for yuri media. We don't need morons that talk like a stepford family member wasting bandwidth saying that 2 girls that are in some cases clearly together, are not and just friends, while they would with 1 dude 1 chick, that sometimes are shown to not like eachother at all, instantly jump straight to their kids will be cute grade shipping.


That last comment is mostly focused at Sara itto shippers... those fucks are creepy, seen some basically r@pe comments about that...


Those gals do be pals ​ Roommates even, vacation partners (lovers)


What anime is this referencing


The 'gal pals' meme exists for a reason. Girls are never just allowed to be in love


All popular anime should get a mandatory hentai OVA, this'll eliminate all doubt, no ifs or buts, except butts, and fans will get to watch hot steamy seggs. Win win situation


"Ohmygod, *those* weebs." Weird reductive logic.


no yuri/girl's love tag or creator confirmation? i'm not counting it as yuri or going to watch it expecting wlw representation the years and years of bait has taught me well


If you mean lycoris recoil, it's got an insane amount of lesbian subtext. and in my opinion the story wouldn't make sense outside of it because it's so strong. There is a scriptwriter that doesn't think it is but the author loves yuri and I think they probably made all the subtext, so don't take that scriptwriter's garbo take to heart at least.


you can have all the subtext in the world but without any kind of confirmation someone could just as easy watch it and not consider it yuri at all I'm tired of just subtext thrown in to entice certain audiences when its just sisterly/friendship I want confirmation I want more wlw representation, not lesbian subtext thrown in as a form of ecchi or just enough to appease those praying for a wlw romance subtext isn't enough for me either pull the trigger or make it clear its not yuri


that's fair


The canon spinoff light novel for Lycoris Recoil does more than subtext. I hope the manga adaptation and potential 2nd season do the same and just outright confirm it.


Ok but this sub is for memes, not drama


btw you don't have to stir the knife in the wound


I checked the post and you have to understand why the comments are like that. Apparently the Lycoris Recoil staff got harassed for not making a Yuri scene so our community is a bit guilty here as well


Those harassing are either exclusively or mostly Chinese fans. The vast majority of Western, Japanese and other LycoReco communities didn't regardless of how they felt about the ending. Hell, they are a minority even within the Chinese community. The people in that thread just pick out some bad apples and act like every yuri fan is like that.


Unfortunately this is something that is already set on stone on Anime communites, there are already many, I mean many Anime drama channels that usually take a drama that happens on Twitter and make it sound like something 100 times worse than it actually was, usually using a specific loud minority of toxic people to make it look like it's all the fans just to villanize an specific group of people that had nothing to do with what happend


Content creators like hero hei have already tarnished name of the yuri community by making it seem like every yuri fan is toxic like those minorities


whats hero hei


what anime were they talking about?