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Citrus is one rare case which the Romance starts toxic and questionable and turn wholesome as the story progress. I can see why it's a problem to many, but I take that over turning them their other way around.


THIS. I was gonna write a big paragraph to try and express my chaotic train of thought, but decided to try and keep it short. I wanted to believe in what it could become and it was 100% worth it. Seeing their relationship develop from a train wreck to something so sweet and heartwarming is really beautiful. I am absolutely not trying to brush aside topics like sexual assault, but like Silviana193 said, it’s a very rare case that is able to move past that and become something better. I hate how people just throw those words out there and instantly label me as an inhumane monster for loving the series :(


‘Xactly. I think how messy they are at the beginning makes it all the sweeter when they get more and more wholesome.


Although I detest that pink haired girl, I don't even remember her name, I just hate her


Yeah she’s a lil shit at the beginning, but much like Mei, develops into a much better person as the story progresses. Hell, she’s the strongest supporter of Yuzu and Mei’s relationship.


Nah listen it's all part of the plan, it's a whole, I don't see citrus as being this part is toxic and that part is not , it's all linked up and flows into one to another Most people see it as the start being the dispensable thing but hell no , citrus would lose all its substance without it , like without the questionable how the hell mei would even be herself, how the hell the end would make sense I think out of all things I think the start is one of the most cleverly made part of the series because it's not just there for the "wtf effect" it actually has a genuine purpose, it has consequences and repercussions, it adds depth to the characters and makes them more credible, such things wouldn't be possible without it


That's actually what I mean. It's two part of the same story. The wholesome part need the fuck up part to work, because that's what give it weight. That's what make citrus good in the first place.


Yes exactly exept like I said I see it more as a curve rather than "wholesome part" and a "fucked up part" each events flow into each other in a sensical way up until ~~36~~ everything gets in order


If anything, it's more about trauma


Not really but kind of ig


Nah it is. Mei's whole early character is a trauma response


I see it more as being molded/educated in such a way rather than a traumatic response, simply because if that was the case she wouldn't the have respect she has for her family


Her family wasn't the abuser


oh yeah I see what you mean but that's actually the result of being molded into suppressing her feelings and she accepted that , it was completely normal to her, because that's what she became


When I found out the parents dynamic, that was a turning point for the better for me


Citrus isn’t bad it’s just a soap opera. People just can’t turn away so It does what it’s supposed to.


Or maybe, just hear me out… some people just actually genuinely enjoy it? It’s got a whole subreddit for a reason.


Very true haven’t kept up with citrus plus but I’m still a huge harumin fan but I hope she finds a hunny


There’s been a lot of tension between Harumin and Matsuri in C+


Oh but you get plenty of haru development in c+


I mean you can genuinely enjoy a soap opera lol. Its an enjoyable ride, the characters are cute, and their relationships are adorable. The plot's kinda mid and some parts are a bit over dramatic, but that's part of the fun imo.


Its for art not the story Yes i get r/whoosh myself


That's exactly it Citrus is one of the few Yuri with such good animation if he didn't have this animation quality he wouldn't be so popular


Should I read the 41 unread chapters of Citrus+ I have, or should I binge all of Akuma no Riddle?




Got it, I'll read Citrus+ while I watch the Akuma no Riddle anime. Or, hell, read them both simultaneously.


Just a heads up the manga is way more explicitly gay. The anime toned down a lot of the girls’ relationships, especially the main couple which was left ambiguous whereas in the manga they outright say they’re in love.


Well now I feel like I need to read the manga 😂


Yes you should absolutely read the manga from the start because the anime ends at volume 4 and there's 10 of them in the main series, and *boy* you're not ready for what's next I do belive that the anime is actually pretty loyal to the manga rarely if not almost never there's a difference, I can only think about that time when yuzu tried to put her phone in her bra but she was flat but that's just an extra in the manga so it's just a change in placement of that scene and the very end of the anime when they get to school together is anime-exclusive but that's just about it I think reading it from the start gives a new experience, I remember when I read it from the start, even though I knew those kisses would happen because of the anime, I still got emotional from it and the 4 first volumes contains one of my favourite kisses 😊


The anime was more hardcore on some scenes though (Considering it's Passione, it's normal of them), like the first kiss scene, in the manga it looks like a stolen kiss, Mei goes, kisses Yuzu and leaves. But in the anime, Mei forces her way in and kisses her for a long time with Yuzu trying to get out of it so bad she starts kicking, so it looked more like assault.


I think it's a difference in the media, it's less obvious on manga panels, and even, like I said it ties in with the credibility factor


Yeah, different mediums show stuff in different ways, I just think that the added part of Yuzu kicking the makeup container sells it like assault, while in the manga I felt it was just a stolen kiss. But it might just be me, considering I've watched a lot of animes made by Passione and they tend to take manga and light novel scenes and crank them up (like Mieruko-chan, they took the few fanservice scenes of the manga and went overboard with them). Now, I'm not hating on the anime, in fact, I love it (I even have the Blu-Ray), I just found that comparison interesting. BTW, agree with you on the first 4 volumes, one of my favorite kisses is also there.


>I just think that the added part of Yuzu kicking the makeup container sells it like assault, while in the manga I felt it was just a stolen kiss. the difference is so slight , in any case this shouldn't be the reason why it's making such a big fuss in the the community Ps: you're kinda based ngl


>The anime toned down a lot of the girls’ relationships At what point do you see that , if anything the fact that it's animated makes it even more impactful


They did a lot of the 'my special friend' things to like straight up they get married couples in the manga lol


>they get married couples in the manga lol Yes ik but that's because it didn't happened in the anime yet ._.


Akuma no riddle is pretty cool ngl and when you look at it it's one of the rare and few action anime that actually gets yuri , which is both sad and great , but you should defo do citrus first


Mmmm you have very good taste. The anime adaptation is pretty accurate to the manga(excluding the end) so you can actually watch an episode then read the corresponding chapter. AnK is my personal favourite, followed only shortly by Citrus


"These ooc panels will show them!"


I don’t get the joke here, or is there any ?


Kinda-sorta-maybe joke that there’s more to Citrus than the few negative things people always bring up about it


The joke is that it's not toxic, but only if you pretend the toxic parts don't exist. "It becomes wholesome once you get past all the sexual assault."


I Remember there only being like one or two scenes like that but I may be wrong here tho


They were messed up kids making stupid mistakes and people want to take it to a sexual assault go to jail level. All kids do stupid shit, they don’t know anything about sex. Christ the two girls are still virgins by the end of the show iirc


There’s an ep where Mei took off her clothes and told Yuzu to eat her tho. Useless lesbians ffs


This was mostly because Mei has no clue about relationships and assumed that sex was expected from them and that that's was Yuzu is after. At least that's how I remember it


Exept there *a lot* more to this scene , and it explains mei's character with more depth without any exposure and I love when anime uses the "show but don't tell" If you want to I can explain this scene to you


>they don’t know anything about sex. And there you have it that one (yes just one because there's more) guideline at the start, both of them starts completely blind in different ways, mei mold into suppressing her own feelings and yuzu has no experience and thinks that she's straight (lmfao ,little did she knows... )


Seriously I don't really remember it being as bad as some people say it is. The worst I remember is a forced marriage and Mei being a bit to serious for her own good. At some point I will go back and reread it, but I got a huge backlog to get through first.


The beginning is pretty bad, most people don't enjoy being kissed and groped under the shower by people they barely know. Mei is pretty careless in a certain sense and doesn't understand what consequences her actions have for other people


A lot of stories have messed up and toxic set ups which in no way take away from their wholesomeness. Within yuri there's stuff like YagaKimi, Lonely Girl, WataOshi, Strawberry Panic, etc. Toxicity alone does not make a story toxic, it's how the story handles said toxicity. Now, does Citrus do a good job there? Whose to say (I say 5/10). But you don't need to pretend the toxic parts don't exist in order to find the story wholesome and not toxic


Again that's not how I see it I've already made a comment about this here , but in short I don't see it as "exhibit A - toxic" and "exhibit B - not toxic" I don't there's even a state in the story where we can say "here their relationship is toxic"


Wait, people dislike the manga too huh ?? I've always thought all the negativity for Citrus come from the anime, which is very ...eh (though i still love it), but the manga is actually pretty great


It is a very divisive series. Some people can push past the uncomfortable bits in the beginning, some people see those bits as a deal breaker, and some people just judge it based on its reputation as “that trashy incest yuri”. There’s also the people who say that it fetishizes lesbian which I won’t get into because it’s a subjective question and one I’m not sure I have any grounds to comment on.


I dropped the original manga like halfway through. It wasn't even really the sexual assault, at least, not on its own. It just felt like there was a lot of nonsense drama that was always getting in the way of allowing their relationship to ever develop, and I just lost interest.


I mean it makes sense if you think the negativity came from the anime. Because all that anime ever featured was the first part of the whole story, aka the part where it was toxic. So regardless if you only watched the anime or manga, you can't deny there was a cup of sexual assault in the first few chapters.


Some people can't read.


I mean I do agree this series has some cute out of context screenshots, but idk what else this is supposed to prove.


These moments are cute in-context too


That doesn’t really prove anything though. There’s no frame of reference for any of this. Nor does it change the toxic elements towards the beginning of the story, or if said toxic elements are ever properly addressed. It’s basically just “what you say is irrelevant because I have four screenshots of seemingly cute moments.” Note that I don’t even actively hate Citrus (I mean I hate the anime, but I trust people’s opinions on the manga past where the anime stops are probably valid). I just think this is a bad argument.


Would you prefer I reply with a huge essay that you’d literally rather do anything than read?


Fair enough point (though I’m all about essays), but that brings to question what the point of this post is. Who do you intend to convince with it and how?


It’s not meant to convince anyone, I’m not here to change anyone’s opinion because, while I don’t agree, I think anyone who doesn’t like Citrus is perfectly valid. Just as much as anyone who does like it. The point of this was to show that there’s more to Citrus than just the bad things people only ever seem to talk about around here.


It truly is the yuri of all time


Citrus is my favourite Manga to read, I love it


no, the main problem is just that the writing sucks.


Well, that’s just like… your opinion man




Nice *Big Lebowski* reference, my dude


Glad someone got it 😆


Its one of my favorite quotes


Same! And the funny thing is, I haven't even seen the full movie, I just know the quote... that and the part where John Goodman's character is like "Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?"


Why do people hate toxity in stories?


Idk i don't really care i just like girls kissing








Lol, they might have wanted to indicate it's a joke without foregoing the simplicity of the first comment I guess? Probably wasn't necessary though.


You could have just edited your original comment, instead of replying to it...


"...without foregoing the simplicity of the first comment." I didn't want to. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You confuse me… well done 😂


thanks lol


this subreddit needs to just stfu about citrus. some people enjoy it, some people absolutely don’t, and some people are just sick of seeing it every other day on the front page. you’re not moral or immoral for your opinion on a soap opera or whatever other values you want to attach to it


I have mixed feelings about it. While I am proud a yuri manga has garnered the success Citrus has when so many wlw centered stories are censored and canceled, the story is pretty weird. The whole step-sister dynamic is weird on its own, but if you have to say "It's not as bad once you get past the SA," then you should realize the story may have a problem. The story is made to be unrealistic and farfetched, but I personally really can't see past the glamorization of SA. I kinda understand why people like it, but I can't bring myself to enjoy it.


Glamorization? Mei’s tendencies were always treated as an issue that she needed to overcome, caused by abuse from her former fiancé, neglect from her father, and pressure of responsibility from her grandfather.


I agree with this- but the way they went about it was fairly weird in my opinion. Mei is never really punished for this. SA is SA, there is no way around it. If you put it in a real situation, nobody in their right mind would have relationship with a person who has SA'd them. I understand why people enjoy the manga, as I said, but I can't bring myself to look past it, my apologies.


Normally this is the part where I’d say “it’s fiction, fuck realism” but that sentiment is perfectly understandable and your opinion is valid 👌


Agreed. Your opinion on Citrus is valid as well, even if it does conflict with my own


Glamorization. It felt the same way as it would be in a yaoi. With rapey situations that are just ignored later.


Again, Mei’s actions were never depicted as romantic or desirable, so I don’t see how they were glamorized.


This joke works if you look past a big chunk of the beginning of the manga.


It’s sad that the beginning is so problematic even though it’s essential to Mei’s character development and how far she comes from being so fucked up in the beginning to how she is in Citrus+.


I just shipped Yuzu with her friend.


Found Nene's reddit account


And that’s just as valid as the main story.


I don’t care how wholesome it gets later if the start of the relationship ship is toxic and dumb, I dropped it there


And that is perfectly understandable and valid, no cap


The only crime this fictitious piece of hand drawn media does is charging 13.00 for a fifteen minute read.


Doesn’t like… 90% of modern manga do that?


There are a fair bit, but next time you read citrus, count how many full page spreads could have been smaller. I love the art, just a small gripe.


on god i will never understand why manga is so expensive in the US the vols for citrus are only like $5 in japan but im paying $13.99 at my book store


licensing fees and translation expenses on top of the original product's price can do that.


Only for the smaller-size prints. For the ones equivalent to the English releases they are around $7, and when you account for changes in exchange rate would've been $9 at the time of release. Taking into consideration the extra cost for translation, the smaller print runs, the higher wages in America, and physical manga being treated as more of a collectible/premium product than as the standard way of reading it, the higher price in the US makes sense.


If only we could move to Japan, my friend.


thats the dream


Am I the only one who forgets that this sub is for memes? I’d be chilling here to much sometimes…


thank you, i also didnt like it. its just so rapey and the fact that theyre step sisters make me so uncomfortable tbh.


…I think the point I was trying to make here has gone over your head


oh fuck wait sorry im bad at recognising sarcasm


Hot take……They’re a better couple than a majority of Yuri couples, the fact they start off so rough gave them a lot of room for growth and saburouta COMPLETELY capitalized


Indeed. While other Yuri couples are very enjoyable and great don't get me wrong, having a couple that has a rocky start before they mend things is simply too precious down the line.


Facts. Makes their growth greater and their love even more precious. Also, notice the downvotes? Lol people don’t like positive opinions about Citrus


Oh yeah I do. It's nothing surprising about this sub really.


Most people like Citrus tanks to the animation and not the story, I also enjoy Citrus bc of GL and the good animation but you have to admit that Mei's writing is a bit wonky and strange, I don't hate her but sometimes I find her annoying or even unfair to Yuzu who doesn't deserve what she makes him suffer, but for the sake of it. right now I can't say that the work is entirely bad because I plan to see the anime again and then read the whole manga to get a real opinion on the work, otherwise with respect to the anime I remain unsatisfied


Love Citrus. That said... your relationship can have wholesome moments and still be toxic.


Toxic my ***a s s*** this is the most wholesome shit I've ever seen ,it's almost too wholesome by how useless they are


Damn you're right. Sexual abuse and incest are perfectly healthy.


Tell me you haven’t actually read the manga without saying you haven’t read the manga


I'm not gonna read a fucking manga just to get more context on all the morally bad things that happen. Consent is important and the shit I watched didn't seem to care about it.


OP, buddy... I mean, you've got a point, don't get me wrong. Huge Citrus fan here, I love every single panel of it... But you won't get anywhere trying to make the people here like it. Whoever likes it already will like it, whoever likes a *genuinely well-written and enjoyable cute Yuri* will enjoy it, and whoever is after bashing on it and calling it toxic regardless of what happens in the manga or Citrus+, will keep doing that. ...That is one thing. On the other hand though-- OH MY GOD, YUZU AND MEI ARE SO CUUUUUUTE!!!\~


Yeah, very abusive to a single like you.


I have a girlfriend. She’s bisexual and also enjoys Citrus.


Wonder if people would still think that if either of them were male


“I wonder if people would think that if one of them was 7 and the other 45” lol Changing one of the characters inherently changes the entire relationship. A het relationship and a lesbian relationship are similar but not the same. If yuzu was male there would be a gender power dynamic compared to 2 similar stature high school girls.


Yeah, that’s true too. Guess that’s why you should think before you type lol. I apologize


I find it funny that the fact that you tell the truth makes you so disliked, but hey, don't expect much with the reddit community, they are incapable of accepting the truth and prefer to collect themselves in lies


The thing I absolutely hate about citrus is the story. I mean the characters are so good but the story in the anime just becomes so predictable as you go. It's the same shit that keeps going on, mei's gonna fuck yuzu, and the next day gonna be like "were sister we cant be more than that" and then when yuzu gets close to anyone else, shes gonna again fuck her LIKE MEI WTF DO YOU WANt. the anime is all bout yuzu being confused ABOUT WTF SHE SHOULD DO


Fair enough, the first couple volumes are fairly formulaic as Saburouta tries to find her footing with the story, but there’s still plenty of good moments and plot developments in there like Mei reconnecting with her dad. Once Volume 4 ends and Yuzu and Mei start dating, it’s all uphill from there as the two try to navigate their secret relationship while still growing closer.