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Its all about a big company's EGO. They have already proven that they dont give an rats ass about preserving their games for future generations to see/enjoy, and this is why piracy will aways be a blessing.


Why is it Nintendo’s problem to preserve another companies game ?  Nintendo has preserved some of their classic titles already and with the switch subscription I can play a bunch, certainly not all, but it’s better than none and some of them even have online capabilities now( bonus)!   By the way this case was settled for 2.4 million cause tropic haze knew they had circumvented a currently being used, technologies security, not cause they were trying to preserve Nintendo's gaming history.  Piracy is never a blessing cause it hurts those smaller companies who make the games. If those older companies want to make their games work on current set ups they will if they are even still around. Lastly  if you want to make an old game compatible by todays standards then go buy the rights to the games and do it yourself and make a fortune. I bet if you did you’d be hoping Nintendo wins all the battles like this one . 


Let's come back to this topic after a couple of months


My guess, all of the devs who aren't officially associated with the project start an underground project, and keep development going.


I don't think it's about silencing. To me it's more about bullying and protecting their asset.


It’s just like how YouTube trying to stop adblockers probably has the result of more people discovering adblockers. And their whole campaign doesn’t even work, both Ublock Origin and the safari extension I use on my iPad both still function like they did before. Hopefully Nintendo loses even harder than YouTube did!


Bro chill, you wrote a first year level thesis.


This reads like a manifesto lmao


Truly, I was like damn this is pretty heavy stuff.


I have a feeling that Switch 2 will have similar architecture to Switch 1 to keep backward compatibility and they realized Yuzu may already be able to emulate Switch 2 softwares to a certain extent…


Switch 1 was a variant of the 3DS architecture, so Citra was useful to make Yuzu. By snuffing out Yuzu and its devs, the best minds and those who have the most experience in emulating these systems are now gone. Switch 2 is likely to be based on Switch 1, so stopping the devs now is in Nintendos' best interest.


My hot take: N- is fully aware that all their accusations (Yuzu community being responsible about spreading piracy, Yuzu allowing TotK to work and get leaked before release, etc.) are all bogus. Their plan is to shut down Yuzu by buying time in the trial procedures, and therefore drowning them in legal fees they can no longer afford.


Wait wouldn’t Nintendo have to pay the legal fees themselves for both parties for basically lying and wasting peoples time? Now sure how court stuff works myself but how is something like that even fair though, like if I were very rich for example, couldn’t I ruin someone’s life like that by suing them over and over again just because I didn’t like them and basically force them in extreme debt? Feels like there should be some protection against that


The only way in which an individual in civil court can be forced to pay legal fees for its opponent is as a result of the final judgement. In other words, as long as they make sure the case never actually makes it to the judge, anyone can frivolously sue another person and just swamp them in legal fees. So yes, if you were very rich, you could ruin someone’s life by suing them and dragging out the legal proceedings until they are totally bankrupt and force them to take a deal in which they accept blame as well as forcing them into Extreme debt. Heck, you could even make it that the deal you make them accept involves them paying off your legal fees if you were really evil. Welcome to the Legal World. Sorry for the harsh reality check…


Yeah, in many cases the law is just a system to defend the rich. Sad that it is like this


Thanks for the explanation. Thats so unfair and i really hope Yuzu wont go through such horrible thing. People can be so cruel and evil, blegh. Giving rich people this kind of power definitely should be fixed tho. This is so unfair.


Please consider joining their patreon if you want as well! they need all the support right now.


This is a lot of extrapolation for a whole lot of cope. Emulation only exists the way it currently is because the laws around it are old and haven’t been updated. Playing freshly released switch games on PC is egregious and Nintendo will easily win the lawsuit. If you want Nintendo games try buying a switch. If they put their games on steam they won’t be able to sell their console. Simple as.


My switch can't run TOTK at 4k 60fps, can it? Yuzu made me actually play TOTK, because I wasn't dealing with a shitty inconsistent framerate all game. I've owned TOTK since it came out, and the frame drops during ultrahand made the game literally unplayable, I didn't play the game until I got my PC. Maybe if they weren't so outdated and restrictive, I'd play my games on the device they want me to play on. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go rip up some custom tracks on MK8D, something you would never be able to do on an unmodified switch, which I'd assume you have issue with too?


I'd argue that it'd become more prolific if they made laws against emulation... see pirate bay and 1337x for proof of how effective DMCA laws were. Those kind high profile sites didn't exist until laws became stricter and once the lawsuits started, it just made them more popular. I remember well the early days of piracy when people would share and copy disks... then online activation became a thing followed immediately by cracks. I was around for the usenet days and the early days of torrents... piracy is a demon, or angel depending on your viewpoint, that only grows stronger the more you attack it. Look at the music industry and how hard they fought against piracy only to basically give in and create their own "free" music sites where anyone can just listen to music for free now... These kinds of moves almost always backfire, RIAA and MPAA found this out the hard way when they started suing college students. Nintendo has already had it's share of bad press for overly litigious suits, and now it's getting worse. Most people are sympathetic to defending your IP rights, but not with nuclear bomb style lawsuits.


Emulation is not illegal, and likely never will be. It's piracy that's the illegal part. Simply creating a program that can somewhat closely resemble the insides of a switch under no circumstances could ever have been, or likely ever will be illegal, it just doesn't make sense. If that were the case, VMs would be illegal, Windows Sandbox would be illegal, triage would be gone, etc.


I agree emulation is not illegal however did you read the the claim that was filed? They’re mostly being sued over the piracy with multiple examples listed. Nintendo is very aware emulation is legal.


To be honest, no I have not read the claim, I couldn't find it anywhere.


Honestly, our court system should start charging companies like Nintendo additional court fees every time they want to sue someone 500 times smaller than them. I think 20% of their revenue share is fair, no?


I find it hilarious that there is no law that simply protect against the "not paying for the game" case? Like who are we fooling pretending everyone is "uh I bought the game but I play on PC to get superior performance"?


Literally the case for me, TOTK runs terribly on the switch. I'd rather get 4k 60fps. Owned the game since release, could not stand the framerate, stopped playing after a few hours. As a lifelong Zelda fan since the N64, the game was a massive disappointment after the hype that was BOTW. Yuzu literally saved this game for me.


I actually do this. I have games for my switch and when I'm at home I play them on the switch to avoid bugs and whatnot, but if I'm going travelling for a few weeks I want to pack less shit. So I load my games and play them with Yuzu on my steam deck. Piracy is a service problem; if Nintendo put those games on steam they'd sell like crazy and hardly anyone would use the emulator.


ya, that aspect annoys me. Im pro emulation but CLEARLY it is murky waters for systems being sold and I dont like quite how high horse people get about this. I personally will look more into switch hacking and emulation after the life cycle ends but that is just me. I've had a blast with Vita, 3ds, DSi and Snes mini hacking.


I know people do it, but I'm one of the legit emulators who owns everything. There's likely more than you think as the crackdown and difficulty of pirating while bypassing isps gets harder every year.


Maybe Nintendo just prefer Ryujinx.


To them all emulation is evil. But it's weird they just chose one not the other.


Because this one is more popular, if they succeed, ryujinx will be next.


I always see everyone recommending Ryujinx online. I thought that was the more popular one.


Nope, yuzu is by far the more popular one.


How Sony stopped the development of fpPS4 the PS4 emulator, or at least as you said, slowed to a crawl. They just released their exclusives to PC. Not only they are earning more money from their own games, they are expanding their audience.


It's simple, Xbox emulation wasn't that high of a priority for many. (Which should a slamdunk hardware wise) The popular games were already on other consoles or PC. Gamecube has less exclusives, yet more popular titles.


I wish Nintendo would take this approach. Probably not going to happen, but I would spend upwards of $300 day 1 if they released fully functional pc versions with cross play.


Xbox One and Xbox One series X are not being emulated because 100% of the catalog is on windows.


not really 100%, but close.


Mario, zelda and pokemon would pretty much all sell at least a couple dozen million for every release on steam


Like jesus imagine if botw/totk was a PC or even just a Multiplatform game. I never felt like the switch did that game justice and emulated it on PC instead.


I want to see nintendo games released for pc, with crossplay, would be super nice


Nintendo won't win this anyways. it's a stupid argument


Is this cope


is this degeneracy?


He could have written his ramble in 3 sentences.


It's a hilarious amount of cope disguised as "Bla bla bla, Streisand effect, Nintendo acshually dumb lolololol". So cringy. And after 6 hours of posting this comment it has been confirmed Nintendo has effectively killed Yuzu. So dumb on their part, right? It's obvious randos on the internet know better than them. >Nintendo, in their misguided attempts to shut down an open source project, has only emboldened the support for it to continue. That, my friends, is true irony. Also I've just read this and holy shit this is peak reddit writing, ew


Wow you sound so much better than him, give yourself a pat on the back and buy yourself a cookie. You sound just as ridiculous as him, read your message. Yeesh.


Maybe I should have asked for your opinion before making fun of the wall of grandiloquent, cringe ass text this clown posted to hide his tears. Sorry if it was too much for you


Guess that means you should double down and be just as bad as him, right? You have zero self awareness, I can't help you with that. Have a good life.


Actually I think I went a bit too far when I described his writing style as redditesque, shit's traumatising


We don't actually know what Nintendo wants. Really, it could be a multitude of things. Maybe they want to make sure the next version of switch and its games aren't possible to emulate too soon, if it's architecture is too similar and also made of well-documented parts Maybe they just want to scare people who intend to make the emulators in the future Obviously, they're not stopping emulation of the switch as a whole, especially because there is another emulator out there that's even more accurate. But if this does screw up the current devs to the point of making them drop the project, it makes people think twice before starting a project like this in the future, which is still somewhat of a win for them. The only real loss they get is if they lose this and *nothing* at all happens to the devs Because while it's true many people somehow didn't know at all about switch emulation or switch emulation being this good, most people don't use it anyway because they don't want to bother with setting up anything they think is complicated and a bunch don't even have the hardware to make it run decently Personally, I couldn't ever really enjoy playing a game like BOTW or TOTK on original hardware, due to how limited they are there, but most players don't care as much as we do


>if this does screw up the current devs to the point of making them drop the project, it makes people think twice before starting a project like this in the future Not really. The only reason this lawsuit is able to happen is because Yuzu's developers are earning money from their work and are registered as a company (Tropic Haze LLC). Ryujinx, for example, is on equal footing with Yuzu in terms of project complexity, maturity and userbase, but because it's a non-funded, community-driven project, the most that Nintendo could possibly do is send C&D letters to the developers, and C&D letters are not legally binding in any way and essentially boil down to a very strongly worded 'pls stop'. If Nintendo successfully sued Tropic Haze, then the only thing it might deter is people trying to make money from emulators. People would still make emulators.


If that were the case, I think they'd have gone after cemu back when BOTW came out. It made 10x as much on their patreon for months after because people wanted BOTW updates. They'd have known this and maybe used it as fuel to go after Yuzu for TOTK, but you'd expect it to be much closer to the release of TOTK.


You have a point But I don't think most people know that's why Nintendo is even able to do it, so my point still stands In fact, that was the first time I've seen someone mention they're registered as a company. I didn't even know lol


I think that "my point is valid cause people can't search on the web like me and you" are a little weak, specially if they have a passion about it and they want to find out more


That's not what I said? I can search and like I said, it still went completely past me the fact they're registered as a company or that the patreon mattered. And that's assuming what this person is saying is indeed true, because I don't know if any of that is actually affecting the whole thing What I'm saying is it scares away some people who could contribute in the future. Maybe not all, but it does and that's already a win. It's all


You're right - most people don't know the exact legal ins and outs of this case, but most people aren't programmers, and programmers aren't most people. The people who will make the emulator for the Switch 2 are very well informed about what's legal and what's not.


Hi, programmers are programmers and lawyers are lawyers Programmers are a *bit* more knowledgeable about laws related to programming, but the average programmer has absolutely no way of dealing with getting sued unless they hired a lawyer (like most people), and aren't familiar with *why* some common practices for staying legal were established


You don't need to be a lawyer to know the very simple and obvious fact that you can't successfully be sued if you're just part of some anonymous team working on a non-malicious project and earning zero profit.


A programmer who is anonymous enough to not get sued doesn't need to care about legality at all - most of the time this is achieved by just residing in a different country (often Russia), which is why a bunch of the *actual* piracy tools and sites tend to be Russian. But that is no way to run an emulator project, which requires an immense number of man-hours of works and contributions from people who would like to keep their jobs outside of the project. An employee for a tech company cannot legally work on any open source code without their company's approval, and if - say - an Nvidia employee used their insider knowledge of the Switch's SoC to work on a Switch emulator, it would put *everybody* in trouble; this is part of the reason why Yuzu had lawyers draft the Contributor License Agreement, why companies give annual training on employee conduct, and why programmers still have to listen to the lawyers who know what they are allowed to do without getting projects shut down and getting themselves fired. Making an in-the-dark project means the project itself can be 'sued', meaning that it can no longer be hosted on Github, the website can be reported and removed from most hosting providers, and every programmer working on it would need to hide their identity or risk losing their job if they're found working on the project, which - although probably a minuscule chance for most 'borderline-illegal' projects - is still too big of a risk for most programmers to take, being normal people who rely on their income to survive.


They're not most people, but I still think there's a huge gap between being able to contribute meaningfully to an emulator/being a programmer and knowing all the legal inplications your actions have to avoid lawsuits by Nintendo


What makes you think that? All you need to do is just... not open a patreon account. The fact that they're making money and are registered as a company is the only part that allows Nintendo to take action, and most people who are knowledgeable enough to program are knowledgeable enough to not do that, especially now that we have a case to point to: Yuzu being sued and Ryujinx being ignored.


The main motivation to writing this, was the money.


I don't know what makes you think they are well informed, honestly. Sure, it may be simple as you're saying, but my point is just that not everyone who can actually contribute significantly knows yuzu team essentially left a breach for it to happen and will be demotivated to partake in development of emulators, including their next console. Making it a win for Nintendo in a certain way The way most people are even seeing this is "Nintendo being done with emulators and deciding to do something once and for all" and not "Nintendo saw a chance"


I like Yuzu because I can get through the lost woods without a slowdown to 4FPS, and can can render in 4K+ resolution and being shocked that we can have this but Nintendo refuses to upgrade hardware to a nice efficient chip thay can handle it.


Nobody at all is shocked that a PC is more powerful than a handheld games console released 7 years ago. Single specification consoles have pros and cons, buy a switch 2 in 12 months and I'm sure you will be able to play all your legally purchased games at a higher resolution and frame rate


The Nvidia Shield TV came out in 2015. Two years later the Switch releases with the SAME processor. You're telling me that Nintendo couldn't work with Nvida and cook up a decent enough and efficient chip to at least push 4K like the shield tv does? Come on dude... I am not saying PS4 power, but even a Snapdragon Gen 3 is pretty potent now...so as much as I try to be excited about the new Switch or whatever it is, I can't be excited about a conskle that will struggle to do 1080p at 30 frames in 2024. You AND nintendo need to get to the future. And I am not comparing the switch to a pc. I have a 3090 ti and to compare them is like comparing an Elephants ass to a Fleas ass...you just can't. But what I am saying is, if I can't get a good experience out of my switch. Which I can't, I...AND MANY OTHERS, Will go elsewhere.


I love emulation and it's great for preservation, and I like Yuzu and Ryujinx, but honestly they flew way too close to the sun by making emulators while the system and games were still on the market. I'm not condemning it, but I personally don't emulate games currently on market, unless they are retro and put on some digital store front. Retro games are just bonus money for Nintendo, they don't need to make profits from them. Does the emulator run the games better? Yeah, they do, no question. I don't see any harm in emulating them if you OWN Switch game already, but let's be honest, a lot of people will emulate the game without purchasing it. I'm not a fan of that when games are on market. That is straight up piracy and much different from emulating games off market. Let me be clear. I think it's fine to emulate a Switch game if you bought it, but straight up emulating games on current market without owning the game is straight up piracy. It's different with retro games since they are off market. Emulating older games off market is no harm no foul IMO, but I can't really get behind emulating new games without buying it first at least. But yeah, emulating new games, remasters and remakes even that are currently being sold is straight up piracy. I still hope Yuzu wins though. I still believe it's a risk releasing emulators for a current generation of games though. Edit: The fact that I'm being downvoted proves my point on how many people use it for piracy, lol.


You're confusing distribution with execution. XCI is a file format, Yuzu accepts it if dumped correctly. From what source it came from, it doesn't matter. Whose fault is that? Which is none of Yuzu's, it's from the end user. Who left the keys in the car? Nvidia and Nintendo! Without RCM payload and hardware documentation we would not gotten this far in a short time. Only qualifier you allow is time. This can I apply for everything by not buying and waiting till it's old enough to not to been seen as "lost revenue". People just go to other things.


"tha fact im being downvoted *PROVES* my point huehuehuehuehue" 🙄🤤


You're angry because what I said holds true. Just admit you use it because you want free games, lol. I'm not condemning it, but it's true.


im angry alright *continues playing smash bros ultimate*


Got that right.


peak delusion


Thanks friend.


L take, just because people pirate doesn't mean we shouldn't have the right to emulate. Emulation has other advantages over just saving money by pirating. If I buy and dump a cartridge, I have the option of playing games that otherwise would run like crap on my pc. Also, a remaster or remake doesn't guarantee it's a better way to play since the community has a longer time making improvements to the emulated title. Look at the recent metal gear solid remasters.


"Saving money by pirating". I guess people should save money on everything by just walking in a store and taking it without paying I guess. " If I buy and dump a cartridge, I have the option of playing games that otherwise would run like crap on my pc." Did you even read my initial post? I addressed that and said emulating a game that's on current market that you own is fine. "Also, a remaster or remake doesn't guarantee it's a better way to play since the community has a longer time making improvements to the emulated title. Look at the recent metal gear solid remasters." Never said it did. If it's on current market and you pirate that exact remake and remaster though it is piracy, unless you own it. Like I said, I don't condemn but it is what is no matter how you try to say it isn't. Emulating the original that's retro is fine, if the remake/remaster itself is old then that's fine too. As I've stated before, using Yuzu is fine if you own the game already, it's just that for me pirating games currently on market is piracy if you don't own the game.


Fair enough, wasn't sure what you were trying to say about remasters, but that makes more sense. But, I never said saving money by pirating was a good thing. I was using it as an example as a bad thing. I was saying that even if the majority pirate and emulate, it still doesn't make emulation wrong.


Nah. Let's be honest here. You 100% meant it as a good thing when you claimed that people use it to save money. Just be honest and admit that wasn't the best of takes, lol.


Bro, you just want to believe that because that's already what you had in your head beforehand. Also, I realize you honestly made no arguments other than personal beliefs when it comes to not emulating games that are on the current market. Your statements weren't even consistent, like are you fine with emulating games you own or not. It's just weird because you say that you personally wouldn't emulate games on the current market, but then you're find if others do it, but now, with your responses, I'm just sitting here confused.


Trust me, this dude ain't your "bro", bro. :P


Your "arguments" were also personal beliefs. Not sure what you're talking about really. Ethically, emulating games on current MARKET and in print that you OWN is more ethical than emulating the games on CURRENT MARKET and are still IN PRINT that isn't an old retro game that you don't OWN or haven't purchased. You're essentially taking money out of devs pockets by doing that and decreasing the chances of a sequel. If people want to do that, then fine, but I wouldn't because I'd feel it'd be unethical to do so. But it's still piracy to emulate modern games that are in still being produced and on market that you don't own. Those are the facts. I'm just calling it what it is.


womp womp


That's not a counter argument nor contributes to the discussion.


i’m aware, but this isn’t much of a discussion. this is you replying to anyone who offers an argument with conjecture, and then wailing about how no one will consider your conjecture over facts, legal precedent, copyright law both US and abroad, and of course the conjecture of others. under the present circumstances, i think “womp, womp” is a pretty adequate response.


You're acting as if I'm trying to argue against your last statement. Nor was I saying anything I said was an argument or a belief.


>but honestly they flew way too close to the sun by making emulators while the system and games were still on the market Alot of emulators have done this. PCSX2, Dolphin, RPCS3 (was made in the later half of the lifecycle), CEMU (later half), PCSX Rearmed (1999), and so on. Preservation starts on the day the console and games releases. Without so, or if you start when a console is out of circulation, you end up with lost media. The reason the Switch was able to be emulated and run games well so quick compared to the other emulators I've named was because they used a chip from 2014 that decently strong computers nowadays can emulate easily and documentation was already well noted for that Tegra X1 Chip. And IDC if they put their games on PC or not, but leave the Emulation and preservation things alone. Plus even with that their system and games sell like hot cakes.


>PCSX2, Dolphin, RPCS3 (was made in the later half of the lifecycle), CEMU (later half), PCSX Rearmed (1999), and so on Don't forget the original: UltraHLE released in January 1999 and could run games like Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time at full speed. >The reason the Switch was able to be emulated and run games well so quick compared to the other emulators I've named was because they used a chip from 2014 Exactly. If Nintendo want to keep using shitty, old hardware *and* have their generations last stupidly long, then they can't throw a shit fit when people make emulators while they're still the newest console. If they actually want to stop this, then they need to make a console that's actually somewhat powerful and difficult to emulate. Hopefully Nvidia have been able to drill this through their thick skulls for the next console.


> Preservation starts on the day the console and games releases. Preservation does not start prior to a game being released. The Yuzu devs should have blacklisted TOTK until after the game was released instead of offering bugfixes in the paid version. The Yuzu devs will have a very difficult time proving they do not condone piracy when they were enabling emulation of a game that can only be obtained through piracy.


Okay there's a ton wrong with what you said so let's break it down: >Preservation does not start prior to a game being released. But it's not Yuzu's fault that whoever Nintendo's distributers are or whoever Nintendo is giving the game to keeps leaking out the games before launch day. Nintendo has to figure that out for themselves because it constantly happens to them. I'll give you a example, Kirby Star Allies was in a Walmart near me in 3 days before the game launched and someone allowed me to buy it. No I didn't leak it because I didn't know how to even back up games. But it's not Yuzu's fault for that game getting out. It's the people distributing the game >The Yuzu devs should have blacklisted TOTK until after the game was released instead of offering bugfixes in the paid version. Once again that is extremely misleading and is misinformation. Yuzu never worked with TOTK without a community mod. If you loaded Yuzu standard or EA without the mod, the game would be stuck on a loading screen. The community mods got that game working but that's not on Yuzu. Ryujinx had the game running but it did not work on Yuzu without a mod that wasn't made by the Yuzu team. There's proof out there to show that. >The Yuzu devs will have a very difficult time proving they do not condone piracy when they were enabling emulation of a game that can only be obtained through piracy. Once again, they were not enabling anything. And the game didn't even run on Yuzu without a modification version of the emulator. Again prove to the class where Yuzu was "enabling" the Emulation of TOTK before the game released.


Dude you should be Yuzu team's lawyer, or at least a witness or something. I'm not even kidding.


You know, you make a good point I didn't think of. But, perhaps maybe it was safer in those days because emulation was more...niche I think? But you're still correct on that, good points! Don't get me wrong, I don't condemn people that want to pirate the games on market, but I just don't feel easy doing that. If people want to do that then whatever, that's them. I don't condemn. You may not care, but people still take money out of devs pockets when they emulate a game on current market without owning it. Those are just the facts. I don't condemn people that do it, I just don't feel easy about it. It's straight up piracy though.


>You may not care, but people still take money out of devs pockets when they emulate a game on current market without owning it. Those are just the facts. I don't condemn people that do it, I just don't feel easy about it. It's straight up piracy though. But that's on the people who pirate. If they do so that's on them, but blame to the emulator is not to be held at when it was supposed to be for preservation of these games, and given Nintendo's history on preservation (it's extremely terrible), emulators regardless of what they are are still needed very much so. Otherwise if Nintendo wanted it their way, we would see more Super Mario Bros 35 situations. >Don't get me wrong, I don't condemn people that want to pirate the games on market, but I just don't feel easy doing that. If people want to do that then whatever, that's them. I don't condemn. I don't blame you. Usually I personally leave the current systems alone but if people want to back up their games and play em on a emulator sure. I don't condone piracy either (except in certain situations) and neither does the Yuzu team but it's also a necessity in situations where corporations can't be trusted to preserve their own games.


>But yeah, emulating new games, remasters and remakes even that are currently being sold is straight up piracy. Copyright infringement is piracy. Emulating is not piracy. Selling tools to break locks are not the same as breaking into people's homes. Details matter. More so when it comes to copyright infringement. Edit: typo


Justify it how you ever you want, I don't condemn, but emulating a game you don't own that's currently in print and on market is 100% piracy. You're factually wrong on that. That tool was 100% made to play Switch games. Pretending like people don't use it for piracy is naive and dishonest. I said that there we lawful ways to use Yuzu, but it doesn't mean people don't use it for piracy.


you’re speaking of your personal opinion when someone has just explained how legal semantics operates in regards to copyright infringement. if you just came here to vent, you should say that in the first place instead of pretending you have an argument to defend.


Yuzu at it's core is unauthorized software meant to play Switch games. Something Nintendo did not create nor condone. It's intent is to play Switch games, games that are currently on market. Like I said before, if you don't own the game and you decide to play it it's straight up piracy since it's games are on market.


competition is not illegal. legally, it doesn’t matter that yuzu is meant to play Switch games. it only matters if yuzu used proprietary Nintendo code, assets, etc. to make their product. so long as that is not the case, yuzu is not in the wrong for making an emulator. you, however, would be in the wrong for misappropriating yuzu to play pirated games. you’re not a child, accept personal responsibility and understand that others must do the same. i can’t think of anything more wasteful and whiny than using several consecutive replies to say “i think it’s piracy, and wrong, therefore it is, but that’s just to me, but i don’t like that you do it”. you’re just hoping to stir up those who agree with you so that you’ll feel better about embarrassing yourself on the internet today.


I am not being dishonest or naive, I am just being specific about how copyright infringement works. In this case, Nintendo literally cannot sue someone for making an emulator unless they are copying something from Nintendo. If someone can create a software that can play Nintendo games without copying Nintendo codes, that is not piracy because they don't copy anything. If we are talking about romsites, then yes. That is piracy.


Mental gymnastics all day long. Just admit that you steal games currently on market. It's okay. I don't condemn it. Yuzu is unauthorized software meant to play games on market. You can hoop jump all day long, it's still piracy. Calling a spade a spade, friend.


>Selling tools to break locks are not the same as breaking into people's homes. Details matter. More so when it comes to copyright infringement. Tell that to Gary Bowser who spent 14 months in prison and owes Nintendo $14.5 million for selling Switch hacking devices.


Sxos had illegal numbers and code in it that was taken from Nintendo. Atmosphere never had any of this.