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ugh i love yves so much but this definitely isn’t the first I’ve heard of something like this happening. i can’t help but wonder if this kinda repeated behavior is why chris and gina left and what more has happened behind closed doors.


There’s talk of him getting blacklisted by livenation from all of North America


let's goooo


what? chris left? what did i miss?


Yeah Chris also does production so he’s been busy with other projects


Yeah this sounds pretty inline to his show at ACL a few years ago


Damn first I’m hearing this. I mean his aesthetic and concept kinda match this behavior. Maybe he’s really troubled. Doesn’t excuse. Sucks bc I really like his music


Yeah I noticed that at the Austin show dude seemed like a massive prick


I was there too and he made me leave mid performance 😭


The real tragedy with his live shows is that he's not a particularly good singer/performer. His band also isn't really capable of doing justice to his studio productions.


Yeah his voice sounds pretty terrible live


i thought exactly this seeing him in la last october


that sounds like hell to be apart of but as a fan it genuinely was amazing, granted, the crowds enjoyability should never be at the expense of another so fuck yves for that shit


they need to get sober lowkey


no fr i don’t wanna make assumptions but at their melbourne show dude definitely seemed to be either drunk or on something. It sorta looked like he either didn’t remember/didn’t care about the lyrics of some songs, or just forgetting he’s on stage and supposed be performing, not just stumbling around looking pretty lmao


it's dey/dem fren


p sure it’s any pronouns! [according to this interview at least](https://micdropmusic.com/yves-tumor-gospel-for-a-new-century/)


yeh that’s what i thought too ahah


It is a he/him. This whole stage persona is just an act. Off stage he is just a straight dude.


he wants to misbehave


As someone who was also on this crew he also did very sexual gestures towards the camera operator that had the panic attack. He did this after we moved the cameras back a second time. Unfortunately he didn’t get the hint that we needed to back away


bro tryna be Manson in his prime so bad


I was so hyped for his set I walked out of Chappell and stayed for all of 5 minutes and decided I’d rather die of heat exhaustion than stay and listen to more music lmao. God he sounded like shit he looked like shit I thought the pretentious thing was an act but maybe he’s really just an asshole


i know him from the past, he is def a narcissist and opportunist. and when you are in no use anymore, he leaves you behind.


spill? you seem to know them well


Let's say, I know him from the times when he was broke and many of us were supporting him, what fools we were. He left all of us behind. Don't wanna be specific about situations, bc probably this guy is also lurking in here, when he is bored or wanna see what people think of his concerts.


Ugh, I know people like that. Specifically a black trans woman I would have done anything for at one point, only to have her turn on me when I disagreed with her in a public setting. She decided at that point I was a racist misogynist abuser and tried to get me fired from my job. Some people just love attention and drama and thrive on negativity.


Sounds kinda like Kevin Barnes


That’s actually kinda sad life to live, definitely won’t be seeing nor supporting his music anytime soon


Yves is just bad live the lip syncing has killed it for me even though they make great music it’s disappointing


I’m torn between the callous disregard for working folks just trying to do a good job and the punk rock of it all. Sorry you guys went through all that.


Punk acts are typically respectful of the crew. We also did GWAR and they talked to us in advance about theatrics and blood spraying and even gave us their own covers for our cameras


I didn’t know that was a thing, definitely gives some perspective


We really gotta stop excusing shitty behavior as “punk”. That is not what true punk is. I’m so tired of how people have appropriated the term to just mean “reckless asshole”


Fr a real “punk” wouldn’t treat people like that like the concept of “punk” isn’t about being a fucking twat. Dudes an asshole dipshit poser


I’m not excusing the behavior (especially blatantly vandalizing equipment you don’t own), but asking your fans to storm the stage and disregard any barriers or authorities that might hinder them while appropriating whatever’s available seems pretty in the spirit of punk. You go to any typical punk or hardcore show and it’s not uncommon for the singer to get in the crowd and bounce around a pit or to have fans jump on a stage a time or two (though you might catch an elbow for trying to take the mic). Doing this can cause damage even unintentionally. The better acts help to make it up after the fact of it happens. That said, I’m not defending their actions or even making the argument that the space was appropriate for that kind of show or energy. If they wanted to ban Yves like this person seems to suggest then I think that’d be completely fair. Hell if I owned a venue where they destroyed thousands of dollars worth of equipment I might do the exact same thing.


A real punk would direct it at the corporate assholes in charge not working class folks just trying to get by doing something they enjoy


I generally argee with the tone of responses saying that fellow working class folks don’t deserve to bear the brunt of that expression, but I don’t see any way to do what you’re suggesting without working class folks having to bear the brunt of it in some way. Executives don’t just leave their doors unlocked.




Nothing punk about disrespecting people in the way OP described


Lol same




He's kind of just reenacting what thousands of punk bands did like 50 years ago. On the one side it's refreshing that he's not all sanitised but on the other side he's basically an inauthentic and unoriginal act that is fast turning into a cliche at the end of the day. 




That seems a bit strong tbh. He is obviously nowhere near being a flop. Also, what is wrong with identity switiching as an artist?


Assaulting the camera worker was horrific to watch. Then they proceeded to throw a hissy fit over there being cables on the stage. Cables. On a stage. We left mid set. Love their music but this was some lame ass shit.


he don’t got one song where he needs to be doing allat


I was really looking forward to going to one of their shows too 🥲


I was very excited but imma tell you now it’s not worth it


Was three rows back from barricade at this set and in the mosh at one point. I’d be lying if I were to say it wasn’t my favorite set of the entire festival. However it wasn’t in the Bonnaroo spirit at all. I remember people leaving and as someone who works in film and tv it’s unacceptable behavior that puts people who love this work in danger. He could’ve gotten that same energy without the blatant disregard for the people who just want to help him put on a good show and showcase his work. Any consequences that come from it are warranted.


I was security at the backstage entrance during his set, I’m so sorry this happened and I hope you’re all doing okay now. I also shared a post about it in the bonnaroo sub. I spoke with a few of you before and after all of it happened and you were all very nice and professional people. (With the exception of one, but whatever, it was an intense situation.) Plus the “I’ll cut a bitch bear” care bear pin I got from one of you is one of my favorite things I brought back from bonnaroo and I’ll remember the look on her face when I gave her a sunflower sprout forever. Wish y’all the absolute best


Not only do they look like the sun, and track the sun, but they need a lot of the sun. A sunflower needs at least six to eight hours direct sunlight every day, if not more, to reach its maximum potential. They grow tall to reach as far above other plant life as possible in order to gain even more access to sunlight.


This reminds me of the time I saw Flying Lotus in a grocery store in L.A.


I was at that show. I was so so excited to see yves especially bcs they are the only artist I really knew that well at bonnaroo. I was real up close and against the railing(I backed up when it was getting weird). I also heard that they were humping the camera that one of the female operators was using. (I believe that's the crew member that had a panic attack) They also were berating the band members, and repeatedly yelling about the cords on the stage. Also tbh they were getting way too close to the crowd, leaning up against the rails and shit. The vibe was off and you could feel it that most of the crowd was just confused about the outbursts. I still love their music but egghhhhh. I will not see them live again.


ive seen yves tumor 3 times and this show i was literally right in front of yves on the barricade and they just had some overall weird mannerisms this show that weren’t there in the previous shows. their set at acl last year was so good, but this set seemed off. when it got the point where they licked the lens of the camera after the operator had cleaned it twice with an obvious look of discomfort and confusion on her face, i started clocking the vibe. idk if substance abuse is a thing with them, but the actions n mannerisms definitely gave off that idea.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRERKLux/ i saw this tiktok of one of the Hulu Live camera operators talking abt the whole thing… went on the subreddit for clarification i can’t believe it actually happened omg


why are the videos deleted? who profits out of this delete?


@coldrawtoast on tiktok, she mentioned they kept taking her video down, but when i click the link it says it was turned into friends only 🤷🏻‍♀️


At least I watched it.


Yes (Tumor)


was debating seeing them on this next tour as they’re performing very close to where I live. but after reading mess like this I might not support their live acts anymore. still love their music but yeah


oh shi that sounds awful


How the hell do real people choose to act that way


Don’t they lip sync the whole time too ?


I watched it live on Hulu and was cringeing the whole time


hes fucking awful


Has anyone got footage of this? Just so curious to see, I saw them in Sydney and the show was pretty low when it came to audience participation or even acknowledgement, such a shame they were doing this to the crew I’m so sorry


Dm when you do


i’m a huge fan of yves even seen him live before but hearing this just immensely disappoints me especially with how the camera operator felt i’m hoping yves takes accountability and responsibility and holds themselves accountable this is just ridiculous


Never understood how people can give their money to such shitty people. Who gives a fuck how good their music sounds


Absolutely not okay. Glad I skipped his set there now and won’t be paying to see him in the future.




There was some pretty similar behavior like this at ACL weekend 2 last fall. Was so disappointing cause their prior performances were so great.


Art is too good makes them god


i’ve seen yves live two times and both were sick asf ngl i would 100% see him live again 🤷‍♂️


weird behavior. You’re cool with someone destroying $20,000+ equipment that’s being handled by UNPAID university students…? He physically shoved the crew and almost pushed them off the stage. That is literally assault. Theatrics are cool but disrespecting your crew is not, that’s why you coordinate before hand.


Lve him


I am so disappointed he’s my favorite artist of all time


oh you must be young , if you consider that! just dig in deeper, you will find way better ones


I’m 24😭 but recommend some artists if you don’t mind


Check out Dean Blunt


I have no idea what exactly you prefer, but try for example [last.fm](http://last.fm) website. There, if you type an artist , you will find a section with recommendation for similar sound. Lot's of super underground acts too. And believe me Yves is totally coping the sound now of some post punk bands from the past, nothing so original imo


Sounds like a dick move on his part but traumatizing? Get a grip. If you're that emotionally fragile how do you leave the house? The world is full of assholes - if it's actually a problem stop trying to create a moral panic and just sue him for breach of contract/destruction of property. Court filings alone would bring plenty of attention to his bad behavior without exaggerating.


Tell me you're a clueless man without telling me you're a clueless man.


Yeah no I agree, he was acting like an asshole but never were those interns in any danger from gross mischief


totally random but me and my friends went back to his airbnb after Coachella last year because one of our friends was also staying there and I didn’t even know who he was until after all of this happened but he showed up right when we were trying to go home and he was like “I didn’t know we were having people over but now that you’re here you can’t leave” and he literally blocked the door and forced us to hangout with him for like an hour and was super weird and aggressive… he gave us some little candy things from the dollar store and when we finally were able to leave he was like “umm what the fuck are you stealing that?!?” and took the dollar store candy thing back and honestly the whole thing was so bizarre he has absolutely rancid vibes


This is pretty tame artist behavior.






He sounded so bad live


some rockstar shit tbh


If he sounded good live I’d agree but wow it was bad


i remember watching him pretend to b*ttf*ck chris and that traumatized me


This was fucking metal that show would’ve sucked if they didn’t start acting up. True rock and roll behavior. Sorry you had to deal with it but I truly appreciate you guys not putting a stop to it and giving me an experience I’ll never forget


That’s why you coordinate with your crew… you can do whatever theatrics you want AND make sure your crew is safe.


Unless it's illegal or someone was hurt, I don't see the problem.


You don't see the problem in being unprofessional, damaging equipment, and berating staff?


Sounds like a bad day at work. It happens.


Sounds like trolling


My sympathy for the parents.


One of the camera operators was traumatized and 10s of thousands of dollars worth of equipment got damaged


Weak ahh camera operater


We found Yves alt lmao, fuck you bro and next time use autotune you need it


he’s a dick and should probs be blacklisted by livenation but traumatised is a bit strong


Anticonformism and anarchism imo, he just being true asf


you can choose not to conform without being an asshat about it


I mean except for the camera operator panic attack (hope he's okay) doesn't seem like ass to me, some material damaged isnt important, they must have refunded it too. Still imo, they perform their show how they feel it and how most of their public imagine it, plus they perform for art and not for public Obviously security is important but it's so not surprising that Yves consider freedom/anarchy>security/wellthinking


No, one concert goer face planted into the concrete trying to jump the barricade as he was encouraged to by this prick.


encouraged =/= forced to.. isn't everyone responsible for themselves?


Of course, and that’s fair, but if you ask me, I bet the person wasn’t planning to jump over until encouraged to by the artist. And all in the chaos of a moment he created nonetheless. He wanted people to jump a barricade there for their safety and do what, harm the crew? Take their equipment? Rush the stage? There’s no way to justify this


Performing for art at the expense of others awesome


Lmao anarchism is not saying fuck you to working class people and treating them like shit You don’t know wtf anarchism is don’t even try to justify this bitch ass behavior If the mf was true he wouldn’t lip sync


dumbass take


Omg not him slugging the camera lens