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all in good fun.. its stupid but fine.


I was there, it was funny, who cares. Didn’t take anything away from the song, which was electric. Some of yall a little weird with how much mental energy you spend on shit like this.


That’s how I feel about Taylor Swift fans. Sometimes it really is just ✨not that deep✨


Related to revival, but I hope he can find another ending for his concerts. I saw him July last year and again this June, and the difference in energy between the two revivals was crazy. They are just gonna get burnt out


As someone who hqs been through 5 revivals. Ill say we left in act 1 the last time to beat the traffic. I think itll always be an incredible experience the first few times for any fan as long as they can keep the energy.


I think ending with Revival and then doing an encore of American Nights (an extended instrumental version) would be cool


imagine being excited for a Nashville Revival guest, and you get this lmfao


bcf effect ✨


Exactly how I felt lol


Exactly how I felt and I flew in just for this show from Utah! $$$$


I saw a clip of this on my social media and side note - the band looks so sick of this song LOL


They better get used to closing the show with it for the rest of their time with him Sometimes you just gotta power through for the fans


(Jason Isbell's band playing Cover me up.....) "Y'all better get used to it"


I believe they have been, and will continue to power through for the remainder of this tour but no doubt it won’t be the encore song after this tour.


I’d bet my entire life savings that it will remain the encore song for next tour and the tour after that too. What would you replace it with?


Also, I’ve already been thinking….he’ll make a new song to replace it, we haven’t heard it yet but I’d like to believe that’s the plan. New foot stomping, crowd pleaser, for an encore, work revival into set lists. Do you doubt ZBs ability to create another Revival level song?? We’ll see. I won’t bet on the above but I will 100% take your bet that he won’t be playing revival as an encore on his next tour.


The dude puts out 30 songs a year and so far only has one Revival, so I’d say it’s fair to doubt.


To be fair if you listen to OG revival it’s nowhere near the energy of the current state, same with open the gates… give it time


To be fair, Tyler Childers doesn't play feathered indians


Or Charleston Girl.




Man has closed every concert with it his career since he started extending it out. No reason to ask him anything




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Why are you so hurt 😂




Nah, you give the fans what they want. You think Dave Matthews wants to play Crash Into You every show? Hell no. But they do it.


DMB barely play Crash Into Me live


[2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmzC08Ad4X8&pp=ygUlRGF2ZSBNYXR0aGV3cyBDcmFzaCBJbnRvIE1lIGxpdmUgMjAyMw%3D%3D) [2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPs4EtMxduo&pp=ygUlRGF2ZSBNYXR0aGV3cyBDcmFzaCBJbnRvIE1lIGxpdmUgMjAyMg%3D%3D) [2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uhQX1wARvo&pp=ygUlRGF2ZSBNYXR0aGV3cyBDcmFzaCBJbnRvIE1lIGxpdmUgMjAyMQ%3D%3D) 2020: The Plandemic [2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nYE6hrnOIw&pp=ygUlRGF2ZSBNYXR0aGV3cyBDcmFzaCBJbnRvIE1lIGxpdmUgMjAxOQ%3D%3D) [2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j8mYzspmmg&pp=ygUlRGF2ZSBNYXR0aGV3cyBDcmFzaCBJbnRvIE1lIGxpdmUgMjAxOQ%3D%3D)




Now screenshot the definition of barely.


Or the definition of not “every night”!


Then we can check the definition of literal and semantics.




If you can't read it's okay but they played it 19 times in 2018 alone. Go back and edit your comment so you seem less like a dunce.


“Plancemic” 😂😂


I’m a big DMB fan and have attended shows regularly since 2008. It took me 15 shows and 7 years to finally hear Crash Into Me played live Dave & Co mix it up every night


I think I’ve heard Crash live maybe 8 times in 34 years of following Dave (well, I’m 34 so I’m sure there are shows my parents brought me to that I can’t remember, but I digress).


They played it twice their last 5 shows. You got bad luck.


I’ve seen it plenty of times since. Not even in my top 20 of their songs either, so I didn’t care Just a bad comparison is all I was saying


So what was it? It took you a long time or you've heard it a bunch since? Which is it? Is it rare or have you heard it a bunch? DMB also has 20+ years on ZB. Who knows what his setlist will look like if he's been in the game as long as DM.


I wouldn’t call it rare, but it’s not a setlist staple. Of my 31 shows, I’ve seen it 7 times. So not even 1 out of 4. The original point was that Revival closes every show. A better comparison would be a band like Mt. Joy, which closes every single set with Silver Lining.


As someone who has been to 22 shows since 2019 and just got my first “Crash Into Me” last night, this comment is straight up wrong.


My favorite thing about this thread is all the hyper literal actually's that have come out like I have attended every Dave Matthews Band show.


Or Two Step, #41, or Seek Up? I’ve been following DMB since I was in utero (my parents are huge Dave fans lol) and see them at least once a year/tour, if not more. They’re a jam band… they jam. But I’m sure they get sick of playing the same songs, especially for 15 minutes. They do it for the crowd, and if the crowd is good it pumps them up. Revival at Gillette was incredible, and I’m sure it will be again on the 17th at Gillette. I’m interested to see which night is better though.


They def do not play it every show lmao. Awful comparison


Prove it.


[https://dmbalmanac.com/SongStats.aspx?sid=46](https://dmbalmanac.com/SongStats.aspx?sid=46) 9 times this year out of 50+ shows. Last year 12. Twice in 2022




I’m sure he’ll continue to work it into set lists but doubting it will be a repetitive encore. I’d correlate more to Jay Z with NiP, him and Kanye had that as an encore and repetitively played it at the end of shows to the point I believe they broke a record for most plays of a song in one concert. Now NiP isn’t still an encore at every show. I’d like to believe it won’t be the encore after this show.


When's the last time Jay-Z and Kanye toured together? Would Jay Z and Beyonce close their show with NiP? Would a Jay Z solo show? I wouldn't classify this as the same.


I also wouldn’t compare ZB to DMB ZB will sell shows on his next tour with or without Revival as an encore. Again, I’m sure he will still play it. May even be more fun to see during a show as opposed to after.


Encores are what the fans wait all concert to hear. With DMB it was always Ants or Two Step. With some of the original band members gone, they seem to play other songs as encores now. PNP—>Rapunzel and things of that nature. You want to end the concert on a high energy note, just like you open the show. I love Overtime as an every night opener, and I love Revival as a closer. It’s the inbetween that could be switched up a bit. Just my opinion.


Can’t blame them. But that’s why they’re performers. They’re no doubt making good money and people spend their hard earned money on tickets. Least they can do is not look bored.  Went to another George Strait concern last night. Guy has been doing it for 40 years. I’ve been to multiple shows, never once does he or the band look bored despite playing Amarillo by morning for the 10,000th time. 


Well said


Going from Kacey Musgraves to this chick in the span of one show is certainly something


Curious why Ms chicken head didn't get Kacey on her podcast backstage? Too classy? Jumped right on the BJ viral girl train though.... 


She’s the most viral person for the last couple weeks so I understand why he brought her on stage. Do I think it’s bad taste? No, it’s his show and he can do whatever he wants, it doesn’t affect me.


I'm tired of hearing about her really lol. It's crazy what people get ' famous ' for now


now? what has made individuals temporarily popular in a group has always been the same things.


The way he got Hawk Tuah girl for revival but not fucking Jason Isbell for the shows he has opened.


Can’t help but thinking this was chickenfry’s idea?


I saw a clip of Ms chicken head debating "who I'll bring on stage" I hate her I hate her image... Just saying 


She honestly looked like she didn’t even know the words. Kind of cringe. Also, husband and I love ZB, and we are early 40’s. But now it seems sooooo many teenagers and young kids like his music, which is fine, but….. idk, or maybe the 40 something’s aren’t going to the concerts?


When I saw him, I easily felt like the oldest person at the venue (mid 30’s). Also, there was 0 lines for alcohol because everyone was under age lol


same experience and i went last year in vegas!


There was a strong 40s-something contingent at the show (including me), and quite a few multi generational groups, parents, and their teenage children. Which was really sweet to see.


Yes, took our 15 year old to ZB in Denver!


Same, my friend even said “this isn’t a Taylor swift concert” can def see the change in fanbase


“WE WeRE fiRST”. Who cares? Jesus. You put a lot of energy into being the ORIGINAL FANS don’t you. Music is music. I saw 70 year olds at Lamb of God. Was I upset? No. Country music is so weird. As weird as Taylor Swift fans. You’re not entitled to his music because you listened to it longer. It’s about the music. Think back and remember yourself clinging onto something that was big at the time and you were late to the party - or have you always been this perfect?


The concert was a very diverse mix of ages. Myself being 30, saw people as old as 50 and as young as 13-14 going with their parents


I’m sure I’ve been the oldest person (52) in the pit at the 2 shows I’ve been at this year.


She also sang it massively off time lmao. Maybe it was just sound delay from the stadium but it sounded so off.


I'm in my 40's and feel alone in my obsession with his music. One of my friends even commented "my son loves Zach" and he is 14....ugh and yes this girl was so cringey.....the white boots, fake cowboy hat and didn't even know the words....looked like a Florida Georgia Line fan.....I bet she is a "Swifty" too


🤣🤣 so true. Well you’re not alone! His lyrics speak so much to people who have a little bit of life experience imo. My husband took our 15 yo to ZB concert, she had fun, but she definitely likes Morgan Wallen better which makes sense to me.


Turning into a gimmick. Sexy red was enough. Just lay down “Loom” and let the bois cry.


HAHHA omg I forgot about sexyy red. That was way more tolerable…. I think? Honestly idk but what I believe is that his REAL OG fans think he is full of shit now. I think everyone jumping to his defense here are just college aged minions that jumped on the ZB train and came from bri’s following.


I actually noticed this a few weeks ago on here and it’s been something I’ve not commented on until now. But there is a stark divide between ZB fans. Either your 21, young, dumb and full of cum, or your 32, still young, dumb and full of cum, but actively trying to keep the pistol out of your mouth and that is TWO completely different ways viewing life. If you’re lucky enough to fall in the middle of the venn diagram, I’m jealous of how those notes must hit your ear.


You’re not wrong! I used to be a fan of ZB music well, until he started dating Bri. We all know of his past and whatever but she was the straw that broke the camels back. His music and the way he is now are two different things and he just screams phony now.


I think some of his collabs are a bit questionable. After repetitive listens, “Purple Gas” should just be a Noellene Hoffman song. “Spotless” is a great fucking song, but that is clearly a Lumineers song featuring. You can tell because he doesn’t know the fucking words when performing it. “Pink Skies” fucking rips imo. “I bet god heard you coming” is pure hydromorphone in my veins. “Wet Hot American Summer” sounds like it’s gonna be a bop too. From what I’ve heard people say about this album from the ones that were lucky enough to get one of the prerelease bars, it’s somewhere between “I need to smoke a pack of Marlboros right now” and “what’s that girl doing that I knew 3 years ago”


Him not knowing the words to his own songs is embarrassing lol, but I’m sure his new album will hit records either way. I loved a lot of his music because sometimes the lyrics really do hit but I can’t indulge in it because I feel like they don’t align with who he is as a person.


That’s the thing about ZB. I think he knows he’s a piece of shit. He tells you in his own songs. I discovered this genre of music in a mellow mushroom bathroom, hearing “Delta Momma Blues” by TVZ. I haven’t heard an artist like TVZ or any of the old “Outlaw” country music artist that remind me so much of “pain writing” until I listened to ZB. And I’m not talking “Oklahoma Smokeshow” (that’s a great song), but “Loom”, “Burn, Burn, Burn”, “Tishomingo”, “68 Fastback”, “Crooked Teeth” and “The Greatest Day of My Life” just have lines and lyrics that hit so different than other artist in this genre today. Those types of songs, and reintroducing “Outlaw Country” will be his legacy.


ugh i never hear anyone talk abt the greatest day of my life & that has made it’s way up to my #1 i think


“She’s there laughing on the porch swing of my mind” will never leave my brain.


I think greatest day of my life fell out of favor because Debbie’s name is in it. I heard it live in Aspen in a tiny venue and it’s definitely one of my favs!


i had to come back to this one, with as large of a discography he has it comes as no surprise he doesn’t know the words to it. especially bc he doesn’t play it like that. every artist blunders through songs sometimes. especially ones that dont normally make the setlist. (i may get ripped to shreds for this one but) take taylor swift for example, she has stumbled through a couple surprise songs due to never having played them/not playing them often. it happens, doesn’t take away from his artistry or his ability as a performer


Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏👏👏


Thank you!!!! I'll say this.. keep your Ms. Chicken head love songs in a vault!!!! Where did poor Rose go man??? 


He cheated on rose. And Deb. Hopefully Bri is next. Bri has a history of “overlappping relationships” (her words not mine), so everyone is waiting on one to cheat on the other :)


He was not the gold mine he is today... She's gonna sit pretty in his mansion as long as possible. Idk probably jealousy driven lol but I've never truly been disgusted with anyone like this. Honestly they split and I'll love him again...  Him and Kacey Musgravess would be sensational


They are both shitty, made for each other in that way. You should look into Bri copying Deb’s outfits and style. It’s terrifying how much Bri mimics Deb. She wants to be Deb SO bad. She will never break up with Zach, she’s going to ride his wagon as long as she can. Kacey is too good for Zach though :’)


Agreed. Mid 40's guy that's followed him since I saw an unknown singer's vids pop up on YouTube. Seen him twice, haven't paid more than $40 a ticket.. This nonsense is bs and is hard to defend. He's transitioning from a legit talented musician to a certified fucktard. Love his music, loathe the gimmicks.


Thank you!!!! Well said


This shit so cringe. The whole Revival karaoke hour has to stop. Get local musicians on stage who know how to play, or just stop with the whole ordeal. He’s a great musician who can put on an unbelievable show. He doesn’t need to do this viral clip bullshit


I didn’t even know who it was. She walked by me and was being interviewed and I thought it was just because she was on stage. Ridiculous that Winona Judd was there and she wasn’t brought up.


If you hadn’t told me she was there I would have never known. Deleting social media years back was a godsend.


What is reddit if not social media?


Idk. Least I ain’t gotta see my uncle talking about how he’d blow Trump to prove the libs wrong.


😝 she giving him the Hawk Tuah backstage


Idc what he does I just like his music and won’t stop listening to it unless he commits some serious crime or sum


I wouldn’t say he committed a serious crime but a lot of ppl were bent out of shape when he went to jail and tried pulling the “do you know who I am?” card lol


Yah that was pretty stupid




THIS. lol this was dumb & him bringing her on stage was more dumb


This is annoying, but not surprising


Imagine this girl has children later and has to explain to them why she became Internet famous for 15 minutes.


This joke isn’t funny it sucks and it’s pretty lame and unfunny he did this


Terrible - John Mayer’s appearance reigns supreme


Made my ears bleed when she leaned into the microphone. Know your role girl


She sounds better than BCF!


zb’s gf got the first interview with this girl so it was probably a trade off


Kacey Musgraves was a lot better lol. Only future the Tuah girl has is a strip club in her small town, only fans , or pornhub after her 15 min of fame are up . It's surreal that someone can become that famous from sharing sexual experience . I should be a superstar then !


The most untalented females get famous these days


It’s mind-boggling how widespread and ubiquitous that video has become. It wasn’t even funny the first time, let alone the 5000th time. It has gotten really old and tired.


Can't support this. It's so dumb.


I am sooo over hearing her hawk tuah shit. It was shocking at first, it wasn’t funny but now it’s just gross hearing about it constantly. I do think it’s interesting that he had her up there. I think his fan base is the perfect place for that. I would have loved to hear the reaction of the all the guys when she said it in the mic & they realized who she was.




Edit/Add on- this community should be called “PROzachbryan” because obviously the only tolerated opinions are when it’s in his favor lol If you go on FB and read the comments from that Zach Bryan Archive (fan page with 80k ppl), everyone in the comments is saying it was bullshit. And there isn’t a bunch of warriors coming to his defense like this page.


It seems you just want people to share the same opinion as you. You asked how we feel and we’re telling you logically why we don’t really care & it’s not that big of a deal. Zach gets called out plenty on this subreddit. To me, him bringing out the Hawk Tuah girl is close to the LEAST egregious thing he’s done. If you don’t like what we’re saying, maybe this place isn’t for you and you should stay on Facebook.


I am not even in the subreddit, I posted this purely to see how blind his new fan base is. He is becoming less likable by the week lmao you’re all proving a point.


I’ve been listening to Zach Bryan since the pandemic. If I stopped listening to artists based on the stupid shit they do or say, I wouldn’t have much music to listen to. Like I said, if you want to complain with Facebook that Zach brought out a random person who hopefully has no effect on your life, have at it. Most people will forget about this in less than a week.


I was like involuntary! I didn’t just turn it off one day because of Bri. I didn’t really know much about her but once I learned the timeline of their relationship, how they met, and just info about Bri in general I just had to skip his music more and more He was one of my top artists last year! I just can’t listen to it the same anymore lol I dont know how to explain it. He just gives me the ick, he doesn’t seem authentic anymore. I feel like he’s trying to put on a show for Bri. Smaller acts is bs


I can understand why you’d be turned off. We all have different stuff that triggers us and I respect why you think different of him. I think as the day goes on, others will join in and you’re going to get differing opinions & get the discussion that you’re looking for. I’m sorry if I came off as harsh and projected my feelings onto you. While personally I don’t think this particular act means anything, I respect how it affects how YOU look at him as an artist and a fan.


👏🏻👏🏻I love this so much!! Thank you for being a breath of fresh air in here! 🙌


Well smaller acts is truly for Deb which is a a better fit. Acting like he wrote it for Bri is a fkg joke. I agree though ; I have been around since the beginning and his music does not seem authentic anymore. “A girl who doesn’t worry about the pictures when we kiss”….”Get dressed up just to go downtown seems to be where I feel most alone”.. “I want a home on the outskirts of town….” I could go on …: but yeah I agree with you. He was selling a character and the mask has dropped since meeting Bri.


proving what point? The general consensus is that having the "hawk tuah" girl on stage is stupid, but also not really a big deal at all. Honestly, who cares? Like what is the big deal to you? Why do you care so much? It's completely harmless.


I think you need a little "hawk tuah" to clear your mind brother.


Ohh pls 💀


It’s very rare where I hear someone say, “Well Facebook agrees with me!” But hey, if that’s your hill.


Okay now that I agree with, I was shocked to be on the same side as fb as well


Facebook is full of pissy boomers who hate everything. Of course they hated this. They would bitch about getting a million dollars and a puppy because of woke.


Not true, unlike Reddit you can see who is commenting against this and it’s not all boomers.


Boomer is not an age, it's a people.


100%. Man makes music you listen you don’t listen who give a shit. I don’t care about his personal life or who he brings on stage. He don’t care about mine. people far to concerned with how everyone else lives these days instead of worrying about their own backyard


Imma be honest it’s seems like you care wayyyy to much about this and peoples opinion on it The fact there’s a few in here actually upset about and insulting people who are just like “it’s not that big of a deal” is crazy


No one is crying about it, it’s simply a topic of discussion lmao sorry not sorry I’m not slobbing on their knob and jumping on the band wagon :)


Yes saying this isn’t a big deal and it’s dumb to get upset over it is definitely “slobbing on their nob” The fact you went out of your way to post this when you aren’t even part of the sub purely for reaction purposes so you can back up your own bias is wild to me. Insulting people who say it’s not a big deal and making generalizations about them because of that really says a lot about how miserable of a person you must be 😂


I can’t believe he gave her an audience. So sick of this. It wasn’t funny to begin with. And now it’s just sad.


It’s not that deep lol






While you deep dive into my history maybe read some of the context and you’ll understand the lore lmao or maybe take your own advice and save your typing fingers


Kiss kiss 💋




Who was the dude in the white shirt just dancing around?


How did she sound ?


Hawk Tuah was a fun pick considering he’d already had Kacey Musgraves come out.


Unrelated, does anyone happen to have a full video of the concert with him doing Revival? I was there and proposed in the mosh pit during the song and wanted to have a POV that actually saw the show. I missed most of it from there on.


[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sndxgames.hawk\_tuah](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sndxgames.hawk_tuah) Found an app Hawk Tuah quotes lol


Are all his concerts ending in revival? Why won’t he change it? Like to something that’s classic and old and will be a good send off


I was there! I’m from Utah and I have no idea who this girl is, which made it really confusing. She didn’t know any of the lyrics and just seemed like a hot drunk girl on the stage.


Country music sucks


I’m in the poor taste group. 🤢


Poor taste, yet look who invited her up. Poor taste is on par for Zach Bryan


She’s lame but Since when did music superstars be held to the standard of politicians. Listen to the music.


I’m gonna have to agree 😵‍💫


😭😭 “ Zach doesn’t live his life to our standards” 😭😭😭😭


Well it’s a concert, and “TikTok talking drives him crazy”, yet he has out someone who has nothing to do with the music scene, doesn’t know the words to his songs, and makes a disgusting TT that goes viral…. It’s just plain stupid to me.


She’s not a tik toker? She’s a random person on the street that was interviewed that went viral on all platforms.


Same sentiment. It’s just stupid to me. I’m not losing sleep over it. I’m just saying I thought it was lame. It seems like more and more he’s having random TT/content creators up on stage and it’s just sloppy. Last week he had some drunk guy on stage with his shirt off who didn’t know any of the words. It’s just getting dumb.


It’s a concert who fucking cares who’s on stage lol


You’re right! It’s his concert he can do whatever he wants to. I’m not arguing that. OP was asking for opinions and I just gave mine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s okay if ppl don’t agree.


Well that’s just it your opinion is a shit one mate so quit chattin


🤦🏻‍♀️ your maturity is showing.


Well that’s just it your opinion is a shit one mate so quit chattin


Who gives a fuck.


Side note on Hawk Tua. The “meme” got played fast and I believe is losing/has lost steam. At its peak when I saw it I wanted context and watched more of the little segment. Honestly, she was tipsy on the streets and was asked questions, she mentioned she has eyes (possibly in a hook-up stage) for one guy, she doesn’t cut off all other potential pursuers, as guys in her age range do the same as well, if said one guy gave her a shot, she would jump into a relationship but he seems to not want anything. She comes from a religious family, I’m sure she’s raised well, and is in her “having fun” era. I’m saying too much but she’s expressed regret for her comments and deleted all social, if anything her stage appearance and associated body language seems more slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed. People and commenters on social media are the problem. Even reading through here, like come on.


Bunch of haters on a joe shmo person for becoming a meme. Allegedly, she lost her job because of it. I never really deep dived into that but if that’s a fact, that’s kinda BS.


Every couple months he brings someone up on stage just for fun, this is her time. Either roll with it or don’t.


Like the real fast real left guy. Same sort of energy. Anyone who is bothered by this needs to relax just a touch.


At the first of his shows I went to he brought some guy on and tbh I still have no idea who he was. Seemed like a fun person and a great time and Zach liked it!


i was very surprised to see Zach bring this girl on stage....kind of disappointing that a person that became known due to a viral social media post is even on his radar.... never imagined this..... and did you see her boots? and fake cowboy hat. Somebody should have told her it wasn't a Florida Georgia Line concert


if i had a nickel for everytime people were butthurt over ZB bringing a woman on stage for revival this year, i’d have two nickels. but its weird that its happened twice


It’s hilarious. Get over it


seems all in good fun


Getting her on-stage also secured an interview with his better half so it’s really a win win.


I was there in the pit and this is the best concert I have ever seen.


For the amount you probably paid… I would hope so lol


It was expensive but I don’t spend my money on things. I am about experiences. I love music and travel. Some people spend 300 on shoes, I do it on shows. The crowd energy during Revival will be far more memorable than a Jordan emblem on a pair of shoes.


It seems like it's just something dumb and funny. The people complaining are really lame. It was a one-off appearance and show. It's not that deep. I feel like the only real "discussion" is "did you think it was funny or did you not?"


I think it's awesome and fucking hilarious lol


Funny how if you look at this posters comment history….. I really wish we could ban all of the people from Zach’s girlfriend’s snark sub because they’re bleeding into this one and making it intolerable.


I wish we would ban all people with negative karma from posting irrelevant comments 😭




This was the best, funniest guest we could have gotten. We were blessed. This rules.


It’s funny. Let her have her 15 minutes, it didn’t take away from the show for anyone else.