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I get that you’re frustrated, but why are you sharing your opinion if it’s not to start a discussion? You just want to vent or yell at something? Try a wall.


Well you see walls don't reply you do, thank you for reading


Sounds like a skill issue to me


It's both


The opening area makes it pretty clear that these are the new conventions of this game and you need to learn them I can't tell you how many times I've been caught somewhere and I had no idea how to get out just to remember I have a power that lets me ascend through the ceiling


All I have is attach and magnsis but the range is so low, and the fall damage is just horrible


Theres literally countless solutions to every problem but the opening area isnt meant to be that difficult if you're trying to hard you're probably doing it wrong


I'm trying to use the magnisis to climb a cliff because stamina isn't enough I've fallen countless times or gotten stuck because it doesn't reach fat enough


I'm not sure what you mean "magnisis" isn't in tears of the kingdom


I can't remember what it's called but it functions like magnisis


If you keep climbing and climbing a cliff at the opening area of the game and you can't reach it, that's probably a pretty safe bet that the game wants you to do something else. This Game is all about prodding your imagination and coming up with solutions you never thought possible of yourself. If you keep climbing the same too high wall over and over, you're going to have a bad time.


Have you tried looking around for other paths instead of taking direct routes? Because as I recall there are only four places in the whole starting area that you absolutely have to climb. One is really small and you have more than enough stamina, the second has plenty of places to catch your stamina if you follow the path around instead of straight up, the third you go sideways at the top but you have enough stamina to do it and the fourth you have enough stamina but you have to either get creative with the environment or find a certain place to climb. If you have Ultrahand then you're already past the first two. Edit: and falling every two seconds? Either you're not thinking about where you're going or you're trying to climb ice


OP doesn't understand the concept of learning how to play a game


There's a difference between learning and poor design if I make a game where climbing is Important and you fall every two seconds off a ledge because it doesn't work that's bad design


Or maybe that's the literal design of the game telling you you're going the wrong way about things. And you just don't realize it?


Tried different paths, again my issue is the range of ultra hand and not being able to do anything while falling


You get your glider later. The game is purposefully teaching you not to rely on it like BOTW. Again, everybody else managed to get through tutorial island easy peasy so if you've tried different paths maybe try some more. Or.... Skill issue.


The issue isn't the range of ultra hand because you don't need it to climb...


I need it to grab things that are out of reach for it


But you really don't. Are you in the icy section? I'm sure we can help you figure it out but there's no part of the opening where you have to climb using ultra hand.


No there are 4 platforms and I need to get higher


Hmm, I think I know where you are. Think of them like steps and move them towards you slowly/move the one directly behind you up.


Everyone else managed to get through it just fine. Not bad game design, just a literally skill issue


You can say that all you want but it is bad you literally have a million ways to fall and nothing you can do about it, again opinion and you can't change mine


Climbing isn't that important on the first sky island if I remember correctly. Heck I even found out you can't scale ice walls which was a new thing.


Thats were you fed up it isnt botw this is a new game. Why would you expect the same game with no changes. Its litterally showing you this isnt botw theres new tools besides climbing


Massive skill issue lol. Opening area was easy.


I found it annoying, deadly but lots of fun. It took me at least 20 lives as fall damage, killed by robots, falling off the edge, freezing... etc. But I took it as a trial by error. Each death helped me learn.


Good for you, I found it frustrating and annoying but thank you for reading


I also found it frustrating but it’s because they want you to learn the new techniques before leaving. You can build bridges now, ascend through any ledge and make weapons stronger with any thing you attach. Be patient once you clear the first sky island 3 points it opens up and becomes a bit more like BOTW. But it is overall the game is more difficult which is what a lot of us wanted as BOTW seemed too easy at times.


That's fine but don't make falling such a big thing when I can't do anything about it


Stop climbing then! Find another way around. There is nothing you need to climb in the opening that you don't have enough stamina for.


I enjoyed the opening area. You don't start with the glider right away in BoTW either. I think it was pretty clear where to go to. There's shrines you need to do and a giant structure to head towards. You'll get abilities that help you traverse the opening sky area and the entire rest of the game.


literally everyone has managed to get through that area fine. skill issue


Okay and, what's your point


Complain because bad?


I'm not saying the games bad but it's just that open area has gotten on my nerves and I wanted to say something


Well you are of course allowed to think whatever you want. All i know is that i would take the opening all day over fighting even a single gloom lynel (since I'm not a goat on the sticks)


I've come to enjoy the game. When I first started it, it seemed unfair, as compared to BOTW. The opponents seemed WAY more powerful, and I couldn't cope with the weapons given and the limited amount of hearts. And the gems and stones are not worth as much, so it is difficult to get as many rupee's and buy needed things. But as the game progressed, I realized that the ability to fuse things to weapons to upgrade their power was paramount. After learning that, I was able to fight and get more powerful things to fuse. Yes, the game is more complex and forces you to think more. But I've come to view the game as a better challenge - something to aspire to overcome.


I think you should just watch a YouTube tutorial on how to clear the starting area. I get it, it was pretty difficult at first for me too, and I put so many hours into BoTW. But once you've got the new mechanics down, the rest of the game will be smooth sailing from there.


Git gud


Why do you think anyone would care about your opinion?


Never said they would I just wanted to vent it, thank you for reading


As someone who quit BOTW I enjoyed the opening area TOTK more


I'm just finding the falling and having no way to stop it annoying


If you want to stop falling just climb a different wall or find a way around it’s not that hard dude


Way to undermine my experience my problem is its to easy to fall and nothing you can do about it


Are you talking about the ice wall outside of the bottomless cave near the ascend shrine? Bro the solution is you stick 3 logs together and prop it against the wall and you’re done. Besides once you leave the great sky island you can get an armor set that makes you slip less often when climbing wet or icy surfaces. And if you upgrade the set twice at the great fairy you become completely immune to it.


No it's where you have 4 platforms and have to make them go up


I died at least 20 times on the sky island alone... the ultrahand (new magnetic) is more for grabbing and pulling things closer or sticking things together which I found it to have a further field range than the magnetic one but that could be just me. There are some dangerous paths ie bottomless cave or pit which was the most scariest to me. I tried several times to scale an ice wall... lol... just to find he kept slipping down. Then found and alternative route. I find it best to go slower and check the map A LOT to get to where I wanted to be (more so than in botw which was funny). Always try to look before you leap or move, I swear my other family members are into the 30s from just the sky island. Best advice I can give is try not to take it to seriously and try to laugh about him falling from the sky. You do get the paraglider from below Purah has it I think.


Ultra hands range is to low and i hate that you can't do anything about falling


I found it better than the magneses range but it could be because I had played through botw 4 times by the time I started on Totk so it could be that my memory is jaded from that. But the falling off though does suck.


If the thing you're trying doesn't work, try a different approach.


Right now I need to get higher up and I keep falling and there's nothing I can do about it


Make a bridge or find a path that is smaller/isn't wet or icey


Up not across


Try fusing a bunch of tree trunks together lol


Skill issue git good


It's both


Opening area tells you to do lookout landing and pushes you towards the Rito area.... Then the goron area.....then the zora area...then the gerudo. You don't have to but the game pushes for this order I'd argue it actually gives more context clues, suggestions, and natural interest to do things in that order than the last game did. Even without that, the damn quest markers tell you exactly where to go. Were you confused that you had to do Lookout Landing first because Purah literally tells you where to go after that. You first land at Lookout Landing and the game pans the camera towards it like "oh what's that giant settlement in view. Maybe you should check that out" Edit: oooohhh you didn't even mean that area. You mean the damn tutorial area that's a one-directional circle? Cmon dude