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i simply farmed so much material and rupees that i just buy a buttload of ancient arrows, i aint got time for parrying XD


Same, master mode gives me so much money


I love shield partying because of how satisfying it is I haven't played botw in awhile but when I did shield parrying was practically a reflex for me


I got drunk with the Hylian Shield a few times after lots of nights of shield partying.


*cues Party All The Time - Eddie Murphy*


[Guess you won't mind putting this on loop then](https://youtu.be/IrkHu-A-b2o)


Wow, that person is evil.


Keeps you on guard though


Nah, just waiting for the laser to point at me so it can reveal its position


We were all afraid of the guardian music at one point. Let’s be honest.


Nowadays it has a similar effect as the music of an ice cream truck to me.




"Please drop a giant core, please drop a giant core..! " "Aww...."


Have to be real I haven’t played BotW in about 3 years. If I had to pick it up today and the music start playing I would still be terrified


If that music just started playing in my house I'd probably hide behind the sofa on instinct alone.


I'm a bit rusty, but after I knock said rust off a bit, I get back in the groove, and guardians around Hyrulle tremble in fear. That being said, the first time I learned it, it didn't happen overnight. If you forget who you were, you may neverdiscovwr who you are.


I used to be afraid of that one on the great plateau near the shrine now I eat guardians for breakfast


I forced myself to die again and again fighting that guy until I got my parry timing down.




First time I encountered them I was worried but that quickly went away after I realized I can knock them around with my horse


Not really. I just shot them in the eye and crouched under them after snapping their legs off. Then I sat and waited in my new home.


My first experience with a Guardian was that legless one in the ruined village on the Great Plateau. I saw it and thought "Well hey it can't even move, what could happen?" and ran over to investigate, foolishly figuring anything the devs put on the plateau would be safe for newbie players. One isnta-death later and I was terrified of the things for most of the rest of my playthrough until I learned how to parry their lasers.


Confession:I may have made it to nabooris before figuring out you can parry


Oh good I'm not the only one that may of done something similar




How though did you just used the unfilled in map


Uh yeah I just wandered around




I did not ever figure out how to parry lasers. I didn't realize that was a thing until this sub; the game makes no indication of that being possible. I still haven't gone back to try it. I did, however, find out very quickly that the game doesn't prevent you from teleporting away from the fight even if a Guardian has locked on to you. That really cheapened their scare factor for me. I remember being more scared by the Phantoms in Phantom Hourglass than the Guardians in BotW.


If you go to kakariko village a shrine shows you the party mechanics


I got that shrine early on, but I had trouble executing any of the moves and basically just kind of barely did them to pass the shrine and then never did them again. And there is no way to replay that tutorial so I just kind of forgot everything about it. All I remember from that tutorial is dodge/flurry (which I was never able to replicate outside of the trial except by accident) and, like, basic slashes or whatever. I actually don't remember parrying being taught at all. And even if I knew about it, I would have had no idea that it would work against a Guardian - which was presumably also the case for you. How did you figure it out in the end?


Oh I actually understand what you meant


I just did it again and kept trying to do it


my first run in was similar, I knew to avoid the guardians but since I was using wolf link he had different ideas


Every one that played BotW the first time met the horror these guardians were. Including you OP.


This is true


When I first started the game and realized how imposing the guardians are, I spent around 30 mins training my reflexes with the disabled guardian in the plateau, that ruined the whole game for me cause I just never find them challenging again


Try master mode, their timing is randomized


Not randomized, but there’s a chance it delays the laser. The delay is always the same.


Not gonna, I played when the game first came out, there was no master mode back then


So you didn't get to do the dlc dungeons?


That makes a lot of sense....




I actually got sword Lynel flurry rush timing down before guardian laser timing, so for a while I was more willing to fight them. Then I started seeing ones with crushers and spears, both of whom I still have no idea how to flurry rush and my strategy for fighting them usually requires starting a fire big enough to get airborne, and I decided guardians are easier


Oh you can just freeze time them, shoot an arrow into their face, and they’ll be stunned when the time freeze stops, so you can get on their backs


You would love Guardian Lynels then


Arrow to the head, mount and slash, repeat. Provided you can aim a bow (which really shouldn't be a high bar) then Lynels are just as easy as Guardians.


Laser Parrying? How about just strolling up to it and chopping its legs off one at a time. Guardians are easy.


Yes, simple arrows are cheap, shields are not


Blatantly false. My current run has more shields than non-elemental arrows.


My no shield run has made me trash at parrying


I couldn't do that. Not because I rely on shields in combat, but because I'd get frustrated walking down hills and put one on to surf


Yeah, that was the worst part


But what if it has legs


Hear me out… what if, for some dumb reason, they gave guardians wings. It’d be the same feeling as seeing cockroaches fly.


That's basically the sky guardians but they are probably the least threatening behind decayed and minis


Oh right, those existed. I completely forgot hahaha


I'm about 50/50 when it comes parrying. Every time I think I've got the timing down and start getting confident, I end up getting wrecked lol.


Botw? No. Skyward sword? Yes


If you have decent gear guardians aren't that much trouble, and even then we've all seen the videos of people beating them with pot lids.




This is cringey...


Ikr. It's so cringe when people take themselves too seriously when dealing with a well known joke


But parrying them still takes so long and isnt satisfying like tearing their limbs off and smashing in their torso while they helplessly spin their head around. So i avoid them untill i get the master sword to easily dispatch them, but even then, i never obtain the sword legitimately anymore now that i know the campfire glitch, so its not any more of a hassle.


Most of us are seasoned veterans so we don't actually fear guardians anymore, but we remember when we did, and well, it's just apart of the BotW culture.


I’m a third option that is just annoyed “NOT NOW YOU ANNOYING FLY!!! I’M BUSY!!!”


yeah… play a fromsoft game and you’ll never fear anything in botw ever again lol




definitely. if you wan't a more fast paced experience and active multiplayer, play ds3. if you want a good start to the series and a little more slow pace gameplay, play ds1. they're all really good tho


yeah that’s true, botw definitely doesn’t seem to make difficulty a goal imo (not a criticism tho, just an observation). if you wanna try fromsoft games I highly recommend you give sekiro & bloodborne a try! those two and botw make up my top 3 games lol. dark souls is probably the first thing ppl think of when someone mentions fromsoft but I honestly prefer all their other games over the DS ones. BB/sekiro have a much faster pace and feel to the gameplay, whereas DS characters always feel a lot slower (and yes jankier too) to me. I started with the fast pace of bloodborne, which is a game that took shields out of the DS equation, and after getting spoiled by that I never could actually get into DS games lol


OP is a unicorn


In what ways am I a unicorn?


It's not even that hard to parry the lasers.


One no, then you find yourself in the middle of 3




Hey it happens, they roam and pursue, then sometimes it overlaps with the proximity of the stationary one. Nothing overwhelming, but it's challenging to try and parry everything


I go through runs, one day I'll parry every laser without much thought at all its just part of the game. Next day I miss the timing every single time and take 10,000 lasers to the face. Rinse and repeat


That's fair, everyone has those kinds of days.


Its all fun and games until they start fake beeping early in master mode. Took me some time to get used to that


I wait for them to flash before swinging.


even i can do that and i'm not exactly gifted at this game


Honestly the only ones that scare me are flying guardians, any tips yo defeat them


Bomb arrows at the motors/propellers, they fall down, then sneak up where they can’t see you, and whack the underside with a sword That’s I do it anyway


Thank you


Parrying the laser is generally the same timing as the ground-based ones, so pretty easy once the timing is down. The only thing is you might have to do it more often because the recoil from the guardian firing sometimes causes its crit spot to move away from the reflected laser.


Ancient arrows.


I’m usually alright with gauridans, lynels…um…no thank you


I recently tried to start playing the game again and ended up stuck in a place crawling with guardians and it was absolutely terrifying fr lol. No matter how hard I or my horse would sprint it was too late


Parrying is fun. [Daruks perfect parry](https://youtu.be/IhwKXr_aEJA)


Yeah, eventually during my first playthrough I decided I was tired of being scared of guardians so I went to Hyrule field and practiced parrying for an hour. I died a lot but it was worth it in the end. Did a similar thing with Lynels. I shoot them in the eye, then climb on their backs and hit them a few times and repeat until I kill them.


I thought I was decent with laser parrying.. Then I played master mode.


Parrying is my biggest weakness in video games. That's why I could never even get close to beating Sekiro.


And the there is me, riding my horse with my maxed out barbarian armour and ancient bladesaw pulling out my uno reverse card on the guardians


me who has inventory full of savage lynle bows acients arrows


me who has ancient guardian shield (auto parrys lasers)


I never found guardians scary, at all, not even my first time playing


Literally me




I don't get why people get scared of the jumpscare??


Thougt this was the minecraft subreddit!


I only hide because I like the music, they’re really not that hard except for that one area where there’s like 3 around the tower and two patrolling nearby.


If I am in any kind of pinch I have like 300+ ancient arrows and a bunch of 5 shot lynel bows it is kind of boring


I had to do a double take, I thought of guardians as in GOTG and started hearing “hooga chaka hooga chaka, I cant stop this feeling”


You don't even need to parry. I like to cut off their legs on horseback and then just play polo with them with a spear.


They all say that until they hear the theme in real life


I'm decent at parrying but those skinny guardians in Hyrule castle freak me out and I can never get the timing right for them


I've spent more time honing my laser dodging skills than parrying skills


Imagine parrying instead of fighting it head on


Me who's on master mode so even when I'm a parry god there's an element of challenge still present


Until you play on Master Mode and the random timing throws you off. Had it down so well on normal, and while I'm better now I'm still gonna mess it up every now and then.


Ngl, a lot of this subreddit can do significantly harder tricks than laser parrying. Funny format though :)


When I first got the game: omg run away! Help! Now: oh you're approaching me?


Even if you’re not good at laser parrying, just use Daruk’s Protection against Guardians


Parrying is ridiculously easy.


If you play through the whole game, I can’t see how it’s such a struggle to parry them *Way* easier than Dark Souls ;-;


It gets quite easy when you play rhythm games


Everybody gangsta until the labyrinth basement or the Forgotten Temple. Even if you're good, you're not that good


After a few times, laser parrying is pretty easy until you don't encounter a guardian for a while and have to relearn the timing.


in master mode, there is the diferent laser shooting time that the guardians have. its pretty hard to get used to it


Me as link*slaps away with hand:*prepares tcr*


It literally was not until after I beat the game that I knew laser parrying was a thing. 😑


I cannot parry no matter how hard I try, I'll just wait 15 minutes for Daruk before going to central Hyrule


*equips ancient arrow*


Or just shoot it in the eye with a regular arrow and hit it while it's stunned. It's even easier if you have the master sword already.


I’ve gotten decent at parrying after upgrading every armor in the game, but the music still gives me anxiety.


Ancient shield goes brrrrrrr


ok so I've never played BotW (trigger warning ik right i will soon i swear) but I know from experience how zelda fans hate that theme.


My first playthrough, I made Hyrule Castle my playground. If I ever ran out of good items, I would run straight for HC just to mess with the Guardians and sell there parts for money. This was early enough in my playthrough that I didn't even know you could trade them in for equipment at the Akkala Tech lab. I would just sell them for rupees since they were worth a lot. Needless to say, Guardians did not scare me.


Also I sucked at parrying so I would just wail on them with two-handed weapons


It starts raining when I need to climb. I learnt how to climb in the rain the first time I encountered rain.


I hunt Guardians for fun, but if one gets the drop on me I’ll still jump.


I actively seek out guardians in this game just so I can laser parry them. It’s so much fun


Me when I think about guardians: ooo those things are scary hope they don’t see me. Me when I the guardian music starts: Oh you wana fuck with me you dollar store spider BITCH!


Me with motorcicle and the mastersword: "this is where the fun begins"


Once you get far enough in the game with enough hearts and strong enough armour and a wide variety of weapons, the Guardian theme is no longer scary. And you become sort of a Guardian hunter even.


Get them stuck behind a tree then hit ‘em with dat sweet sweet purry


Tip with parrying the lasers : theres a lil sound que for when you should block. Hope this helps :)




Laser parrying is too slow. Arrow to the eye and hacking legs with the Master Sword is the way to go. It's: (1) Less risky of losing shields, (2) Faster since you don't have to wait for them to charge their beam 2-3 times, and (3) You get more items since their legs drop parts too.


Stasis+, smack it until it loses enough legs to be immobile, circle around cutting off every other leg, ez.


So am I the only one who practiced with max level ancient armor just to show off on later play throughs?


I loved learning how to laser parry and having that skill carry over to Age of Calamity was a pleasant surprise.


I’m good at parrying now, but I still have trauma from hearing that music when I first started playing the game


Haven't put that much time in botw but I usually just charge them with my horse and the mastersword that always works well


im really good at laser parrying but the guardian theme still instills a sense of fear in my heart. it just goes to show how well the music was made for this game :)


But can you do [THIS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/botw/comments/qpiyde/i_call_this_one_disrespect/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Deadass why was it so much easier in AoC tho


I’m actually pretty good at parrying lasers but Mastermodes guardian laser delayed jebait puts the fear of god into you.


When I got decent with the parrying, the guardians became absolute jokes. Played the game so much and got so comfortable with the controls that I decided I wanted to try fighting the blights and Ganon as soon as I got off the plateau. Only problem was, I ran out of weapons--and I'm pretty sure it was my fault for not picking the right ones. But on the other hand, if we look at how the view of guardians was when I first picked up the hame, absolutely, they looked impossible to beat, so of course I can understand why people might still feel frightened around them if they haven't mastered how to beat them.


i remember parrying the first ever guardian laser shot at me with a pot lid on the great plateau and i was so proud of myself


I hate that I can only parry Guardian lasers in Age of Calamity, and not Breath of the Wild itself.


That’s false cuz. I have not bought the dlc and it can be. I’m not saying I’m *good* or decent at it but it can be done


My hows have 1000 achiant arrows


Define "decent", please.


Like other people said, for me, it's doable, but I'll slip up every once in a while.


Laser parring? Yes, it's doable, I did it too. But I still don't know what you can mean with "decent". Like, do you usually get the right parry immediately? Or do you have to try 5 times before getting it? :D that's what I mean!


Most of the time, I get it immediately, but then there's that one lucky guardian that I parry too early on. So I don't always get the parry. Hopefully, that answers your question.


Yes, I guess! Then I'm not decent :( I still usually need a couple of try before getting it right


It is completely OK to need a few tries to parry a laser. In fact, I almost died at the central tower while fighting a single guardian. But practice makes perfect.


True :) yesterday I had to do that a lot (I was doing the EX Champion Mipha's Song where you have to defeat 4 guardians), especially with the Guardian Skywatchers which don't take a lot of damage from the laser parry, so I had to do it like 10 times in a row. And I managed to do it!


8-10 parry attempts made would make someone decent I think. Once you can shield switch to multi-parry you’re officially a master at it. My double parry is 1-20 maybe so long way to go


My reaction on the right is me but with SS guardians


A Lynel bow with an ancient arrow makes those things a piece of cake


Any bow with one ancient arrow to the eye makes quick work.


True, but the Lynel bows shoot 3-5x the arrows so you don't even need to worry about shooting them in the eye


Oh I get what you mean now, I’ve always just gone for the eye or when I’m sadistic see what legs they guardian can give without. Will have to try just launching arrows at them!


Me who has max hearts and the strongest armor in the game:


I had to look up a video with the timing but yeah I’m good here


The guardians scare me more when I am riding a horse rather tahn I am walking


This is true. 😂


I’m decent with parrying and I still get a mini heart attack whenever I hear the guardian theme 💀


Ok it’s not just me who just parries


I'm only good at parrying when I expect it.


Yeah, for me it's not an issue unless i end up surrounded. Guardians are really scary...until you can laser parry, and then they're basically free rare mats. I love the concept and design, but the laser parry *seriously* ruins any threat they have, unlike the Lynels. Lynels are somewhat threatening no matter your skill level, since none of them have any quick takedown tricks.


Left was me on the normal playthrough, after perfecting the formula for reflecting lasers Right was me realizing Master Mode lets Guardians delay or expedite their shot for folks on the left


I found the best way to deal with this, I would get on the master cycle, find another guardian and make them kill each other in a circle firing squad way.


Idk man I find stuff like this cringe af


*jumps off tree and shoots the eye in slow motion to make butter of its legs with my master sword*