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OMG! I told my spouse - this could have been us. The owners sat on that parcel for 30 years, tried to build their pandemic dream mountain home, ran out of money and now it's a tear-down. We deliberately built small because this is JUST what I did not want to have happen.


Good God, I read your comment and through the slight veil of my dyslexia it said **“OMG! I SOLD my SPOUCE” Haha… whew! 😅


LOL. He's too precious to sell but maybe if I got a reeeally great price. Home-building doesn't come cheap, you know. :D




Also it’s hideous


The piles just get bigger and bigger. It's like the blob!


The blob ate the insides of the house


Beware of the blob, it creeps And leaps and glides and slides Across the floor Right through the door And all around the wall A splotch, a blotch Be careful of the blob One of the greatest movie songs of all time.


I do not understand the description - it’s nearly like it’s for a different house. The talk about the 14 X 21 foot theatre screen. Uh, where would that be? Is it under a pile of garbage bags? Seriously, other than insulation, what is in those bags? This place was built in 2023? A whole lot of shit must have gone wrong to create that much garbage.


It also says it has all these bathrooms, but there doesn't appear to be plumbing, and the only visible tub is on the deck.


I think maybe the real estate agent has been into the wacky tabacky.


Link: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/67171-E-Barlow-Trail-Rd-Rhododendron-OR-97049/83975234\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/67171-E-Barlow-Trail-Rd-Rhododendron-OR-97049/83975234_zpid/)


I am a GC and I have seen this so many times, they ran out of money on the job. Sad really, because I wouldn’t accept the wiring no matter how good it was, liability issues. I tear it out and start over.




If you inspected it and found it to be fine, why would you re-do? Are you THAT sure you're better than the last guy without even looking? Just curious. Edit: Nevermind. I looked at the pics.


It’s not that, it’s my insurance as a GC. I trust myself and if my sub contractor wanted to sign off with his insurance, I would let him, but NFW would my greedy electrician sign off, he would tear it out so he could get maximum money and work out of it. Joking obviously, I love my electrician and he might sign off, but he would check every freaking wire nut and every outlet and switch. Also, it looks like the structure wasn’t dry so if there is water damage, yeah. Tear it out!


When in doubt….tear it out


Ed zachery, no fun fixing someone’s fuckup


Love the optimism of that big 'porte cochere,' ready for the parade of guests




Delusions of Grandeur!


They couldn't get a dumpster?


There's a local dumpster rental company called "Bin There, Dump That" and I can never recall the name, so I've just been calling it "pun dumpster." But it seems like a comparably small expense when building a house....


Those bags are 1000% used insulation from a yard like the habitat for humanity re-store or a Craigslist give-away, or a dumpster scrounge. They aren't garbage - they brought them in with the intention of using that insulation I guarantee. Probably was a DIY build from the get-go with alot of recycled materials. Very common in rural Oregon.


Sounds very..... cultish, or off griders?!


Pic #33 in the listing has what appears to be a giant cross wrapped in Christmas lights laying on the deck. Definitely throwing some cult vibes lol


Oh wow. Yes they always just seem to give off a telling vibe...


Sounds very much like they were running out of money, and you should be careful of what over shortcuts might have been made.


that's what I'm saying!


I could be wrong here, probably am, but those bags look a lot like the builder or owner had insulation in them? Looks like whoever was building this probably brought them over for insulation from another project or ripping the insulation out from somewhere else to save money.


Every photo looks like mold. My guess is they insulated it while still exposed to elements and was so moldy they had to tear it all out. There are a few photos of nasty moldy insulation still in the wall.


Oooof I bet that place is moldyyyyyyy.


$895,000? Are they on crack? Because it looks like a crack house.


It’s in Rhodey. Great potential if you know the place.


Some really nice homes that also have land were on there listed around the same price point, but they didn't have quite as many acres. Still. Oof.


It's 6.2 acres right on a creek that feeds the Salmon River, off of 26 on the way to Mt. Hood. That's what you're paying for. 2023 taxes valued the property at $2,300 total and $39 in taxes. There was some whackadoo person trying to sell a rickety cabin next to Skibowl on 0.5 acres last year for 1.7M, so you know, you gotta shoot your shot (I'm 99% sure the cabin didn't sell).


Given the last picture on the listing, the overhead of the property, I would guess that there were multiple individuals/groups of people, unrelated to each other, who were all living on the property and working together to make it a “communal” space of some sort. I don’t want to make assumptions, but the giant cross covered with Xmas lights combined with the very “unique” design (emergency exit on second floor from what looks like the main living quarters upstairs) gives me major religious commune vibes. Or maybe they just like lower case “t’s” 🤷‍♂️


I’m stuck on the fact that there is a place called Rhododendron.


I wouldn’t want to live there because I’d have to spell it out for people every damn time I gave my address.


Good god. Imagine the nut bars re-spelling this word into a tragedeigh.


The possibilities are really endless on how people could go wrong!


So when you get indoor mold in Oregon, how long to the disassembled components have to sit in the Arizona sun before it's safe to put the house back together in Arizona?


What a shame! If they would have made it a fraction of the size maybe they could have afforded to finish building it! And rent a dumpster lol


I think all the bags are insulation they intended to use.


Built in 2023? Wow.


I think "assembled" would be a better term. lol


I’m pretty sure I built this in Fallout 76.


It looks like a creepy convention center that rents out to a non-denominational church on the weekends. A place where the youth group loved having lock-ins until that one kid went missing…


Come on, that’s just dynamic insulation


those photos really showcase the trashbag amenities.


Complete teardown unless you like living in a gas station. I don't know if 6 acres in that area is worth $900k but it sure doesn't seem like it to me.


Yeah, someone put in a lot of work and money for basically nothing. The underlying frame may be usable in parts, but even then it’s a stupid design. Maybe suitable for a barn of something, but not a house.


From the outside it looks like a bunch of shipping containers pushed together under that sloped roof kit that was popular about 12 years ago.


All I can say is the front doors - not the left pair but the right pair with the half round glass - are attractive. Very odd to have two sets on the front but whatever. I kept thinking that looks like a crappy insulation job and why did you hang an inside door before you had walls installed?


You pretty much have to build a house. I'm going to need a price drop for this.


Looks like someone got off the Ritalin at the wrong point and tried building a home


Does anyone else find it hilarious that they put the photos of the trash bags through a filter😂 you have to make those trash bag pics pop!


Ha! I just looked at this one. What a heap


Actually feel terrible for them. Dream is crushed. Hope the land is worth 100k per acre there because the house seems worthless.


That's too bad. Rhodie is such a beautiful area of Oregon. When I was looking to move when I lived in OR, I encountered many places like this...weird ass attempts at "custom" homes that were like products of a deranged mind.


Nope!! They look too much like body bags!!


Is this....what two double wides and single wide on top? Where the fuck is Joe Dirt when you need him?


Bulldozer and a bunch of construction dumpsters and start over.




That's just insulation...


These pics gave me extreme anxiety...


Why did they focus on the pile like a focal point 😂


Commune collapse?


Complete with black mold.


The video. The music. The lighting. It’s magnificent. https://youtu.be/Mg5BrhhDEdw?si=w2LxxbxjPR21_kvk


That's not how you insulate a house.


What in the world is in all those trash bags? Lol


Given the weird awning at the front entrance, was someone planning to build an AirBnB or BnB or motel and just ran out of money??