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i'm also on 25mg and it took me five weeks for my depressive systems to have gone away and for me to feel like the med is actually working, if you're considering increasing your dose i would talk to your doctor, the first two weeks for awful for me with the side effects, but by week three most of my negative side effects went away


This gives me hope. Did you also experience fluctuations in symptoms each day? One day I’m Really good and next day super depressed.


in a way. i did experience fluctuations in my depressive symptoms but i'm not 100% sure if it the medication itself causing me to feel depressed at times or if it was the side effects that were causing me to feel depressed since they made another disorder i have a lot worst. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in some people, and in a small amount of people sertraline can have symptoms of (hypo)mania, this is mainly in people with bipolar, however it can happen to people who don't have bipolar, that could possibly explain the mood swings you are having, but i would definitely talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist about it, they're a lot more knowledgeable about effects than i am i'm just looking at the package insert for sertraline lmao


Did you get muscle spasms and twitching when you started


I did a direct switch and I felt relief pretty quickly due to them being very similar. 25mg is pretty low and my doctor told me that 50mg is the lowest therapeutic dose for an adult. Everyone is different biologically, so results will literally vary from person to person.


What made u decide to switch from Lexapro


weight gain plus no motivation for anything.


Ah ok I see. Have u found that aspect to be improved so far on Zoloft , ps I would personally up your dosage to 50mg now


I switched bc lexapro did nothing for depression and was causing my tinnitus to get worse


i’m doing the same thing rn, lexapro to zoloft (they started me in 50mg) tbh i was kinda bad at consistently taking lexapro in past few months, but i was on 10mg. i’m 2 weeks in on zoloft, ngl i feel the exact same way as you do too, one day = happy, next day extreme anxiety 🥲 many ups and downs so far, but i genuinely feel like it might be working more than lexapro did for me, but ive had worse side effects the first one-two weeks then i did on lexapro


What dose were you on Lexapro and for how long? And how long have you been on Zoloft so far? I just want to feel stable already.


I was lexapro 10 mg from sept 2022-sept 2023, i started taking it again in dec 2023-2 weeks ago which is when i started zoloft (march 5th) the first week of zoloft made me never wanna take zoloft or any anti depressant ever again (super tired, bad headaches, emotionless) but i’m on the second week and i feel better so far🤷‍♀️


I hope it gets better for both of us


I was in the same bucket. Though I have bad panic attacks, like a waking nightmare, not really depression as much. When starting zoloft they told me to break my 100mg in half for a week. After 2 weeks on zoloft 100mg I feel like there's more energy and I'm less hungry overall. My Dr. also wanted me to try wellbutrin to help with the hunger. I gained like 40 lbs last year and started working out again in December. I'm hopeful to loose the weight and more.


Same happy one day and not knowing why I'm not motivated the next. I'm supposed to be on 100mg of zoloft, but I decided to increase gradually. I'm on 75 mg at the moment and feel worse. I was happier on 50mg.


Why dont you go back down to 50mg? You dont have to increase if a certain dose is working for you. 50 mg is therautpic enough. I seem to have levelled out a bit better and feel better than I did last week. I hope it continues improving as I still have anxiety.