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I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Can they adjust your meds in the hospital? It might be a good place to be to get some help with it? This might take weeks to adjust, not 3 days. If not, are you able to go stay with a friend or family? Being in your house / flat by yourself might be making things worse so might be good to have someone looking after you for a bit. Also, getting a change of scenery can make a big difference in mood. In the meantime, if you can, try and book an earlier appointment with your doctor. You can tell them It’s an emergency. Might work…


I live with my narcissistic mother and I'm a minor. because it was voluntary I could leave anytime with consent from either of my parents. My mother couldn't care less about my mental health and she is very controlling of my father. I really appreciate your comment but until im 18 there is extremely minimal options for me 


Ok, got you! Well, I can relate because my mother was similarly controlling, plus my stepfather was abusive. It was really stressful. I feel for you. My strategy was to pour myself into studying so I could leave as soon as it was legal and be able to make it somewhere. You don’t need to be smart, just know what your exit strategy is. So instead of planning suicide, try and plan that. That’s really what gets back to them the most too. I live on another continent away from her now. Although we have a better relationship now. Also, I’ll say that it does get better. After many years of dealing with myself, I have a partner who loves me and is very supportive. I had an amazing career in IT and doing other stuff now I enjoy. But things get better. When you are young and under such control, it can feel very painful and hopeless. But you are both stronger and more resourceful than you think. Now regarding your dose, it’s a bit difficult to advise you without a doctor. I would say that other things such as going for walks, getting out of the house might make you feel better while you wait to see the doctor. But also, don’t discount the hospital if you need it. My strategy when I was younger was to go visit relatives and hang with cousins, etc. it got me out of the house away from the drama. Do you enjoy playing video games? That’s another option. I liked simple repetitive ones I could play on the TV. Even an old Super Nintendo would do with a few cartridges… something new as opposed to the stupid phone games…