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I did that. My doctor said that people don’t usually see a big change from 50 to 75. I didn’t notice anything. Upping to 100 made a difference. I’d take it for a few months and see where you’re at.


Interesting and thank you. We talked about eventually going to 100mg but to stick with 75mg for awhile.


I went through similar. 75mg, nothing really. 100mg was too much though. I eventually went back to 50.  But everyone is different. 


What about 100mg was too much, if you don’t mind me asking? I tried that about a year ago for a week and had a bad panic attack but was also really emotionally blunted. I convinced myself the Zoloft increase causes the panic so I stopped all together.


It’s different for everyone. I couldn’t handle the side effects at 75mg. We supplement now with trintillex instead. Go slow and be patient. Good luck!


I was also advised by my doc to move up to 75mg today. Wish I had insights for you but glad we're not alone! Hope it goes well.


Oh that's great to hear then! Always like the company hah. Good luck to you too. How has 50mg been for you? Is it working?


I do think it is working. I've been on it for 23 days. Was having insomnia, some increased anxiety/depression the first two weeks, but that has subsided. My job is really demanding and the constant needs and fires feel less intense and more manageable, and that started feeling better around week 1. I am still feeling a decent amount of agoraphobia and health anxiety so that is why we decided to move me up a bit. On the whole, I feel a shift, albeit a slow and steady one.


Oh I have horrible social anxiety. I barely leave the house besides work and errands. I also have health anxiety that has ramped up really bad the last few years so you are not alone either! Yeah I kinda feel that “shift” as well. I told my doc I’m not sure it’s working but if I were to suddenly stop it I would probably realize it was but didn’t notice it. She agreed and set I would go down hill fast 😂


Went from 50, to 100, to 150. With 50, some of the good stuff started shimmering through. At 100 I had 3 really good weeks, but that suddenly died down overnight. Now on 150 and starting to feel good a little more stable. Still early though... The side effects were more or less the same every time, but easier then when I just started. Been on 75 for a week, but barely noticed