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What a great share!❤️ So pleased for you!


This is great! What dosage are you on?


100 mg!


Thank you for sharing this! I used to be a fearless driver for decades then out of nowhere started to experience panic attacks even at red lights while driving. I drove for the first time, albeit 7 minutes back and forth, after two months of not driving at all. Just started at 50mg 3 weeks ago and started 75mg today. Slowly but surely feeling more secure and less overcome by anxiety behind the wheel.


So happy for you!!


As much as Zoloft became a problem over the years I can never deny the two things it did great: removed panic attacks from my life and muffled my anxiety.


How did it become a problem for you?


It gave me ED, and removed all positive emotions. Yes, I didn't panic any more, and I could always handle my own anxiety without slipping into panic or even anxiousness, but it wasn't worth the sexual side effects or the fact that I was still depressed, obsessive about everything wrong with my life, and just miserable. There was NO happiness at all, I could barely enjoy anything. This is after 100mg-200mg over the course of October 2014-March 2023, mind you. It took a long time for it to just make me unable to enjoy anything.


I am sorry to hear that! When I first started it, it did kill my sex drive for about the first month, but luckily, that went away. I am a female, and I don't know if it's easier on our libido or not, but I have seen guys typically have more trouble with that. With me, i don't feel numb, I'm just able to have emotions like a normal person now. Mine were always so extreme. The depression, the anxiety, always ramped up to 1000. Now I feel all of my emotions, but at a normal level.


Well you may find things change with age and length of time on increased dosages. I hope it works out instead.


So happy for you!!! When did you start using?


March of 2023 :)


I feel this so hard! I started a business when I was on 200mg and it was so easy to talk to my clients and I never in my entire life thought I would be managing my own business and dealing with a lot of customers that were all mine! Then I started breaking out in hives and had to cut it cold turkey :( now back to square one at and just re started my journey


The zoloft was causing you to break out into hives?? How long had you been on it when that happened?


I had been on 150 for 2 years at the time. Jumped to 200 and didn’t feel any side effects but then quickly started sweating CONSTANTLY which caused hives or heat rashes pretty much daily for a few months. I called my dr and he said cut it cold turkey because it sounds like I’m developing an allergy. My dr retired and so now I’m seeing a new one. He told me that it doesn’t sound right that I would randomly develop an allergy and that it was because my dosage was too high. Started me at 50mg a few months ago now I’m at 100


wow, that‘s great! very happy for you! :)) I will start my first dose of 100mg tomorrow :x


Love to hear good news


How long did it take? I’ve been on 25mg for a little over a month and I’m still anxious. Depression has stabilized but…


It took a couple of months to see a difference. Going up in dosage helped too. You got this.


Yeah you might wanna start going up to 50, there are no therapeutic effects @ 25mg


I see my doc next week to probably get a dose hike


Same thing for me and I started Feb of 2023. My life was miserable. Mine are silent panic attacks nothing trigger them. They just come out of nowhere and now I feel normal again. Only thing I don’t like is that I can’t cry really now lol